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The Mandarin

Best WWE match to take place in Canada?

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It likely will end up being something from Canadian Stampede.


I'd say Warrior/Hogan is up there too.



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Rock/Hogan from WM 18. I know I'm gonna get a lotta shit for putting a "markout"/crowd-heat match there, but IMO, its the "best" WWE match from Canada. Plus I feel like I've shown that match to non-fans or casual fans 15 times this summer, already.

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Dude, I was actually there, and that was the biggest markout experience of my life. I cheered for Hogan to no end. Very good match (hey, Warrior/Hogan wasn't a workrate clinic), and made the main event seem quite dull.

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Guest Choken One

Austin/Benoit. Smackdown in Edmonton.


Canadian Stampede 10 way...you want to talk heat? this match equaled WMX8.


Saskue Vs Taka. C.S


Benoit/Trips/Shawn. Backlash 2004.


Foley/Orton. Backlash 2004.

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Guest Rrrsh

If you are going by markout rate, nothing comes close to Canadian Stampede.


That still might be the loudest reaction I have ever heard.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

About Rock/Hogan, that match was surely no technical masterpiece, but shit, just the atmosphere surrounding it, the entrances, crowd, etc. made it awesome. And it lived up to the hype. Unlike a recent "big" match...

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Guest Choken One

The last "big" match had a similar effect although NEGATIVE.


Equally memorable in it's own way

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Hogan / Warrior - Still great to watch 14 years later.


Honorable mentions:


Team USA / The Hart Foundation


The Rock / Hollywood Hogan


Team Michaels / Camp Cornette


Benoit-Lesnar / Team Angle

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Austin/Benoit. Smackdown in Edmonton.


Benoit/Trips/Shawn. Backlash 2004.


Foley/Orton. Backlash 2004.

Why does WWE spoil Edmonton so much? :P


Anyway, having seen those matches live and televised...Benoit-Austin was the best by a landslide. They were doing stuff I haven't seen before, or since.

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Guest Rrrsh
They were doing stuff I haven't seen before, or since.

Lots of Germans?


Because Austin hasnt done anything new since 96.

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Lots of Germans?


Because Austin hasnt done anything new since 96.


Hehe, yeah.


Damn, tough decision. Well, I can tell you the best card is Canadian Stampede, because I'm sure none of you knew that already.

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Guest Ray
Because Austin hasnt done anything new since 96.

Except be one of the biggest draws and best wrestlers in WWE history....

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Guest Rrrsh

I mean in the ring, smart guys. Austin style and moves and basic match has been the same from the time he got hurt (97) since the time he retired.


The claim that the match contained something he has never seen before is laughable if he had ever watched a Austin match before.


I dont wanna get into a Austin fight on how he good he was or what kind of a draw he was, that not the point.

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Guest Choken One

Watch ANY of the matches He had with Benoit and Angle...



Those were totally different styles then the Kick Punch Stun brawls he constantly did post injury up...the last significant match that he used this fourmla was what many consider one of the greatest matches of all time (WMX7)...after that...


He became a Suplex machine and brought back psychology from the grave (last time he even bothered to use it was 1996 Survivor Series)...


What changed? Just a simple thing like changing idenity...he worked a smarter different style in those matches against Benoit and Angle.

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Guest Rrrsh

His Angle matches were the EXACT same forumla in the way of layout, just less brawling and more of him getting his ass kicked cuz he was a heel.


And Benoit suplexing the shit outta him isnt new and has nothing to do with Austin.


I am not argueing the macthes are bad, they just wern't anything new.

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Guest Ray
I mean in the ring, smart guys.

Ray said: "Except be one of the biggest draws and best wrestlers in WWE history.... "


I guess "wrestler" has nothing to do with "in the ring", eh? ;)


Austin style and moves and basic match has been the same from the time he got hurt (97) since the time he retired.

That's so wrong it's not even funny. Watch Austin/Dude Love from OTE 98 then watch Austin/Benoit from Raw 11/00 and tell me they're the same match.


The claim that the match contained something he has never seen before is laughable if he had ever watched a Austin match before.

Give me an example of what would be "something never seen before." Are you referring to moveset? I guess Austin's great character portrayals and rich storytelling in his matches doesn't mean anything, since he didn't bust out cool new moves every time.


He became a Suplex machine and brought back psychology from the grave (last time he even bothered to use it was 1996 Survivor Series)...

So you're telling me Wrestlemania 13 had no pyschological depth? Wow...


What changed? Just a simple thing like changing idenity...he worked a smarter different style in those matches against Benoit and Angle.

As if he didn't work "smart" matches with anyone else? Watch him vs Undertaker from Summerslam 98 or vs Rock from Wrestlemania 17. There's a ton of deep psych in both. These things often go overlooked, since people are just looking at the moves he's doing and not why he's doing them.


His Angle matches were the EXACT same forumla in the way of layout, just less brawling and more of him getting his ass kicked cuz he was a heel.

Actually Austin controlled most of their matches. So it wasn't Austin getting his ass kicked. And their matches weren't the same. Watch their 1/8/01 Raw match and the Summerslam 01 match. The face/heel roles are completely reversed and the storytelling is different.


I am not argueing the macthes are bad, they just wern't anything new.

Except nobody in WWF except maybe Bret brought the levels of meaningful work and storytelling Austin brought to his top matches....

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Guest Choken One
He became a Suplex machine and brought back psychology from the grave (last time he even bothered to use it was 1996 Survivor Series)...

So you're telling me Wrestlemania 13 had no pyschological depth? Wow...


What changed? Just a simple thing like changing idenity...he worked a smarter different style in those matches against Benoit and Angle.

As if he didn't work "smart" matches with anyone else? Watch him vs Undertaker from Summerslam 98 or vs Rock from Wrestlemania 17. There's a ton of deep psych in both. These things often go overlooked, since people are just looking at the moves he's doing and not why he's doing them.


I meant to say POST injury and besides...SS96 was better pyschlogically anyways...



as i said somewhere else...aside from the WMX7 match.

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Guest Rrrsh

U made about 80 points and I dont want to argue with all of them. However, Ill take 1 at random.


Without using vague phrases, tell me EXACTLY HOW his storytelling was revolutinary. Brawl in the ring, brawl out of the ring, brawl into the crowd, come back, throw each other into random objects at ringside, rest holds, more punches, sig moves, a bunch of finishers, Run in, finish. Excuse me, thats Benoit-Sullivans macth. He copied it and did it because ITS ALL HE COULD DO BECAUSE HE WAS A USELESS CRIPPLE.

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A useless cripple who made the company millions and millions and millions of dollars. I'm assuming SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE thought his character and his wrestling was telling a story that was worth watching.


I hope I get to be a useless cripple one day.

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A useless cripple who made the company millions and millions and millions of dollars. I'm assuming SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE thought his character and his wrestling was telling a story that was worth watching.


I hope I get to be a useless cripple one day.

I'm pretty much Rrrsh meant a useless cripple in the ring, not in general.

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Hogan vs. Rock, nothing even comes close in my opinion.

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Guest Rrrsh

A useless cripple who made the company millions and millions and millions of dollars. I'm assuming SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE thought his character and his wrestling was telling a story that was worth watching.


I hope I get to be a useless cripple one day.

The man's charicter is brilliant. But so was Hogan's, and no one will even confuse Hogan with Flair. So lets right here, right now, dismiss the notion that you need to be a good wrestler to make money.

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Guest wildpegasus
Austin/Benoit. Smackdown in Edmonton.


Benoit/Trips/Shawn. Backlash 2004.


Foley/Orton. Backlash 2004.

Why does WWE spoil Edmonton so much? :P


Anyway, having seen those matches live and televised...Benoit-Austin was the best by a landslide. They were doing stuff I haven't seen before, or since.

I've heard about the clipping in Benoit vs Austin. Do you know what and how much they took off for TV?

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