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If I remember, Capcom was TRYING to make Mega Man Zero the "Hardest Mega Man game EVER."

It wasn't the levels themselves that I had the problems with; it was the irritating boss encounters.


X6's levels seemed harder, but I actually got farther in the game because X6's bosses (at least the Mavericks and normal-sized bosses) are absolute idiots. However, the levels are absolutely no fun to play so I abandoned the game and got rid of it quickly. I'll put up with challenge if I'm having a good time, but there's a good reason I got that accursed X6 out of my house as soon as possible even though I enjoy the hell out of Metal Slug 3.

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X6 isn't hard. Stop being a chicken-wuss.


MM 6, 7 and 8 are like X series because they have things to do besides just beat the levels. Powerups and stuff to find.


X series is better than classic because of the movement options. Dashing and wall clinging is the best thing to happen to MM.

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X6 isn't hard. Stop being a chicken-wuss.

Wow, way to completely miss the point. I simply noted that I felt it was harder than what I played of Zero, and not because of well-planned levels that were an enjoyable challenge to complete, but because of really lousy level design.


I didn't whine about it like you're insinuating I am.


I beat basically all the Mavericks, got Zero, got a bunch of upgrades, but I hated the game. I don't think it is fun, and I feel the game sucks. End of story. The whole product is so obviously shoddy I don't see how anyone can dismiss it as an acceptable game, especially when the game graphically, musically, and presentation-wise is absolutely terrible compared to X4 and X5. Capcom just didn't care about the game at all.


MM 6, 7 and 8 are like X series because they have things to do besides just beat the levels. Powerups and stuff to find.


That's not being "being like the X series," that's called "trying desperately to keep pace with the times." They failed because the actual gameplay failed to replicate the "classic" games and acceptably update them, and also they lacked the movement enhancements of X.


EDIT: 6 would fit in, but 7 and 8 tinkered with the entire feel of the classic series, if that makes any sense.


X series is better than classic because of the movement options. Dashing and wall clinging is the best thing to happen to MM.


EDIT: I screwed up there--anyway, I think it takes a hell of a lot more than dashing and wall-clinging to make a series better. Most of the X series didn't really add anything or change much to make it leaps and bounds greater than the older games. Plus I think that 7 and 8 are worse than any of the X games save for X6, but dashing and wall-clinging weren't why.

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X series is better because X1, X2 and X4 alone top the entire classic series.

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X series is better because X1, X2 and X4 alone top the entire classic series.

Take out X4 and I'd say you make a good argument. I guess that it must have been tricky developing levels that would work well with X and Zero hence it being so simple to complete.

However, the classic games have that faster, quicker feel that I prefer over the X games. So you can do more in the X games, but it's generally more sluggish.


Plus, it's almost pitiful how little the X series has actually evolved beyond the SNES days. You'd think by now Sigma would be dead, the weapons wouldn't be so tied to managing weapons power, and the initial stages would be something like 30% of the game instead of 60-70%

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X4 is one of the best MM games ever.



None of them evolve. Sigma is still boss, but so is Wily. The one game(X7) where they did evolve and mix things up is the weakest. No more evolution please.



X series is much faster paced than classic. The dash alone doubles the pace of classic.

How can you possibly say classic is quicker?

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AndrewTS: Not playing X7 is perfectly fine, as it's perhaps the worst Mega Man game I've ever played. It's nice to try new things, but I absolutely hated that game for going out of its way to be different and sucking while doing so.

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AndrewTS: Not playing X7 is perfectly fine, as it's perhaps the worst Mega Man game I've ever played. It's nice to try new things, but I absolutely hated that game for going out of its way to be different and sucking while doing so.

Incidentally, what are the failed new ideas?


X4 is one of the best MM games ever.


As far as X games go, I think it is strictly middle-of-the-road. X1, X2, and X5 I all find preferable to it. It is the best *looking* out of any of the 2D X games, at least.


None of them evolve. Sigma is still boss, but so is Wily. The one game(X7) where they did evolve and mix things up is the weakest. No more evolution please.


Anyanka logic--


Premises: Capcom tries innovation. They screw up.

Conclusion: Capcom should NEVER innovate again!


Can't argue with that, I suppose.


X series is much faster paced than classic. The dash alone doubles the pace of classic.  How can you possibly say classic is quicker?


The response to jumps for X has a slight lag due to the extra animation. Enemies in the X games mostly are slightly slower than their classic counterparts. As mentioned, classic Mega Man has a smaller sprite so he has more room to see ahead. I just like the "feel" and the way classic responds better. Zero's blazingly fast, but even in the games where X and Zero are faster, the games tend to have slower enemies. Bosses seem slower in the X games, although you'll have some speedy suckers once in a while.


Mega Man 7 and 8 are the absolute worst in that regard. They're slower then either classic or X games. Capcom tried to update them graphically and throw in upgrades to try to put it on par with the X games as far as gameplay variety, but they didn't give classic Mega Man any new basic moves to replace wall-clinging, even though sliding can substitute for some of the functions of dashing (well, some of the classic games don't let you slide-->jump, but some of them do).


You likely disagree with me about the X games, but certainly you can see that issue with MM7 and MM8.

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Big innovation isn't really the problem with X7, it's just that the 3D stuff sucks. It's ugly and the level design is weak. Probably the worst part is the boss design.


7's gameplay does feel weird because of the animation and his big sprite. Shooting does too. The whole game feels weird. Not a big problem though.

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Big innovation isn't really the problem with X7, it's just that the 3D stuff sucks. It's ugly and the level design is weak. Probably the worst part is the boss design.


7's gameplay does feel weird because of the animation and his big sprite. Shooting does too. The whole game feels weird. Not a big problem though.

What's the problem with the boss design? Same issues as X6, basically? As in, lousy looking bosses that die quickly?


You'd think Capcom would know how to make good Mega Man games consistantly by now.


As for 7, well, it was a problem back in 1995 when no one bought the thing. :P


X4 is hella fun if only because of how fucking cool Zero is once you have all his powers.


I can sort of understand that...


Zero goes through the game like water through a first-time Mexican tourist. So naturally Capcom slowed him down and made him suck by X6, instead of amping the game itself up to keep pace. :P

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No, actually the bosses have way too much HP. the battles go on forever. They all have horrible designs(one is an onion...). Horrible voice acting. Generic attacks. They're just poorly designed.

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No, actually the bosses have way too much HP. the battles go on forever. They all have horrible designs(one is an onion...). Horrible voice acting. Generic attacks. They're just poorly designed.

Onion? That's not too bad. Chop-Chop Master Onion ruled.


Although I get the idea--since X6 has a dung beetle you know they're running out of ideas.

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Yeah, but CCMO is cool. He has a dojo(in his mind). It even has a casino!


Tornado Tonion is just lame.



The whole weapon thing is badly done in X7. None of the weapons are any good and the weaknesses are not very defined. I always just use the regular blaster.


The story sucks too.

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Yeah, but CCMO is cool. He has a dojo(in his mind). It even has a casino!


Tornado Tonion is just lame.

TORNADO TONION?!?! Hooboy...they couldn't even come up with a cool name.


The whole weapon thing is badly done in X7. None of the weapons are any good and the weaknesses are not very defined.


Well, besides the elementals, the same could sometimes be said of almost all Mega Man games.


Although that reminds me that I guess *knew* that Split Mushroom would be weak against lightning in X4.


Mmm...fried mushroom.


Can't wait for X8, with Proton Pizza and Supreme Sardine. Bring in some Metal Shark Player fin soup, too.



The story sucks too.


That is something we all play Mega Man games for. What a tragedy! *I*


Anyway, it turns out the reason people probably prefer 2/3 over the later games is that the boss weapons are more useful for the levels. For instance, the Metal Blades can practically replace your normal weapon in MM2, and in 2/3 the weapons don't use up too much energy, and are more easily rechargable.


However, the later games place less emphasis on the weapons, not more.

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With the other games, expecially X series, using the weapons does interesting things to be bosses if it's their weakness. Like shotgun ice on Spark Mandril freezes him in place or the magnet forces Crystal Snail out of his shell. That stuff isn't in X7. Bosses are barely even weaker against certain weapons at all.



Weapon weakness is too good in the early classics. It ruins boss battles. Boss battles are either impossible wars of attrition or way too short and easy in 1-3. X series has the best boss battles.

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The Metal Blade is almost too goddamned powerful. Besides how kick-ass it is in the normal levels, it can toast both Flash and Bubble Man with little/no trouble.


I do like how the boses will react to weapons in the X games though. Even if they don't do something really odd (like the stuff already mentioned, or Armored Armadillo getting his armour blown off) you can generally tell when you've found the right weapon, because they'll react differently.


It's really obvious in X3 - hit about any boss with the right weapon and they fucking sell it like hell. That can be really helpful if you're new to the game and are still trying to figure out what works where.

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You can kill Metal Man himself with just one blade.


Anyway, it turns out the reason people probably prefer 2/3 over the later games is that the boss weapons are more useful for the levels.  For instance, the Metal Blades can practically replace your normal weapon in MM2, and in 2/3 the weapons don't use up too much energy, and are more easily rechargable.


However, the later games place less emphasis on the weapons, not more.


I guess that's probably it. I haven't played it in about 12 years but I remember it just not being as fun as the rest. All the weapons were pretty useless most of the time after MM4 gave us the Mega Blaster.

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Best part about the Metal Blade-- 8-way attacking!! Plus it's a big projectile that's fast as hell.


Oddly, it seems only a bit more powerful than a regular weapon against plain ol' run-of-the-mill enemies...


Then it's a weakness for 3 or so bosses. WTF?! :P


Bubble Lead is good too.


Anyway, yeah, I like the aspect of MM2 where the weapons actually have uses other than getting a hidden item or just fighting a boss. Although they never quite struck a perfect balance between that and keeping weapons from being too powerful.

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X7 has the most cutscenes in the series, but the story is the lamest. There's a cutscene after every level.



The grappling hook weapon in MM8 is probably the most useful weapon ever. Just because you have to use it a few times later.

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A *few* times later? Ooooooh... :P


Anyway, here's my rankings of the X games..


Best |--- X, X5, X2, X4, X3, X6/X7 ---| Worst


The original games aren't as clear cut for me, but 8 would definitely be closer to the worse end of the spectrum.


Also, I freakin' love X5 and I don't care what anyone else thinks. :P


You can also beat Wood Man in one shot with the charged-up Heat Man weapon.


You can charge it up?


I actually only got it last night after beating Heat Man's stage, after getting the Item 2 from being Air Man's stage.


In MM2 I still have to beat Quick Man's start. ARRRGH!! Hate those lasers. :P

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I'd go 2, 3, 5, 4, 8, 1, 6, 7. I haven't played 7 much though, so the last two are subject to change. Possibly switch 4 & 5.

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I hate the way the newer classic Mega Mans control, so I'm baised there.


Odd little thing ChrisM researched--


Mega Man is 4 foot, 4 inches. He weighs 231 pounds.


X is 5'3" and weighs 125 pounds.


"And that explains why X can do the wall cling...cause he's not a little fat-ass like Classic is." -- CMW.

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You can also beat Wood Man in one shot with the charged-up Heat Man weapon.

See, that's another great thing about the early Mega Mans. Bosses had more than one weakness so you pick your own path. Wood Man is weak against the metal blade too so I always went to heat man last.


Here's how I always did it.

Bubble Man

Flash Man

Quick Man

Metal Man

Wood Man

Air Man

Crash Man

Heat Man


although bubbles work the best for Heat Man so it's not a complete loop.


original mega mans

2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 8, 6, 7


mega man x's

X2, X1, X3, X4 (didn't play x5-x7)

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I believe I did Metal, Flash, Wood, Crash, Bubble, Air, and Heat so far...still gotta nail Quick Man.


By the way, another thread reminded me...just how many blatant knockoffs of Mega Man were there around then?


Off-hand I can think of:


Darkwing Duck (yeah, Capcom made it too...)

Krion Conquest

Kid Dracula

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Use the time stop weapon to freeze the lasers. The stage is easy then.



Here is my X ranking. Best to worst: X4, X, X2, X5, X6, X3, X7

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