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OaO 7/7/04 TNA PPV Thread

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Well, nobody started it yet...


Here's Keller's PBP so far from PWTorch.com:



JULY 7, 2004



-Larry Zbyszko delivered this week's anti-PPV-pirating message this week. How many people feel like suckers every time they pay for it and then hear a message created to guilt those who don't pay for it into paying for it in the future.


1 -- CHRIS SABIN & KAZARIAN (w/Tracy) vs. D-RAY 300 & SHARK BOY


Tenay talked about Sabin and Kazarian as a new team with a common bond of having a rivalry with A.J. Styles. Shark Boy bit Tracy's BUTT during the match. Shark Boy wrestled most of the match, and hot-tagged in D-Ray at 5:45. When Tracy distracted D-Ray, he fell to a Sabin superkick.


WINNERS: Sabin & Kazarian when Sabin pinned Kazarian after a superkick at 6:15.




-Afterward, David Young went to the ring to yell at referee Mike Posey. Posey lost it and it took off his shirt and went after Young. He pulled Young's shirt over his head as in a hockey fight and pounded away with relatively harmless looking forearms. He looked really physically fit, but his blows didn't seem to have much force. Young ended up giving him a spinebuster when Glenn Gilberti and Johnny Swinger ran out to help.


-A promo aired with Ken Shamrock saying he is back on top of his world, the Octagon, and now he's going to take over his world inside the octagon.


-Scott Hudson interviewed Monty Brown who gave a super-intense (scary-so) promo about wanting the winner of the Gauntlet NWA Title match. Jeff Jarrett interrupted and said he overheard Brown. He said he wanted to be referred to as "King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett" by him. He then turned it into a promo for himself, saying he was going to send Shamrock back to the Octagon. Of course, in the end, his promo focused on Vince Russo, saying he'd never outsmart him. He said once again: "Russo, I've forgotten more about this business than you'll even ever know." Brown made funny facial expressions as Jarrett talked. Jarrett then turned to him and said he'll have to get through D-Lo before he gets to him, and he doesn't think he can. Nice promo at setting up a variety of issues.


-A vignette aired to promote the Monty Brown vs. D-Lo match.




They began with a slugfest and then quickly brawled at the announcers' table with Monty throwing D-Lo onto the table. By 2:30, after some action back inside the ring, D-Lo took control of Monty at ringside. Mostly just punches, though, which got old quickly. They punched their way up to the stage, then D-Lo dove onto Monty. They brawled back into the ring. D-Lo missed a Lo-Down flip splash at 7:00. Brown then gave D-Lo a Pounce out of nowhere sending D-Lo into a table set in the corner and scored the three count. Tenay called it Monty's highest profile win to date and he remains undefeated.


WINNER: Monty Brown at 7:22.


STAR RATING: 3/4* -- They have to show they can do more than stand and throw punches at each other while moving around the arena. Good intensity and half-way interesting, but half-way boring, too.


-A brief promo aired with B.G. James about the main event.


-Hudson interviewed Larry Zbyszko and Dusty Rhodes. Zbyszko said he smelled a World Title change later. Dusty said the bottom line was something special can happen tonight. He shifted to the Jeff Hardy contract situation, although he slipped up and called him Jeff Jarrett. He again said Hardy has "Rock Star Status." He held a folder in his hand and then said Hardy held it in his possession. I assume he meant a copy of it, because from what I could tell, Dusty was holding what was in his hand, not Jeff Hardy. He said the decision is now his to make.




Tenay said there still is no explanation on why Kid Kash was suspended, then shifted to talking about the contract offer to Hardy. West said the offer to Hardy may not be all about money because someone of his stature may be making other demands. Tenay said because of Hardy's interest in music, perhaps the folder delivered by Dusty to Hardy has some opportunities built in regarding that. Vito and Siaki fought at first. Trinity tagged in at 1:30, but when Desire tagged in, Trinity quickly tagged Vito back in. Vita took control on Siaki. Desire finally got to Trinity at 5:30 which got a nice pop. Siaki went to the top rope, but Vito shoved the ref into the top rope. He then gave a stunned Siaki his neckbreaker finisher for the win. After the match, when Vito went after Desire, "Irish" Pat Kenney made the save, quickly clearing the ring of Vito and Trinity.


WINNER: Vito & Trinity at 6:30.


STAR RATING: * -- Basic stuff.


-A Konnan promo aired where he ran down his history of holding titles such as the Mexican Heavyweight Title, the WCW Tag Team Titles, and the WCW U.S. Hvt. Title. He vowed to finally win the World Hvt. Title.


-A video package aired on the Goldy Locks/Abyss vs. Erik Watts feud.


-Hudson interviewed Trinity who acted crazy and talked about having more money than she knew what to do with. She said she was going to buy a wrestler.


-A video feature aired on the X Division.


-Tenay interviewed Michael Shane and Kazarian in mid-ring. Shane was pretty funny as he talked about a petition being passed around backstage to have A.J. Styles kicked out of the X Division. He said "hundreds of boys have signed it." I was wondering why a bunch of 10 year olds should have a say-so over Styles's career. He really shouldn't refer to wrestlers on air by the carny term "boys." They referred to an abscure rule that says one a wrestler makes the "jump to the heavyweight division," they can't return to the X Division. They shouldn't call it a "jump," because it implies it's a "step up." How about "shifts" or "moves" or "changes" to the heavyweight division. When Tenay said there is no such rule, Shane told Tenay not to make funny faces. Finally, someone made fun of Tenay's crazy facial contortions. Jerry Lynn came out and said when he first got to TNA, he agreed with their current point of view, but now he has come to believe Styles has earned his position atop the X Division. When Shane said Lynn may have shaved his goatee to try to shave ten years off of his look, but it's not working. Lynn said he has defeated both of them within the last year. Shane and Kazarian ended up attacking Lynn. Styles ran out and made the save. Christopher Daniels and Primetime made the save. Tenay and West called Daniels and Primetime "Triple X," which begs for an explanation of who the third member is. They don't mention Low Ki much anymore. They showed Chris Sabin and Amazing Red looking on from the stage. They're doing a much better job establishing the personalities of the X Division wrestlers the last two weeks compared to usual. However, they still need to portray it as a main event division, not a mid-card division, to turn it into the full draw it has the potential to be.


-A promo aired with The Truth regarding the NWA Title match later.


-Hudson interviewed America's Most Wanted. Chris Harris complained about The Naturals attempting to take their pride. He said they're going to get revenge.

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Guest Donners

Just to follow on from that:


-Hudson interviewed America's Most Wanted. Chris Harris complained about The Naturals attempting to take their pride. He said they're going to get revenge. James Storm said his mama told him if you want something bad enough, every time you get knocked down, you get back up and keep going after it. That's what they were going to do. He also said fans don't even chant "You suck!" at The Naturals because they don't care about them. There's more honesty than you usually get from wrestling promos.


4 -- AMERICA'S MOST WANTED (Chris Harris & James Storm) vs. THE NATURALS (Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas) -- NWA World Tag Title match


Tenay did a nice job setting up the match, saying that the Naturals last week stole AMW's ring gear and it paid off because it threw AMW off of their game and caused them to go for revenge rather than just try to win the match. When the bell rang, Douglas KO'd Storm with the title belt out of the eyesight of the ref, leading to a quick three count. The Naturals ran off to the stage to celebrate as if they had just stolen something. AMW couldn't believe what happened.


WINNERS: The Naturals at 0:12 to retain the NWA World Tag Team Titles.


STAR RATING: n/a -- I like the finish because it establishes that a match can end anytime, establishes The Naturals as fluke champs, and really builds anticipation for AMW's rematch. I don't like the finish because it has been well-established in recent weeks that referee decisions in title matches can be overturned due to use of illegal objects. Why is this tag match different? Or are we just supposed to not think that hard about things?


-Hudson interviewed Scott D'Amore and Team Canada. Another good heel manager promo from D'Amore.




WINNERS: Triple X when Daniels pinned Sabin after his BME at 11:51.


STAR RATING: **1/2 -- A nice, but not spectacular spotfest.


-Hudson interviewed The Naturals who gloated about their tag team title win. They were really unlikable in an entertaining way. Russo stepped in. He said he has a problem with them because they're going around stealing things. He said, "Yeah, you won tonight, but I don't know about next week." He said next week they're going to hang the clothes they stole above the ring with two ladders inside the ring. If AMW get their clothes first, they get a tag team title rematch the following week. The Naturals complained about having a full 30 days before needing to defend it. Russo said he was overriding that rule. He said if The Naturals win the match by getting to the clothes first, then AMW are on the Gut Check list. Too bad they've barely explained the Gut Check rules. AMW then attacked The Naturals and brawled with them to ringside. The Naturals, with that one promo alone, earned their keep in the promotion.



Good to see The Naturals finally making some impact in TNA.

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The Naturals rock. Pretty good Southern tag wrestling from those two. They've got the Joey Matthews/Christian York team going where they look like X-Division guys, but don't work a style even close to that.


They need to bust out the Natural Disaster soon.

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I admit I haven't been paying attention much in the past couple weeks, but why is Sabin with Kazarian in the first match? Typo?

I'm pretty sure that's a typo...Shane and Kazarian are teaming up.


Even then, Keller made another mistake (Sabin pins Kazarian)!

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Guest Donners
-A Jeff Jarrett promo aired regarding his NWA Title match.


-Tenay and West plugged next week's line-up. Tenay said both Sabu and Raven would be at the Asylum next week. West plugged an eight-man X Division tag with all four Team Canada members vs. Christopher Daniels & Primetime & Sabin & Red. Tenay plugged the AMW vs. Naturals double-ladder match. Styles interrupted Tenay and West. He said he's got a lot on his mind and it's been a hectic week, so he's going to say it as it is. He said Michael Shane and Kazarian have a problem with him being X Division Champion. He said he has held the NWA World Title belt and X Division belt "because I can," borrowing from Bill Clinton. He said he'd wrestle either of them next week or the week after, and if they beat him, they can have a X Title shot. Styles's babyface promos are much more effective when he's acting pretty much like a cocky heel. Shane stepped out and suggested Styles face Shane and Kazarian in separate matches on the same night rather than spreading it out over two weeks. He said he can wrestle one at the start of the night, then rest for a while, then wrestle the other at the end of the night. Styles thought about it and said, "Sounds like a plan." He said they have to agree that once he beats both of them, they both have to leave "my X Division." Shane said, "You, my friend, are a lot dumber than I ever thought." Kazarian tried to blindside Styles, but Styles turned just in time to meet him with punches. Shane joined in to help give the heels the advantage. Styles, though, quickly took out both Shane and Kazarian with an intensity of offense you dn't see very often. He set up Kazarian for a Styles Clash, but Shane yanked him out of the ring to safety. Styles then leaped onto both of them at ringside. Security came out to separate them.


-Hudson interviewed Shamrock, who said he wanted to make it clear that when he enters the octagon, he's not part of a team, and he's looking out for himself.


-A video feature aired on the history of Shamrock in TNA and the current feud between Jarrett and The Truth for the NWA World Title.



They're at least making a real effort to build up the X Division again, which is certainly welcome. It's revitalised Styles and looks to be helping to give Shane and Kazarian personalities, which they didn't really have before.

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People, I'm no mod (and I wouldn't be able to handle the job if I was, probably), but *please* stop fucking quoting ENTIRE posts of other people. It's so annoying to scroll through. Just edit down the quote selection to what you're referring to.

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Guest Donners


They didn't start the match until there was only 15 minutes left in the show, not much time considering the first seven minutes consist of wrestlers entering the ring on e at a time every sixty seconds. The match began with Hernandez vs. The Truth. Sixty seconds later, Onyx came out. The heels doubled on Truth, but by the end of the minute, Truth had taken control with a double suplex. Next out was Jeff Jarrett, putting Truth at a three-to-one disadvantage. Konnan was out next and helped even the odds. Konnan set up Truth for a top rope double legdrop on the exposed crotches of Onyx and Hernandez. The final member of the Elite Guard came out next, Chad Collyer. B.G. James was out next. The crowd counted down the arrival of Shamrock. As Shamrock came out, Konnan was eliminated off camera. Shamrock gave some intense belly-to-belly suplexes to the Elite Guard. He then went into his cartoonishly exaggerated yelp in mid-ring. He picked up James and gave him the belly-to-belly even though James begged him not to. Shamrock then took Truth down with a roundhouse kick to the face. At 8:23 Jarrett and the Guard eliminated SHamrock. He screamed, "F---!" and then threw around the ringside stairs. He then bashed a chair over the announcers' table. Jarrett wouldn't turn his back to Shamrock, telling referees to get him out of there. He continued to storm around ringside, scaring the crap out of West at one point by threatening to hit him with a chair. Shamrock threw around security and then put Chris Vaughn in an anklelock. Onyx and Collyer were quickly eliminated as Shamrock returned to the back. Jarrett then quickly knocked James and Hernandez out of the ring. That brought it to Jarrett and Truth as the final two (big surprise). It now shifted to regular match rules. Jarrett sidestepped a top rope missile dropkick attempt from Truth, then applied a figure-four in center-ring. Onyx and Hernandez returned to ringside. When Truth had Jarrett down, Hernandez yanked Truth out of the ring. Onyx then gave Jarrett the title belt, which he used to KO Truth and go for a pin. James broke up the pin attempt. Collyer handed Jarrett his guitar. Shamrock then entered ht ering and yanked the guitar out of his hand and wound up and began shaking violently. But instead of hitting Jarrett, he turned and KO'd Truth. Tenay screamed, "Nooo!" Shamrock just stood there shaking and bursting blood vessels in his forehead. Jarrett celebrated by clutching his title belt.


WINNER: Jarrett at 13:29 to retain the NWA World Hvt. Title match.


STAR RATING: **1/4 -- Decent main event with a decent cliffhanger finish regarding Shamrock's motivation.


Didn't see that one coming, actually.

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Guest The Ultimate Fantasy

Of all the X-Division people who appeared on IMPACT! my favorites are of course AJ Styles who thought would be very overrated but is in fact worth all the accolades he is given and Michael Shane who showed the most personality.

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Guest Donners
People, I'm no mod (and I wouldn't be able to handle the job if I was, probably), but *please* stop fucking quoting ENTIRE posts of other people. It's so annoying to scroll through. Just edit down the quote selection to what you're referring to.

Who's quoting entire posts? I'm the only one doing any major quoting, and those are parts of Keller's live coverage not yet posted put in quotes to distingush them from my comments.

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Hey, Donners - you're right. I'm sorry about that. Really. I started scrolling down and suddenly saw a bunch of quotes (someone else besides you did it too), and it got really annoying. What I thought it was was quotes from the above PBP I posted. Shoulda checked first, obviously. Sorry about that. Please accept my apology.

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Guest TDinDC1112

Next Week's show should be very good:


Naturals vs. AMW in ladder match

Team Canada vs. Elix, Daniels, Sabin, Red

AJ vs. Shane

AJ vs. Kazarian



By the way, I think the reason they are saying that Shamrock turned on the Truth is that Truth eliminated him from the gauntlet. It should be though that Shamrock is pissed for losing the title to Truth 2 years ago.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Good to see Daniels back in the ring. Hopefully they'll end this stupid Shane/Kazarian thing quick, and feud Daniels with Styles.

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I like how TNA is trying to establish more personalities to the X guys. I don't mind the Shane/Kazarian thing, but yea, that Daniels vs Styles thing would rock if it finally happens.

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Tonights show was really good. I was in the Heel Section and they were all over Shane and Kazarian. Monty Brown is starting to get fan support and everyone was very upset about the Naturals/AMW match. We're evn more dissapointed about the ladder match not being for the titles. AJ was once again got the greatest pop during Xplosion, interrupting Shane/Kazarian's attack on Lynn, and during next weeks rundown. He is really Phenomenal. Triple X getting back together was pretty cool. The ending of the gauntlet match was crap. I knew Jarrett would win but having Shamrock turn on the Truth was so stupid. Hopefully things will pick up soon.

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well, i could go through step-by-step of what i thought of this show, but i'll just summerize all my feelings with this:


i didn't see it, as i have DirecTV. but lately (and from what i read in reports), TNA is in yet another mire of shit that's politely called a "downswing". they are looking so much like WCW that it stopped being cute. sure, they focus on the matches more, and i'm VERY grateful for that. however, that one good thing doesn't weigh up too well against all the bad. most of the matches are for shit, the booking is for shit, the characters are for shit, and they continue to push certain guys who are soggy shit. the storylines are nothing short of horrible, especially the main event. Jeff Jarrett is becoming less like HHH and a whole helluva lot more like the Devil of Politics Himself: Hulk Hogan.


hey, the X Division is getting more exposure and we're getting some better matches. that's freakin' GREAT. but on every other front they aren't doing anything spectacular. of course, the product could get better if the company rounded out the rough edges it has, but i'm not holding my breath.

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I watched Monty Brown this past week on Impact and he didn't impress me at all. And his finisher has to be the worst finisher ever.


So why does he get a win over D'Lo? The world hates me, that's why.

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I watched Monty Brown this past week on Impact and he didn't impress me at all. And his finisher has to be the worst finisher ever.


So why does he get a win over D'Lo? The world hates me, that's why.

Don't you dare insult the PUOOOOOOOONCE!

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Guest Nelly's Bandaid



Usually I knock a star off from these ratings to get something more realistic, but if I did that this time we wouldn't have matches. *, 3/4*, *, n/a, **1/2 and ** 1/4!?


That sounds like a mediocre Raw, not a great TNA PPV.....

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I liked the show, and my star ratings are most likely gonna be much higher. (I finally got a VCR and taped it, so Rush is gonna be done today.) I didn't think Brown v Brown was that bad and NYC vs. Sonny/Desire was average...


And I totally missed the AMW/Naturals match by going into the kitchen and getting dinner. A killer WTF? moment.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Uh, no. I don't drink or smoke. I just enjoyed the show. You didn't, I guess. That's fine, but making statements like that is just stupid.

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To be more constructive - to rate a show of that quality so highly, it leaves you nowhere to go when they put on a really good show. Last night's effort was on a par with last weeks, which is to say that it was strictly middle of the road at best.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

It's a matter of opinion. Our opinions on last weeks show were different, so this discussion is really pointless. I thought last weeks show was pretty high quality. Maybe I over rated it a bit, but I don't think I did. I'm not going to second guess myslef.


I do apreciate you taking the time to read it and give me some feedback. The thing is, this isn't a factual thing, were we can bring in facts to make each other wrong. It's just an opinion thing.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I am going to have to agree with LFV on this one. See, when you read someone's reviews and you disagree with their viewpoints and opinion.....fine, start reading another review of the show then. His taste's apparently differ from yours, so then his reviews shouldn't be relevant to you. So basically I am saying don't criticise the reviewer because you don't always agree with them..............

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i didn't see it, as i have DirecTV.

After that, I quit reading what you said. Please don't discuss the quality of a show if you haven't seen it. Just because you don't like the wrestlers doesn't mean the show can't be good.

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Guest Kevin

It was a great show I went there I was the one with the Green SharkBoy Fan Club Sign I was right behind The Heel Section last night was great I got to go Backstage and get auotgraphs and all.

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