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Styles' Opponent for the Anniversary Show

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so many better choices....


Jeff Hardy is a terrible wrestler, so i think the "he doesn't wrestle X Division style" arguement would be futile.  i agree that AJ will have his hands full trying to make this match watchable.  if he can drag Hardy's carcass across the finish line, it'll be yet another miracle he's worked.  the only thing TNA gets from this is the fact that they had a (ahem!) "big name" on their Anniversary Show, wrestling for one of their major titles, and the Phenomenal One pinned him.


now that i know who they're going to use, i can safely say that these guys would have all been better choices, both angle-wise and match-wise: Sabin, Red, Dutt, Juvi, Teddy Hart, Hector Garza, Petey Williams, Jerry Lynn, Spanky, or Kazarian.

Magus, it'd be quicker to name WORSE choices.


I have Russo and Mantel --- and that's about it.


What about "Former WCW Champion" David Arquette ??? :ph34r:

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Guest Dynamite Kido

The saddest thing about this isn't even Jeff's shitty ability to work. It shows that they are advertising this as a mystery opponent, thus not even capitalizing on Hardy's best asset........his NAME. Christ, why wouldn't you try and reel in the "Jeff Hardy fan market" aka teenage girls/whoever the hell else likes Jeff demographic? Damn, even a bonehead situation like bringing in Jeff and they can't do that right......this company really misses the point all of the time.......to make money.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Well, the match could be ok. If Hardy doesn't blow anything too badly and Styles brings his A game it could at least hit **1/2. That's a big if though. But this is one of those horrible situations where Hardy could be a limited draw for Impact so they should give him a try but it sucks for those of us that totally hate him. Maybe we'll just luck out and Hardy will no show leading to Red or Dutt facing Styles instead.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Well, the match could be ok. If Hardy doesn't blow anything too badly and Styles brings his A game it could at least hit **1/2. That's a big if though. But this is one of those horrible situations where Hardy could be a limited draw for Impact so they should give him a try but it sucks for those of us that totally hate him. Maybe we'll just luck out and Hardy will no show leading to Red or Dutt facing Styles instead.

Honestly, after watching Jeff's last year in the WWE and his ROH contest........I have absolutly NO faith in Hardy, even if it is against AJ. I actually feel bad for AJ for even having to in the ring with Jeff.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Like I said, hope he no shows.

Instead he'll show up....they'll sign him to a deal.......and then him a JJ will start a yearlong feud over the NWA Title.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Ewwwww....... I could live with Hardy being the job boy in X Division 6 Ways on Impact for a familar face but that's about it as far as his usefulness to TNA.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Ewwwww....... I could live with Hardy being the job boy in X Division 6 Ways on Impact for a familar face but that's about it as far as his usefulness to TNA.

I still think that cheaper, better working indy guys are out there that they could use instead.

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Ewwwww....... I could live with Hardy being the job boy in X Division 6 Ways on Impact for a familar face but that's about it as far as his usefulness to TNA.

I still think that cheaper, better working indy guys are out there that they could use instead.


Yeah, but those guys don't bring in the, "omg he's shirtless! LOOK AT HIS RIBS! What drug problem?!?! QUIT INSULTING OUR JEFFY!" female audience.


This is just TNA's lame attempt to grab onto the young female demograhic, but the problem is Hardy can do no wrong in the eyes of some of these females. So when he starts showing up late or not showing up at all then TNA will be painted the villian when they fire "poor Jeffy".

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I find nothing wrong with this decision, but then again, I'm not so heavily into workrate as everyone else.


As another member said, this is going to give them an excelllent promotional material. They'll get to pull the "anything can happen" card on the FSN show, include the clip of Styles beating him in video packages, etc.


I agree here 100%. The can use the footage similiar to how they use the footage of Jarrett El Kabong-ing Hogan and can say don't miss the PPV because anything can happen. Hell, last week Jeff Hardy showed up to challenge AJ Styles. Its not something they should every week like they tried in the beginning of 2003, but in moderation, it can be effective. And it the marks eyes, this surprise will rock, even if it will suck in most of our eyes.


The saddest thing about this isn't even Jeff's shitty ability to work. It shows that they are advertising this as a mystery opponent, thus not even capitalizing on Hardy's best asset........his NAME. Christ, why wouldn't you try and reel in the "Jeff Hardy fan market" aka teenage girls/whoever the hell else likes Jeff demographic? Damn, even a bonehead situation like bringing in Jeff and they can't do that right......this company really misses the point all of the time.......to make money.


I do they should have announced it to try to pop a buyrate from his fanbase.


It's not like it was completely Jeff Hardy's fault that his match in Ring of Honor bombed, he didn't really have a stellar supporting-cast that would've put on a good match in the first place. If A.J. Styles can carry X-Pac to a good match, he should be able to get something out of Jeff Hardy.


I think the second Styles/Syxx-Pac match was very good and that mostly due to Styles.

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I think both Waltman/Styles matches were around ***, actually. Very solid matches, and the only hinderance on Sean's part was due to just wear and tear that's been showing more and more since the neck injury in '96.


See, I don't get TNA. If they wanted to bring in Hardy, why not make it a 2-show deal and have him be in some #1 contender's bout at the 2nd Anniversary show? Considering a bit of the card already are jsut rematches from earlier TNA events (Truth/Jarrett is a rematch of the biggest World title match in TNA history). It would really make more sense to advertise Lynn/Styles, considering that feud is what attracted HALF of TNA's current audience. I probably wouldn't have continued to watch TNA had it not been for how awesome that feud was (aside from the 3 or 4 ladder matches, and the final blowoff match being pretty lame...and Lynn being sidetracked and feuding with Siaki).

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Guest whitemilesdavis

Are we pretty certain that they are using Hardy? I'm not sure why, but for some reason I doubt it. If they do get Hardy, I won't hold it against them too much, as they have to scramble to cover Kash's injury. With no time to hype the match, I guess they think the smartest thing to do is throw someone in name value.


It shows that they are advertising this as a mystery opponent, thus not even capitalizing on Hardy's best asset........his NAME.


Though I do agree in principle, they are most likely just trying to protect themselves in case disaster strikes...AKA anything dealing with Jeff Hardy.

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Here's an update on the Hardy situation


Jeff Hardy is now expected to appear at this Thursday's Impact! taping in Orlando, Florida. I do not know if that means he has signed a deal with NWA:TNA, but management has told many that they didn't want anyone who wasn't signed to a TNA deal appearing on the Fox Sports Network show.


As we reported yesterday on PWInsider.com, Hardy is set to appear at tonight's Second Anniversary PPV. Although word going around yesterday was that he would face X-Division champion AJ Styles, it is possible he will be used in a different manner.


Credit: PWInsider.com


Hmmm....interesting. Him appearing on Impact would be good for casual viewers, but if that means he's signed a deal with TNA long-term, then that's decided bad, unless he's improved incredible in his "free" time.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
unless he's improved incredible in his "free" time.


Saw him on an indy show in NC a couple of months ago. He was terrible, and I never thought he was so bad in WWE. Not only that, but he looked over-weight, like a little bloated.

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Guest MikeSC
Here's an update on the Hardy situation


Jeff Hardy is now expected to appear at this Thursday's Impact! taping in Orlando, Florida. I do not know if that means he has signed a deal with NWA:TNA, but management has told many that they didn't want anyone who wasn't signed to a TNA deal appearing on the Fox Sports Network show.


As we reported yesterday on PWInsider.com, Hardy is set to appear at tonight's Second Anniversary PPV. Although word going around yesterday was that he would face X-Division champion AJ Styles, it is possible he will be used in a different manner.


Credit: PWInsider.com


Hmmm....interesting. Him appearing on Impact would be good for casual viewers, but if that means he's signed a deal with TNA long-term, then that's decided bad, unless he's improved incredible in his "free" time.

You'd also hope that TNA wouldn't sign a guy who has a drug problem.


WWE wouldn't have demanded he enter rehab without a good reason.


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Guest Ronnie755

I actually think that TNA using Jeff Hardy in an X-Division title match is kind of contradictory on their part. Here they are trying to push that they feature a ring style that isn't and hasn't ever been common in WWE. Yet, they are clearly putting Hardy in the spot based on his style and matches in WWE.


I wouldn't be surprised if this is actually a good match simply because of AJ Styles.


As for crowd reaction, I'll bet Hardy gets the biggest pop of the night.

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I actually think that TNA using Jeff Hardy in an X-Division title match is kind of contradictory on their part. Here they are trying to push that they feature a ring style that isn't and hasn't ever been common in WWE. Yet, they are clearly putting Hardy in the spot based on his style and matches in WWE.


I wouldn't be surprised if this is actually a good match simply because of AJ Styles.


As for crowd reaction, I'll bet Hardy gets the biggest pop of the night.


Well, he certainly didn't at the Ring of Honor show.

I did hear some nice "We want Matt" and "You got fired" chants.


Mostly he got booed out of the arena.

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keeping Jeff around long term isn't too good an idea. bringing him in for a one time deal at AS2 where he jobs to Styles is the best way to go. a guy like Hardy is meant to be used that way, not as a permanent figure on the shows.


remember when TNA had the "Expect the Unexpected" rule? almost every week someone of some importance would show up for a show or two? that's basically what should be done here. Hardy is a special attraction, nothing more.

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Guest Trivia247

Anyone else seeing Jeff Hardy to end up being a Raven flunky sooner or later?

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Guest Dynamite Kido
You'd also hope that TNA wouldn't sign a guy who has a drug problem.


WWE wouldn't have demanded he enter rehab without a good reason.


Well, they did signed Raven and he is a self admitted drug addict, so apparently that doesn't bother them a bit. Also, all the drug problem stuff is purely speculation as it was never "confirmed" that this was the case. Now INHO it WAS a drug problem, but if I kept bringing that up.......it would be feeding into the speculation.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
Anyone else seeing Jeff Hardy to end up being a Raven flunky sooner or later?


Not really. I think the Raven "follower" angle (flock, nest, gathering) is completely played out, and I don't think TNA would bring in someone they percieve as a big name to be a flunky.

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Well if it wasn't drugs then he became lazier than Ahmed Johnson and less reliable than Sabu.


Not to mention he looks like a corpse now with discolored skin and eyes plus he looks to weight less than 100 pounds soaking wet.


This cannot turn out well cause he's going to literally look like death walked into a TNA ring and Styles will look really stupid covered in glow paint on a PPV. If they want to use this match, use it for Impact! and find someone better for the show. I still say Lynn is a much better opponent than this.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Lynn doesn't belong in teh X Division any more. Put him in the Tag scene or ::GASP:: give him a singles push. I'm not a big Lynn fan in the X Division becuase he just does the same spots over and over. No innovation. And what really pisses me off is that he CAN do other stuff, see his 3/13 match in RoH for a really good mat based match.


Anyway, Jeff will get a nice pop, and maybe jump the Impact rating on Friday. Aside from that, all we can expect is a sub par match.

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Well...we're going to find out one way or another.


If (or more appropriately when) he has a bad match with Styles...there won't be any doubt that he has nothing left at all.


See: Dallas...NOT having a bad match with Styles for an example.


I didn't have a problem with it being a one time thing where he comes in and puts over Styles and that's it...but now that he may be going to Impact too...that changes that for me.


However...I am in favor of bringing in anyone with any name and jobbing them to AJ Styles...for the record.

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Guest netslob

from 411:


Some TNA news...


- Jeff Hardy's official website posted the following message today:



Luna and I just got a note from Beth (Jeff Hardy's girlfriend) and YES Jeff will be appearing on TNA. It was supposed to be kept secret but obviously it's out...so catch Jeff on the PPV tonight.


i think that's a typo...i think "Beth" is supposed to say "Ben"...:D

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from 411:


Some TNA news...


- Jeff Hardy's official website posted the following message today:



Luna and I just got a note from Beth (Jeff Hardy's girlfriend) and YES Jeff will be appearing on TNA. It was supposed to be kept secret but obviously it's out...so catch Jeff on the PPV tonight.


i think that's a typo...i think "Beth" is supposed to say "Ben"...:D


No, she is real.

And she is more of a skelton than Lara Flynn Boyle.


So it looks about right.

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Hey, she put on weight! Good, now she doesn't look scary.


Am I the only one thinking maybe Jeff is a little...how shall we say...special?

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Am I the only one thinking maybe Jeff is a little...how shall we say...special?

If 'special' means "drugged up has-been who's brained is fried", then I will have to agree with you.

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Guest MikeSC
You'd also hope that TNA wouldn't sign a guy who has a drug problem.


WWE wouldn't have demanded he enter rehab without a good reason.


Well, they did signed Raven and he is a self admitted drug addict, so apparently that doesn't bother them a bit. Also, all the drug problem stuff is purely speculation as it was never "confirmed" that this was the case. Now INHO it WAS a drug problem, but if I kept bringing that up.......it would be feeding into the speculation.

I thought Raven was clean when he signed. Heck, I thought he was still clean now.


As for Jeff, the WWE demands he go to rehab before they'd bring him back --- which is why he isn't there. Obviously, they have good reason to assume he has a drug habit.


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