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I've just emptied my PM inbox and sent items, but its telling me I've still got 9 PM's left.


Why? I'm just curious as to why this is happening...

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

It does that for me too. I just ignore it.


I wish we'd always had the option to save and zip to email pm's. All the classic pm's with Alf.


"You Suck"


No, You Suck"


"No, AGNES, Sucks"




*sniff* those were the days.

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I noticed the same thing too. I think it may be from when banned posters PM you. For example, Eagan PMed me once (pity me). I don't have that massage in my inbox no more, but I never deleted it and it seems to count. I always thought that's what it was.

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Guest FrigidSoul

That's why I just PMed treble and had him put me over 100 posts again.

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Guest Fook

I noticed yesterday I lost 2500 or so posts. Not that I really care about post counts, but I was wondering why. I thought it had something to do with that thread pruning. Now I know better.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Don't bring me into this. I want nothing to do with that Damn Vortex.

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Now on my controls it says I have used eleven messages, while my inbox/sent items says I've used nine. But I still have not used any. I'm not really bothered, but I thought I'd report it nonetheless.

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They're gone.


It was telling me I had 2 unsent PMs, 7 in my inbox, and 2 in my sent items.


I found that I did indeed have two unsent PMs from over a year ago. I deleted them and I was back at nine. But when I went to the inbox and sent items, there was nothing there. I wasn't tracking anything so no go there either.


I just hit the 'Empty PM folders' option and it flushed them out whatever they were.

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