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Red Baron

OaO Recent Video Game Purchases.

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My PS2's in the shop for repairs for 15-20 days, not counting shipping, so I stocked up on a few 'Cube titles to hold me over.


P.N.03 - Who greenlit this piece of crap? Seriously, who at Capcom said "Yes, this game is of such quality that it is ready for release, and is of such quality that we can charge 50 bucks for it"? I paid $14, and I feel massively ripped off.


Pikmin - Aside from the camera, I likes it so far.


Splinter Cell - I want to like it, but I despise the controls. I suppose I'll get used to them sooner or later.


Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem - Haven't tried it yet.

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Guest MikeSC
My PS2's in the shop for repairs for 15-20 days, not counting shipping, so I stocked up on a few 'Cube titles to hold me over.


P.N.03 - Who greenlit this piece of crap? Seriously, who at Capcom said "Yes, this game is of such quality that it is ready for release, and is of such quality that we can charge 50 bucks for it"? I paid $14, and I feel massively ripped off.

You should blame Nintendo for allowing the title to be released for their system. They can always say "no".


See also Charlie's Angels.


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My PS2's in the shop for repairs for 15-20 days, not counting shipping, so I stocked up on a few 'Cube titles to hold me over.


P.N.03 - Who greenlit this piece of crap? Seriously, who at Capcom said "Yes, this game is of such quality that it is ready for release, and is of such quality that we can charge 50 bucks for it"? I paid $14, and I feel massively ripped off.

You should blame Nintendo for allowing the title to be released for their system. They can always say "no".


See also Charlie's Angels.


Because pissing off capcom could have NO reprecussions.


They were right to take it and shut up. They know that Capcoms other offerings would make up for it.

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Guest MikeSC
My PS2's in the shop for repairs for 15-20 days, not counting shipping, so I stocked up on a few 'Cube titles to hold me over.


P.N.03 - Who greenlit this piece of crap? Seriously, who at Capcom said "Yes, this game is of such quality that it is ready for release, and is of such quality that we can charge 50 bucks for it"? I paid $14, and I feel massively ripped off.

You should blame Nintendo for allowing the title to be released for their system. They can always say "no".


See also Charlie's Angels.


Because pissing off capcom could have NO reprecussions.


They were right to take it and shut up. They know that Capcoms other offerings would make up for it.

If your companies main slogan is "quality over quantity" --- you might want to REALLY keep checks on that quality thing.


And it wouldn't have hurt too much --- heck, they already lost Vietiwiful Joe as an exclusive.


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Guest Crazy Dan

I got Onimushu 3 - I thought this was the best game of the series. And it has Jean Reno in it as one of the main characters of the Game. Gets a little repetitive, but the graphics and controls are excellant, and there is a ton of gore. And another aspect I liked was that if you time it right you can press the square button, and slice your enemies in two. This a pretty awesome visual. The game is not the hardest to win, but still a fun game. And for those who might not want to throw some $$$ on it, it is definately a good rental game.

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Just got the NES designed GBA, its old school sleek and Classic NES Legend of Zelda. I'm a happy Scorby.

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I just bought (on memorial day ) gta vice city (ps2)used for only 15 bucks at game crazy (hollywood video). It didnt even have a real box, so I made my own cover. Only got it cuz it hard to find by itself and where it is, it cots 29.95 or more. plus its an original version with none of the changes made in the dp one so I went for it, cuz I was dying to see what all the hype was about (I had already bought gta 3 greatest hits version last year so i didnt want the dp).


before that in april, I bought All Star Baseball 05 (ps2) hey it was only 39.95 and it has Derek F'ing Jeter on the cover lol but seriously , I like it and love playing franchise mode, though it is totally unrealistic, as my yanks are 104-9 in august and gary sheffield and arod have 74 hrs each already and jose contreras is 17-0. Man I should start playing on the highest difficulty lol. but I will not use anything other then the easy-timing bat mode cuz the icons are hard and pointless. also have a second expansion mode with the Edmonton Fury (dont ask why I picked canada though I live in California and am a native new yorker, just thought it needed a baseball team, lol)

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Vice City's are hard to find? Dude you should come to the gamecrazy where I work, I got a whole stack of them.

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Guest Razor Roman
Just got the NES designed GBA, its old school sleek and Classic NES Legend of Zelda. I'm a happy Scorby.

I got the same thing Friday. Trying to get the damn flute in Level 5 of Zelda is hard. How did I do this when I Was 10?!

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Guest MikeSC
Just got the NES designed GBA, its old school sleek and Classic NES Legend of Zelda. I'm a happy Scorby.

I got the same thing Friday. Trying to get the damn flute in Level 5 of Zelda is hard. How did I do this when I Was 10?!

It's amazing how much harder games are now. Heck, I can't beat Super Mario World in the GBA --- while I OWNED that mutha on the SNES.


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Guest Vitamin X

I beat the shit out of that game upon opening my SNES for Christmas, defeated it after playing for some 20-odd hours straight. I unlocked half of the special missions my first time around too.

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Just got the NES designed GBA, its old school sleek and Classic NES Legend of Zelda. I'm a happy Scorby.

I got the same thing Friday. Trying to get the damn flute in Level 5 of Zelda is hard. How did I do this when I Was 10?!

It's amazing how much harder games are now. Heck, I can't beat Super Mario World in the GBA --- while I OWNED that mutha on the SNES.


Even with the "save anytime" function you can't beat it? Even with The extra hit awarded when you've got the feather/fire flower you can't beat it? You've gotta be kidding me.


I recently picked up the Super Mario World + All Stars cart. I know there's a route I need to unlock to progress, but I have to comb an FAQ for it. Right now I'm at a dead end with no where else to go.


I beat the GBA version in less than a week. Flutter-jump Luigi is mighty cool.

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I bought GT3 and I cannot get into it... I'm playing NFSHP2 and I am having a lot of fun with it, though I am having serious trouble with playing the cop....


I play BGDA2 on and off.... I have had the most fun with the dwarf, though I have yet to play the Cleric or the Elf.. My GF and I beat the game with the Barbarian and Elf.. thats a POTENT combination.

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I got Rise of Nations a few days ago. Excellent game, and I'm one that doesn't usually have the patience for RTS games. I'm looking for a place where I can download some scenarios and mods. Any help here?

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