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TSM Angel Episode Tournament First Round...

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Okay here we go. Each round is picked randomly, like I did with the Buffy thread.


The summaries come from my brain, with a little help from CityofAngel.com. If you don't like the summary, blow me. It took an 1 hour and 40 mins just to do this, so I don't want to hear any bitching about something not being explained enough. Go to any Angel site and find a better summary then. However, if I am completly wrong, then you can say something.


Also, when you answer, please don't use bold or anything. Just type in the name of the episode that you voted for, in the order that is shown below. It will make it a lot easier for me to calculate the votes that way.


Voting ends on Tuesday night at 10:00 PM.


Orgin (5) - Angel finds out that Connor is needed to kill Sahjhan because it is stated in the prophecies.


Couplet (3) - Angel doesn't feel important because Gru is taking his getting the credit for being a "champion" and he isn't.


Sanctuary (1) - Buffy comes to LA to fight Faith, but finds out she is on Angel's side while she is being chased by the Watcher's Council.


Salvage (4) - Faith tries to kill THE BEAST and stop Angelus.


Waiting in the Wings (3) - Team Angel go to a Opera an learn that's under a spell.


Orpheus (4) - Willow comes to LA to return Angel's soul, while Faith and Angelus have a tour of Angel's past.


Smile Time (5) - Angel gets turned into a muppet, nuff said.


Darla (2) - Angel tries to save Darla from W&H while we view Darla's past and how she became to be a vampire.


Soulless (4) - Angelus returns and while he is in the cell, he tries to use talk to break Team Angel apart.


A Hole in the World (5) - Fred is dieing from Illyria infecting her and Spike and Angel travel to find a cure.


Apacolypse Nowish (4) - THE BEAST makes his debut and Team Angel try to stop him.


Redefinition (2) - After Angel fires Wes, Gunn and Cordy, he goes on a war path to destroy Dru and Darla.


Habeas Corpses (4) - THE BEAST kills everyone in W&H, in which Connor was inside. Team Angel go rescue him, but the dead people become zombies.


Offspring (3) - Team Angel try to figure out why Darla is pregnent and Holtz makes his return.


Rm w/a Vu (1) - Cordy's new apartment is haunted and Team Angel tries to un-haunt it.


Time Bomb (5) - Illyria's powers are too strong for her body, but she travels in the future and sees that Team Angel are trying to "kill" her.


Benediction (3) - Angel and Connor team up to fight vampires while Hotlz and Angel make a deal.


Home (4) - Lilah returns from the dead and offers the LA branch of W&H to Team Angel.


Dad (3) - Various enemies try to kill Connor while Team Angel is trapped in the hotel.


Underneath (5) - Gunn, Spike and Angel track down Lindsey to a suburban hell deminsion.


A New World (3) - Connor comes back to LA only days after he was kidnapped, but he has grown 17 years.


I've Got You Under My Skin (1) - Angel and Wes perform an exorcism on a young boy.


Spin the Bottle (4) - Trying to get Cordy's memories back, Lorne does a spell that erases everyone's memories upto a certain point in their life.


Reprise (2) - Angel finds out about the Senior Partner's upcoming visit to LA and he tries to stop that visit.


Destiny (5) - After Spike becomes caporal again, the world starts going crazy because of two vampires with a soul. Angel and Spike fight for the chance to become human again and marks the return of Lindsey.


Hero (1) - A demon race is being chased by a group of demons who want to kill them. This is the episode that Doyle sacrifices himself.


Are You Now or Have You Been (2) - Flashback episode of Angel's life in the hotel Cordy and Wes are investigating.


Harm's Way (5) - Harmony feels left out and is framed for killing someone.


Happy Anniversary (2) - Lorne and Angel try to stop a college student from stopping time so he can be with his girlfriend forever.


Soul Purpose (5) - Lindsey approaches Spike telling him that he needs to "help the helpless" because of his visions. Also, Angel gets sick and has some crazy dreams.


Five by Five (1) - Faith goes to LA and W&H ask her to kill Angel for them.


The Trial (2) - Angel faces a trial so he can give Darla another chance at life, since she has the syph.


You're Welcom (5) - Cordy "wakes" up from her comma and warns Angel about W&H.


City Of... (1) - Pilot episode, Angel moves to LA, meets Doyle and finds out that Cordy is in LA also.


Damage (5) - A slayer named Dana is crazy and Angel tries to stop her. Andrew comes to LA to help him.


Not Fade Away (5) - Final episode, Team Angel battle the Circle of the Black Thorn


Billy (3) - Billy is man who has the power to touch men and cause them to beat women. Angel goes to stop him, Wes tries to kill Fred.


The Shroud Of Rahmon (2) - Angel poses as a flashy vampire hoodlum, and with the help of Gunn prevents a mind-altering shroud from falling into the wrong hands.


I Will Remember You (1) - Buffy comes to LA and Angel gets some demon blood in him which causes him to become human.


Reunion (2) - Angel looks for Darla after Dru turned her.


Sleep Tight (3) - Angel's blood has been spiked with Connor's blood and he goes crazy. Wes kidnaps Connor, but Holtz steals him.


Lullaby (3) - Darla goes into labor while Holtz chases Angel down.


Lineage (5) - Wes' "father" pays a visit to W&H.


In The Dark (1) - Oz goes to LA to give Angel a ring that makes him immortal but Spike follows Oz to get the ring back.


Birthday (3) - Cordy gets a vision on her birthday that puts her in a coma. Skip gives her a visit and offers her the choice of a new life as an actress.


Guise will be Guise (2) - Wes pretends to be Angel to protect a young lady because Angel is away to get better.


Loyalty (3) - Angel is concerned about Wes since he is acting weird because he believes the prophecy, "The Father Will Kill the Son" is true.


Shells (5) - Illyria takes over Fred's body and Illyria wants to take over the world.


Conviction (5) - Team Angel'sr first case involves representing an evil client who threatens to destroy the city.


Parting Gifts (1) - Angel and Cordy mourn Doyle's death, Cordy learns of the visions Doyle gave her and Wes debuts on Angel.


To Shanshu in LA (1) - Angel battles a demon who put Cordy and Wes in lifes danger while W&H bring back Darla.


The Girl in Question (5) - Spike and Angel travel to Rome to "save" Buffy from the Immortal.


Blood Money (2) - Angel threatens to expose W&H's wrong doings at a shelter benifet.


Release (4) - Angelus tries to figure out who THE BEAST'S master is and also fight Faith.


The Ring (1) - Angel looks for a missing man but ends up in a underground demon fighting scene.


Power Play (5) - Angel joins the Circle of the Black Thorn so he can find out who they are and kill them.


Deep Down (4) - Wes tries to find Angel in the bottom of the ocean while Connor covers up that it was him who put angel down there.


Forgiving (3) - Angel searches for Wes since he kidnapped Connor.


Peace Out (4) - Jasmine is about to show her face to the whole world, while Angel goes into another dimension that she made "happy" to find out her real name.


Somnambulist (1) - A man from Angel's past is commiting murders and Wes believes that it is Angel doing it in his sleep.


I Fall To Pieces (1) - Angel helps a woman who is being stalked by a doctor who performs crazy surgeries.


Life of the Party (5) - Lorne plans a Halloween party at W&H, but whatever Lorne says people do.

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Smile Time


A Hole in the World


Apacolypse Nowish




Rm w/a Vu






A New World


Spin the Bottle




Are You Now or Have You Been


Soul Purpose


Five by Five


You're Welcome


Not Fade Away




I Will Remember You




In The Dark






Parting Gifts


To Shanshu in LA




Power Play.




Peace Out


Life of the Party

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Orgin (5) - Angel finds out that Connor is needed to kill Sahjhan because it is stated in the prophecies.


Salvage (4) - Faith tries to kill THE BEAST and stop Angelus.


Orpheus (4) - Willow comes to LA to return Angel's soul, while Faith and Angelus have a tour of Angel's past.


Smile Time (5) - Angel gets turned into a muppet, nuff said.


A Hole in the World (5) - Fred is dieing from Illyria infecting her and Spike and Angel travel to find a cure.


Apacolypse Nowish (4) - THE BEAST makes his debut and Team Angel try to stop him.


Habeas Corpses (4) - THE BEAST kills everyone in W&H, in which Connor was inside. Team Angel go rescue him, but the dead people become zombies.


Time Bomb (5) - Illyria's powers are too strong for her body, but she travels in the future and sees that Team Angel are trying to "kill" her.


Benediction (3) - Angel and Connor team up to fight vampires while Hotlz and Angel make a deal.


Dad (3) - Various enemies try to kill Connor while Team Angel is trapped in the hotel.


I've Got You Under My Skin (1) - Angel and Wes perform an exorcism on a young boy.


Spin the Bottle (4) - Trying to get Cordy's memories back, Lorne does a spell that erases everyone's memories upto a certain point in their life.


Hero (1) - A demon race is being chased by a group of demons who want to kill them. This is the episode that Doyle sacrifices himself.


Harm's Way (5) - Harmony feels left out and is framed for killing someone.


Soul Purpose (5) - Lindsey approaches Spike telling him that he needs to "help the helpless" because of his visions. Also, Angel gets sick and has some crazy dreams.


Five by Five (1) - Faith goes to LA and W&H ask her to kill Angel for them.


You're Welcom (5) - Cordy "wakes" up from her comma and warns Angel about W&H.


Not Fade Away (5) - Final episode, Team Angel battle the Circle of the Black Thorn


The Shroud Of Rahmon (2) - Angel poses as a flashy vampire hoodlum, and with the help of Gunn prevents a mind-altering shroud from falling into the wrong hands.


I Will Remember You (1) - Buffy comes to LA and Angel gets some demon blood in him which causes him to become human.


Lullaby (3) - Darla goes into labor while Holtz chases Angel down.


Lineage (5) - Wes' "father" pays a visit to W&H.


Guise will be Guise (2) - Wes pretends to be Angel to protect a young lady because Angel is away to get better.



Shells (5) - Illyria takes over Fred's body and Illyria wants to take over the world.



Parting Gifts (1) - Angel and Cordy mourn Doyle's death, Cordy learns of the visions Doyle gave her and Wes debuts on Angel.


The Girl in Question (5) - Spike and Angel travel to Rome to "save" Buffy from the Immortal.


Release (4) - Angelus tries to figure out who THE BEAST'S master is and also fight Faith.


Power Play (5) - Angel joins the Circle of the Black Thorn so he can find out who they are and kill them.


Forgiving (3) - Angel searches for Wes since he kidnapped Connor.


Peace Out (4) - Jasmine is about to show her face to the whole world, while Angel goes into another dimension that she made "happy" to find out her real name.


Life of the Party (5) - Lorne plans a Halloween party at W&H, but whatever Lorne says people do.




Damnit, WHY did you put Spin the Bottle and Reprise against each other?!

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Orgin (5) - Angel finds out that Connor is needed to kill Sahjhan because it is stated in the prophecies.


Salvage (4) - Faith tries to kill THE BEAST and stop Angelus.


Orpheus (4) - Willow comes to LA to return Angel's soul, while Faith and Angelus have a tour of Angel's past.


Smile Time (5) - Angel gets turned into a muppet, nuff said.


A Hole in the World (5) - Fred is dieing from Illyria infecting her and Spike and Angel travel to find a cure.


Apacolypse Nowish (4) - THE BEAST makes his debut and Team Angel try to stop him.


Habeas Corpses (4) - THE BEAST kills everyone in W&H, in which Connor was inside. Team Angel go rescue him, but the dead people become zombies.


Rm w/a Vu (1) - Cordy's new apartment is haunted and Team Angel tries to un-haunt it.


Home (4) - Lilah returns from the dead and offers the LA branch of W&H to Team Angel.


Underneath (5) - Gunn, Spike and Angel track down Lindsey to a suburban hell deminsion.


A New World (3) - Connor comes back to LA only days after he was kidnapped, but he has grown 17 years.


Spin the Bottle (4) - Trying to get Cordy's memories back, Lorne does a spell that erases everyone's memories upto a certain point in their life.


Hero (1) - A demon race is being chased by a group of demons who want to kill them. This is the episode that Doyle sacrifices himself.


Are You Now (2) - Flashback episode of Angel's life in the hotel Cordy and Wes are investigating.


Soul Purpose (5) - Lindsey approaches Spike telling him that he needs to "help the helpless" because of his visions. Also, Angel gets sick and has some crazy dreams.


Five by Five (1) - Faith goes to LA and W&H ask her to kill Angel for them.


City Of... (1) - Pilot episode, Angel moves to LA, meets Doyle and finds out that Cordy is in LA also.


Not Fade Away (5) - Final episode, Team Angel battle the Circle of the Black Thorn


Billy (3) - Billy is man who has the power to touch men and cause them to beat women. Angel goes to stop him, Wes tries to kill Fred.


I Will Remember You (1) - Buffy comes to LA and Angel gets some demon blood in him which causes him to become human.


Sleep Tight (3) - Angel's blood has been spiked with Connor's blood and he goes crazy. Wes kidnaps Connor, but Holtz steals him.


Lineage (5) - Wes' "father" pays a visit to W&H.


Guise will be Guise (2) - Wes pretends to be Angel to protect a young lady because Angel is away to get better.


Shells (5) - Illyria takes over Fred's body and Illyria wants to take over the world.


Parting Gifts (1) - Angel and Cordy mourn Doyle's death, Cordy learns of the visions Doyle gave her and Wes debuts on Angel.


To Shanshu in LA (1) - Angel battles a demon who put Cordy and Wes in lifes danger while W&H bring back Darla.


Release (4) - Angelus tries to figure out who THE BEAST'S master is and also fight Faith.


Power Play (5) - Angel joins the Circle of the Black Thorn so he can find out who they are and kill them.


Forgiving (3) - Angel searches for Wes since he kidnapped Connor.


Peace Out (4) - Jasmine is about to show her face to the whole world, while Angel goes into another dimension that she made "happy" to find out her real name.


Life of the Party (5) - Lorne plans a Halloween party at W&H, but whatever Lorne says people do.

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Crap I should have said not to keep the summaries in there either.


So I am saying it now, thank you people. You are sooooo kind.

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Orgin (5)


Salvage (4)


Orpheus (4)


Darla (2)


A Hole in the World (5)


Apacolypse Nowish (4)


Habeas Corpses (4)


Rm w/a Vu (1)


Home (4)


Underneath (5)


I've Got You Under My Skin (1)


Spin the Bottle (4)


Hero (1)


Are You Now or Have You Been (2)


Soul Purpose (5)


Five by Five (1)


City Of... (1)


Not Fade Away (5)


The Shroud Of Rahmon (2)


I Will Remember You (1)


Sleep Tight (3)


In The Dark (1)


Guise will be Guise (2)


Shells (5)


Parting Gifts (1)


To Shanshu in LA (1)


Release (4)


Power Play (5)


Forgiving (3)


Peace Out (4)


Life of the Party (5)

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A Hole in the World


Apocalypse Nowish


Habeas Corpses


Time Bomb






A New World


Spin the Bottle




Harm's Way


The Trial


You're Welcome


Not Fade Away




I Will Remember You


Sleep Tight








Parting Gifts


To Shanshu in LA




Power Play


Deep Down


Peace Out


Life of the Party

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Orgin (5)


Sanctuary (1)


Orpheus (4)


Smile Time (5)


A Hole in the World (5)


Apacolypse Nowish (4)


Habeas Corpses (4)


Rm w/a Vu (1)


Home (4)


Underneath (5)


I've Got You Under My Skin (1)


Reprise (2)


Hero (1)


Are You Now or Have You Been (2)


Soul Purpose (5)


Five by Five (1)


You're Welcome (5)


Not Fade Away (5)


Billy (3)


I Will Remember You (1)


Sleep Tight (3)


Lineage (5)


Guise will be Guise (2)


Shells (5)


Parting Gifts (1)


The Girl in Question (5)


Release (4)


Power Play (5)


Forgiving (3)


Peace Out (4)


Life of the Party (5)

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Orgin (5)


Salvage (4)


Waiting in the Wings (3)


Darla (2)


A Hole in the World (5)


Apacolypse Nowish (4)


Habeas Corpses (4)


Time Bomb (5)


Home (4)


Underneath (5)


A New World (3)


Reprise (2)


Destiny (5)


Harm's Way (5)


Soul Purpose (5)


The Trial (2)


You're Welcome (5)


Not Fade Away (5)


Billy (3)


Reunion (2)


Lullaby (3)


In The Dark (1)


Guise will be Guise (2)


Shells (5)


Conviction (5)


To Shanshu in L.A. (1)


Blood Money (2)


Power Play (5)


Deep Down (4)


Peace Out (4)


Life of the Party (5)

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Orgin (5)


Salvage (4)


Orpheus (4)


Darla (2)


Soulless (4)


Apacolypse Nowish (4)


Habeas Corpses (4)


Time Bomb (5)


Benediction (3)


Dad (3)


A New World (3)


Reprise (2)


Hero (1)


Are You Now or Have You Been (2)


Soul Purpose (5)


Five by Five (1)


City Of... (1)


Not Fade Away (5)


The Shroud Of Rahmon (2)


I Will Remember You (1)


Sleep Tight (3)


Lineage (5)


Guise will be Guise (2)


Loyalty (3)


Parting Gifts (1)


To Shanshu in LA (1)


Release (4)


Power Play (5)


Deep Down (4)


Peace Out (4)


Life of the Party (5)

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Rm w/a Vu (1) - Cordy's new apartment is haunted and Team Angel tries to un-haunt it.


Time Bomb (5) - Illyria's powers are too strong for her body, but she travels in the future and sees that Team Angel are trying to "kill" her.


Rm w/a Vu is one of my favourite "earlier" episodes; I love how Cordy puts up with the ghost just because its a nice place. However, Time Bomb had a lot more asskicking and stuff... ARGH~! How could you make me vote against this!! What would Dennis say?


Benediction (3) - Angel and Connor team up to fight vampires while Hotlz and Angel make a deal.


Home (4) - Lilah returns from the dead and offers the LA branch of W&H to Team Angel.


I will... NEVER... forgive you for this Mole. Benediction fucking RULED; it was like ****1/2, and deserved to make it far... but Home was sooooo fucking sweet and had one of the best resolutions to a storyline and was ****1/2-3/4. DAMN YOU!


A New World (3) - Connor comes back to LA only days after he was kidnapped, but he has grown 17 years.


I've Got You Under My Skin (1) - Angel and Wes perform an exorcism on a young boy.


Like Rm, this is another one of the "earlier" episodes that I hold close. I love the fact that it was the demon possessing the boy who was wanting to get out, because the boy had nothing in him... no soul... shit, they soooo should have followed up on that. Spooky-as-shit episode. But not better than ANW... unfortunately.


Sleep Tight (3) - Angel's blood has been spiked with Connor's blood and he goes crazy. Wes kidnaps Connor, but Holtz steals him.


Lullaby (3) - Darla goes into labor while Holtz chases Angel down.


AAAAAAARGH! Both pivitol episodes that should at least go into the next round... and one has to be eliminated... MOOOOOOOLE!


To Shanshu in LA (1) - Angel battles a demon who put Cordy and Wes in lifes danger while W&H bring back Darla.


The Girl in Question (5) - Spike and Angel travel to Rome to "save" Buffy from the Immortal.


Next to Benediction vs. Home, this one I hate you most for. Shanshu was one of the top 10, top 5, influencial/impactful episodes. It fucking changed everything. But TGIQ was such a fucking gem that I couldn't vote against it - it served as an homage to the buffyverse and gave perspective... ah crap... which deserves it more - setting everything up, or reflecting on everything done??? Great, now I have to change my vote because I can't in my right mind vote against Shanshu.

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Guest Brian

Damn you for putting Orpheus up against Waiting in the Wings.


1. Couplet


2. Salvage


3. Waiting in the Wings


4. Darla


5. A Hole in the World


6. Apacolypse Nowish


7. Offspring


8. Time Bomb


9. Benediction


10. Underneath


11. A New World


12. Reprise


13. Destiny


14. Are You Now or Have You Been


15. Soul Purpose


16. The Trial


17. You're Welcome


18. Not Fade Away


19. Billy


20. I Will Remember You


21. Sleep Tight


22. Lineage


23. Guise will be Guise


24. Shells


25. Conviction


26. The Girl in Question


27. Release


28. Power Play


29. Forgiving


30. Peace Out


31. I Fall To Pieces

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A Hole In The World


Apocalypse Nowish


Habeas Corpses


Rm w/a Vu






I've got you under my skin






Are You Now or Have You Been


Soul Purpose


Five by Five


You're Welcome


Not Fade Away




I Will Remember You


Sleep Tight


In The Dark


Guise will be Guise






To Shanshu in LA




Power Play


Deep Down


Peace Out


I Fall To Pieces

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Orgin (5)


Salvage (4)


Orpheus (4)


Darla (2)


A Hole in the World (5)


Apacolypse Nowish (4)


Offspring (3)


Time Bomb (5)


Home (4)


Underneath (5)


A New World (3)


Spin the Bottle (4)


Hero (1)


Are You Now or Have You Been (2)


Soul Purpose (5)


The Trial (2)


You're Welcome (5)


Not Fade Away (5)


Billy (3)


Reunion (2)


Lullaby (3)


Lineage (5)


Birthday (3)


Shells (5)


Conviction (5)


The Girl in Question (5)


Blood Money (2)


Power Play (5)


Forgiving (3)


Somnambulist (1)


Life of the Party (5)


Some of these were ridiculous. "Damage" vs. "Not Fade Away"? I mean, really.

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While I do agree with you about them all, I think this one is more warranted because it is the same as what was done when Buffy ended, and now that Angel is ending it is only befitting for it to get this too.


But you're right, there are too many tournaments going on at once. I even saw an attempt to make a "Best Wrestling Match Ever" Tournament in one of the Wrestling Forums. Thank God we don't have Food & Shopping still around lest we'll be faced with a "Best Grocery Item" Tournament.

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Guest reekspeak

Mole, you realize that there's only 31 matches, so chances are 2 episodes are missing... :huh:





Smile Time

A Hole in the World

Apacolypse Nowish

Habeas Corpses

Rm w/a Vu



A New World



Are You Now or Have You Been

Soul Purpose

Five by Five

You're Welcome

Not Fade Away



Sleep Tight




Parting Gifts

To Shanshu in LA


Power Play



I Fall To Pieces


Also, this tourney is warranted, it's freakin' ANGEL. Go Team.

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Waiting in the Wings




A Hole in the World





Rm w/a Vu






I've Got You Under My Skin





Are You Now or Have You Been


Happy Anniversary


The Trial


City Of...


Not Fade Away

The Shroud Of Rahmon

I Will Remember You


Sleep Tight


In The Dark

Guise will be Guise



Parting Gifts


To Shanshu in LA


Blood Money


The Ring






I Fall To Pieces





The best ep ever is I've got you under my skin

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Orgin (5) - Angel finds out that Connor is needed to kill Sahjhan because it is stated in the prophecies.


Couplet (3) - Angel doesn't feel important because Gru is taking his getting the credit for being a "champion" and he isn't.


Sanctuary (1) - Buffy comes to LA to fight Faith, but finds out she is on Angel's side while she is being chased by the Watcher's Council.


Salvage (4) - Faith tries to kill THE BEAST and stop Angelus.


Waiting in the Wings (3) - Team Angel go to a Opera an learn that's under a spell.


Orpheus (4) - Willow comes to LA to return Angel's soul, while Faith and Angelus have a tour of Angel's past.


Smile Time (5) - Angel gets turned into a muppet, nuff said.


Darla (2) - Angel tries to save Darla from W&H while we view Darla's past and how she became to be a vampire.


Soulless (4) - Angelus returns and while he is in the cell, he tries to use talk to break Team Angel apart.


A Hole in the World (5) - Fred is dieing from Illyria infecting her and Spike and Angel travel to find a cure.


Apacolypse Nowish (4) - THE BEAST makes his debut and Team Angel try to stop him.


Redefinition (2) - After Angel fires Wes, Gunn and Cordy, he goes on a war path to destroy Dru and Darla.


Habeas Corpses (4) - THE BEAST kills everyone in W&H, in which Connor was inside. Team Angel go rescue him, but the dead people become zombies.


Offspring (3) - Team Angel try to figure out why Darla is pregnent and Holtz makes his return.


Rm w/a Vu (1) - Cordy's new apartment is haunted and Team Angel tries to un-haunt it.


Time Bomb (5) - Illyria's powers are too strong for her body, but she travels in the future and sees that Team Angel are trying to "kill" her.


Benediction (3) - Angel and Connor team up to fight vampires while Hotlz and Angel make a deal.


Home (4) - Lilah returns from the dead and offers the LA branch of W&H to Team Angel.


Dad (3) - Various enemies try to kill Connor while Team Angel is trapped in the hotel.


Underneath (5) - Gunn, Spike and Angel track down Lindsey to a suburban hell deminsion.


A New World (3) - Connor comes back to LA only days after he was kidnapped, but he has grown 17 years.


I've Got You Under My Skin (1) - Angel and Wes perform an exorcism on a young boy.


Spin the Bottle (4) - Trying to get Cordy's memories back, Lorne does a spell that erases everyone's memories upto a certain point in their life.


Reprise (2) - Angel finds out about the Senior Partner's upcoming visit to LA and he tries to stop that visit.


Destiny (5) - After Spike becomes caporal again, the world starts going crazy because of two vampires with a soul. Angel and Spike fight for the chance to become human again and marks the return of Lindsey.


Hero (1) - A demon race is being chased by a group of demons who want to kill them. This is the episode that Doyle sacrifices himself.


Are You Now or Have You Been (2) - Flashback episode of Angel's life in the hotel Cordy and Wes are investigating.


Harm's Way (5) - Harmony feels left out and is framed for killing someone.


Happy Anniversary (2) - Lorne and Angel try to stop a college student from stopping time so he can be with his girlfriend forever.


Soul Purpose (5) - Lindsey approaches Spike telling him that he needs to "help the helpless" because of his visions. Also, Angel gets sick and has some crazy dreams.


Five by Five (1) - Faith goes to LA and W&H ask her to kill Angel for them.


The Trial (2) - Angel faces a trial so he can give Darla another chance at life, since she has the syph.


You're Welcom (5) - Cordy "wakes" up from her comma and warns Angel about W&H.


City Of... (1) - Pilot episode, Angel moves to LA, meets Doyle and finds out that Cordy is in LA also.


Damage (5) - A slayer named Dana is crazy and Angel tries to stop her. Andrew comes to LA to help him.


Not Fade Away (5) - Final episode, Team Angel battle the Circle of the Black Thorn


Billy (3) - Billy is man who has the power to touch men and cause them to beat women. Angel goes to stop him, Wes tries to kill Fred.


The Shroud Of Rahmon (2) - Angel poses as a flashy vampire hoodlum, and with the help of Gunn prevents a mind-altering shroud from falling into the wrong hands.


I Will Remember You (1) - Buffy comes to LA and Angel gets some demon blood in him which causes him to become human.


Reunion (2) - Angel looks for Darla after Dru turned her.


Sleep Tight (3) - Angel's blood has been spiked with Connor's blood and he goes crazy. Wes kidnaps Connor, but Holtz steals him.


Lullaby (3) - Darla goes into labor while Holtz chases Angel down.


Lineage (5) - Wes' "father" pays a visit to W&H.


In The Dark (1) - Oz goes to LA to give Angel a ring that makes him immortal but Spike follows Oz to get the ring back.


Birthday (3) - Cordy gets a vision on her birthday that puts her in a coma. Skip gives her a visit and offers her the choice of a new life as an actress.


Guise will be Guise (2) - Wes pretends to be Angel to protect a young lady because Angel is away to get better.


Loyalty (3) - Angel is concerned about Wes since he is acting weird because he believes the prophecy, "The Father Will Kill the Son" is true.


Shells (5) - Illyria takes over Fred's body and Illyria wants to take over the world.


Conviction (5) - Team Angel'sr first case involves representing an evil client who threatens to destroy the city.


Parting Gifts (1) - Angel and Cordy mourn Doyle's death, Cordy learns of the visions Doyle gave her and Wes debuts on Angel.


To Shanshu in LA (1) - Angel battles a demon who put Cordy and Wes in lifes danger while W&H bring back Darla.


The Girl in Question (5) - Spike and Angel travel to Rome to "save" Buffy from the Immortal.


Blood Money (2) - Angel threatens to expose W&H's wrong doings at a shelter benifet.


Release (4) - Angelus tries to figure out who THE BEAST'S master is and also fight Faith.


The Ring (1) - Angel looks for a missing man but ends up in a underground demon fighting scene.


Power Play (5) - Angel joins the Circle of the Black Thorn so he can find out who they are and kill them.


Deep Down (4) - Wes tries to find Angel in the bottom of the ocean while Connor covers up that it was him who put angel down there.


Forgiving (3) - Angel searches for Wes since he kidnapped Connor.


Peace Out (4) - Jasmine is about to show her face to the whole world, while Angel goes into another dimension that she made "happy" to find out her real name.


Somnambulist (1) - A man from Angel's past is commiting murders and Wes believes that it is Angel doing it in his sleep.


I Fall To Pieces (1) - Angel helps a woman who is being stalked by a doctor who performs crazy surgeries.


Life of the Party (5) - Lorne plans a Halloween party at W&H, but whatever Lorne says people do.

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Mole, you realize that there's only 31 matches, so chances are 2 episodes are missing...

Nope and I have no idea how that happened. I'll throw in a episode for the second round.


And blame the mouse for being random.

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Mole, quit blaming the mouse. We all know your secret agenda!


And I say, for the extra episode from the second round - to either give the losing episode with the most votes the spot, or we all vote for a losing episode that deserves to move on.

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Orgin (5) - Angel finds out that Connor is needed to kill Sahjhan because it is stated in the prophecies.


Salvage (4) - Faith tries to kill THE BEAST and stop Angelus.


(WITW ALMOST won out due to the hilarius outake of Wesley and Fred dancing.)

Orpheus (4) - Willow comes to LA to return Angel's soul, while Faith and Angelus have a tour of Angel's past.


Smile Time (5) - Angel gets turned into a muppet, nuff said.


A Hole in the World (5) - Fred is dieing from Illyria infecting her and Spike and Angel travel to find a cure.


Apacolypse Nowish (4) - THE BEAST makes his debut and Team Angel try to stop him.


Habeas Corpses (4) - THE BEAST kills everyone in W&H, in which Connor was inside. Team Angel go rescue him, but the dead people become zombies.


Time Bomb (5) - Illyria's powers are too strong for her body, but she travels in the future and sees that Team Angel are trying to "kill" her.


Home (4) - Lilah returns from the dead and offers the LA branch of W&H to Team Angel.


Underneath (5) - Gunn, Spike and Angel track down Lindsey to a suburban hell deminsion.


A New World (3) - Connor comes back to LA only days after he was kidnapped, but he has grown 17 years.


Reprise (2) - Angel finds out about the Senior Partner's upcoming visit to LA and he tries to stop that visit.


Hero (1) - A demon race is being chased by a group of demons who want to kill them. This is the episode that Doyle sacrifices himself.


Are You Now or Have You Been (2) - Flashback episode of Angel's life in the hotel Cordy and Wes are investigating.


Soul Purpose (5) - Lindsey approaches Spike telling him that he needs to "help the helpless" because of his visions. Also, Angel gets sick and has some crazy dreams.


Five by Five (1) - Faith goes to LA and W&H ask her to kill Angel for them.


You're Welcom (5) - Cordy "wakes" up from her comma and warns Angel about W&H.


Not Fade Away (5) - Final episode, Team Angel battle the Circle of the Black Thorn


Billy (3) - Billy is man who has the power to touch men and cause them to beat women. Angel goes to stop him, Wes tries to kill Fred.


I Will Remember You (1) - Buffy comes to LA and Angel gets some demon blood in him which causes him to become human.


Sleep Tight (3) - Angel's blood has been spiked with Connor's blood and he goes crazy. Wes kidnaps Connor, but Holtz steals him.


Lineage (5) - Wes' "father" pays a visit to W&H.


Birthday (3) - Cordy gets a vision on her birthday that puts her in a coma. Skip gives her a visit and offers her the choice of a new life as an actress.


Shells (5) - Illyria takes over Fred's body and Illyria wants to take over the world.


Conviction (5) - Team Angel'sr first case involves representing an evil client who threatens to destroy the city.


To Shanshu in LA (1) - Angel battles a demon who put Cordy and Wes in lifes danger while W&H bring back Darla.


Release (4) - Angelus tries to figure out who THE BEAST'S master is and also fight Faith.


Power Play (5) - Angel joins the Circle of the Black Thorn so he can find out who they are and kill them.


Deep Down (4) - Wes tries to find Angel in the bottom of the ocean while Connor covers up that it was him who put angel down there.


Somnambulist (1) - A man from Angel's past is commiting murders and Wes believes that it is Angel doing it in his sleep.


Life of the Party (5) - Lorne plans a Halloween party at W&H, but whatever Lorne says people do.

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Is anything going to beat Not Fade Away in this poll? I don't think so.


I think I'll pass on voting since I haven't seen enough of the early seasons. Alas. There's a summer project...

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