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I fancy having a bet on John Kerry

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Guest INXS

Not really. It means for every £11 you put on you would get £10 back (as well as your £11 stake). I think betting against Bush is going to be pointless as the fix will no doubt be in this year as well :)

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Betting on Kerry isn't a terribly smart idea IMO.


Bush has the incumbent advantage, Kerry can't win in the South and despite how horrible the last 3 months have been for the Bush administration Kerry hasn't been able to pull away at all.

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Guest INXS

You'd really have to put more than a tenner on Bush to make it worthwhile. The odds are so short that you stand to make much less than you put on (tho if you win you get your stake back). In other words, you're risking losing a tenner to make less than £4.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

If you really want to find bets find a place that has bets on which states they'll win.

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Keep in mind everyone's "odds" kind of depends on their politics.


I think the past month has been good news for Bush, comparatively. The prison scandal is, at last, old news. We've had the June 30th news blasted at our eyeballs constantly. The news and inquiries about torture at Gitmo don't have flashy pictures and naked people pyramids to catch their attention.


So all and all, it's been good for Bush.


But the recent polls by the Washington Post show Kerry having almost a 10% lead over Bush. They're tied on how they'd handle terrorism (despite Kerry having no terror record) and Bush's disapproval rating now eeks out his approval rating.


In short, all this good news has done nothing.

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Like I've said before, it doesn't matter much what happens outside of some catastrophic scandal on either side between now and November. 90% of the states' votes might as well already be in, and it'll still be close not because there aren't so many pro-Kerry voters as there are anti-Bush voters. If I had to pick a winner right now I'd give it to Bush, but there's still Kerry's VP pick, the conventions, late campaigning in battleground states (Missouri = BIG), all that to go still.

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Baron, I looked at those odds. Let's see what I get

All politics aside, here's a simple formula on placing a bet. Place the bet if the expected payoff is positive and better than you could do in ANY alternative.


If I thought about things, I would give Bush a slight statistical advantage to being re-elected over Kerry's chances to be elected (55/45)


Not that this statistical advantage was gleamed from previous election years results and current conditions. Some economist keeps probability numbers. Anywho.


you have two outcomes. win or lose


Outcome 1: 10 + 11*.45=14.95

Outcome 2: -10


Weighting: -10*.55 + 1495*.45


Expected payoff, about 1 pound


Therefore Baron, if you took this bet, your expected payoff is a pound.

Even though the payoff is positive, its not positive by much. I think you could find a better place for your money.

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