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Guest Evil Blood

Kane vs Benoit

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Guest Evil Blood

Last night Kane & Benoit and such a classic and I never thought the match would have been as great as it was.


Kane was made to look like much more of a monster even if he did lose and Benoit was made look better and he can now say he is still 4 real and not just another paper champion.


I enjoyed the match and would love to see Kane & Benoit again. Such a great match had me hooked all the way


NOTE - This is about one match from Bad Blood not the whole show so should not be closed.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I won't lie and say it was great, but it was a very enjoyable Match.


Benoit bumped like a human pinball, Kane seemed more motivated than he has been in a while, and the David vs. Goliath aspect of it was fine.


BUT~! Two huge problems.


1.) The Finish. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Roll-up finishes in World Title Matches. I smell a rematch, but still, I hate them.


2.) Too short. Instead of a 50 mintue ego fuck from KLIQ guys, they could've added more time to this on.

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Guest Trivia247

Personally the Rollup win is ok... Because there was actual Psychology to it. Kane was so Intended on Resisting the Crossface from being applied again that Benoit just goated him in and trapped him in a rollup. Its not like a Sunsetflip off the ropes and got the pin. It was a perfectly caculated Rollup pin, and in fact is probably the best example on how a Rollup should score a pinfall.

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Guest Evil Blood

I feel that Kane getting pinned the way he did was better then watching Kane tap out.


Kane did not tap which made Kane look so strong.


It was like Kane wae more into the match and maybe one of Kanes best matches ever.


Benoit won and could have used a chair one time so Kane didnt get beat easy.


The match could have gone longer and this is a match I would want to see again anyday.


I will remember this match for a long time.

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Guest Choken One

The finish wasn't "benoit got lucky"...He realized that Kane wasn't going to tap out and that he had to like ross said "call a audible". The rollover pin was SMART wrestling by Benoit.


That being said, the match wasn't a fucking classic, hell Benoit had better matches with A-Train last fall then what we got last night. *** is pushing it.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

That is a good point. I guess the horrible crowd just numbified my mind. I was just waiting for a tap out, and then all of a sudden...roll up, 1, 2, 3. At least it wasn't a school boy where he just hooked him from behind.


Also, it does set up a rematch..


One more fault: Grisham repeatedly asking the same questions, forcing benoit ro repeat everything he said 4x.


I'm For Real! I'm For Real!

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Guest Trivia247

that whole post interview seemed so forced for Benoit.. He just got out of a match and its like... excuse me Excuse Benoit..before you hit the showers or have the doc relocate your shoulder...do you mind speaking with us?

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Guest Evil Blood

I wanted Kane to win last night but it was a shame he did not and then again I am happy because Benoit is living his dream.


Kane didnt tap which leaves the feud open but I get a feeling Kane will be a face soon.

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Guest Trivia247

that whole post interview seemed so forced for Benoit.. He just got out of a match and its like... excuse me Excuse Benoit..before you hit the showers or have the doc relocate your shoulder...do you mind speaking with us?

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Guest Evil Blood

Sorry about the 3 post the same.


It did seem Benoit wont ready for the interview after the match but he did a job well done in the match on the promo.


I wonder what Kane will say about this come 2moro night.


I see him coming to help Benoit but is the monster gimmick dead? I say no and it will become stronger now.

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Guest Trivia247

the match definately had the benefit of being a NON Kliq enviroment, No Shawn or HHH Triple threating it.


unlike Summerslam bleh

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Guest Evil Blood

Summerslam Kane vs Benoit again? Sounds good but have Kane win the title next time.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
The finish wasn't "benoit got lucky"...He realized that Kane wasn't going to tap out and that he had to like ross said "call a audible". The rollover pin was SMART wrestling by Benoit.


That being said, the match wasn't a fucking classic, hell Benoit had better matches with A-Train last fall then what we got last night. *** is pushing it.

I would say Benoit's best match with A-Train (which I would say was at No Mercy) equals this one with Kane.


A-Train and Kane get horrible reputations for being awful workers. Kane isn't by any terms great, but he's one of very few big men who can go arial and can do a lot for a big man. A-Train has a good big-man move-set, but never has a chance to work with good workers. He's either squashing CW's or getting his ass handed to him by main eventers.

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Guest Trivia247

only reason A-train has been off the air more than usual lately is because JR is paranold those Pond Scum Japanese Might steal another of his Favorite Hosses like they did Austin. So he is hiding him in his Closet in Oklahoma.


Muffled voice and knocking on the door..


A_Train: uhhh (knock knock) Mrs Ross, Could you please let me out... I Promise i'll tell JR I like his God awful BBQ sauce.

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Guest wildpegasus

I say we have a rematch the next week after tonight's Raw. Kane did appear to still be injured in that match. Did anybody else sense that? There were a couple or few things in the match that I would've liked to have seen but I don't usually like picking on stuff too much. It'll be interesting to see what happens in the rematch that I think we're going to get. But of course I'm still waiting for the Benoit vs Michaels rematch.



This is what I wrote before



Just some random thoughts


Benoit vs Kane had some real nice touches in it. Benoit working and working for the sharpshooter only for Kane to get out of it each time was nice. There was some nice thought in here. By the time Benoit gets it on it makes the pop grow louder for it. Some good counters of counters here with Kane getting the chokeslam out of the sharpshooter only for Benoit to kick him in his weakened leg to get out of it. The whole Kane is a monstor bit was played well throughout the whole match too as we never forgot how powerful Kane was. Benoit put him over tonight even in beating him. One thing I also liked about this was Kane's low punch being used efficiently here. It was a weakness for Benoit during the bout and when Kane goes for it as a solution to stop Benoit's german suplexes Benoit avoids it and proceeds to hit Kane with some more. Sometimes Benoit's opponents like to use the missed lariat transistion as any easy way to get into the german suplexes spot but here it's done well because Kane had such success with it previously in the bout that it makes sense he'd go for it once again since it's one of his biggest weapons. At the end there we have Benoit trying to get Kane down to the mat with his crossface but Kane is just too powerful. Benoit goes for the other arm hoping he can catch him off guard but it doesn't work so he rolls him up in an Oklahoma roll. This finish made sense, kept Kane strong and leaves a rematch open since Kane can now sooky about how he was never submitted. Notice the little touch Kane did at the end where he slaps his leg at the end of the match when Benoit's taking him down. He's saying and illustrating, "I'm powerful and doing all I can to get up but the combined forces of the weakened leg and Benoit's bodyweight won't allow me to get up." That was smart there by Kane to show that as it just said so much in such a short time. Benoit's previous leg work works to help keep Kane somewhat down at the end allowing Benoit to role him up in the first place.

Earlier in the match one thing I liked is how Kane countered out of the crossface by giving Benoit a snake eyes in the corner turnbuckle. If they have a rematch I think this sequence would be great to use towards the final stretch at the end of the match that is if Kane's legs are strong enough. Or maybe a Benoit counter to the snake eyes. That'd be cool.


Oh yeah, and the Benoit interview after the match was great. It gave the match more of a sporting feel. That's something I'd like to see more of in the future.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Just by wildpegasus' (great) evaluation of the match, it sounds like it had the potential to reach ****.



As for the post match interview, if he was allowed to just talk, it was fine, but the guy just kept repeating the same stuff while Benoit is trying to catch his breath, so he just mustered out whatever he could.


<----Kane & Benoit mark. (Expect bias from me)

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Guest Evil Blood

When Kane was in the cross face at the end I didnt know if Kane was going to to tap or get out and when Kane did I was sure Kane was going to win.


This match could have been the Bad Blood main event.

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Guest Evil Blood

If it was not for the stroke Benoit & Kane would have been the main event which is a shame because they did need the main event spot because they put on a hell of a main event match.


I would say this was better then Benoits match with Kurt Angle from Royal Rumble 2003.

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Guest Choken One

Evil blood actually seems convinced Benoit/Kane was a great match...it was just good, barely above the decent "line".

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Guest Real F'n Show
I would say this was better then Benoits match with Kurt Angle from Royal Rumble 2003.


HAHAHAHAHAHA, keep dreaming.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
Summerslam Kane vs Benoit again? Sounds good but have Kane win the title next time.

Kane is nothing more than a mid-card joke anymore. Katie Vick and Shane McMahon have destroyed Kane to the point that he can no longer carry the World Title in any credible manner. No one buys him as World Title calibur.

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Guest Evil Blood

It was a great match well I thought it was but some of you say it was just good.


I give credit where credit is due and both men get credit and respect from me after the match they had last night,

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Summerslam Kane vs Benoit again? Sounds good but have Kane win the title next time.

Kane is nothing more than a mid-card joke anymore. Katie Vick and Shane McMahon have destroyed Kane to the point that he can no longer carry the World Title in any credible manner. No one buys him as World Title calibur.



The term "Nobody" or "everybody" should NEVER be used in discussing an opinion. The majority of fans won't think of Kane as a credible champion is accurate, but not everybody.


(<---Kane fan)

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Guest Evil Blood

I think Kanes monster gimmick was not hurt last night it has just been made better even if Kane did lose.


I see good things for Kane on Raw in the next few weeks.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Kane hasn't won on PPV yet this year has he? He got squashed by Taker, got beat by a returning Edge and then jobbed to Benoit. Hardly the results of a monster. He's probably going to wrestle Matt Hardy at the next PPV

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