Guest Nelly's Bandaid Report post Posted July 8, 2004 So basically you guys are saying if Nathan Jones had time he would of grown on you too? He was making improvements, improvements from shit, but improvements none the less. Monte is straight out of the late 80's early 90's, his ability, reason for being there, his promo's, his attire, his moveset, his push, everything. It's just so lame, and there's nothing redeeming in his matches. If this guy is gonna be main eventing a fed that's supposed to be "the future of pro wrestling", than we must of done the time warp again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Ultimate Fantasy Report post Posted July 8, 2004 Don't forget Nathan Jones was not fired, he left because of the "demanding life style". So yeah I think he would have gained some fans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest whitemilesdavis Report post Posted July 8, 2004 So basically you guys are saying if Nathan Jones had time he would of grown on you too? He was making improvements, improvements from shit, but improvements none the less. I don't know about the rest of the guys, but that is exactly what I was saying. 'Cause you know, Nathan Jones is possibly the worst wrestler ever, and , uh, Monty's not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Salacious Crumb Report post Posted July 8, 2004 So basically you guys are saying if Nathan Jones had time he would of grown on you too? He was making improvements, improvements from shit, but improvements none the less. I don't know about the rest of the guys, but that is exactly what I was saying. 'Cause you know, Nathan Jones is possibly the worst wrestler ever, and , uh, Monty's not. Don't try and confuse him with your logic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest whitemilesdavis Report post Posted July 8, 2004 Yeah, that just pissed me off. By his reasoning, Jackie Gayda, Johnny Fairplay, and all the rest of the terrible wrestlers, will grow on us as workers if they get the time. That's dumb. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Last Free Voice Report post Posted July 8, 2004 The thing is they could. Most likely they wont, but the (Incredibly slim) possibility is there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest whitemilesdavis Report post Posted July 8, 2004 Good point. You never know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nelly's Bandaid Report post Posted July 8, 2004 But that's what you said makes you like him, the fact that you get to see him get better. If that's it, than surely you could apply the same logic to a guy like Jones or Fairplay. I just figured fans of such a great "wrestling" federation would be about seeing good wrestlers put on good matches, not watching mediocre guys who were signed on look "grow". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Last Free Voice Report post Posted July 8, 2004 The thing is we're not booking it, so we can't help the fact he's on. Excuse us for not being so fucking down on everything and looking at the ::GASP:: bright side of things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nelly's Bandaid Report post Posted July 8, 2004 But I thought this was TNA, the fed where you don't have to look at the glass half full because it's always to the brim? That's why it was 'better than the WWE', because there was nothing to settle on, just some great wrestling. Has the fed fallen that far that you've all forgotten? It's almost disgusting the way you guys settle, if the hardcore fans of TNA are fans that are just gonna grin and bear everything, why bother watching? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Salacious Crumb Report post Posted July 8, 2004 Just ignore the troll guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dynamite Kido Report post Posted July 8, 2004 The fact of the matter is that Monte is not working with the right guys to help him improve. He could be greatly benefitted if he could be wrestling the better guys in the company(I'm not ragging on Dlo, but he's not the right guy either), that way they would be able to carry the matches AND he would learn a little about what to do in the ring. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest whitemilesdavis Report post Posted July 8, 2004 Brown isn't as bad as Jones. Never was, never will be. I saw Jones in WCW, WWA, and WWE. He was the worst wrestler I've ever seen every time. That doesn't compare to Monty. There is logic for you. Don't be a douche. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Last Free Voice Report post Posted July 8, 2004 That post made no sense. No one ever said TNA is perfect. If they did then they're stupid. There's plenty wrong with TNA. I think TNA is better than WWE because they have the X Division for one, becasue that's a style I don't get to see on WWE every week. I also like the fact that they have storylines we haven't seen done to death a million times, although I'll give you JJ as champ with The DoA thing is getting really tired. Again, not everything is perfect. And I don't understand your last point. Hardcore fans are going to take the bad with the good, becasue we are just that, FANS. We like the product, even if it's far from perfect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nelly's Bandaid Report post Posted July 8, 2004 I was never commenting on who was better, but why they liked him. There's some better logic. He's mediocre, his character is out-dated, and there's nothing redeeming about his matches, regardless. And trolling, it's called pointing out what's there. TNA fans used to be so cocky and now there settlers. If this guy was given a title run over someone like AJ or Raven a year or so ago this board would of been raging with hate, and now it's indifference or mundane acceptance. Where's the demand for the best possible product they can produce? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nelly's Bandaid Report post Posted July 8, 2004 "And I don't understand your last point. Hardcore fans are going to take the bad with the good, becasue we are just that, FANS. We like the product, even if it's far from perfect." That's settling. That's saying "oh well it's shit but it's lemon scented shit". Your still a fan of shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Last Free Voice Report post Posted July 8, 2004 I'm a fan of TNA. Not a fan of Brown. I'll sit through Brown to see stuff I like though. That's the point I'm trying to make. If you are really a fan of something, you'll take the bad with the good. It's like if you're a baseball fan and your team makes some bad moves and signs some bad players, if you stay with them, you're a fan. If you don't, you're a frontrunner. By the by, do you like TNA at all? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Salacious Crumb Report post Posted July 8, 2004 I doubt he's seen anything outside of a few Impact episodes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dynamite Kido Report post Posted July 8, 2004 "And I don't understand your last point. Hardcore fans are going to take the bad with the good, becasue we are just that, FANS. We like the product, even if it's far from perfect." That's settling. That's saying "oh well it's shit but it's lemon scented shit". Your still a fan of shit. It's called being a fan of WRESTLING. I am in no way shape or form a TNA mark. I'll tell you every flaw they have had since day one. Tell me what your favorite fed is and I'll bring up everything wrong with it too. EVERYTHING is flawed........ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nelly's Bandaid Report post Posted July 8, 2004 Used to, when it was an upstart with potential, don't now that it's WCW's bastard child. And this isn't sports, it's sports entertainment. If you don't like someone or something, you have the priveledge of being able to speak on it and have your voice heard, if you don't, if you just "settle", TNA will continue to think it's doing the right thing. And that's not good for anyone. I really want to see an american pro wrestling revolution, and it's angering to see a fed that was once considered leading the pack now doing the exact opposite, reminding us what's been wrong with wrestling and what apparently will be wrong with wrestling. To see people who've stuck by from the beginning just slowly become TNA drones who'll accept anything is amazing considering how rabid they once were. It's like the feds done a complete 180 and the fans have just blindly followed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nelly's Bandaid Report post Posted July 8, 2004 "It's called being a fan of WRESTLING. I am in no way shape or form a TNA mark. I'll tell you every flaw they have had since day one. Tell me what your favorite fed is and I'll bring up everything wrong with it too. EVERYTHING is flawed........ " A fan of wrestling doesn't spend 10 dollars on a show that doesn't have one match break ***, especially more than once. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dynamite Kido Report post Posted July 8, 2004 A fan of wrestling doesn't spend 10 dollars on a show that doesn't have one match break ***, especially more than once. Now your trolling. I've watched the sport for the last 18 years.....I'll make the call if I am a wrestling fan or not. So basically, if it's a Wednesday and I want to watch something I'll order...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted July 8, 2004 I just don't understand the "he's out-dated" arguement. How is he outdated? He doesn't scream "late eighties!" to me. He wears lepard what? How is that out-dated? I'm really baffled. It sounds like you're trying to make shit up to help your arguement. Granted I don't think Monty is good, but he's not the worst of all-time either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nelly's Bandaid Report post Posted July 8, 2004 Jesus christ you guys like to throw around 'trolling', you should really get a grip on what it means before you pass it around like herpes. Your right, you have every right to spend 10 dollars on a "wrestling" show if you feel so inclined, just as I have every right to form the opinion that your not as much of a wrestling fan as you say because of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted July 8, 2004 your =/= you are Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Salacious Crumb Report post Posted July 8, 2004 Whatever you say kid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nelly's Bandaid Report post Posted July 8, 2004 "I just don't understand the "he's out-dated" arguement. How is he outdated? He doesn't scream "late eighties!" to me. He wears lepard what? How is that out-dated? I'm really baffled. It sounds like you're trying to make shit up to help your arguement. Granted I don't think Monty is good, but he's not the worst of all-time either. " I don't think he's the worst of all time either, and he shouldn't have to be for people to be upset. And how is he out-dated!? A former football player with a "cat-like" shtick, including leopard print pants and a finisher called "the pounce", pushed because he's built and has tough-man credibility, not because he's gained a massive fan following or he's more useful in a higher spot. Can you think of a better description of someone who's out-dated? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nelly's Bandaid Report post Posted July 8, 2004 See Mad Dog knows what trolling is, adding nothing to the debate or thread subject, just quick attempts at baiting people into an irrelevant arguements. Oh and I never use you're, it's your all around, if you can't differentiate intent through use, that's your problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheBigSwigg 0 Report post Posted July 8, 2004 Used to, when it was an upstart with potential, don't now that it's WCW's bastard child. If you don't watch it, don't say anything about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted July 8, 2004 I still don't understand how that makes him outdated. So, if any wrestler ever has a football backround from now on they're outdated? If any wrestler ever wears black trunks they're outdated because Austin & Goldberg did it first? Wrestlers aren't allowed to be built or tough? Seriously, what the flying nut fuck are you talking about? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites