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APO sucks thread: Classic?

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Why in the name of Alfdogg is this thread in classics. It's just a thread where some kid walks in spouting off yo mama jokes and gets owned by about 40 different people, all the while spouting off the same jokes and claiming he is the one owning everyone else. On top of that, it was possibly the funniest thread ever on this board. Yet a mod closes it, without warning, and banishes it to...Classics. Tell me exactly how this makes sense to you, oh omniponent moderating staff.

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You mocking my thread would lead me to believe that you enjoyed the Victoria's outfit thread. Did you really have a valid point to bring up here, or just feel like baiting?

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I didn't even read the thread. You, much like Rudo, were begging to be mocked for posting a thread of that nature.

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For looking for an answer to something that made no sense? And clearly you read the thread, you basically posted it word for word, save for your own clever edits. It's a shitty thread placed into classics. I asked why. No mockery needed on your part.

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For looking for an answer to something that made no sense?

No, for even caring that the thread was moved. Who gives a shit? If Rudo needs to be recognized as a classic messageboarder for his life to mean something, then that's his problem. You're only making matters worse by starting that thread.


And clearly you read the thread, you basically posted it word for word, save for your own clever edits.

I meant the thread about Victoria's outfit, obviously. If I didn't read your thread, I couldn't have made this one, silly.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I want a Classicaly Bad Threads Folder. Someplace to put threads that are like absolute trainwrecks.


I'll leave this open for jokes on the WWE Forum.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Alf you're way off base, that thread was great for it's time.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Well if you're starting a thread in Feedback in mockery of the bitching over what other threads get in that's pretty stupid and pointless.

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I think you're getting a little too caught up in this team thing. I made a thread just like this not a week ago and you supported it. It was just a good-natured jab, I'm sure JSYK's over it by now and so am I.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Yeah I supported the other one. But you're just being repetitive now Alf.

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