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Go ahead and turn on IFC........RIGHT NOW.....

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IFC comes though again, with a random airing of a classic horror flick from the lesser known Wes Craven flicks.......Turn it on fools.......There is a little over an hour left. I flipped passed it by total coincidence..... :headbang:

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I think it stands for Independent Film Channel, but I'm not 100% sure.


NoCal, how edited was the movie? I've seen the unedited version enough times to not bother with an airing if it's going to be edited to hell.

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Oh, that hippie channel. When I had Digital Cable for a few months I had it. Only saw one film, and it dealt with some Europeans robbing banks and stuff. I was rooting for their deaths.


My guess is that it was unedited...

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I actually noticed that it was on last night as well. AWESOME flick. Early Craven rules......this falls into the RULES category IMO.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Good movie...but I picked up the 2 disk DVD last week

Good choice YnA as I picked it up when it came out. Nice touch there with the Craven feature as one of the bonus features.......

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Oh, that hippie channel. When I had Digital Cable for a few months I had it. Only saw one film, and it dealt with some Europeans robbing banks and stuff. I was rooting for their deaths.


My guess is that it was unedited...

Hell, a channel that would show The Hills Have Eyes rather then IKWYDLS is fine by me, not to say that HBO doesn't kick ass as well. but IFC does air a lot of quality stuff that HBO would never touch.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Oh, that hippie channel. When I had Digital Cable for a few months I had it. Only saw one film, and it dealt with some Europeans robbing banks and stuff. I was rooting for their deaths.


My guess is that it was unedited...

Hell, a channel that would show The Hills Have Eyes rather then IKWYDLS is fine by me, not to say that HBO doesn't kick ass as well. but IFC does air a lot of quality stuff that HBO would never touch.


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