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Guest Trivia247

Similarities and differences between wrestlers

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Guest Trivia247

There are probably a number of wrestlers who model themselves or have mannerisms and movesets similar to other wrestlers and sometimes even former tag team partners wrestle the same pattern in their later singles career where you can see the trademarks of each others moves still evident.


Example being

Ric Flair & Greg Valentine


Flair and Valentine were a tag team in the NWA. They won the tag team title belts in 1977.


Now start with the similarities


Both men of course use Figure four leglocks as their finishers


both are blondes (real or dyed)


wear Sequins Robes to the ring


They Flop...




Whereas Ric Flair's Moves and matches consist of basically getting slaughtered most of the match then coming out from behind and pulling out a win, Greg Valentine is a Strict Endurance wrestler, He could believibly stand toe to toe with anyone facing him.


Flair begs off, Greg doesn't


The Flops are also different, whereas Flair is obviously more theatrical to the point where he now does the Flop even during interviews and promos

Greg's flop is more calcuated, he doesn't do it melodramatically, just whenever he gets hit with something to the head while standing, Flying Double ax handle, an elbow, a series of punches or Headbutts... He gets this Dazed look and just falls forward like he was dead.


Where Flair is a eyepoking low blow man, Greg went the route of the Elbow smash being his trademark. Greg as a wrestler was very technical with a brawlers base, he punch and elbow away then go into the shoulderbreakers, shinbreaker legwork and psychology before slapping on the figure four.



What other wrestlers do you think have similar traits or even backgrounds? Perhaps tag teams earlier in career that split off but still have things in common even in different promotions.

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Edge and Christian.




Both portrayed blonde Californian surfer dudes hailing from Canada.


Both uses speed in their movesets.





Edge started his singles career on fire, nearly being put in the main event on Smackdown.


Christian started out slower, opting to go into other tag teams before finally realizing his singles potential this year.


Edge sucks now. Christian doesn't.

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Guest Trivia247

well since no one else can think of two wrestlers with similarities i'll go again.


Shawn Michaels and Marty Jenetty..


Tag teaming since their AWA days as the Midnight Rockers. Made famous once they arrived to the WWF. Clearly one Wrestler went beyond and outshined most in the ring, while the other is probably out on the Highway somewhere with a sign that says "Will wrestle for food"


But the two have tell tale similarities, again because of their tag teaming years


Both men can Nail a Mean Superkick (In fact one of their finishers was a X on a spot style Double Superkick)


Both are High Flyers (Using Double Fist drops also as a Tag finisher)


They both have a high Indurance level.


The Differences


Clearly Shawn had the Majority of the charisma.


Marty Jenetty though got many good moves under his belt can't seem to main tain a decent enough rhythum for a singles match (One of his best mind you was a match he had with Pat Tanaka on Invasion of the Bodyslammers reversing Tanaka's Tombstone into a Tombstone of his own)


Where Shawn had both the political and physical staying power to be a asset to everyone, Marty Jenetty could barely keep himself above Lowcard jobber, Losing to the likes of Ludwig Borga in his debut and teaming with Al Snow and or 123 kid while both times were at a low period.


Shawn's Title reigns whenever he gets them were long and hard fought.


Marty gets fluke Title wins, IC off Shawn and the tag team one with 123 kid.

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i was just thinkin bout good ol Marty the other day...if his workrate improved and his promo skills, this would be the perfect time to bring him back to fued with Shawn, going the old "i'm jealous of your success" route...i think he'd be able to sell that gimmick well because it's probably true, much like Bret's real-life hatred of Shawn made their rivalry awesome...of course today's average wrestling fan probably has no idea who the hell Marty is so it probably wouldn't work...

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Guest KingofHarts

Janetty was the more talented of the Rockers but he just couldn't use a mic. That's the only reason Shawn got over. and if I'm not mistaken didn't Jannety win their title match?

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Guest krazykat72

"Janetty was the more talented of the Rockers but he just couldn't use a mic. That's the only reason Shawn got over. and if I'm not mistaken didn't Jannety win their title match? "


What Rockers matches were you watching exactly? Jannetty was pretty good, but Shawn anchored the team. The best examples probably being the Rockers/Orient Express 'Rumble '91 match. Jannetty and Michaels traded the IC title in '93 and Shawn beat him in a World Title defense on RAW sometime in '96



-Paul Jacobi-

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Sting and The Ultimate Warrior


Both started the business together in a tag team.


Both are very charismatic and energetic.


They both had an exciting, intense ring presence.


Both used the Gorilla Press Slam.


Both men are tremendously popular and legends in the eyes of many.


Both have at one point in their career taken long abscences from the ring.


Both defeated Hogan for A World Title in big matches.




Sting is a great amount better in the ring, having quite a few classics.


Never worked the same promotion once they hit the big time.


While Warrior held 1 World Championship, Sting held between 7-11 depending on what you define as a World Title.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit




Both competed in New Japan Pro Wrestling, then headed to ECW, then WCW, and then the WWE.


Both are of similar size and are considered two of the best wrestlers in the world.


Both are currently champions of their respective brand.




Eddie started wrestling in Mexico while Benoit started in Stampede.


Eddie has had problems with drugs and alcohol while Benoit has had surgery on his neck.

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Never worked the same promotion once they hit the big time.

Yes they did, when The Warrior was in WCW fueding with Hogan Sting was still a part of the company. They just never did a program with each other.

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I can't believe I forgot that. I was marking out like a bitch when they teamed up against Hogan and Hart.

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Here's an unusual one:


Kurt Angle and Curt Hennig




- Both were great heels who got over soon after debuting


- Both were given undefeated streaks


- Both were great wrestlers who stood out cause of that at the itme of debut


- Both had amateur backgrounds


- Both were runners up in a royal Rumble won by the top politican of the era(HHH/Hogan)


- Both had a career-threatening injury yet still went out and put over the big star(Bret/Brock)


- Both came back after a while but got reinjured and again went out putting over a rising star(Shawn/Eddie)




- Angle got through HHH's politics and won numerous World title while Hennig couldn't get past Hogan


- Hennig eventually came back and had a few more decent-good years(although Angle will attempt to as well)


- Hennig could play a good face, Angle has trouble with it

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