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OAO Bad Blood Predictions Thread

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WWE-World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Chris Benoit © vs. Kane

Predicted Winner: Chris Benoit.

Desired Winner: Benoit


Hell In A Cell Match:

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H

Predicted Winner: Triple H, especially if they plan on putting the title back on him by SummerSlam.

Desired Winner: The mark in me wants HBK to win, but it'd probably be best for HHH to go over.


WWE-Intercontinental Championship Match:

Randy Orton © vs. Shelton Benjamin

Predicted Winner: Orton

Desired Winner: Orton. I like Shelton, but it's a bit too soon to put the title on him. Plus, taking the belt off Orton at this point would stunt any momentum he gained from the Foley win. I'd like to see this program stretch over the next couple of months--it'd be a good step to rebuilding the I-C Belt.


WWE-Tag Team Championship Match:

La Resistance © vs. Chris Benoit & Edge

Predicted Winners: La Resistance.

Desired Winners: La Resistance


WWE-Womens Championship Match:

Victoria © vs. Gail Kim vs. Lita vs. Trish Stratus

Predicted Winner: Knowing them, Lita.

Desired Winner: Vicky. No real reason.


Chris Jericho vs. Tyson Tomko

Predicted Winner: Knowing WWE, they probably would put Tomko over, but at the same time, I can't see them putting a worker that bad over somebody like Jericho.

Desired Winner: Chris Jericho


Eugene vs. Jonathon Coachman

Predicted Winner: I'll go out on a limb and say Coach, just to be different.

Desired Winner: Eugene I guess.

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Guest Coffey

World Heavyweight Championship:

Chris Benoit © vs. Kane


Chris Benoit by submission


Hell In A Cell:

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H


Triple H by pinfall


Intercontinental Championship:

Randy Orton © vs. Shelton Benjamin


Shelton Benjamin by pinfall


Tag Team Championship

La Rèsistance © vs. Chris Benoit & Edge


La Rèsistance by pinfall


Womens Championship:

Victoria © vs. Gail Kim vs. Lita vs. Trish Stratus


Gail Kim by pinfall


Chris Jericho vs. Tyson Tomko


Double DQ


Eugene vs. Jonathon Coachman


Eugene by pinfall

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Guest Choken One

I might as well give my Predictions



+The Heat Match will be Steven Richards Vs Matt Hardy


Opening Match

Chris Jericho Vs Tyson Tomko

Winner: Chris Jericho

Match Time: 8:20 Rating: **1/4 Tomko Botch Count: 6.


-I am hoping this is the decisive blowoff to the Jericho/Trish storyline; I expect Tomko to dominate Jericho and attack the injured part of Jericho. Trish fucks it up for Team Tristian by letting her ego overtake her. Jericho gets Trish to whack tomko with a high heel boot to the face and gets locked into a LIONTAMER for an extended amount of time to a big pop...Tomko wakes up and charges but Jericho catches the boot and slips him down into a Walls for the win.


World Tag Team Title Match

Le Resistance Vs Chris Benoit and Edge

Winner: Le Resistance

Match Time: 15:45 Rating: ***1/4


-I have to expect Benoit to play the FIP here and I'm expecting Conway to work most of the match with Benoit. It'll be the basic formula match that we always get and the crowd will eat it up...Le Resistance is good at drawing heat so it should be a hot crowd. They will either do a Miscommucation spot with Edge and Benoit or just the straight up Owen turn with the Ref calling the match after Benoit knee is totally wrecked by Le Rez.


+Smackdown Hype for GAB+


+Eugene and Regal Backstage skit+


+Edge cuts the "screw benoit" heel turn promo and leaves+


+Benoit is being treated in the back by the trainers and emts, Todd tries to get a word from someone but GM Bischoff kicks him out+


+Triple H prepares for the Match+


+Eric Leaves the Doctor's Room and Tells Todd "I'm not sure of Chris Benoit's status at this moment, I can't make my decision about tonight's title match just yet"+


+Trish with a slight limp complains she can't be in the match because of Jericho but eric blows her off and goes "My world champion is a bad way right now...You think i care about your little leg; get in the ring! You are up next!". Trish protests and starts walking+


+Lita leaves as Matt gives her a goodbye kiss+


+Woman's Title Match+

Victoria Vs Trish Stratus Vs Gail Kim Vs Lita

Winner: Lita

Match Time: 6:32 Rating: ** Gail Botch count: 2


It'll be your standard Woman's fare with a couple nice spots to "freshen" it up...Molly Holly will try to figure into it but Trish, with the "injured" leg stands outside and draws heat and tries to avoid getting in the ring...Lita chases her around but Molly blindsides Lita with a clothesline. Gail Kim hits a Top Rope Cross Press on Vicky but she counters into a roll-over but Tomko reaches in and places Gail's feet under the ropes, and Victoria Protests as Trish sneaks in and rolls up Vicky for the quick 3 count attempt but lita charges in and drops kicks trish in the leg and Trish hops in pain and Victoria AND Lita kick the leg at the same time...Gail wakes up and with a charge sends her and victoria through the ropes...And Lita ducks a high kick attempt from Trish and spins her around for a twist of fate. She gets the win.


+Randy Orton with Flair and Batistia cuts a promo on Benjamin and tells Evolution to relax in the back and enjoy the fine food and watch him take out Benjamin by himself+


+A Medical Update on Benoit, his status for the title defense is still unknown+


+Lita celebrates backstage with Matt, they kiss and Lita tells Matt to get the car so they can celebrate privately, Matt leaves and Kane arrives from the shower curtains. Lita isn't even shocked. "Kane, you really have to stop this." " I see you won the title, thats great, since Benoit is crippled, I'll just end him and his life of nomalcy and then he'll see what pain really is and i'll hold that precious title of his around my arms just like you are right now. It's so beautiful isn't it?". Kane walks off+


+Shelton Benjamin gets pumped for the Match+


WWE I.C Title Match

Randy Orton Vs Shelton Benjamin

Winner: Randy Orton by DQ

Match Time: 14:56 Rating:**3/4


The match is standard formula and without Flair, the crowd will be dead for a good chunk of the match, They will do the close count routine and that will get the crowd up. After a close count sequence...Flair comes running down the ramp but Benjamin knocks him right down with a snap kick sending him crashing to the floor...Benjamin goes for the Superkick but Orton "falls" behind onto the referee before Benjamin can connect. Batistia comes out and Benjamin fights him off as Orton goes for a Chair but the ref is up by then and grabs the chair out of his hands. Batistia is already gone and the ref doesn't see him. He catches flair by the announcer's table and orders him to the back but flair sneakingly lays the IC Title belt by the ring post without the ref noticing it. Orton spots it and grabs it and goes for the shot but Benjamin stops it and clips him down, crashing Orton onto the belt and the ref spots the belt and calls for the DQ, giving Orton the victory.



+Bischoff re-enters the trainer's room and the Head Trainer is strongly urging Benoit not to wrestle and benoit refuses to. Eric straight up tells Benoit, "If you don't defend your title tonight, Not only will you lose the match but I will STRIP the title from you and reward it to Kane". Benoit "I will be in that ring, no matter what, i didn't work 18 years just to give it up this easily". Bischoff tries to take the title away from Benoit (on his side) but Benoit clutches it back "No one, and I mean NO ONE is taking this away from me"+


+Coach and Garrison Cade do some trash talking in the back+


+Regal informs Eugene he'll be on his own again tonight+


Eugene Vs The Coach

Winner: Eugene

Match Time: 5:41 Rating: *3/4 (***3/4 on entertainment scale)


Complete Comedy Match. Eugene busts out some old school stuff, Coach sells it to hilarious reactions. Eugene gets first PPV Win of career.


+Kane readys for the title+


+Benoit is still being treated, Jericho walks in the room and gives good luck to Benoit...Benoit hugs him and Jericho goes "Im here for you man, i gotcha back man" "thanks but i won't need it chris" "All right man".+


+Benoit/Kane Package+


+Re-Air the Edge "owenizing" Benoit part of the tag match+


+Kane comes out and tells The ref to start counting because that title belongs to him...Benoit arrives at the nine count to a big pop+


World Title Match

Kane Vs Chris Benoit

Winner: Chris Benoit

Match Time: 18:25 Rating: ***1/2


The classic "Big Man Vs Little Guy" match here with Kane decimating Benoit's knee, Benoit doing the masterful sell of it. Matt comes charging out but Jericho of comes out and sends Matt back away from Kane. Crowd eats it up and Benoit; struggles but finally beats Kane but not to the tap out...Kane simply passes out (you have to retain SOME of kane's heat).


+Jericho celebrates with Benoit in the back. Benoit asks "why are you so damn happy about this chris? "Because in two weeks...I will become the NEW World Champion, BABY! ...It's Me and You...for old time sakes. Hope the knee gets better man"+


+Shawn does his prayer routine+

+HHH walks+


+10 minute EPIC hype package for the HIAC+


Hell in a Cell Match

HBK vs Triple H

Winner: Shawn

Match Time: 26:15 Rating: ****


A bloody mess. Complete and total bloodshed mixed in with the old school NWA style brawl. Shawn gets the clean victory.

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Choken, those weren't predictions, that was a script.


Anyways, are you going to the show?


ETA: Oh yeah.


WWE-World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Chris Benoit © vs. Kane

Predicted Winner: Benoit

Desired Winner: Benoit


Hell In A Cell Match:

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H

Predicted Winner: HBK

Desired Winner: HHH


WWE-Intercontinental Championship Match:

Randy Orton © vs. Shelton Benjamin

Predicted Winner: Orton

Desired Winner: Orton


WWE-Tag Team Championship Match:

La Resistance © vs. Chris Benoit & Edge

Predicted Winners: La Resistance

Desired Winners: Benoit/Edge


WWE-Womens Championship Match:

Victoria © vs. Gail Kim vs. Lita vs. Trish Stratus

Predicted Winner: Trish

Desired Winner: Trish


Chris Jericho vs. Tyson Tomko

Predicted Winner: Chris Jericho

Desired Winner: Chris Jericho


Eugene vs. Jonathon Coachman

Predicted Winner: Coach

Desired Winner: Eugene

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Well yeah...I've only mentioned it a hundred times.

Yeah, but Meltzer never confirmed it, so I didn't know.

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World Heavyweight Championship:

Chris Benoit © vs. Kane


Kane, just for the hell of it.


Hell In A Cell:

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H


THE CAGE, LOLZ. But seriously, Triple H.


Intercontinental Championship:

Randy Orton © vs. Shelton Benjamin


Rowdy Randy Rorton, with Benjamin getting a shot down the line.


Tag Team Championship

La Rèsistance © vs. Chris Benoit & Edge


La Rèsistance thanks to GOOFY~ Edge.


Womens Championship:

Victoria © vs. Gail Kim vs. Lita vs. Trish Stratus


Gail, I guess.


Chris Jericho vs. Tyson Tomko


Jericho, though his body won't be the winner in the end,


Eugene vs. Jonathon Coachman


Eugene via Garvin Stomp

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I also predict tomorrow's event will be 10x better than last year's shitfest.

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HHH vs. Shawn Michaels- HIAC

Winner: HHH by pinfall.


As much as I'd love to see HBK win the feud here, it just seems that with HBK being out for the month, HHH sticking around, and HHH desperately needing to get some of his heat back by winning a clean match, and not needing to cheat everytime he wins, he should pick up the victory here. Also, this will end the feud and we won't see HHH and HBK in any kind of ring for three months, and not in a singles match for over a year.



Chris Benoit © vs. Kane- World Heavyweight Championship

Winner: Kane by DQ.


I'll go out on a limb here, and say that Kane has Benoit beat before Matt Hardy or Edge or someone similar interferes, continuing the Kane/Benoit feud for another month. This allows them to do a slow burn with Edge and Benoit, while they set up the HHH/Benoit ME at Summerslam. Edge can lose to HHH at Vengeance and then watch Benoit beat him at Summerslam, until it eats him up inside that he's not as good as his tag team partner. Then, they can do the Rock/Jericho finish from No Mercy 2001 at the August PPV, letting Edge get a one month reign.



Randy Orton © vs. Shelton Benjamin- Intercontinental Title

Winner: Randy Orton by outside interference.


Benjamin's had all the advantage in the feud so far, and he's getting pushed so fast, the crowd is hardly even responding to him. They need to back off a little here, and let Benjamin struggle to gain the title, while Orton keeps some heat by holding onto his title.



Victoria © vs. Gail Kim vs. Lita vs. Trish Stratus

Winner: Lita by pinfall.


Since, the actual women's division is nowhere near as important on its own as it is when its a prop for the mens side, Lita wins to set up more intrigue with Kane. Lita is celebrating her victory with Matt when Kane comes in for another creepy vignette, and Matt realizes what is going on and flips shit. They are separated, but Matt comes back later in the night to cost Kane the belt.



Chris Jericho vs. Tyson Tomko

Winner: Chris Jericho by DQ.


They can't just let any no talent piece of shit pin Chris Jericho when he's supposed to be getting a push, but at the same time, they can't just let Tomko go down clean in his first singles match. This will be the compromise solution.



Eugene vs. Jonathan Coachman

Winner: Eugene by pinfall.


They'll take their regular Raw comedy match and do it even better on PPV, allowing for yet another triumphant moment for Eugene.



La Resistance © vs. Chris Benoit and Edge- Tag Team Championship

Winners: La Resistance by pinfall.


Edge works most of the match to keep Benoit fresh for his World Title match, until he finally can't take it anymore and hot tags out. Then, Benoit comes in and cleans house, taking out both members of La Res. However, just when he's about to win, Kane's pyro hits, and in the WWE's favorite finish ever, Benoit gets rolled up for the pin.

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