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New JBL WWE.Com Column

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The Great American Bash. I can’t wait. I have had a ton of Bull Rope Matches in my career, but none bigger than this. In fact, the rope I will be bringing will be the same rope I used for more than a decade, from my days in Austria and Germany working for Otto Wanz and Peter William.


Speaking of Germany, I would like to address one thing. I shouldn’t address anything, but I will anyway. I had a great time on Howard Stern’s radio show. I believe Stern has been shafted by the media. If you have a person like Howard and that person stays within the rules of censorship, then you can’t complain about him. Change the rules, but don’t complain about someone exploring the boundaries of those rules.


Whatever you think about the content of Howard’s show, you have to agree he is a genius. Howard has done the same shtick for years; it is nothing new. What is different is his outspoken political views, and I think he is being punished by people with opposite views.


You can’t come out after Janet Jackson and create new rules of conduct and then make them retroactive; it simply is not right.


A number of years ago, WWE was attacked in the same way by people in the media. We not only stayed within the rules, we never portrayed certain things and stayed away from using household items because we had a social conscientiousness that most shows didn’t. Yet we were attacked. If you don’t like the content, like these people claimed, you should argue against the rules, not people abiding by those very rules.


Just because you personally do not like something, you can’t impose your will on other people, which is what is great about America.


Now back to Germany. I find it incredulous that people feel like the actor Anthony Hopkins would in any way be culpable of what Hannibal Lecter did simply because he portrayed Lecter in “The Silence of the Lambs.” It is insane. However, what I would like to correct -- and believe me, this is my last word (until my next word) – is the assumption that what I did is illegal. It is not illegal.


Now before you start citing examples, trying to make claims that I am wrong, let me explain.


It is specifically covered that acts done for the purpose of art (as in entertainment) are not illegal. When Arnold Schwarzenegger shoots up a police station in “The Terminator,” it is not illegal because it is a movie (entertainment). This is specifically covered by German law. So “Hogan’s Heroes” (a TV comedy set in Germany during World War II) or “The Producers” (a movie-turned-Broadway-play with references to Nazis and Hitler) would be allowed to air there because they are entertainment.


This act done for political reason is illegal; however, entertainment is specifically exempt.


Now, on to much more important matters, like Saudi Arabia. The royal kingdom is in trouble; they are in a danger of losing their kingdom to Osama bin Laden’s edict on war against them. Corruption is very deep within the royal family; these terrorists have exposed that to everyone.


We have to have the Saudi’s help in exterminating these bad guys. These brutal senseless killings show what kind of subhuman people these animals are. They have to be dealt with.


I get very upset that our media care so much to cover the Abu Ghraib prison scandal and make such a big deal out of it. I believe those who did those things were wrong and should be dealt with. But please, to compare that to these beheadings is ridiculous. We have our guys fighting and dying over there daily; we should find a way to support them better. The way to support them is not to undermine them with unnecessary negative press, which we have done.


I even heard a congressman claim that Abu Ghraib was the worst atrocity in the history of our country. Come on. What about the Indians? What about slavery? What about 9/11? We have to define who the bad guy is here, and it is not the other party. It reeks of partisanship to use tragedy to try to get your guy elected.


It is not just the Democrats. Bill Clinton’s book comes out and the only thing talked about is Monica. The whole idea of taking a president to prosecution over an affair is ridiculous. I know he lied under oath, which people have gone to jail for, but why was he under oath to begin with? Let the man run the country first; prosecute him after he leaves office. We elect a president, not a pope. Believe me, as many skeletons as I have, I won’t be throwing stones.


I am sick of seeing America divided by personal agenda and the moral police. This reeks of hypocrisy. Do things that benefit America first.


We have a great country, but we have some real idiots who should just shut up, Michael Moore being one of them. Spend some of your time talking about the good things that our armed forces are doing. Talk about the fact that my friend Staff Sgt. McNaughton lost his leg in Afghanistan and just ran in a track meet last weekend. If we need a hero, there it is.


Hope you enjoy the pay-per-view. I think you will like the Bull Rope Match. There is so much to do that you don’t realize at first glance. Dick Murdoch right now is smiling down on me.


Next week, I will get to e-mails. Don’t forget to watch the best looking lady on FOX News, Meredith Whitney, this weekend.

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Thanks for posting. I'm happy to see he at least addressed it. I don't really have much of an opinion on it (I'll probably chime in with some witty remark once this thread reaches like 5 pages or something, LOL), but I enjoyed reading it and seeing him address it, so again - thanks for posting it.

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He didn't really address the issue of whether or not he should have done it, just whether or not it was illegal.


He's kind of screwed. The German government didn't punish him for it, the crowd reacted very negatively (and not in a heel heat kind of way). But he lost a job in America as a result.


I love his comments about Saudi Arabia though. Hey Bradshaw, guess where most of the 911 hijackers were from?

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This act done for political reason is illegal; however, entertainment is specifically exempt.

WHAT is entertaining about the Nazi salute?


I'm sure all the Jews found it hilarious.

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Guest Goodear
WHAT is entertaining about the Nazi salute?


I'm sure all the Jews found it hilarious.







Sorry, I'm trying to fix my brain so I can comprehend your complete and total missing of the point anf figured punching myself might help.

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This act done for political reason is illegal; however, entertainment is specifically exempt.

WHAT is entertaining about the Nazi salute?


I'm sure all the Jews found it hilarious.



Man, you got whooshed by Bradshaw. Ouch.

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Guest JacK

Wow, I'm impressed, that was quite well written . . . there were even valid points (especially the Clinton one IMO). That was quite the impressive column when you consider his previous works.

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Yes, I know it's perfectly fine to do the Nazi salute, because it was for "entertainment purposes." I read the sentence wrong and responded too quickly.


I'm suprised he considered that for entertainment purposes though, because it's obvious there's not much entertaining about SmackDown, nor their house shows.

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Guest nikowwf
I'm suprised he considered that for entertainment purposes though, because it's obvious there's not much entertaining about SmackDown, nor their house shows.

WOW, BURN.... :gas:

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Guest thebigjig
This act done for political reason is illegal; however, entertainment is specifically exempt.

WHAT is entertaining about the Nazi salute?


I'm sure all the Jews found it hilarious.

It was pretty damn entertaining in the Producers... "springtime for Hitler, and Germany!"


Anyway... this is the first column that I can think of where I mostly agree with what he has to say. I'm going to go slit my wrists now

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Guest netslob
It is not just the Democrats. Bill Clinton’s book comes out and the only thing talked about is Monica. The whole idea of taking a president to prosecution over an affair is ridiculous. I know he lied under oath, which people have gone to jail for, but why was he under oath to begin with? Let the man run the country first; prosecute him after he leaves office. We elect a president, not a pope. Believe me, as many skeletons as I have, I won’t be throwing stones.


he's got a point there. (*stands on soap box*) as far as i'm concerned there were two, and ONLY two, people who had any right to be pissed a Clinton for having an affair: his wife and his daughter. BOOM, that's it. no one else. people acted like he was giving Monica governmet secrets in bed, or that he was gonna die, and leave Monica America. ridiculous. (*steps down from soapbox*)


I am sick of seeing America divided by personal agenda and the moral police. This reeks of hypocrisy.


true, but so does this:


Just because you personally do not like something, you can’t impose your will on other people, which is what is great about America.


We have a great country, but we have some real idiots who should just shut up, Michael Moore being one of them.


so because you don't agree with Moore, he's an idiot and should shut up? okay, John whatever you say. :rolleyes:


We not only stayed within the rules, we never portrayed certain things and stayed away from using household items because we had a social conscientiousness that most shows didn’t.


John, if your going to use big words to make yourself seem smarter, at least spell them correctly...


I find it incredulous that people feel like the actor Anthony Hopkins would in any way be culpable of what Hannibal Lecter did simply because he portrayed Lecter in “The Silence of the Lambs.”


...or use them in the proper context.

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Guest thebigjig
It is not just the Democrats. Bill Clinton’s book comes out and the only thing talked about is Monica. The whole idea of taking a president to prosecution over an affair is ridiculous. I know he lied under oath, which people have gone to jail for, but why was he under oath to begin with? Let the man run the country first; prosecute him after he leaves office. We elect a president, not a pope. Believe me, as many skeletons as I have, I won’t be throwing stones.


he's got a point there. (*stands on soap box*) as far as i'm concerned there were two, and ONLY two, people who had any right to be pissed a Clinton for having an affair: his wife and his daughter. BOOM, that's it. no one else. people acted like he was giving Monica governmet secrets in bed, or that he was gonna die, and leave Monica America. ridiculous. (*steps down from soapbox*)


I am sick of seeing America divided by personal agenda and the moral police. This reeks of hypocrisy.


true, but so does this:


Just because you personally do not like something, you can’t impose your will on other people, which is what is great about America.


We have a great country, but we have some real idiots who should just shut up, Michael Moore being one of them.


so because you don't agree with Moore, he's an idiot and should shut up? okay, John whatever you say. :rolleyes:


We not only stayed within the rules, we never portrayed certain things and stayed away from using household items because we had a social conscientiousness that most shows didn’t.


John, if your going to use big words to make yourself seem smarter, at least spell them correctly...


I find it incredulous that people feel like the actor Anthony Hopkins would in any way be culpable of what Hannibal Lecter did simply because he portrayed Lecter in “The Silence of the Lambs.”


...or use them in the proper context.

I find it funny that most who hate Clinton for what he did, if asked about Thomas Jefferson, would probably have nothing but good things to say about him since he was a founding father...


I guess having multiple kids with a slave out of wedlock is less serious that getting blow from a fat jewish girl

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Guest Loss

The point he's trying to make is that wrestling is a work, and if it's fair game for TV and movies, it's fair game for wrestling. I actually agree with that, but WWE picks and chooses when to maintain kayfabe and when to break it when it best benefits them, and if they want the public to take them as one thing or the other, they need to be consistent.

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Guest Goodear

We not only stayed within the rules, we never portrayed certain things and stayed away from using household items because we had a social conscientiousness that most shows didn’t.


John, if your going to use big words to make yourself seem smarter, at least spell them correctly...




\Con`sci*en"tious*ness\, n. The quality of being conscientious; a scrupulous regard to the dictates of conscience.


I find it incredulous that people feel like the actor Anthony Hopkins would in any way be culpable of what Hannibal Lecter did simply because he portrayed Lecter in “The Silence of the Lambs.”


...or use them in the proper context.




Skeptical; disbelieving: incredulous of stories about flying saucers.

Expressive of disbelief: an incredulous stare.



This is what happens when you try to look smart by talking down to someone actually using appropriate words. I get to laugh at you.

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Guest netslob
I find it funny that most who hate Clinton for what he did, if asked about Thomas Jefferson, would probably have nothing but good things to say about him since he was a founding father...


I guess having multiple kids with a slave out of wedlock is less serious that getting blow from a fat jewish girl


or JFK...that guy fucked EVERYTHING in a skirt that came with in 1000 yards of him, but he got killed, so they just sweep it all under the carpet. now THAT reeks of hypocrisy.

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Guest Loss

If you don't think Clinton is going to be romanticized to no end when he passes, you're crazy.


-- Loss, a major Clinton supporter

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Guest netslob

We not only stayed within the rules, we never portrayed certain things and stayed away from using household items because we had a social conscientiousness that most shows didn’t.


John, if your going to use big words to make yourself seem smarter, at least spell them correctly...




\Con`sci*en"tious*ness\, n. The quality of being conscientious; a scrupulous regard to the dictates of conscience.


I find it incredulous that people feel like the actor Anthony Hopkins would in any way be culpable of what Hannibal Lecter did simply because he portrayed Lecter in “The Silence of the Lambs.”


...or use them in the proper context.




Skeptical; disbelieving: incredulous of stories about flying saucers.

Expressive of disbelief: an incredulous stare.



This is what happens when you try to look smart by talking down to someone actually using appropriate words. I get to laugh at you.

well, then i stand corrected. i didn't know "conscientiousness" had a "t" in it. i'll admit i'm not the smartest person on earth.

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Guest Wondermouse
I find it incredulous that people feel like the actor Anthony Hopkins would in any way be culpable of what Hannibal Lecter did simply because he portrayed Lecter in “The Silence of the Lambs.”


...or use them in the proper context.




Skeptical; disbelieving: incredulous of stories about flying saucers.

Expressive of disbelief: an incredulous stare.



This is what happens when you try to look smart by talking down to someone actually using appropriate words. I get to laugh at you.

"Incredulous" is wrong, actually. You can be incredulous, something can be indicative of incredulousness (like a "stare"), but, say, a story isn't. Look at the first example: it says incredulous of stories about flying saucers.

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What is this "whoosh" anyhow?


whoosh, n.

1. A sibilant sound: the whoosh of the high-speed elevator.

2. A swift movement or flow; a rush or spurt.


So somebody hit me with a swift movement? I demand compensation.

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Its quite simple, Bradshaw, don't break foreign laws. You're lucky they didn't throw your ass in jail or keep you in the country like what happened with poor Vader.

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Guest Wondermouse
What is this "whoosh" anyhow?


whoosh, n.

1. A sibilant sound: the whoosh of the high-speed elevator.

2. A swift movement or flow; a rush or spurt.


So somebody hit me with a swift movement? I demand compensation.

"Whoosh" is the sound of something going over your head.

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Guest thebigjig
I find it funny that most who hate Clinton for what he did, if asked about Thomas Jefferson, would probably have nothing but good things to say about him since he was a founding father...


I guess having multiple kids with a slave out of wedlock is less serious that getting blow from a fat jewish girl


or JFK...that guy fucked EVERYTHING in a skirt that came with in 1000 yards of him, but he got killed, so they just sweep it all under the carpet. now THAT reeks of hypocrisy.

Well... he helped save us from nucleur distruction... and he was young and charming and represented the early 60's when America seemed young again... plus, he's a pop icon like Marilyn Monroe (no pun) and James Dean... a representation of what was so cool about that time period


Anyway, I dont give a damn what a president does in his private life. EVERYONE has flaws... yeah, integrity should be a good trait to have in a leader, but I judge integrity on an entirely different level

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I get very upset that our media care so much to cover the Abu Ghraib prison scandal and make such a big deal out of it. I believe those who did those things were wrong and should be dealt with. But please, to compare that to these beheadings is ridiculous. We have our guys fighting and dying over there daily; we should find a way to support them better. The way to support them is not to undermine them with unnecessary negative press, which we have done.


I even heard a congressman claim that Abu Ghraib was the worst atrocity in the history of our country. Come on. What about the Indians? What about slavery? What about 9/11? We have to define who the bad guy is here, and it is not the other party. It reeks of partisanship to use tragedy to try to get your guy elected.


It is not just the Democrats. Bill Clinton’s book comes out and the only thing talked about is Monica. The whole idea of taking a president to prosecution over an affair is ridiculous. I know he lied under oath, which people have gone to jail for, but why was he under oath to begin with? Let the man run the country first; prosecute him after he leaves office. We elect a president, not a pope. Believe me, as many skeletons as I have, I won’t be throwing stones.


I am sick of seeing America divided by personal agenda and the moral police. This reeks of hypocrisy. Do things that benefit America first.


Holy shit. Bradshaw & I actually agree on something! :huh:

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Its quite simple, Bradshaw, don't break foreign laws. You're lucky they didn't throw your ass in jail or keep you in the country like what happened with poor Vader.

Are you referring to "poor Vader" as in the same Vader who snapped for no reason and attacked a news reporter? Yeah, poor Vader. ;)

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