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Something actually funny

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Okay, I'm sure very few here care about The Bachelor, but my girlfriend loves the show and since she has night classes during this season I told her I'd tape the show for her (aren't I sweet).


Anyway we're watching the last episode, the one where the couple talks about how in love they are and the jilted girl comes on and fakes being happy for them, and they get to the outakes-


And there's a moment where The Bachelor is looking at the ring he's chosen for the girl he's picking, and suddenly he starts talking like Gollum and calling it "my precioussses'. I fell out of my chair laughing at this point, and when I rewound it I see he keeps going on as Gollum, having a split arguement as Smeagol/Gollum.


This is the funniest thing I've seen all week.

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To say that network reality TV doesn't do anything for me. It is ruining network TV because all we get is this crap every year and there are less and less scripted TV.

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