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Guest JohnnySwift

Lash Leroux's finisher

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Guest JohnnySwift

I was just reading a column on 411 about the Diamond Cutter/Stunner/Ace Crusher and they mentioned Lash's finisher the Whiplash 2000. It's a stunner/russian legsweep combo and I can't remember how he hit it for the life of me. Does anyone have any info on it?

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if i remember correctly it was more of a full nelson into a russian legsweep I may be wrong I'll have to through my videos and see

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was the same as Jeff Jarrett's Stroke, just done with more snap to it (as Jarrett tends to just look like he's falling forward lazily when he does his version of it).

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I remember it. Lash held the guy as if going for a cutter, but laced the legs as if for a russian legsweep and, um ... sweeps the guy down.

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Guest Trivia247
Which would make it a 3/4 Facelock Russian Legsweep, which is possible.


Werid, but possibl.e

I Like his old finisher Fireman's carry into a Driver.

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I still prefer to call it the Amityville Horror, if only because Chris Chetti's is STILL the sweetest version I've seen of it, especially when he did it to Roadkill.

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