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Rob E Dangerously


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[We fade to the arena, a converted bowling alley, where the mass of somewhat enthusiastic fans cheer mildly. Then we cut to ringside where we see two of our commentators, Tony Schiavone, of WCW fame and Leon Sharpe, 6'11" former SJL wrestler]




Leon Sharpe - God damnit, I knew I shouldn't have agreed to this.


Tony Schiavone - And tonight, our main event pits the World's Worst Wrestling Heavyweight champion, 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash against the Fueher of the Fourth Reich of Wrestling, John Bradshaw Layfield


Leon Sharpe - Um... Nash better watch out, or else Baron Von Raschke will put him in the claw


Tony Schiavone - You got that right Leon. The Baron will provide an advantage for the challenger. Also tonight, Deion Sanders will defend the Big Gold Belt in his third singles match against former champion Triple H.


Leon Sharpe - I expect Triple H to whup the piss out of Deion Sanders here tonight. This isn't the New American Sportsman, ya know.


Tony Schiavone - I don't know Leon. Deion has his speed, which made him successful in the NFL. Also tonight, Team Taliban faces off against Los Immigrantes, and I don't know about you Leon, but they're all dirty Mexicans to me.


Leon Sharpe - Um.. yeah Tony. Actually, Team Taliban probably isn't Mexican.


Tony Schiavone - Trust me Leon. I know Mexicans, and they're Mexican.


Leon Sharpe - Okay Tony.


[We hear some cheering as Vince Russo walks to the booth.]


Vince Russo - Hello guys, i'll be your fird commentata here tonight.. are you ready for some action?


Leon Sharpe - No


Tony Schiavone - Yeah


Vince Russo - Let's go to the back, where dat pervert Mean Gene is standin by wit Ric Flair, Shaggy too Dope and Jackshun.


[We cut to the back where Mean Gene is.. in fact.. standing by with these gentlemen]


Mean Gene - Ric Flair, Sean O'Haire.. um.. and you.. in a few moments, you will be facing David Flair, Dean Malenko and some other weirdo. Any comments Ric?




Shaggy Too Dope - Hey Violent J! You fucking faggot! Me, the Nature Boy, and this other guy, will unleash fury on you! Juggalo fury! Let me tell you this J! What'cha gonna do when my balls are in your face!


Jackson - New IC--


Mean Gene - That's all.. back to you Tony!








[some sort of ICP song plays as we see Dean Malenko and the New ICP in the ring]


Tony Schiavone - The New ICP and Dean Malenko had some comments too


[Cut to the back]


Violent J - One, two, three, who will my bitches be? the team of Dick Flair, Faggy too Dope and Jackson! Guys, we'll unleash Juggalo fury on you!


[Cut back to the ring]


['2001' plays as Ric Flair, Shaggy too Dope and Jackson walk down to ringside]


They lock up.

Dean Malenko uses a kneebreaker on Ric Flair.

Dean Malenko puts Ric Flair in a standing wristlock.

Ric Flair reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.

Dean Malenko goes for a belly-to-back suplex, but Ric Flair counters it with

an elbowsmash.

Ric Flair goes for a backdrop, but Dean Malenko blocks it.

Dean Malenko runs into the ropes.

Dean Malenko nails Ric Flair with a leg lariat.

Dean Malenko is going for the pin.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.

Dean Malenko runs into the ropes.

Ric Flair hits Dean Malenko with a punch.

Ric Flair throws Dean Malenko out of the ring.

Ric Flair goes through the ropes.

Jackson comes over to make it two-on-one.

Ric Flair and Jackson hit Dean Malenko with a double roundhouse right.

Ric Flair hits a single-leg takedown on Dean Malenko.

Danny Davis counts: 1.

Danny Davis counts: 2.

Ric Flair whips Dean Malenko into the guardrail.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

Dean Malenko whips Ric Flair into the guardrail.

Dean Malenko executes a snap suplex on Ric Flair.

Danny Davis counts: 3.

Violent J comes over to make it two-on-one.

Jackson comes over and lays out Violent J.

Danny Davis counts: 4.

Ric Flair reenters the ring.

Dean Malenko follows him back in.

Ric Flair tags out to Jackson.

Jackson and Ric Flair whip Dean Malenko into the ropes.

Jackson and Ric Flair hit Dean Malenko with a double roundhouse right.

Jackson and Ric Flair whip Dean Malenko into the ropes.

They hit Dean Malenko with a double kick to the midsection.

Ric Flair leaves the ring.

Jackson whips Dean Malenko into the ropes.

Dean Malenko executes a leg lariat on Jackson.

Dean Malenko tags out to Violent J.

Violent J and Dean Malenko whip Jackson into the ropes.

They hit Jackson with a double kick to the midsection.

Violent J and Dean Malenko whip Jackson into the ropes.

They attempt to hit Jackson with a double backdrop, but he counters it with a

double headsmash.

Dean Malenko leaves the ring.

Jackson goes for a European uppercut, but Violent J blocks it.

Violent J whips Jackson into the ropes, but Jackson reverses it.

Violent J misses with a clothesline.

Violent J goes for a short lariat, but Jackson counters it with a Gorilla Press.

Jackson executes a splash on Violent J.

Danny Davis counts: One, kickout.

Jackson tags out to Ric Flair.

Jackson uses a superkick on Violent J.

Jackson is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

Ric Flair takes Violent J down with a back suplex.

Jackson leaves the ring.

Ric Flair goes for a sleeperhold, but Violent J counters it with a jawbreaker.

Quite a few boos are audible.

Violent J is going for the pin.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, shoulder up.

Violent J whips Ric Flair into the ropes, but Ric Flair reverses it.

Ric Flair misses with an elbow.

Ric Flair hits Violent J with a shoulderblock.

Ric Flair uses a back elbow on Violent J.

Ric Flair takes Violent J down with a facerake.

Ric Flair goes for a side headlock, but Violent J counters it with a back suplex


In turn, Ric Flair counters it with a cross-body block.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.

Ric Flair nails Violent J with a drop toe hold.

Jackson enters the ring to make it two-on-one.

Ric Flair and Jackson whip Violent J into the ropes.

Ric Flair and Jackson hit Violent J with a double bodyslam.

Dean Malenko enters the ring, but gets cut off.

Ric Flair and Jackson whip Violent J into the ropes.

They hit Violent J with a double kick to the midsection.

Jackson leaves the ring.

Ric Flair whips Violent J into the ropes.

Ric Flair hits Violent J with a chop.

Ric Flair whips Violent J into the turnbuckle.

Violent J comes back, but is met with a clothesline.

Ric Flair chops Violent J.

The crowd is cheering on Ric Flair.

Ric Flair chops Violent J.

Ric Flair is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

Ric Flair punches Violent J.

Ric Flair is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

Violent J chops Ric Flair.

A wave of boos is going through the crowd.

Violent J punches Ric Flair.

A wave of boos is going through the crowd.

Ric Flair chops Violent J.

Ric Flair is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

Ric Flair runs into the ropes.

Violent J hits Ric Flair with a backdrop.

Violent J whips Ric Flair into the ropes.

Violent J takes Ric Flair down with a jumping DDT.

A fan at ringside badmouths Violent J.

Violent J nails Ric Flair with an eye gouge.

Violent J runs into the ropes.

Ric Flair nails Violent J with a drop toe hold.

Ric Flair goes for a back suplex, but Violent J turns in mid-air and lands on


Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.

Violent J nails Ric Flair with a vertical suplex.

Violent J uses a facerake on Ric Flair.

Ric Flair goes for a punch to the midsection, but Violent J blocks it.

Violent J uses a short clothesline on Ric Flair.

Violent J takes Ric Flair down with a jumping DDT.

Violent J further incites the crowd.

Violent J gives the sign for the Moonsault.

Violent J executes the Moonsault on Ric Flair.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Violent J executes a facerake on Ric Flair.

Violent J goes for a DDT, but Ric Flair blocks it.

Ric Flair goes for an armbar submission, but Violent J blocks it.

David Flair enters the ring to make it two-on-one.

Violent J and David Flair whip Ric Flair into the ropes.

They hit Ric Flair with a double backdrop.

David Flair leaves the ring.

Violent J whips Ric Flair into the ropes.

Ric Flair misses with a clothesline.

Ric Flair hits Violent J with a shoulderblock.

Ric Flair executes the Figure-Four Leglock on Violent J.

Violent J is struggling to reach the ropes.

Violent J is valiantly trying to break the hold.

Violent J is inching his way towards the ropes.

Violent J reaches the ropes after being trapped for 24 seconds.

Ric Flair whips Violent J into the turnbuckle, but Violent J reverses it.

Ric Flair comes back, but is met with a kick to the midsection.

Violent J hits Ric Flair with an eye gouge.

Violent J goes for a kick to the midsection, but Ric Flair counters it with

a dragon screw.

In turn, Violent J counters it with an enzuigiri to the face.

Violent J is going for the pin.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Violent J goes for a punch, but Ric Flair counters it with an armbreaker.

In turn, Violent J counters it with a facerake.

Violent J is being booed like there is no tomorrow.

Violent J hits a facerake on Ric Flair.

Violent J uses a jumping DDT on Ric Flair.

Violent J is being booed like there is no tomorrow.

Violent J goes for a kick to the midsection, but Ric Flair counters it with

a legsweep.

Ric Flair goes for a punch, but Violent J blocks it.

Violent J hits a DDT on Ric Flair.

Violent J hits a short lariat on Ric Flair.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Violent J nails Ric Flair with a headbutt.

Violent J throws Ric Flair out of the ring.

Danny Davis counts: one, Ric Flair reenters the ring.

Violent J goes for a clothesline, but Ric Flair ducks out of the way.

Ric Flair tags out to Jackson.

Dean Malenko enters the ring and lays out Ric Flair.

The crowd is booing Dean Malenko.

Violent J and Dean Malenko whip Jackson into the ropes.

They hit Jackson with a double backdrop.

Dean Malenko leaves the ring.

Violent J uses a facerake on Jackson.

Violent J chops Jackson.

Numerous fans are using Violent J for target practice.

Jackson punches Violent J.

Jackson hits Violent J.

Violent J kicks Jackson.

Jackson kicks Violent J.

The crowd is cheering on Jackson.

Violent J kicks Jackson.

Violent J kicks Jackson.

Jackson punches Violent J.

Jackson chops Violent J.

Violent J chops Jackson.

The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

Jackson kicks Violent J.

The crowd is cheering on Jackson.

Jackson hits Violent J with a Gorilla Press.

Jackson goes for a clothesline, but Violent J ducks out of the way.

Violent J hits Jackson with a clothesline.

Violent J whips Jackson into the turnbuckle.

Violent J charges into the corner.

Violent J punches Jackson.

Jackson chops Violent J.

Jackson hits Violent J.

The crowd is cheering on Jackson.

Violent J chops Jackson.

The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

Jackson chops Violent J.

Violent J chops Jackson.

Violent J chops Jackson.

The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

Jackson kicks Violent J.

The crowd is really behind Jackson.

Jackson tags out to Shaggy 2 Dope.

Dean Malenko enters the ring and lays out Jackson.

Violent J and Dean Malenko whip Shaggy 2 Dope into the ropes.

They hit Shaggy 2 Dope with a double fist to the midsection.

Dean Malenko leaves the ring.

Violent J takes Shaggy 2 Dope down with an eye gouge.

Violent J punches Shaggy 2 Dope.

Shaggy 2 Dope hits Violent J.

A portion of the crowd is booing Shaggy 2 Dope.

Shaggy 2 Dope hits Violent J.

Violent J chops Shaggy 2 Dope.

The boos are resurfacing again.

Shaggy 2 Dope chops Violent J.

A portion of the crowd is booing Shaggy 2 Dope.

Violent J chops Shaggy 2 Dope.

The boos are resurfacing again.

Violent J whips Shaggy 2 Dope into the ropes.

Violent J hits Shaggy 2 Dope with a short lariat.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Violent J tags out to David Flair.

Jackson enters the ring, but gets cut off.

David Flair and Violent J hit Shaggy 2 Dope with a double vertical suplex.

Violent J leaves the ring.

David Flair goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Shaggy 2 Dope blocks it.

Shaggy 2 Dope tags out to Ric Flair.

Violent J enters the ring, but gets cut off.

Ric Flair and Shaggy 2 Dope whip David Flair into the ropes.

They hit David Flair with a double elbowsmash.

Shaggy 2 Dope leaves the ring.

Ric Flair takes David Flair down with a reverse neckbreaker.

The crowd is behind Ric Flair all the way.

Ric Flair uses a back suplex on David Flair.

Ric Flair executes the Figure-Four Leglock on David Flair.

David Flair is valiantly trying to break the hold.

David Flair is struggling to reach the ropes.

David Flair is valiantly trying to break the hold.

David Flair is writhing in pain.

Danny Davis asks David Flair if he should stop the fight.

David Flair nods.

Danny Davis stops the fight after 16 seconds.

The chants for Ric Flair are deafening.


"Time of match: 12 minutes, 19 seconds. Your winners are Ric Flair, Shaggy too Dope and Jackson!"


Tony Schiavone - Your winners are Flair and partners! But.. wait.. Violent J and Dean Malenko are attacking David Flair! And Ric Flair and Shaggy too Dope are attacking Jackson! What in the world is this?


Leon Sharpe - Complicated?


Tony Schiavone - And they're joining together.. and they're flashing four fingers.. Ric Flair, Dean Malenko and the Insane Clown posse have reformed the Four Horsemen!


[We cut to the back were we see the Church of Sports Entertainment]


Ferrara - Bagwell, tonight, we will save you from the abyss you are in. Bagwell, you will be saved by us!


MATTHEW MORGAN - 7'0/330lbs - Fairfield, CT





BUFF 'THE STUFF' BAGWELL - 6'1/248lbs - Marietta, GA


They lock up.

Buff Bagwell uses a swinging neckbreaker on Matthew Morgan.

A small "Buff Bagwell" chant is being started.

Buff Bagwell executes a stomp on Matthew Morgan.

Buff Bagwell uses a flying dropkick on Matthew Morgan.

The crowd is cheering on Buff Bagwell.

Buff Bagwell goes for a flying dropkick, but Matthew Morgan

ducks out of the way.

Matthew Morgan goes for a choke lift, but Buff Bagwell counters it with

a facerake.

Buff Bagwell gives him a flying dropkick, but Matthew Morgan only stares at him.

Buff Bagwell whips Matthew Morgan into the ropes.

Buff Bagwell misses with a clothesline.

Matthew Morgan nails Buff Bagwell with a clothesline.

Matthew Morgan hits Buff Bagwell with a roundhouse right.

Matthew Morgan flexes his muscles.

Matthew Morgan is starting to get under the crowd's skin.

Matthew Morgan goes for a headbutt, but Buff Bagwell blocks it.

Buff Bagwell uses a hiptoss on Matthew Morgan.

Buff Bagwell goes for a flying dropkick, but Matthew Morgan

ducks out of the way.

Matthew Morgan hits Buff Bagwell with a forearm to the back.

Matthew Morgan hits Buff Bagwell with an elbowsmash.

Matthew Morgan nails Buff Bagwell with an elbowsmash.

Matthew Morgan uses an elbowsmash on Buff Bagwell.

Matthew Morgan gets a bearhug on Buff Bagwell.

Buff Bagwell tries to escape the hold.

Buff Bagwell is valiantly trying to break the hold.

Buff Bagwell reaches the ropes after being trapped for 14 seconds.

Matthew Morgan hits Buff Bagwell with an elbowsmash.

Matthew Morgan chops Buff Bagwell.

The crowd is booing Matthew Morgan.

Buff Bagwell punches Matthew Morgan.

Buff Bagwell is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

Matthew Morgan chops Buff Bagwell.

Matthew Morgan kicks Buff Bagwell.

The crowd is booing Matthew Morgan.

Buff Bagwell kicks Matthew Morgan.

Matthew Morgan hits Buff Bagwell.

A wave of boos is going through the crowd.

Buff Bagwell chops Matthew Morgan.

The crowd is starting to get behind Buff Bagwell.

Matthew Morgan chops Buff Bagwell.

Buff Bagwell hits Matthew Morgan.

The crowd is starting to get behind Buff Bagwell.

Matthew Morgan punches Buff Bagwell.

Buff Bagwell chops Matthew Morgan.

Buff Bagwell throws Matthew Morgan out of the ring.

James Beard counts: one, two, Matthew Morgan reenters the ring.

Buff Bagwell nails Matthew Morgan with a powerslam.

James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.

Buff Bagwell complains about a slow count.

Buff Bagwell takes Matthew Morgan down with a hiptoss.

Buff Bagwell is going for the pin.

James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.

Buff Bagwell goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Matthew Morgan

counters it with a side suplex.

Matthew Morgan runs into the ropes.

Matthew Morgan misses with an elbow.

Matthew Morgan misses with a kick.

Buff Bagwell misses with a shoulderblock.

Matthew Morgan hits Buff Bagwell with a kick.

Matthew Morgan runs into the ropes.

Matthew Morgan nails Buff Bagwell with a clothesline.

Matthew Morgan whips Buff Bagwell into the ropes.

Matthew Morgan goes for a bodyslam, but Buff Bagwell blocks it.

Buff Bagwell runs into the ropes.

Ed Ferrara trips Buff Bagwell.

James Beard threatens Matthew Morgan with disqualification.

James Beard warns Ed Ferrara.

James Beard is back on the job.

Buff Bagwell chops Matthew Morgan.

Matthew Morgan chops Buff Bagwell.

The crowd is booing Matthew Morgan.

Matthew Morgan kicks Buff Bagwell.

Buff Bagwell hits Matthew Morgan.

Buff Bagwell uses a vertical suplex on Matthew Morgan.

Buff Bagwell takes Matthew Morgan down with a vertical suplex.

Buff Bagwell goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Matthew Morgan counters it with a side suplex.

Matthew Morgan locks Buff Bagwell in a bearhug.

Buff Bagwell is valiantly trying to break the hold.

Buff Bagwell tries to escape the hold.

Buff Bagwell is valiantly trying to break the hold.

Buff Bagwell tries to fight the pain.

Judy Bagwell throws in the towel.

James Beard calls for the bell.

The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.


"Time of match: 4 minutes, 55 seconds, your winner is Matthew Morgan."


ReBORNE - 6'0/242lbs - Portland, OR




VISCERA - 6'8/568lbs - Parts Unknown


They lock up.

ReBorne puts Viscera in a sleeperhold.

ReBorne lets go after 13 seconds.

ReBorne gives him a chop, but Viscera doesn't budge.

ReBorne gives him a flying clothesline, but Viscera only stares at him.

Viscera whips ReBorne into the ropes.

ReBorne misses with a shoulderblock.

ReBorne hits Viscera with a kick.

ReBorne gives him a DDT, but Viscera doesn't budge.

Viscera uses a facebite on ReBorne.

Viscera locks ReBorne in a bearhug.

ReBorne reaches the ropes after being trapped for 13 seconds.

Viscera catches ReBorne in a choke against the ropes.

James Beard warns Viscera to let go.

James Beard counts: One, two, three, four, five.

Viscera gets a bearhug on ReBorne.

ReBorne is struggling to reach the ropes.

ReBorne reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.

Viscera goes for a headbutt, but ReBorne blocks it.

ReBorne throws Viscera out of the ring.

ReBorne goes through the ropes.

ReBorne hits Viscera with a chop.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

Viscera knocks ReBorne into the ringsteps.

Viscera hits ReBorne with a spinning heel kick.

James Beard counts: 1.

Viscera whips ReBorne into the guardrail.

James Beard counts: 2.

Viscera reenters the ring.

ReBorne follows him back in.

Viscera throws ReBorne out of the ring.

Viscera goes through the ropes.

Viscera knocks ReBorne into the ringpost.

Viscera is starting to get more cheers than boos.

Viscera whips ReBorne into the guardrail.

Viscera whips ReBorne into the guardrail.

Viscera throws ReBorne back into the ring.

Viscera hits a roundhouse right on ReBorne.

Viscera nails ReBorne with a roundhouse right.

Viscera goes for a headbutt, but ReBorne blocks it.

ReBorne goes for a flying clothesline, but Viscera counters it with a powerslam.

James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.

Viscera acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.

Viscera executes the Big Splash on ReBorne.

James Beard counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Viscera locks ReBorne in a choke against the ropes.

James Beard warns Viscera to let go.

James Beard counts: One, two, three.

Viscera gets a choke against the ropes on ReBorne.

James Beard warns Viscera to let go.

James Beard counts: One, two, three.

Viscera goes for a ropeburn, but ReBorne blocks it.

ReBorne gives him a flying clothesline, but Viscera only stares at him.

ReBorne nails Viscera with a chop.

ReBorne whips Viscera into the ropes.

ReBorne hits Viscera with a kick.

ReBorne executes a diving headbutt on Viscera.

ReBorne is going for the pin.

James Beard counts: One, two, three.

The boos are resurfacing again.


"Time of match: 5 minutes, 11 seconds. Your winner is ReBorne."


LITA & KANE - 460lbs






They lock up.

Lita whips Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict into the ropes, but Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict

reverses it.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict misses with a kick.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict takes Lita down with a dropkick.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict works the crowd.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict is starting to get under the crowd's skin.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict hits Lita with a bodyslam.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict places Lita on the turnbuckle.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict executes a top-rope Frankensteiner on Lita.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict locks Lita in an armbar submission.

Lita is struggling to reach the ropes.

Lita reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict whips Lita into the turnbuckle.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict charges into the corner, but Lita moves out of the way.

Lita goes for the Ace Crusher, but Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict blocks it.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict nails Lita with the Swinging DDT.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict chops Lita.

Quite a few boos are audible.

Lita chops Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict.

The crowd is starting to get behind Lita.

Lita chops Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict.

Lita tags out to Kane.

Kane and Lita whip Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict into the ropes.

Kane and Lita hit Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict with a double clothesline.

Lita leaves the ring.

Kane hits a side suplex on Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict.

Kane runs into the ropes.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict hits Kane with a kick.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict executes a diving shoulderblock on Kane.

Kane sits up.

A small "Kane" chant is being started.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict tags out to Chyna.

Chyna and Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict whip Kane into the ropes.

They hit Kane with a double clothesline.

Chyna and Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict whip Kane into the ropes.

They hit Kane with a double clothesline.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict leaves the ring.

Chyna nails Kane with a low blow.

Chyna goes for a chokehold, but Kane counters it with a facerake.

Kane takes Chyna down with an elbowsmash.

Kane nails Chyna with a backbreaker.

The crowd is starting to get behind Kane.

Kane hits a flying clothesline on Chyna.

A small "Kane" chant is being started.

Kane is going for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.

Kane whips Chyna into the turnbuckle.

Kane runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Chyna moves out of the way.

Chyna nails Kane with a forearm smash.

Chyna hits a forearm smash on Kane.

Chyna goes for a forearm smash, but Kane blocks it.

Kane hits Chyna with a forearm to the back.

Kane goes for a backbreaker, but Chyna blocks it.

Chyna takes Kane down with a double-axhandle to the back.

Chyna nails Kane with an eye gouge.

Chyna hits Kane with a forearm smash.

Chyna uses a forearm smash on Kane.

Chyna tags out to Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict.

Lita enters the ring and throws Chyna out of the ring.

Kane and Lita whip Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict into the ropes.

They hit Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict with a double fist to the midsection.

Lita leaves the ring.

Kane executes a gutwrench suplex on Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict.

Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Kane catches Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict in a choke lift.

Tim White warns Kane to let go.

Tim White counts: One, two, three.

The crowd is cheering on Kane.

Kane is going for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Kane whips Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict into the ropes, but Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict

reverses it.

Kane hits Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict with a clothesline.

Kane executes a backbreaker on Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict.

Kane goes for a choke lift, but Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict counters it with

a kick to the midsection.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict tags out to Chyna.

Chyna and Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict whip Kane into the ropes.

They hit Kane with a double elbowsmash.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict leaves the ring.

Chyna goes for a forearm smash, but Kane blocks it.

Kane tags out to Lita.

Lita and Kane whip Chyna into the ropes.

They attempt to hit Chyna with a double backdrop, but she counters it with a

double headsmash.

Quite a few boos are audible.

Kane leaves the ring.

Chyna nails Lita with a hiptoss.

Chyna executes the Chyna Downstairs on Lita.

Chyna is starting to get under the crowd's skin.

Chyna goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Chyna whips Lita into the ropes, but Lita reverses it.

Chyna hits Lita with an elbow.

Chyna whips Lita into the ropes.

Lita hits Chyna with a shoulderblock.

Lita goes for a flying clothesline, but Chyna ducks out of the way.

Chyna hits Lita.

Chyna kicks Lita.

Chyna is starting to get under the crowd's skin.

Chyna hits Lita with a forearm smash.

Chyna takes Lita down with a forearm to the back.

Chyna kicks Lita.

Chyna punches Lita.

Chyna is starting to get under the crowd's skin.

Chyna throws Lita out of the ring.

Chyna goes through the ropes.

Chyna goes for a slap, but Lita blocks it.

Tim White counts: 1.

Kane comes over to make it two-on-one.

Kane hits a kick to the head on Chyna.

Lita hits a back suplex on Chyna.

Lita nails Chyna with a kneelift.

Tim White counts: 2.

Lita goes for a snap mare, but Chyna blocks it.

Tim White counts: 3.

Chyna whips Lita into the guardrail.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

The Kat comes from behind and distracts Lita.

Chyna whips Lita into the guardrail.

Chyna goes for a slap, but Lita reverses it.

Lita throws Chyna back into the ring.

Chyna whips Lita into the turnbuckle.

Chyna runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Lita moves out of the way.

Lita goes for a punch, but Chyna reverses it.

Chyna chops Lita.

Chyna is starting to get under the crowd's skin.

Chyna punches Lita.

Chyna is starting to get under the crowd's skin.

Chyna whips Lita into the ropes, but Lita reverses it.

Lita hits a spear on Chyna.

Lita uses a series of mounted punches on Chyna.

Lita nails Chyna with a back suplex.

Lita nails Chyna with a dropkick.

Lita executes a roll up on Chyna.

The Kat enters the ring and hits Lita with a chair.

Before The Kat connects, Lita moves out of the way.

The Kat hits Chyna.

Lita throws The Kat over the top rope.

Lita goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Lita whips Chyna into the ropes, but Chyna reverses it.

Chyna misses with a shoulderblock.

Lita hits Chyna with a shoulderblock.

Lita gives the sign for the Moonsault.

Lita goes for the Moonsault, but The Kat shoves her off the turnbuckle.

The crowd is cheering on Lita.

Tim White threatens Chyna with disqualification.

Chyna tags out to Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict and Chyna hit Lita with a double vertical suplex.

Chyna leaves the ring.

Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict goes for a punch, but Lita blocks it.

Lita hits Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict with a Frankensteiner from the top rope.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Lita takes Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict down with a dropkick.

Lita executes the Moonsault on Jerry Lynn, Sex Addict.

Tim White counts: One, two, three.

The crowd is cheering on Lita.


"Time of match: 9 minutes, 1 second, your winners are Lita and Kane."


SHAWN STASIAK - 6'4/242lbs - Oakville, Ontario, Canada




REY MYSTERIO JR - 5'6/165lbs - San Diego, CA


They lock up.

Shawn Stasiak uses a Hotshot on Rey Misterio Jr..

Quite a few boos are audible.

Shawn Stasiak hits Rey Misterio Jr. with an eye gouge.

Shawn Stasiak throws Rey Misterio Jr. out of the ring.

Shawn Stasiak goes through the ropes.

Shawn Stasiak hits Rey Misterio Jr. with an elbowsmash.

James Beard counts: 1.

Shawn Stasiak whips Rey Misterio Jr. into the guardrail.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

James Beard counts: 2.

Rey Misterio Jr. hits a dropkick on Shawn Stasiak.

Rey Misterio Jr. goes for the West Coast Pop, but Shawn Stasiak blocks it.

Rey Misterio Jr. whips Shawn Stasiak into the guardrail.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

James Beard counts: 3.

James Beard counts: 4.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

Rey Misterio Jr. uses a punch on Shawn Stasiak.

James Beard counts: 5.

James Beard counts: 6.

Rey Misterio Jr. goes for a forearm smash, but Shawn Stasiak blocks it.

Shawn Stasiak reenters the ring.

Rey Misterio Jr. follows him back in.

Shawn Stasiak executes a lariat on Rey Misterio Jr..

Shawn Stasiak whips Rey Misterio Jr. into the turnbuckle.

Shawn Stasiak hits a gutwrench suplex on Rey Misterio Jr..

James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.

Shawn Stasiak whips Rey Misterio Jr. into the ropes.

Rey Misterio Jr. hits Shawn Stasiak with a clothesline.

Rey Misterio Jr. uses a dropkick on Shawn Stasiak.

Rey Misterio Jr. is going for the pin.

James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.

Shawn Stasiak begs off.

Rey Misterio Jr. nails Shawn Stasiak with a ropeflip moonsault.

James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.

Rey Misterio Jr. hits Shawn Stasiak with a flying cross body press.

James Beard counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Rey Misterio Jr. nails Shawn Stasiak with a standing moonsault.

James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.

Rey Misterio Jr. executes a springboard legdrop on Shawn Stasiak.

Rey Misterio Jr. whips Shawn Stasiak into the ropes.

Rey Misterio Jr. uses a kick to the midsection on Shawn Stasiak.

Rey Misterio Jr. executes the West Coast Pop on Shawn Stasiak.

A small "Rey Misterio Jr." chant is being started.

Rey Misterio Jr. goes for the pin.

James Beard counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Rey Misterio Jr. hits Shawn Stasiak with a flying cross body press.

James Beard counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Rey Misterio Jr. hits a flying dropkick on Shawn Stasiak.

Rey Misterio Jr. works the crowd.

A small "Rey Misterio Jr." chant is being started.

Rey Misterio Jr. uses a roll up on Shawn Stasiak.

Shawn Stasiak begs off.

Rey Misterio Jr. whips Shawn Stasiak into the ropes.

Shawn Stasiak hits Rey Misterio Jr. with a kick.

Shawn Stasiak uses a punch on Rey Misterio Jr..

Shawn Stasiak locks Rey Misterio Jr. in a choke against the ropes.

James Beard warns Shawn Stasiak to let go.

James Beard counts: One, two, three.

James Beard counts: One, two, three.

Shawn Stasiak goes for a lariat, but Rey Misterio Jr. counters it with

an armbar submission.

Shawn Stasiak is struggling to reach the ropes.

Shawn Stasiak is valiantly trying to break the hold.

Shawn Stasiak reaches the ropes after being trapped for 11 seconds.

Rey Misterio Jr. chops Shawn Stasiak.

The crowd is starting to get behind Rey Misterio Jr..

Rey Misterio Jr. punches Shawn Stasiak.

The crowd is starting to get behind Rey Misterio Jr..

Shawn Stasiak chops Rey Misterio Jr..

The crowd is booing Shawn Stasiak.

Shawn Stasiak kicks Rey Misterio Jr..

A wave of boos is going through the crowd.

Rey Misterio Jr. kicks Shawn Stasiak.

The crowd is starting to get behind Rey Misterio Jr..

Rey Misterio Jr. goes for a springboard Thesz Press, but Shawn Stasiak

counters it with a powerslam.

James Beard counts: One, shoulder up.

A wave of boos is going through the crowd.

Shawn Stasiak hits Rey Misterio Jr. with a powerbomb.

James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.

Shawn Stasiak executes the Stasiak Driver on Rey Misterio Jr..

Shawn Stasiak goes for the pin.

James Beard counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Shawn Stasiak whips Rey Misterio Jr. into the ropes.

Shawn Stasiak hits Rey Misterio Jr. with a shoulderblock.

Shawn Stasiak takes Rey Misterio Jr. down with an elbowsmash.

Shawn Stasiak goes for a facerake, but Rey Misterio Jr. blocks it.

Rey Misterio Jr. whips Shawn Stasiak into the turnbuckle, but Shawn Stasiak

reverses it.

Rey Misterio Jr. comes back and rocks Shawn Stasiak with

a kick to the midsection.

Rey Misterio Jr. hits Shawn Stasiak with a dropkick to the knee.

Rey Misterio Jr. executes the West Coast Pop on Shawn Stasiak.

A small "Rey Misterio Jr." chant is being started.

Rey Misterio Jr. goes for the pin.

James Beard counts: One, two, three.

The crowd is starting to get behind Rey Misterio Jr..


"Time of match: 6 minutes, 3 seconds. Your winner is Rey Misterio Jr."









They lock up.

Ron Harris hits Glacier.

Glacier hits Ron Harris.

A portion of the crowd is booing Glacier.

Ron Harris hits Glacier.

Glacier punches Ron Harris.

A portion of the crowd is cheering Glacier.

Ron Harris chops Glacier.

Glacier punches Ron Harris.

Glacier acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.

Glacier punches Ron Harris.

Ron Harris hits Glacier.

The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Ron Harris.

Ron Harris chops Glacier.

Ron Harris is met with a mixture of cheers and boos.

Glacier hits Ron Harris.

Glacier is getting a pissed look amidst all the boos.

Ron Harris chops Glacier.

The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Ron Harris.

Glacier punches Ron Harris.

The cheers for Glacier are drowning out the boos.

Ron Harris punches Glacier.

Glacier punches Ron Harris.

The crowd seems to be rallying behind Glacier.

Ron Harris hits Glacier.

Ron Harris whips Glacier into the ropes.

Glacier takes Ron Harris down with a back heel kick.

Glacier punches Ron Harris.

The cheers for Glacier are drowning out the boos.

Glacier kicks Ron Harris.

The crowd seems to be rallying behind Glacier.

Glacier kicks Ron Harris.

Glacier doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.

Glacier hits a leg lariat on Ron Harris.

Glacier is going for the pin.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.

Glacier hits a forearm to the back on Ron Harris.

Ron Harris uses a reverse neckbreaker on Glacier.

A portion of the crowd is cheering Ron Harris.

Ron Harris throws Glacier out of the ring.

Ron Harris goes through the ropes.

A portion of the crowd is cheering Ron Harris.

Don Harris comes over to make it two-on-one.

Alex Wright comes over and lays out Don Harris.

Alex Wright takes Ron Harris down with a spinning leg lariat.

Glacier goes for an enzuigiri, but Ron Harris ducks out of the way.

Alex Wright comes over and lays out Don Harris.

A portion of the crowd is booing Alex Wright.

Glacier hits Ron Harris with a flying bulldog.

Danny Davis counts: 1.

Baron Von Raschke comes from behind, but Glacier nails Baron Von Raschke.

Ron Harris reenters the ring.

Glacier follows him back in.

Ron Harris tags out to Don Harris.

Don Harris and Ron Harris whip Glacier into the ropes.

They hit Glacier with a double backdrop.

Ron Harris leaves the ring.

Don Harris whips Glacier into the ropes, but Glacier reverses it.

Glacier hits Don Harris with a kick.

Glacier hits leg scissors on Don Harris.

Alex Wright enters the ring to make it two-on-one.

Alex Wright goes for a back suplex, but Don Harris blocks it.

Alex Wright rolls out of the ring.

Don Harris hits Glacier with a kneebreaker.

A portion of the crowd is booing Don Harris.

Glacier begs off.

Ron Harris enters the ring to make it two-on-one.

Don Harris and Ron Harris whip Glacier into the ropes.

They hit Glacier with a double backdrop.

Alex Wright enters the ring, but gets cut off.

Don Harris and Ron Harris whip Glacier into the ropes.

They hit Glacier with a double backdrop.

Ron Harris leaves the ring.

Don Harris nails Glacier with a spinebuster slam.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Don Harris runs into the ropes.

Glacier hits Don Harris with a clothesline.

Don Harris falls out of the ring.

Glacier goes for a plancha, but Don Harris moves out of the way.

Glacier is out cold.

A portion of the crowd is booing Don Harris.

Danny Davis counts: 1.

Don Harris reenters the ring.

Glacier follows him back in.

Don Harris punches Glacier.

A portion of the crowd is cheering Don Harris.

Glacier kicks Don Harris.

All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.

Glacier hits Don Harris.

Glacier chops Don Harris.

Glacier runs into the ropes.

Don Harris hits Glacier with a facerake.

Don Harris executes the Big Boot on Glacier.

A portion of the crowd is booing Don Harris.

Don Harris goes for the pin.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Don Harris whips Glacier into the ropes, but Glacier reverses it.

Don Harris hits Glacier with an elbow.

Ron Harris enters the ring to make it two-on-one.

Don Harris and Ron Harris hit Glacier with a double bodyslam.

Ron Harris leaves the ring.

Don Harris runs into the ropes.

Don Harris executes a flying clothesline on Glacier.

A portion of the crowd is booing Don Harris.

Don Harris uses a kneedrop on Glacier.

Don Harris is going for the pin.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Don Harris catches Glacier in a camel clutch.

Glacier reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.

Don Harris throws Glacier out of the ring.

Danny Davis counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Glacier reenters the ring.

Don Harris whips Glacier into the ropes.

Don Harris takes Glacier down with a backbreaker.

Glacier takes the chain and uses it on him.

He goes for the pin.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Glacier goes for a European uppercut, but Don Harris blocks it.

Don Harris punches Glacier.

A portion of the crowd is booing Don Harris.

Don Harris chops Glacier.

Don Harris is starting to get more cheers than boos.

Glacier hits Don Harris.

All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.

Glacier hits Don Harris.

All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.

Glacier goes for a kick to the head, but Don Harris blocks it.

Ron Harris enters the ring to make it two-on-one.

Don Harris and Ron Harris whip Glacier into the ropes.

They hit Glacier with a double fist to the midsection.

Ron Harris leaves the ring.

Don Harris runs into the ropes.

Don Harris uses a flying clothesline on Glacier.

Don Harris hits Glacier with a chop.

Don Harris hits Glacier with a backbreaker.

Don Harris acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.

Don Harris nails Glacier with a snap mare.

Ron Harris enters the ring to make it two-on-one.

Don Harris and Ron Harris hit Glacier with a double forearm smash.

Alex Wright enters the ring and throws Ron Harris out of the ring.

Alex Wright is starting to get more cheers than boos.

Glacier and Alex Wright whip Don Harris into the ropes.

Glacier and Alex Wright hit Don Harris with a double back heel kick.

Alex Wright leaves the ring.

Don Harris executes a reverse neckbreaker on Glacier.

Don Harris is starting to get more cheers than boos.

Don Harris goes for a side suplex, but Glacier blocks it.

Glacier whips Don Harris into the turnbuckle.

Glacier punches Don Harris.

Glacier kicks Don Harris.

The crowd is wildly cheering Glacier with only a few scattered boos audible.

Glacier throws Don Harris out of the ring.

Glacier goes through the ropes.

Baron Von Raschke comes from behind, but Glacier nails Baron Von Raschke.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

Danny Davis counts: 1.

Glacier takes Don Harris down with a jumping DDT.

Glacier takes Don Harris down with a kick to the midsection.

Danny Davis counts: 2.

Glacier reenters the ring.

Don Harris follows him back in.

Glacier nails Don Harris with a neck snap.

The boos are resurfacing again.

Glacier runs into the ropes.

Glacier misses with a shoulderblock.

Don Harris misses with a shoulderblock.

Glacier misses with a clothesline.

Glacier hits Don Harris with a shoulderblock.

Glacier executes a spin kick on Don Harris.

The boos are resurfacing again.

Glacier executes a kick to the head on Don Harris.

All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.

Glacier executes the Oriental Spike on Don Harris.

Don Harris is inching his way towards the ropes.

Don Harris reaches the ropes after being trapped for 14 seconds.

Glacier hits Don Harris with a kick to the midsection.

Glacier runs into the ropes.

Glacier hits Don Harris with a shoulderblock.

Glacier is going for the pin.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Glacier hits a side suplex on Don Harris.

Glacier goes for a European uppercut, but Don Harris blocks it.

Glacier begs off.

Ron Harris enters the ring.

Don Harris and Ron Harris hit Glacier with the Bad Touch.

Don Harris goes for the pin.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Don Harris tags out to Ron Harris.

Ron Harris and Don Harris whip Glacier into the ropes.

They hit Glacier with a double clothesline.

Alex Wright enters the ring and throws Don Harris out of the ring.

Alex Wright acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.

Alex Wright takes Ron Harris down with a bulldog.

Glacier hits Ron Harris with a jumping elbow thrust.

All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.

Alex Wright leaves the ring.

Glacier whips Ron Harris into the ropes.

Ron Harris goes for a flying clothesline, but Glacier counters it with

a Yakuza kick.

Glacier throws Ron Harris out of the ring.

Danny Davis counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Ron Harris reenters the ring.

Glacier hits a thrust kick to the head on Ron Harris.

The crowd is wildly cheering Glacier with only a few scattered boos audible.

Glacier whips Ron Harris into the ropes.

Glacier executes a double-axhandle chop on Ron Harris.

Glacier executes a legsweep on Ron Harris.

Glacier hits a jumping DDT on Ron Harris.

Glacier executes a leg lariat on Ron Harris.

Alex Wright enters the ring to make it two-on-one.

Glacier and Alex Wright whip Ron Harris into the ropes.

They attempt to hit Ron Harris with a double fist to the midsection, but he

counters it with a double clothesline.

Alex Wright leaves the ring.

Ron Harris takes Glacier down with a kneebreaker.

Ron Harris executes the Big Boot on Glacier.

Ron Harris is starting to get more cheers than boos.

Ron Harris goes for the pin.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, three.

Ron Harris is starting to get more cheers than boos.


"Time of match: 10 minutes, 57 seconds, your winners are Sexual Harris-ment."


JAKE 'THE SNAKE' ROBERTS - 6'4/276lbs - Stone Mountain, GA




SCOTT HALL - 6'7/275lbs - Miami, FL


They lock up.

Jake Roberts takes Scott Hall down with a gutbuster.

Quite a few boos are audible.

Jake Roberts takes Scott Hall down with a bodyslam.

Jake Roberts catches Scott Hall in a chokehold.

Tim White warns Jake Roberts to let go.

Tim White counts: One, two, three.

Jake Roberts hits Scott Hall with a slap.

Jake Roberts runs into the ropes.

Scott Hall hits Jake Roberts with a backdrop.

Scott Hall whips Jake Roberts into the ropes.

Scott Hall misses with an elbow.

Scott Hall misses with a clothesline.

Scott Hall hits Jake Roberts with a backdrop.

Scott Hall goes for an armbar submission, but Jake Roberts blocks it.

Scott Hall begs off.

Jake Roberts goes for a ropeburn, but Scott Hall blocks it.

Scott Hall goes for an armbar submission, but Jake Roberts blocks it.

Jake Roberts throws Scott Hall out of the ring.

Jake Roberts goes through the ropes.

Jake Roberts goes for the DDT, but Scott Hall counters it with a backdrop.

Scott Hall whips Jake Roberts into the guardrail.

Scott Hall nails Jake Roberts with a kneelift.

Tim White counts: 1.

Scott Hall reenters the ring.

Jake Roberts follows him back in.

Scott Hall goes for an abdominal stretch, but Jake Roberts counters it with

a facerake.

Jake Roberts throws Scott Hall out of the ring.

Jake Roberts goes through the ropes.

Tim White counts: 1.

Jake Roberts knocks Scott Hall into the ringsteps.

The crowd is booing Jake Roberts.

Jake Roberts uses a snap mare on Scott Hall.

Tim White counts: 2.

Jake Roberts nails Scott Hall with a kneedrop.

Jake Roberts stares at the crowd.

A wave of boos is going through the crowd.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

Tim White counts: 3.

Scott Hall uses a powerslam on Jake Roberts.

Tim White counts: 4.

Scott Hall gives the nWo sign.

A small "Scott Hall" chant is being started.

Scott Hall nails Jake Roberts with a kneelift.

Scott Hall nails Jake Roberts with an elbowsmash.

Scott Hall whips Jake Roberts into the guardrail.

Tim White counts: 5.

Scott Hall knocks Jake Roberts into the ringpost.

The crowd is starting to get behind Scott Hall.

Tim White counts: 6.

Scott Hall hits Jake Roberts with a back suplex.

Tim White counts: 7.

Scott Hall gives the nWo sign.

A small "Scott Hall" chant is being started.

Tim White counts: 8.

Scott Hall reenters the ring.

Jake Roberts follows him back in.

Scott Hall takes Jake Roberts down with a punch.

Scott Hall executes the Outsider Edge on Jake Roberts.

Scott Hall goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Scott Hall executes the Outsider Edge on Jake Roberts.

Scott Hall goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, three.

A small "Scott Hall" chant is being started.


The winner is Scott Hall. Time of match: 0:04:39

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They lock up.

Sabu the Beheader whips Jim Duggan into the ropes.

Sabu the Beheader misses with a clothesline.

Sabu the Beheader takes Jim Duggan down with a bodyslam.

Sabu the Beheader leaves the ring.

He returns with a chair.

Sabu the Beheader takes the chair.

Sabu the Beheader hits a ropeflip moonsault with the chair on Jim Duggan.

Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.

Sabu the Beheader throws Jim Duggan out of the ring.

Sabu the Beheader goes through the ropes.

Sabu the Beheader hits Jim Duggan with a low blow.

Bestia Salvaje comes over to make it two-on-one.

Bestia Salvaje goes for a kick to the head, but Jim Duggan blocks it.

Johnny Grunge takes Bestia Salvaje down with a back suplex.

Johnny Grunge nails Bestia Salvaje with a forearm to the back.

Tim White counts: 1.

Johnny Grunge hits Bestia Salvaje with a roundhouse right.

Johnny Grunge throws Bestia Salvaje back into the ring.

Johnny Grunge uses a roundhouse right on Bestia Salvaje.

Tim White removes the chair from the ring.

Johnny Grunge throws Bestia Salvaje out of the ring.

Tim White counts: one, two, three, four, Bestia Salvaje reenters the ring.

Johnny Grunge punches Bestia Salvaje.

The crowd is starting to get behind Johnny Grunge.

Johnny Grunge kicks Bestia Salvaje.

Johnny Grunge is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

Bestia Salvaje chops Johnny Grunge.

Bestia Salvaje is starting to get under the crowd's skin.

Bestia Salvaje hits Johnny Grunge.

Bestia Salvaje whips Johnny Grunge into the ropes, but Johnny Grunge

reverses it.

Johnny Grunge executes a kick to the midsection on Bestia Salvaje.

Bestia Salvaje hits a chop on Johnny Grunge.

Bestia Salvaje nails Johnny Grunge with a facerake.

Bestia Salvaje tags out to Sabu the Beheader.

Jim Duggan enters the ring and lays out Bestia Salvaje.

The crowd is cheering on Jim Duggan.

Jim Duggan leaves the ring.

Johnny Grunge throws Sabu the Beheader out of the ring.

Johnny Grunge goes through the ropes.

Johnny Grunge uses a lariat on Sabu the Beheader.

Tim White counts: 1.

Johnny Grunge whips Sabu the Beheader into the guardrail.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

Johnny Grunge whips Sabu the Beheader into the guardrail.

Tim White counts: 2.

Johnny Grunge sets up a table.

Johnny Grunge sets up Sabu the Beheader on the table.

Johnny Grunge executes a legdrop through the table.

The table didn't break.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

Tim White counts: 3.

Johnny Grunge waves his hands in the air.

Johnny Grunge is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

Johnny Grunge executes a bodyslam on Sabu the Beheader.

Jim Duggan comes over to make it two-on-one.

Bestia Salvaje comes over and lays out Jim Duggan.

Bestia Salvaje is starting to get under the crowd's skin.

Bestia Salvaje uses a kick to the head on Johnny Grunge.

Sabu the Beheader goes for a flying lariat, but Johnny Grunge

ducks out of the way.

Iron Sheik comes from behind and distracts Johnny Grunge.

Sabu the Beheader is handed a barbed wire-covered brick.

Sabu the Beheader hits him with the barbed wire-covered brick.

Quite a few boos are audible.

Sabu the Beheader hits him with a barbed wire-covered brick.

Sabu the Beheader throws Johnny Grunge back into the ring.

Sabu the Beheader executes a vertical suplex on Johnny Grunge.

Sabu the Beheader locks Johnny Grunge in an armbar submission.

Johnny Grunge reaches the ropes after being trapped for 15 seconds.

Sabu the Beheader chops Johnny Grunge.

Sabu the Beheader hits Johnny Grunge.

A fan at ringside badmouths Sabu the Beheader.

Sabu the Beheader goes for an armbar submission, but Johnny Grunge blocks it.

Johnny Grunge executes the Spinebuster Slam on Sabu the Beheader.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Johnny Grunge goes for a bodyslam, but Sabu the Beheader counters it with

a facerake.

Sabu the Beheader goes for a flying clothesline, but Johnny Grunge

ducks out of the way.

Animal enters the ring to make it two-on-one.

Johnny Grunge and Animal whip Sabu the Beheader into the ropes.

Johnny Grunge and Animal hit Sabu the Beheader with a double chop.

Animal leaves the ring.

Johnny Grunge whips Sabu the Beheader into the ropes, but Sabu the Beheader

reverses it.

Johnny Grunge executes a lariat on Sabu the Beheader.

Johnny Grunge goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Sabu the Beheader

counters it with a side suplex.

Sabu the Beheader points to the ceiling.

Sabu the Beheader is eliciting a sizable round of boos.

Sabu the Beheader executes the Triple Jump Moonsault on Johnny Grunge.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Sabu the Beheader executes a legdrop on Johnny Grunge.

Sabu the Beheader goes for a dropkick to the knee, but Johnny Grunge

side-steps and Sabu the Beheader only hits air.

Johnny Grunge hits a DDT on Sabu the Beheader.

Johnny Grunge is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

Johnny Grunge is going for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Johnny Grunge throws Sabu the Beheader out of the ring.

Johnny Grunge goes through the ropes.

Tim White counts: 1.

Johnny Grunge knocks Sabu the Beheader into the ringpost.

Johnny Grunge is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

Johnny Grunge is handed a baseball bat.

Johnny Grunge hits him with the baseball bat.

Johnny Grunge is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

Johnny Grunge executes a bodyslam on Sabu the Beheader.

Tim White counts: 2.

Johnny Grunge knocks Sabu the Beheader into the ringsteps.

Johnny Grunge chokes him with a baseball bat.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

Tim White counts: 3.

Johnny Grunge sets up Sabu the Beheader on the table.

Johnny Grunge executes a legdrop through the table.

The table didn't break.

Johnny Grunge whips Sabu the Beheader into the guardrail.

Johnny Grunge hits Sabu the Beheader with a kick to the midsection.

Tim White counts: 4.

Johnny Grunge is handed a trash can lid.

Johnny Grunge takes a swing at Sabu the Beheader with the trash can lid, but he

gets out of the way.

Sabu the Beheader snatches the trash can lid from him.

Sabu the Beheader hits him with the trash can lid.

Sabu the Beheader sets up Johnny Grunge on the table.

Sabu the Beheader executes a back suplex through the table.

The table didn't break.

Sabu the Beheader is eliciting a sizable round of boos.

Sabu the Beheader reenters the ring.

Johnny Grunge follows him back in.

Johnny Grunge brings the table into the ring.

Johnny Grunge uses a facebite on Sabu the Beheader.

Johnny Grunge executes a forearm to the back on Sabu the Beheader.

Johnny Grunge tags out to Animal.

Animal and Johnny Grunge whip Sabu the Beheader into the ropes.

They hit Sabu the Beheader with a double clothesline.

Johnny Grunge leaves the ring.

Animal takes Sabu the Beheader down with a dropkick.

A small "Animal" chant is being started.

Animal uses a Gorilla Press on Sabu the Beheader.

Animal is going for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Iron Sheik enters the ring and hits Animal with the cane.

Before Iron Sheik connects, Animal moves out of the way.

Iron Sheik hits Sabu the Beheader.

Animal throws Iron Sheik over the top rope.

Animal goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Animal hits a bodyslam on Sabu the Beheader.

Animal executes a vertical suplex on Sabu the Beheader.

Animal tags out to Johnny Grunge.

Johnny Grunge and Animal whip Sabu the Beheader into the ropes.

They hit Sabu the Beheader with a double backdrop.

Animal hits a clothesline on Sabu the Beheader.

Johnny Grunge takes Sabu the Beheader down with a back suplex.

Animal leaves the ring.

Johnny Grunge whips Sabu the Beheader into the ropes.

Johnny Grunge misses with a shoulderblock.

Sabu the Beheader misses with a clothesline.

Sabu the Beheader hits a flying clothesline on Johnny Grunge.

Sabu the Beheader is being booed like there is no tomorrow.

Sabu the Beheader nails Johnny Grunge with a back suplex.

Sabu the Beheader sets up Johnny Grunge on the table.

Sabu the Beheader executes a back suplex through the table.

The table didn't break.

Sabu the Beheader throws Johnny Grunge out of the ring.

Tim White counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Johnny Grunge reenters the ring.

Sabu the Beheader executes an Asai leg lariat on Johnny Grunge.

Sabu the Beheader whips Johnny Grunge into the turnbuckle.

Johnny Grunge comes back, but is met with a clothesline.

Sabu the Beheader hits an Asai leg lariat on Johnny Grunge.

Sabu the Beheader hits Johnny Grunge with a springboard legdrop.

Sabu the Beheader leaves the ring.

He returns with the thumbtacks.

Bestia Salvaje enters the ring to make it two-on-one.

Bestia Salvaje goes for a kick to the head, but Johnny Grunge

ducks out of the way.

Bestia Salvaje leaves the ring.

Johnny Grunge takes Sabu the Beheader down with a headbutt.

Johnny Grunge sets up Sabu the Beheader on the table.

Johnny Grunge tries to drive Sabu the Beheader through the table with

a back suplex, but he blocks it.

Sabu the Beheader whips Johnny Grunge into the turnbuckle.

Sabu the Beheader runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Johnny Grunge

moves out of the way.

Johnny Grunge executes the Spinebuster Slam on Sabu the Beheader.

Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Johnny Grunge nails Sabu the Beheader with a facerake.

Johnny Grunge sets up Sabu the Beheader on the table.

Johnny Grunge executes a back suplex through the table.

The table didn't break.

Johnny Grunge has the crowd going wild.

Johnny Grunge goes for a snap suplex, but Sabu the Beheader counters it with

a small package.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Sabu the Beheader hits him with the thumbtacks.

Tim White throws the thumbtacks out of the ring.

Sabu the Beheader executes the Triple Jump Moonsault on Johnny Grunge.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Bestia Salvaje enters the ring to make it two-on-one.

Bestia Salvaje goes for a spinebuster slam, but Johnny Grunge counters it with

a kneelift.

Bestia Salvaje rolls out of the ring.

Johnny Grunge whips Sabu the Beheader into the ropes, but Sabu the Beheader

reverses it.

Johnny Grunge hits Sabu the Beheader with a clothesline.

Sabu the Beheader falls out of the ring.

Tim White counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Sabu the Beheader reenters the ring.

Johnny Grunge nails Sabu the Beheader with a snap suplex.

Johnny Grunge waves his hands in the air.

Johnny Grunge has the crowd going wild.

Johnny Grunge catches Sabu the Beheader in a chokehold.

Tim White warns Johnny Grunge to let go.

Tim White counts: One, two, three, four.

Johnny Grunge sets up Sabu the Beheader on the table.

Johnny Grunge tries to drive Sabu the Beheader through the table with

a back suplex, but he blocks it.

Sabu the Beheader takes Johnny Grunge down with a kick to the head.

Sabu the Beheader whips Johnny Grunge into the ropes.

Sabu the Beheader misses with a clothesline.

Johnny Grunge hits Sabu the Beheader with a clothesline.

Johnny Grunge takes Sabu the Beheader down with a punch.

Johnny Grunge tags out to Jim Duggan.

Jim Duggan and Johnny Grunge whip Sabu the Beheader into the ropes.

They hit Sabu the Beheader with a double elbowsmash.

Sadam enters the ring and lays out Johnny Grunge.

Sabu the Beheader and Sadam whip Jim Duggan into the ropes.

They hit Jim Duggan with a double backdrop.

Sadam leaves the ring.

Sabu the Beheader hits a piledriver on Jim Duggan.

Sabu the Beheader executes the Triple Jump Moonsault on Jim Duggan.

Tim White counts: One, two, three.

Numerous fans are using Sabu the Beheader for target practice.


"Time of match: 11 minutes, 19 seconds. Your winners are The Axis of Evil."



X-PAC - 5'10/187lbs - Minneapolis, MN




'THE TOTAL PACKAGE' LEX LUGER - 6'04/273lbs - Chicago, IL



They lock up.

Lex Luger goes for a bodyslam, but X-Pac counters it with a small package.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.

X-Pac complains about a slow count.

X-Pac goes for a dropkick, but Lex Luger side-steps and X-Pac only hits air.

A wave of boos is going through the crowd.

Lex Luger gives the nWo Wolfpack sign.

A wave of boos is going through the crowd.

Lex Luger uses a knee to the back on X-Pac.

Lex Luger is going for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.

Lex Luger whips X-Pac into the ropes.

Lex Luger hits X-Pac with an elbow.

Lex Luger gives the nWo Wolfpack sign.

The crowd is booing Lex Luger.

Lex Luger runs into the ropes.

Lex Luger hits X-Pac with a shoulderblock.

Lex Luger hits X-Pac with a powerslam.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.

Lex Luger nails X-Pac with a kick to the midsection.

Lex Luger goes for a powerslam, but X-Pac counters it with a lariat.

X-Pac executes a spinwheel kick on Lex Luger.

X-Pac runs into the ropes.

X-Pac hits Lex Luger with a shoulderblock.

X-Pac nails Lex Luger with a spinwheel kick.

X-Pac executes a legdrop on Lex Luger.

X-Pac uses a flying bodypress on Lex Luger.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.

X-Pac does a crotch chop and yells "SUCK IT!".

A small "X-Pac" chant is being started.

X-Pac hits Lex Luger with a spin kick.

The crowd is starting to get behind X-Pac.

X-Pac whips Lex Luger into the ropes.

Lex Luger hits X-Pac with a shoulderblock.

Lex Luger nails X-Pac with a back suplex.

Lex Luger is going for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Lex Luger executes a clothesline on X-Pac.

Lex Luger is going for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.

Lex Luger goes for a vertical suplex, but X-Pac counters it with a small package.

Earl Hebner counts: One, kickout.

X-Pac kicks Lex Luger.

The crowd is starting to get behind X-Pac.

X-Pac kicks Lex Luger.

The crowd is starting to get behind X-Pac.

X-Pac punches Lex Luger.

A small "X-Pac" chant is being started.

Lex Luger hits X-Pac.

A wave of boos is going through the crowd.

X-Pac chops Lex Luger.

X-Pac chops Lex Luger.

X-Pac is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

X-Pac hits a forearm to the back on Lex Luger.

X-Pac runs into the ropes.

Lex Luger hits X-Pac with a kick.

Lex Luger gives the nWo Wolfpack sign.

The crowd is booing Lex Luger.

Lex Luger hits X-Pac with a kick to the midsection.

Lex Luger uses a kick to the midsection on X-Pac.

Lex Luger whips X-Pac into the ropes.

Lex Luger hits X-Pac with a clothesline.

Lex Luger hits a kick to the midsection on X-Pac.

Lex Luger goes for a side suplex, but X-Pac blocks it.

X-Pac executes a dropkick on Lex Luger.

X-Pac goes for a punch, but Lex Luger blocks it.

Lex Luger whips X-Pac into the turnbuckle.

Lex Luger charges into the corner.

Lex Luger goes for a powerslam, but X-Pac counters it with a high cross body.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

X-Pac hits Lex Luger with a forearm to the back.

Lex Luger whips X-Pac into the ropes, but X-Pac reverses it.

Lex Luger goes for the Running Forearm Smash, but X-Pac counters it with

a crucifix.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, in the ropes...

X-Pac goes for a Northern Lights suplex, but Lex Luger blocks it.

Lex Luger whips X-Pac into the ropes, but X-Pac reverses it.

Lex Luger uses a clothesline on X-Pac.

Lex Luger goes for a punch, but X-Pac blocks it.

X-Pac hits a forearm smash on Lex Luger.

X-Pac executes a dropkick on Lex Luger.

X-Pac whips Lex Luger into the ropes, but Lex Luger reverses it.

X-Pac misses with a kick.

Lex Luger uses a kick to the midsection on X-Pac.

Lex Luger goes for a back suplex, but X-Pac flips over.

X-Pac goes for a spinning heel kick, but Lex Luger blocks it.

Lex Luger uses a back suplex on X-Pac.

Lex Luger hits a powerslam on X-Pac.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Lex Luger executes the Torture Rack on X-Pac.

X-Pac breaks the hold after 11 seconds.

X-Pac executes a series of kicks to the head on Lex Luger.

The crowd is really behind X-Pac.

X-Pac executes a forearm to the back on Lex Luger.

X-Pac takes Lex Luger down with a slap.

X-Pac goes for a flying dropkick, but Lex Luger ducks out of the way.

Lex Luger hits a punch on X-Pac.

Lex Luger uses a forearm smash on X-Pac.

Lex Luger throws X-Pac out of the ring.

Lex Luger goes through the ropes.

Earl Hebner counts: 1.

Lex Luger hits a hiptoss on X-Pac.

Earl Hebner counts: 2.

Lex Luger hits X-Pac with a back suplex.

Earl Hebner counts: 3.

Lex Luger reenters the ring.

X-Pac follows him back in.

Lex Luger goes for a punch, but X-Pac blocks it.

X-Pac hits a slap on Lex Luger.

X-Pac hits a flying dropkick on Lex Luger.

X-Pac executes the X-Factor on Lex Luger.

X-Pac goes for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

X-Pac goes for a punch, but Lex Luger blocks it.

Lex Luger hits an inverted atomic drop on X-Pac.

Lex Luger goes for a back suplex, but X-Pac flips over.

X-Pac nails Lex Luger with a spin kick.

X-Pac goes for a spinwheel kick, but Lex Luger ducks out of the way.

X-Pac does the Bronco Buster.

He goes for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

X-Pac hits Lex Luger with a spinning heel kick.

X-Pac executes a kick to the thigh on Lex Luger.

X-Pac nails Lex Luger with a dropkick.

X-Pac whips Lex Luger into the turnbuckle, but Lex Luger reverses it.

Lex Luger runs shoulder-first into the corner.

Lex Luger chops X-Pac.

Security guards are restraining some fans from hitting the ring.

Lex Luger punches X-Pac.

Lex Luger hits X-Pac.

The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

X-Pac chops Lex Luger.

X-Pac has the crowd going wild.

X-Pac punches Lex Luger.

The crowd is going crazy.

X-Pac hits Lex Luger.

The crowd is going crazy.

Lex Luger punches X-Pac.

X-Pac hits Lex Luger.

Lex Luger kicks X-Pac.

Lex Luger uses a hiptoss on X-Pac.

Lex Luger executes a powerslam on X-Pac.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Lex Luger executes the Torture Rack on X-Pac.

X-Pac is valiantly trying to break the hold.

X-Pac is writhing in pain.

Earl Hebner tells X-Pac to respond or he'll stop the fight.

X-Pac nods.

Earl Hebner asks X-Pac if he's still there.

X-Pac nods.

X-Pac breaks the hold after 30 seconds.

X-Pac goes for a hiptoss, but Lex Luger counters it with a lariat.

Lex Luger is going for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Lex Luger gives the nWo Wolfpack sign.

Lex Luger is being booed out of the building.

Lex Luger goes for a backdrop, but X-Pac blocks it.

X-Pac runs into the ropes.

X-Pac goes for a spinning heel kick, but Lex Luger blocks it.

Lex Luger hits X-Pac with an inverted atomic drop.

Lex Luger nails X-Pac with a hiptoss.

Lex Luger hits an inverted atomic drop on X-Pac.

The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

Lex Luger runs into the ropes.

Lex Luger hits X-Pac with a kick.

Lex Luger whips X-Pac into the ropes, but X-Pac reverses it.

Lex Luger hits the Running Forearm Smash on X-Pac.

Lex Luger executes the Torture Rack on X-Pac.

X-Pac reaches the ropes after being trapped for 8 seconds.

Lex Luger goes for a back suplex, but X-Pac blocks it.

X-Pac executes the X-Factor on Lex Luger.

X-Pac goes for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

X-Pac takes Lex Luger down with a dropkick.

X-Pac whips Lex Luger into the turnbuckle.

X-Pac runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Lex Luger moves out of the way.

Lex Luger goes for a vertical suplex, but X-Pac reverses it.

X-Pac uses a spinwheel kick on Lex Luger.

X-Pac is going for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, in the ropes...

X-Pac executes a slap on Lex Luger.

X-Pac hits a legdrop on Lex Luger.

X-Pac goes for a slap, but Lex Luger blocks it.

Lex Luger uses a forearm smash on X-Pac.

Lex Luger chops X-Pac.

Lex Luger is being booed out of the building.

Lex Luger punches X-Pac.

The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

X-Pac chops Lex Luger.

The crowd is going crazy.

X-Pac punches Lex Luger.

X-Pac has the crowd going wild.

X-Pac takes Lex Luger down with a bodyslam.

X-Pac throws Lex Luger out of the ring.

Earl Hebner counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Lex Luger reenters the ring.

X-Pac hits a spinning heel kick on Lex Luger.

X-Pac hits Lex Luger with a Northern Lights suplex.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, in the ropes...

X-Pac hits Lex Luger with a flying dropkick.

X-Pac has the crowd going wild.

X-Pac hits Lex Luger with a flying bodypress.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

X-Pac throws Lex Luger out of the ring.

Earl Hebner counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Lex Luger reenters the ring.

X-Pac chops Lex Luger.

The crowd is going crazy.

X-Pac hits Lex Luger.

X-Pac hits Lex Luger.

Triple H enters the ring with the Western Hemisphere title belt and hits X-Pac, but before he connects, X-Pac moves out the way and hits Lex Luger. X-Pac throws Triple H over the top rope.

X-Pac executes the X-Factor on Lex Luger.

X-Pac goes for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.

The crowd is going into a frenzy.


"Time of match: 15 minutes, 10 seconds. Your winner, and new WWW Western Hemisphere champion, X-Pac!"









They lock up.

Silver King begs off.

Emilio Charles Jr. hits a Frankensteiner on Silver King.

Earl Hebner counts: One, kickout.

Emilio Charles Jr. executes a short clothesline on Silver King.

Emilio Charles Jr. locks Silver King in a Canadian backbreaker.

Silver King is struggling to reach the ropes.

Silver King reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.

Silver King begs off.

Emilio Charles Jr. goes for a side suplex, but Silver King blocks it.

Silver King nails Emilio Charles Jr. with a forearm to the back.

Silver King whips Emilio Charles Jr. into the ropes.

Emilio Charles Jr. hits Silver King with a kick.

Silver King begs off.

Emilio Charles Jr. uses a punch on Silver King.

Emilio Charles Jr. executes a flying dropkick on Silver King.

Silver King begs off.

Emilio Charles Jr. tags out to Scorpio Jr..

Scorpio Jr. hits a vertical suplex on Silver King.

Scorpio Jr. punches Silver King.

A portion of the crowd is booing Scorpio Jr..

Scorpio Jr. kicks Silver King.

Silver King hits Scorpio Jr..

A portion of the crowd is cheering Silver King.

Scorpio Jr. hits Silver King.

Scorpio Jr. uses an eye gouge on Silver King.

Scorpio Jr. executes an eye gouge on Silver King.

Scorpio Jr. hits a fist to the midsection on Silver King.

Scorpio Jr. nails Silver King with an elbowsmash.

Silver King begs off.

Scorpio Jr. uses a backbreaker on Silver King.

Scorpio Jr. slaps his chest and yells at the crowd.

Scorpio Jr. is starting to get more cheers than boos.

Scorpio Jr. throws Silver King out of the ring.

Scorpio Jr. goes through the ropes.

Emilio Charles Jr. comes over to make it two-on-one.

El Dandy comes over and lays out Emilio Charles Jr..

El Dandy goes for a clothesline, but Scorpio Jr. counters it with a Gorilla Press.

Earl Hebner counts: 1.

Scorpio Jr. whips Silver King into the guardrail.

Earl Hebner counts: 2.

Iron Sheik comes from behind, but Silver King nails Iron Sheik.

Scorpio Jr. whips Silver King into the guardrail.

Scorpio Jr. knocks Silver King into the ringsteps.

Earl Hebner counts: 3.

Scorpio Jr. goes for a stomp, but Silver King rolls out of the way.

Earl Hebner counts: 4.

Silver King whips Scorpio Jr. into the guardrail.

Silver King takes Scorpio Jr. down with a spinning backbreaker.

Iron Sheik comes from behind, but Silver King nails Iron Sheik.

Scorpio Jr. whips Silver King into the guardrail.

Scorpio Jr. goes for a facebite, but Silver King blocks it.

Earl Hebner counts: 5.

Earl Hebner counts: 6.

Silver King knocks Scorpio Jr. into the ringpost.

Silver King whips Scorpio Jr. into the guardrail.

Earl Hebner counts: 7.

Earl Hebner counts: 8.

Silver King whips Scorpio Jr. into the guardrail.

Silver King goes for a slap, but Scorpio Jr. blocks it.

Earl Hebner counts: 9.

Emilio Charles Jr. comes over to make it two-on-one.

El Dandy comes over and lays out Emilio Charles Jr..

A portion of the crowd is cheering El Dandy.

Silver King and El Dandy hit Scorpio Jr. with a double powerbomb.

Earl Hebner counts: 10.

Silver King whips Scorpio Jr. into the guardrail.

Silver King goes for a snap suplex, but Scorpio Jr. counters it with

a vertical suplex.

Scorpio Jr. sets up a table.

Scorpio Jr. goes for a back suplex, but Silver King

turns in mid-air and lands on him.

Silver King takes Scorpio Jr. down with a hiptoss.

Silver King whips Scorpio Jr. into the guardrail.

Silver King nails Scorpio Jr. with a somersault senton.

Iron Sheik comes from behind and distracts Silver King.

Scorpio Jr. takes Silver King down with an eye gouge.

Scorpio Jr. reenters the ring.

Silver King follows him back in.

Scorpio Jr. gives the sign for the Power Bomb.

Scorpio Jr. executes the Power Bomb on Silver King.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Scorpio Jr. whips Silver King into the ropes.

Scorpio Jr. misses with a clothesline.

Scorpio Jr. hits Silver King with a shoulderblock.

Scorpio Jr. is going for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Emilio Charles Jr. enters the ring to make it two-on-one.

Emilio Charles Jr. executes a clothesline on Silver King.

Scorpio Jr. goes for a back suplex, but Silver King flips over.

Emilio Charles Jr. leaves the ring.

Silver King executes a short clothesline on Scorpio Jr..

A portion of the crowd is booing Silver King.

Silver King executes the Airplane Spin on Scorpio Jr..

Silver King goes for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Silver King takes Scorpio Jr. down with a snap suplex.

Silver King tags out to El Dandy.

Silver King executes a savate kick on Scorpio Jr..

El Dandy goes for a full nelson, but Scorpio Jr. blocks it.

Silver King leaves the ring.

Scorpio Jr. goes for a choke slam, but El Dandy counters it with an elbowsmash.

El Dandy hits a single-leg takedown on Scorpio Jr..

El Dandy executes the Dandina Cradle on Scorpio Jr..

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

El Dandy runs into the ropes.

Iron Sheik trips El Dandy.

Earl Hebner threatens Team Taliban with disqualification.

Earl Hebner warns Iron Sheik.

Earl Hebner is back on the job.

El Dandy nails Scorpio Jr. with a double-axhandle chop.

El Dandy goes for a monkey flip, but Scorpio Jr. blocks it.

Scorpio Jr. hits an elbowsmash on El Dandy.

Scorpio Jr. goes for a facebite, but El Dandy counters it with a kneelift.

El Dandy locks Scorpio Jr. in an armbar submission.

Scorpio Jr. is valiantly trying to break the hold.

Scorpio Jr. breaks the hold after 7 seconds.

Scorpio Jr. takes El Dandy down with an elbowsmash.

Scorpio Jr. tags out to Emilio Charles Jr..

Silver King enters the ring and lays out Scorpio Jr..

El Dandy and Silver King whip Emilio Charles Jr. into the ropes.

They attempt to hit Emilio Charles Jr. with a double clothesline, but he

counters it with a duck-down move.

Emilio Charles Jr. hits them with a double clothesline.

Emilio Charles Jr. and Scorpio Jr. hit El Dandy with a double back suplex.

Silver King leaves the ring.

Emilio Charles Jr. goes for a bodyslam, but El Dandy blocks it.

El Dandy hits a single-leg takedown on Emilio Charles Jr..

Silver King enters the ring.

El Dandy and Silver King hit Emilio Charles Jr. with the Gate of Opportunity.

El Dandy goes for the pin.

A portion of the crowd is booing El Dandy.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, KICKOUT.

Emilio Charles Jr. tags out to Scorpio Jr..

Scorpio Jr. nails El Dandy with an elbowsmash.

Scorpio Jr. takes El Dandy down with a spinebuster slam.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.

Scorpio Jr. slaps his chest and yells at the crowd.

Scorpio Jr. is starting to get more cheers than boos.

El Dandy begs off.

Scorpio Jr. executes the Power Bomb on El Dandy.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.

Scorpio Jr. is starting to get more cheers than boos.


"Time of match: 9 minutes, 10 seconds. Your winners, and still WWW Tag Team champions, Team Taliban!"


'NEON' DEION SANDERS (Champion) - 6'1/200lbs - Fort Myers, FL




'THE GAME' TRIPLE H (Challenger) - 6'4/272lbs - Greenwich, CT



They lock up.

Deion Sanders whips Triple H into the ropes, but Triple H reverses it.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders with a kick.

Deion Sanders begs off.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders with a spinebuster.

Quite a few boos are audible.

Triple H executes a punch on Deion Sanders.

Triple H takes Deion Sanders down with a spinebuster.

Triple H whips Deion Sanders into the ropes.

Triple H locks Deion Sanders in an abdominal stretch.

Deion Sanders reaches the ropes after being trapped for 9 seconds.

Triple H goes for a high knee, but Deion Sanders side-steps and Triple H

only hits air.

Deion Sanders hits a punch to the face on Triple H.

Deion Sanders goes for a kick to the midsection, but Triple H blocks it.

Deion Sanders begs off.

Triple H nails Deion Sanders with a clothesline.

Triple H goes for a punch, but Deion Sanders blocks it.

Deion Sanders whips Triple H into the ropes.

Triple H goes for a clothesline, but Deion Sanders ducks out of the way.

Deion Sanders nails Triple H with a punch.

Deion Sanders goes for a punch, but Triple H blocks it.

Triple H takes Deion Sanders down with a series of punches.

Triple H kicks Deion Sanders.

Quite a few boos are audible.

Triple H kicks Deion Sanders.

Quite a few boos are audible.

Triple H chops Deion Sanders.

Quite a few boos are audible.

Triple H hits a kneelift on Deion Sanders.

Triple H uses a punch on Deion Sanders.

Triple H executes a backbreaker on Deion Sanders.

Triple H executes a kneelift on Deion Sanders.

Triple H takes Deion Sanders down with a punch.

Triple H gets a side headlock on Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.

Deion Sanders begs off.

Triple H goes for a punch, but Deion Sanders reverses it.

Deion Sanders nails Triple H with a punch.

Deion Sanders executes a vertical suplex on Triple H.

Deion Sanders throws Triple H out of the ring.

Deion Sanders goes through the ropes.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a double-axhandle to the back.

Tim White counts: 1.

Tim White counts: 2.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a slap.

Deion Sanders throws Triple H back into the ring.

Deion Sanders is going for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.

Deion Sanders hits a series of slaps on Triple H.

Triple H goes for a DDT, but Deion Sanders counters it with a low blow.

Deion Sanders whips Triple H into the turnbuckle, but Triple H reverses it.

Triple H runs shoulder-first into the corner.

Triple H punches Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders punches Triple H.

A small "Deion Sanders" chant is being started.

Triple H chops Deion Sanders.

A fan at ringside badmouths Triple H.

Triple H punches Deion Sanders.

Triple H goes for a forearm to the back, but Deion Sanders side-steps and

Triple H only hits air.

Deion Sanders executes a splash on Triple H.

Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a punch to the face.

Deion Sanders smiles to the crowd.

The crowd is cheering on Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders whips Triple H into the ropes.

Triple H misses with a clothesline.

Deion Sanders nails Triple H with an armdrag takedown.

Deion Sanders runs into the ropes.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders with a high knee.

Triple H whips Deion Sanders into the ropes.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders with an elbow.

Triple H goes for a punch, but Deion Sanders blocks it.

Deion Sanders chops Triple H.

Deion Sanders chops Triple H.

Deion Sanders chops Triple H.

The crowd is cheering on Deion Sanders.

Triple H punches Deion Sanders.

Triple H is being booed like there is no tomorrow.

Triple H kicks Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H.

Deion Sanders is getting a good reaction from the crowd.

Deion Sanders punches Triple H.

Deion Sanders punches Triple H.

The crowd is really behind Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders whips Triple H into the ropes.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a shoulderblock.

Deion Sanders uses a belly-to-belly suplex on Triple H.

Deion Sanders nails Triple H with a splash.

Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.

Deion Sanders goes for a kick to the midsection, but Triple H blocks it.

Triple H chops Deion Sanders.

Triple H kicks Deion Sanders.

The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H.

Deion Sanders punches Triple H.

Deion Sanders whips Triple H into the turnbuckle, but Triple H reverses it.

Triple H hits a vertical suplex on Deion Sanders.

Triple H gives the sign for the Pedigree.

Triple H executes the Pedigree on Deion Sanders.

Triple H goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Triple H uses a reverse neckbreaker on Deion Sanders.

The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

Triple H works the crowd.

Security guards are restraining some fans from hitting the ring.

Triple H takes Deion Sanders down with an elbowdrop.

Triple H throws Deion Sanders out of the ring.

Tim White counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Deion Sanders reenters the ring.

Deion Sanders begs off.

Triple H hits a series of kicks to the midsection on Deion Sanders.

Security guards are restraining some fans from hitting the ring.

Deion Sanders begs off.

Triple H executes a series of kicks to the midsection on Deion Sanders.

Triple H throws Deion Sanders out of the ring.

Triple H goes for a baseball slide, but Deion Sanders moves out of the way.

Triple H is out cold.

The chants for Deion Sanders are deafening.

The crowd is behind Deion Sanders all the way.

Deion Sanders knocks Triple H into the ringsteps.

Deion Sanders whips Triple H into the guardrail.

Deion Sanders hits a vertical suplex on Triple H.

Tim White counts: 1.

Deion Sanders takes Triple H down with a vertical suplex.

Tim White counts: 2.

Deion Sanders knocks Triple H into the ringsteps.

Tim White counts: 3.

Tim White counts: 4.

Deion Sanders reenters the ring.

Triple H follows him back in.

Deion Sanders punches Triple H.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H.

The chants for Deion Sanders are deafening.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H.

Deion Sanders punches Triple H.

Deion Sanders kicks Triple H.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders.

The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

Triple H chops Deion Sanders.

The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

Triple H kicks Deion Sanders.

Security guards are restraining some fans from hitting the ring.

Deion Sanders kicks Triple H.

The crowd is behind Deion Sanders all the way.

Deion Sanders executes the Prime Time Stunner on Triple H.

The crowd is on its feet cheering for Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Deion Sanders nails Triple H with a knee to the midsection.

Deion Sanders goes for a jab, but Triple H blocks it.

Triple H goes for an abdominal stretch, but Deion Sanders counters it with

an elbowsmash.

Deion Sanders hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Triple H.

Deion Sanders executes a bodyslam on Triple H.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a jab.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a double-axhandle chop.

Deion Sanders nails Triple H with an elbowdrop.

Deion Sanders nails Triple H with an elbowdrop.

Deion Sanders whips Triple H into the ropes, but Triple H reverses it.

Triple H nails Deion Sanders with a punch.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders.

The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

Deion Sanders punches Triple H.

Deion Sanders chops Triple H.

Triple H kicks Deion Sanders.

The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

Triple H runs into the ropes.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with an armdrag takedown.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a double-axhandle chop.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a double-axhandle to the back.

Deion Sanders goes for a superkick, but Triple H ducks out of the way.

Triple H executes the Pedigree on Deion Sanders.

Triple H goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Triple H gets a choke against the ropes on Deion Sanders.

Tim White warns Triple H to let go.

Tim White counts: One, two, three.

Tim White counts: One, two, three.

Deion Sanders begs off.

Triple H hits a kick to the midsection on Deion Sanders.

Triple H executes the Pedigree on Deion Sanders.

Triple H goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Triple H nails Deion Sanders with a punch.

Triple H executes a vertical suplex on Deion Sanders.

Triple H gets a chokehold on Deion Sanders.

Tim White warns Triple H to let go.

Tim White counts: One, two, three.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders.

Triple H is being booed out of the building.

Deion Sanders chops Triple H.

The crowd erupts.

Deion Sanders kicks Triple H.

The crowd is giving Deion Sanders a standing ovation.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a knee to the midsection.

Deion Sanders takes Triple H down with a series of punches.

Deion Sanders smiles to the crowd.

The crowd is going into a frenzy.

Deion Sanders goes for an armdrag takedown, but Triple H blocks it.

Triple H executes a knee to the face on Deion Sanders.

Triple H executes a punch on Deion Sanders.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders.

Triple H is being booed out of the building.

Triple H chops Deion Sanders.

Triple H is being booed out of the building.

Deion Sanders punches Triple H.

The crowd is giving Deion Sanders a standing ovation.

Deion Sanders executes the Prime Time Stunner on Triple H.

The crowd is giving Deion Sanders a standing ovation.

Deion Sanders goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a kick to the midsection.

Deion Sanders executes the Prime Time Stunner on Triple H.

The crowd is giving Deion Sanders a standing ovation.

Deion Sanders goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Deion Sanders goes for a jab, but Triple H blocks it.

Triple H gets a choke against the ropes on Deion Sanders.

Tim White warns Triple H to let go.

Tim White counts: One, two, three, four.

Tim White counts: One, two, three, four.

Triple H nails Deion Sanders with a backbreaker.

Triple H is going for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Triple H goes for a back elbow, but Deion Sanders ducks out of the way.

Deion Sanders takes Triple H down with a kick to the midsection.

Deion Sanders executes the Prime Time Stunner on Triple H.

The crowd is on its feet cheering for Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Deion Sanders nails Triple H with a punch.

Deion Sanders executes a superkick on Triple H.

Deion Sanders is going for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Deion Sanders catches Triple H in a spinning toe hold.

Triple H is struggling to reach the ropes.

Triple H is valiantly trying to break the hold.

Triple H tries to fight the pain.

Triple H reaches the ropes after being trapped for 24 seconds.

Deion Sanders hits a knee to the midsection on Triple H.

Deion Sanders whips Triple H into the ropes.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a shoulderblock.

Deion Sanders hits a vertical suplex on Triple H.

Deion Sanders takes Triple H down with a double-axhandle to the back.

Deion Sanders smiles to the crowd.

The crowd is giving Deion Sanders a standing ovation.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a flying axhandle.

The crowd is giving Deion Sanders a standing ovation.

Deion Sanders nails Triple H with a splash.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Deion Sanders whips Triple H into the ropes, but Triple H reverses it.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a shoulderblock.

Deion Sanders is going for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Deion Sanders whips Triple H into the ropes.

Triple H goes for a clothesline, but Deion Sanders ducks out of the way.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a flying axhandle.

The crowd erupts.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a splash.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Deion Sanders goes for a superkick, but Triple H ducks out of the way.

Triple H gives the sign for the Pedigree.

Triple H executes the Pedigree on Deion Sanders.

Triple H is being booed out of the building.

Triple H goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Triple H hits a backbreaker on Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders begs off.

Triple H takes Deion Sanders down with a series of stomps.

Triple H uses a clothesline on Deion Sanders.

Triple H executes a vertical suplex on Deion Sanders.

Triple H nails Deion Sanders with a punch.

Triple H uses a punch on Deion Sanders.

Triple H executes a kneelift on Deion Sanders.

Triple H gets a side headlock on Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.

Triple H uses an elbowsmash on Deion Sanders.

Triple H kicks Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders kicks Triple H.

The crowd is going into a frenzy.

Deion Sanders punches Triple H.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H.

The crowd is on its feet cheering for Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders executes the Prime Time Stunner on Triple H.

The crowd is going into a frenzy.

Deion Sanders goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Deion Sanders whips Triple H into the ropes.

Deion Sanders misses with a clothesline.

Triple H misses with a shoulderblock.

Deion Sanders misses with an elbow.

Deion Sanders hits a double-axhandle chop on Triple H.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H.

The crowd is going into a frenzy.

Deion Sanders chops Triple H.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H.

The crowd is giving Deion Sanders a standing ovation.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders.

Security guards are restraining some fans from hitting the ring.

Deion Sanders chops Triple H.

The crowd is on its feet cheering for Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders nails Triple H with a knee to the midsection.

Deion Sanders executes a kick to the midsection on Triple H.

Deion Sanders executes the Prime Time Stunner on Triple H.

The crowd is on its feet cheering for Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

The bell rings. The time limit has expired.

Tim White lets the match continue.

Deion Sanders uses a chop on Triple H.

Deion Sanders punches Triple H.

The crowd is giving Deion Sanders a standing ovation.

Deion Sanders kicks Triple H.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders.

Triple H is being booed out of the building.

Deion Sanders punches Triple H.

Deion Sanders chops Triple H.

Triple H punches Deion Sanders.

The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H.

The crowd is giving Deion Sanders a standing ovation.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders.

The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

Deion Sanders kicks Triple H.

The crowd erupts.

Deion Sanders goes for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Triple H counters it with

a facerake.

Triple H uses a series of punches on Deion Sanders.

Triple H takes Deion Sanders down with an elbowsmash.

Triple H goes for a choke against the ropes, but Deion Sanders blocks it.

Deion Sanders hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Triple H.

Deion Sanders executes a jab on Triple H.

Deion Sanders goes for a punch, but Triple H reverses it.

Triple H executes the Pedigree on Deion Sanders.

The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

Triple H goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Triple H uses a punch on Deion Sanders.

Triple H whips Deion Sanders into the ropes, but Deion Sanders reverses it.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a shoulderblock.

Deion Sanders goes for a punch to the face, but Triple H blocks it.

Triple H uses a forearm to the back on Deion Sanders.

Triple H executes a backbreaker on Deion Sanders.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders with a vertical suplex.

Triple H goes for a punch, but Deion Sanders reverses it.

Deion Sanders punches Triple H.

The crowd is giving Deion Sanders a standing ovation.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H.

Deion Sanders goes for a three point stance, but Triple H counters it with

an eye gouge.

Deion Sanders begs off.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders with a low blow.

Triple H executes a punch on Deion Sanders.

Triple H hits Deion Sanders.

Triple H punches Deion Sanders.

Triple H is being booed out of the building.

Triple H throws Deion Sanders out of the ring.

Tim White counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Deion Sanders reenters the ring.

Triple H uses a kick to the midsection on Deion Sanders.

Triple H executes the Pedigree on Deion Sanders.

The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

Triple H goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Triple H goes for an abdominal stretch, but Deion Sanders counters it with

an elbowsmash.

Deion Sanders runs into the ropes.

Deion Sanders misses with an elbow.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a clothesline.

Triple H falls out of the ring.

Deion Sanders goes through the ropes.

Deion Sanders knocks Triple H into the ringpost.

Deion Sanders whips Triple H into the guardrail.

Deion Sanders takes Triple H down with a knee to the midsection.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a vertical suplex.

Tim White counts: 1.

Deion Sanders takes Triple H down with a flying axhandle.

Tim White counts: 2.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a flying axhandle.

Deion Sanders knocks Triple H into the ringpost.

Deion Sanders reenters the ring.

Triple H follows him back in.

Deion Sanders executes the Prime Time Stunner on Triple H.

Deion Sanders goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with a superkick.

The crowd erupts.

Deion Sanders hits Triple H with an elbowdrop.

Deion Sanders hits a double-axhandle to the back on Triple H.

Deion Sanders uses a double-axhandle to the back on Triple H.

Deion Sanders hits a flying axhandle on Triple H.

The crowd erupts.

Deion Sanders is going for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Deion Sanders runs into the ropes.

Deion Sanders misses with a shoulderblock.

Triple H misses with a shoulderblock.

Deion Sanders takes Triple H down with a clothesline.

Deion Sanders nails Triple H with a belly-to-belly suplex.

The crowd is on its feet cheering for Deion Sanders.

Deion Sanders goes for a kick to the midsection, but Triple H blocks it.

Triple H punches Deion Sanders.

Triple H kicks Deion Sanders.

The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

Triple H chops Deion Sanders.

The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

Deion Sanders chops Triple H.

Lex Luger enters the ring.

Leon Lett enters the ring.

Leon Lett collides with Deion Sanders by accident and Triple H throws him over the top rope

Triple H executes the Pedigree on Deion Sanders.

Security guards are restraining some fans from hitting the ring.

Triple H goes for the pin.

Tim White counts: One, two, three.

The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.


"Time of match: 26 minutes, 33 seconds. Your winner, AND NEW HOLDER OF THE BIG GOLD BELT IS TRIPLE H"





RANDY 'MACHO MAN' SAVAGE - 6'3/248lbs - Sarasota, FL




'HOLLYWOOD' HULK HOGAN - 6'7/275lbs - Venice Beach, CA


[Macho Man Randy Savage comes down to the ring with his backup singers]


["Voodoo Chile" plays as Hulk Hogan and the Hulk Hogan Wrestling Boot Band come down to the ring]


Macho Man - "OOH YEAH! HIT IT!"


[Music starts]



Huh Hulk Hogan, Hollywood Hulkster

Whatever they call you, I'm comin after you, you bitch



Hot diggity damn Hulk I'm glad you set it off (set if off)

Used to be hard Hulk now ya done turned soft

Doin' telephone commercials I seen ya

Dancin' in tights as a ballerina

I knew all along you had those tendencies

Cuz you've been runnin' from Macho like I got a disease

Dude please your pay per view event was a joke

You're avoidin' Randy Savage cuz you know you'll get smoked

Come on that phony fight the Rock spanked you fast

But when I challenged Hogan to a real fight he passed

I called him out but the punk was scared to go

It was a charity event but the Hulk didn't show

Hollywood Hulkster you're at the end of your rope

And I'm a kick ya in the ass and wash your mouth out with soap

Cuz like Rodney Dangerfield you gets' no respect

So come on Hulk let's wreck so I can put you in check



Be a man Hulk Come on don't be scured

Your runnin' from Macho that's what I heard


Be a man Hogan Come on don't be a chump

I never thought Hulk would go out like a bitch


Be a man Hulk Come on don't be scured

You're runnin' from Macho that's what I heard


Be a man Hogan Boy you's a chump

Cuz Hulk Hogan is a real big bitch



They call you Hollywood (hugh hugh) don't make me laugh

Cuz your movies and your actin' skills are both trash

Your movies straight to video the box office can't stand

While I got myself a feature role in Spider Man

Ya hidin' man but when I find you it's on

And when I slam ya to the dirt you'll wish you's never born

I smell a coward mmmm is that you Hogan

Macho's gonna kick ya BUTT is the slogan

You try to ignore me thinkin' I'll go away

But I'm a keep on messin' wit ya dude day after day

And once you step to Macho you're through

The joke's on you so Hulk what you gonna do

Probably nothing cuz you're a real big punk

You called my dad up on the phone man you's a chump

Cuz if you really got static take it up with me

And I'll punk ya ass out for the world to see


Be a man Hulk Come on don't be scured

Your runnin' from Macho that's what I heard


Be a man Hogan Come on don't be a chump

I never thought Hulk would go out like a bitch


Be a man Hulk Come on don't be scured

You're runnin' from Macho that's what I heard


Be a man Hogan Boy you's a chump

Cuz Hulk Hogan is a real big bitch


Be a man Hulk Come on don't be scured

Your runnin' from Macho that's what I heard


Be a man Hogan Come on don't be a chump

I never thought Hulk would go out like a bitch


Be a man Hulk Come on don't be scured

You're runnin' from Macho that's what I heard


Be a man Hogan Boy you's a chump

Cuz Hulk Hogan is a real big bitch


[Macho Man holds his hands up to the boos of the fans as Hogan prepares to start his song]


One two three go!


My baby don't mess around.

Because she loves me so.

And this I know for sho'

hUh, But does she really wan't to.

But can't stand to see me

Walk out the door..

Don't try to fight the feelin'

Because the thought alone is killing me right now.

hUh, Thank God for mom and dad

For sticking through together

'Cause we don't know how.



Hey Ya.

Hey Ya.

Hey Ya.

Hey Ya.

Hey Ya.

Hey Ya.

Hey Ya.

Hey Ya.

Hey Ya.


You think you've got it

Ohh, you think you've got it

But got it just don't get it

Til' there's nothing at all.

We get together

Ohh, we get together

But seperate's always better when there's feelings involved.

If what they say is "Nothing is forever".

Then what makes, then what makes, then what makes

then what makes,Love exception

So why oh, why oh, why oh, why oh, why oh

Are we so in denial?

When you know we're not happy here.

Yall don't want me here you just wanna dance


Hey Ya.

Hey Ya.


Don't want to meet your daddy,

Just want you in my Caddy.

Don't want to meet your momma,

Just want to make you cumma.

I'm just being honest.

I'm just being honest.


Hey, alright now

Alright now fellows, Yeah!

Now what's cooler than bein' cool? Ice Cold!

I can't hear ya'

I say what's cooler than bein' cool? Ice Cold!


Alright, alright, alright, alright

Alright, alright, alright, alright

Alright, alright, alright, alright

Alright, alright, alright, Ok now ladies!


Now we gonna break this thang down in just a few seconds

Now don't have me break this thing down for nothin'

Now I wanna see y'all on y'all baddest behavior

Lend some suga', I am your NEIGHBOUR



Shake it, shake, shake it,

Shake it, shake, shake it,

Shake it, shake, shake it,

Shake it,

Shake it, shake, shake it,

Shake it like a Polaroid picture

Hey Ya.


Shake it, shake it, shake,

Shake it, shake it, shake,

Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, suga

Shake it like a Polaroid picture


Shake it, }

Shake it, shake, shake it, }

Shake it, shake, shake it, }

Shake it, }

Shake it, shake, shake it, }

Shake it like a Polaroid picture } \

back round

Shake it, } /

Shake it, shake, shake it, }

Shake it, shake, shake it, }

Shake it, }

Shake it, shake, shake it, }

Shake it like a Polaroid picture }


Now all Beyonce's and Lucy Liu's

And baby dolls, get on the floor

(Get on the floor)

You know what to do.

You know what to do.

You, know what to do do



Hey ya

Hey ya

Hey Ya

Hey Ya


Todd Pettingill - Ok fans.. who won this.. was it Macho Man?


[boos from the crowd]


Todd Pettingill - Or the Hulkster?




[but then the Macho Man attacks Hogan from behind and a brawl breaks out, which is broken up by security]

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[unfortunately, all three of our special guests no-showed]


KEVIN NASH (Champion) - 6'11/325lbs - Phoenix, AZ




JOHN BRADSHAW LAYFIELD (Challenger) - 6'06/292lbs - Boise, ID



They lock up.

Shawn Stasiak comes to ringside.

Kevin Nash goes for a punch to the midsection, but John Bradshaw Layfield blocks it.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a kick to the head, but Kevin Nash blocks it.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield with a kneelift.

Kevin Nash kicks John Bradshaw Layfield.

The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield punches Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash.

The audience doesn't quite know how to react to John Bradshaw Layfield.

John Bradshaw Layfield nails Kevin Nash with a back suplex.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a kick to the head, but Kevin Nash

ducks out of the way.

Kevin Nash runs into the ropes.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash with a facerake.

John Bradshaw Layfield nails Kevin Nash with a bodyslam.

John Bradshaw Layfield runs into the ropes.

John Bradshaw Layfield misses with a clothesline.

Kevin Nash takes John Bradshaw Layfield down with a big boot.

Kevin Nash whips John Bradshaw Layfield into the ropes.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield with a kick.

Kevin Nash goes for an elbowdrop, but John Bradshaw Layfield

rolls out of the way.

John Bradshaw Layfield works the crowd.

The audience doesn't quite know how to react to John Bradshaw Layfield.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a kick to the head, but Kevin Nash blocks it.

Kevin Nash executes a big boot on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash nails John Bradshaw Layfield with a big boot.

Kevin Nash is met with a mixture of cheers and boos.

Kevin Nash is going for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Kevin Nash works the crowd.

The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash goes for a backbreaker, but John Bradshaw Layfield blocks it.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits a facerake on Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a bodyslam, but Kevin Nash blocks it.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield with a backbreaker.

Kevin Nash runs into the ropes.

Shawn Stasiak hits Kevin Nash in the back with a chair.

Earl Hebner threatens John Bradshaw Layfield with disqualification.

John Bradshaw Layfield takes Kevin Nash down with a facerake.

John Bradshaw Layfield takes Kevin Nash down with a facerake.

John Bradshaw Layfield chops Kevin Nash.

The audience doesn't quite know how to react to John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash kicks John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash is met with a mixture of cheers and boos.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash takes John Bradshaw Layfield down with a lariat.

John Bradshaw Layfield whips Kevin Nash into the ropes, but Kevin Nash

reverses it.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash with a kick.

John Bradshaw Layfield runs into the ropes.

Kevin Nash goes for a roundhouse right, but John Bradshaw Layfield

counters it with a punch.

John Bradshaw Layfield executes a powerbomb on Kevin Nash.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.

John Bradshaw Layfield nails Kevin Nash with a kick to the head.

John Bradshaw Layfield executes the Clothesline From Hell on Kevin Nash.

The audience doesn't quite know how to react to John Bradshaw Layfield.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a roundhouse right, but Kevin Nash blocks it.

Kevin Nash chops John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash is met with a mixture of cheers and boos.

Kevin Nash kicks John Bradshaw Layfield.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash chops John Bradshaw Layfield.

The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield chops Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield is met with a mixture of cheers and boos.

John Bradshaw Layfield punches Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield is met with a mixture of cheers and boos.

John Bradshaw Layfield executes a kick to the midsection on Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield whips Kevin Nash into the ropes.

Kevin Nash takes John Bradshaw Layfield down with a lariat.

Kevin Nash takes John Bradshaw Layfield down with a low blow.

Shawn Stasiak throws John Bradshaw Layfield the kitchen sink.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash with it and goes for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash.

A portion of the crowd is cheering John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash chops John Bradshaw Layfield.

A portion of the crowd is booing Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield takes Kevin Nash down with a facerake.

John Bradshaw Layfield uses a snap mare on Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield gets a side headlock on Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash breaks the hold after 13 seconds.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield with a big boot.

Kevin Nash whips John Bradshaw Layfield into the ropes.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash with an elbow.

John Bradshaw Layfield takes Kevin Nash down with an elbowsmash.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a snap mare, but Kevin Nash blocks it.

Kevin Nash whips John Bradshaw Layfield into the turnbuckle, but

John Bradshaw Layfield reverses it.

John Bradshaw Layfield runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Kevin Nash

moves out of the way.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield.

A portion of the crowd is booing Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash gives him a bodyslam, but John Bradshaw Layfield only stares at him.

Kevin Nash punches John Bradshaw Layfield.

A portion of the crowd is cheering Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash kicks John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.

Kevin Nash executes the Jackknife Power Bomb on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, in the ropes...

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash is starting to get more cheers than boos.

Kevin Nash kicks John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash kicks John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash executes a kneelift on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash throws John Bradshaw Layfield out of the ring.

Earl Hebner counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,

John Bradshaw Layfield reenters the ring.

Kevin Nash hits a kneelift on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash goes for a forearm smash, but John Bradshaw Layfield blocks it.

John Bradshaw Layfield nails Kevin Nash with an elbowsmash.

John Bradshaw Layfield kicks Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield is starting to get more cheers than boos.

John Bradshaw Layfield kicks Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield is starting to get more cheers than boos.

John Bradshaw Layfield punches Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash punches John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash is getting a pissed look amidst all the boos.

John Bradshaw Layfield chops Kevin Nash.

The crowd seems to be rallying behind John Bradshaw Layfield.

John Bradshaw Layfield punches Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield kicks Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash kicks John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash is getting a pissed look amidst all the boos.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash.

The cheers for John Bradshaw Layfield are drowning out the boos.

Kevin Nash punches John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash seemingly enjoys the boos.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield with a side suplex.

Kevin Nash uses a vertical suplex on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash hits a low blow on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield with a vertical suplex.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield.

The crowd seems to be rallying behind Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash kicks John Bradshaw Layfield.

The crowd seems to be rallying behind Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash.

The boos are resurfacing again.

Kevin Nash kicks John Bradshaw Layfield.

The boos are resurfacing again.

Kevin Nash punches John Bradshaw Layfield.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash.

The crowd is wildly cheering John Bradshaw Layfield with only a few

scattered boos audible.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.

John Bradshaw Layfield chops Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash chops John Bradshaw Layfield.

The boos are resurfacing again.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield with a kneelift.

Kevin Nash runs into the ropes.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash with a backdrop.

Kevin Nash falls out of the ring.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes through the ropes.

John Bradshaw Layfield whips Kevin Nash into the guardrail.

Earl Hebner counts: 1.

Earl Hebner counts: 2.

John Bradshaw Layfield whips Kevin Nash into the guardrail.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a snap mare, but Kevin Nash blocks it.

Kevin Nash takes John Bradshaw Layfield down with a chop.

Kevin Nash knocks John Bradshaw Layfield into the ringpost.

Kevin Nash doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.

Kevin Nash nails John Bradshaw Layfield with a kneelift.

Kevin Nash sets up a table.

Kevin Nash knocks John Bradshaw Layfield into the ringsteps.

Kevin Nash whips John Bradshaw Layfield into the guardrail.

Kevin Nash hits a big boot on John Bradshaw Layfield.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

Kevin Nash nails John Bradshaw Layfield with a stomp.

Earl Hebner counts: 3.

Kevin Nash whips John Bradshaw Layfield into the guardrail.

Earl Hebner counts: 4.

They're brawling inside the ring area.

Earl Hebner counts: 5.

Earl Hebner counts: 6.

Kevin Nash whips John Bradshaw Layfield into the guardrail.

Kevin Nash executes an elbowsmash on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Shawn Stasiak comes from behind and distracts Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield reenters the ring.

Kevin Nash follows him back in.

John Bradshaw Layfield gives the sign for the Clothesline From Hell.

John Bradshaw Layfield executes the Clothesline From Hell on Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he

's getting.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash with a snap mare.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a vertical suplex, but Kevin Nash blocks it.

Kevin Nash gives the sign for the Jackknife Power Bomb.

Kevin Nash executes the Jackknife Power Bomb on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Kevin Nash gives him a kneelift, but John Bradshaw Layfield only stares at him.

Kevin Nash hits a roundhouse right on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash uses a vertical suplex on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash executes a roundhouse right on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash throws John Bradshaw Layfield out of the ring.

Earl Hebner counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

John Bradshaw Layfield reenters the ring.

Kevin Nash executes a backbreaker on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash is going for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Kevin Nash takes John Bradshaw Layfield down with a backbreaker.

All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield with a punch to the midsection.

Baron Von Raschke enters the ring and hits Kevin Nash with a chair.

John Bradshaw Layfield doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a vertical suplex, but Kevin Nash reverses it.

Kevin Nash nails John Bradshaw Layfield with a kick to the midsection.

Kevin Nash executes the Jackknife Power Bomb on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Kevin Nash executes a low blow on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kevin Nash chops John Bradshaw Layfield.

The boos are resurfacing again.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield.

The crowd is wildly cheering Kevin Nash with only a few scattered boos audible.

Kevin Nash goes for a side suplex, but John Bradshaw Layfield blocks it.

John Bradshaw Layfield whips Kevin Nash into the turnbuckle.

John Bradshaw Layfield uses a fallaway slam on Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield nails Kevin Nash with a vertical suplex.

John Bradshaw Layfield whips Kevin Nash into the ropes.

John Bradshaw Layfield hits Kevin Nash with a kick.

John Bradshaw Layfield is going for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a vertical suplex, but Kevin Nash reverses it.

Kevin Nash kicks John Bradshaw Layfield.

The crowd is wildly cheering Kevin Nash with only a few scattered boos audible.

Kevin Nash hits John Bradshaw Layfield.

John Bradshaw Layfield punches Kevin Nash.

The boos are resurfacing again.

John Bradshaw Layfield punches Kevin Nash.

Baron Von Raschke tosses white powder into Kevin Nash's eyes.

John Bradshaw Layfield executes the Clothesline From Hell on Kevin Nash.

John Bradshaw Layfield doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.

John Bradshaw Layfield goes for the pin.

Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.

Kevin Nash complains about a fast count.

All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.


"Time of match: 15 minutes, 16 seconds. Your winner, and new WWW Heavyweight champion.. John Bradshaw Layfield!"


Kevin Nash is being helped to the back, when we see Hulk Hogan come out to protest about how the match ended. JBL then gets the mic.


JBL - "Hey Hogan, you orange piece of crap! You know I won this belt legally. How about I make my first defense against you, Jackass!"


Hogan looks around for approval and then gets into the ring.


JOHN BRADSHAW LAYFIELD (Champion) - 6'6/292lbs - Boise, ID




'HOLLYWOOD' HULK HOGAN (Challenger) - 6'7/275lbs - Venice Beach, CA


They lock up.

Hulk Hogan hits John Bradshaw Layfield with a facerake.

Hulk Hogan kicks John Bradshaw Layfield.

Hulk Hogan hits John Bradshaw Layfield.

A small "Hulk Hogan" chant is being started.

Hulk Hogan kicks John Bradshaw Layfield.

Baron von Raschke enters the ring and hits Hulk Hogan with the white powder.

Before Baron von Raschke connects, Hulk Hogan moves out of the way.

Baron von Raschke hits John Bradshaw Layfield.

Hulk Hogan throws Baron von Raschke over the top rope.

The crowd is starting to get behind Hulk Hogan.

Hulk Hogan uses a clothesline on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Hulk Hogan executes the Big Leg Drop on John Bradshaw Layfield.

Hulk Hogan goes for the pin.

Danny Davis counts: One, two, three.

A small "Hulk Hogan" chant is being started.


"Time of match: 31 seconds. Your winner, and new WWW Heavyweight Champion, Hulk Hogan!"


["Real American" plays as Hogan gets the belt and we fade to black.]




Shaggy/Flair/Jackson-New ICP/Malenko: 3/4*

Morgan-Bagwell: DUD

ReBorne-Viscera: -**1/2

Lita/Kane-Chyna/Lynn: *

Misterio-Stasiak: *1/2

Harrises-Wright/Glacier: 1/4*

Hall-Roberts: 1/4*

Axis-Duggan/Grunge/Animal: -*3/4

X-Pac-Luger: ***

Taliban-Immigrantes: * 1/2

Triple H-Deion: **1/4 {Deion injured his back during this match, he will be out for four cards}

Nash-Layfield: -*1/2

Layfield-Hogan: -**


[sorry, the fucking thing kept bring up a fucking memory error]

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for those of you unfamilar with Der Baron




Rumor is that John Bradshaw Layfield and Baron von Raschke are appealing to the Executive Board to nullify the Hogan title victory and return the belt to Bradshaw

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