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Guest MikeSC

I Hope This Isn't The Start of a Trend

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Guest Cerebus
Fucking Bullshit is all I have to say.


People couldn't see through it after Nam and apparently you all can't see through it now. Not one Vietnam Vet ever claimed they had been spit on. NOT ONE. No one got spit on.


Truthfully, there has not been ONE proven account (by a Vet or Bystander) EVER that anyone ever got spit on by liberals after the Soldiers returned home.



It's all bullshit.


I, for one, trust the facts found in the book The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam by Jerry Lembcke. He interviewed hundreds of Vets and investigated hundreds more articles about the so called "abuse," but every time he pushed for more evidence or elaboration from a witness, the story collapsed--the actual person who was spat on turned out to be a friend of a friend. Or somebody's uncle. At the very most, it is an urban myth.



This quote from collumnist Jack Schafer (MSN.com) sums it up quite nicely:



The myth persists because: 1) Those who didn't go to Vietnam--that being most of us--don't dare contradict the "experience" of those who did; 2) the story helps maintain the perfect sense of shame many of us feel about the way we ignored our Vietvets; 3) the press keeps the story in play by uncritically repeating it, as the Times and U.S. News did; and 4) because any fool with 33 cents and the gumption to repeat the myth in his letter to the editor can keep it in circulation.



It's all lies, people. Maybe next time you should do some fact checking before you begin your all american protest of someone supposedly "spitting" on someone when, in fact, it quite possibly never happened.

Utter trash.


I don't give a damn what the morons at "Tom Paine.com" said. I have heard more than enough first hand accounts from senior officers and NCOs who fought in Vietnamand came back.


If they weren't spit on, they were called worse than "babykillers", and treated like shit.


They still do it too. It's happened to me walking down the street in uniform. It's happened to people I know and worked with. It happened and it will continue to happen.

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Guest Bad Brad Jacobs

I just want to say that I didn't mean to disrespect anyone here..


I just felt like the argument was way too one sided and that someone needed to speak up about this man's research.




No disrespect intended to Cerebus or anyone else...

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They still do it too. It's happened to me walking down the street in uniform. It's happened to people I know and worked with. It happened and it will continue to happen.

You're obviously mistaken, Cerberus.


You're just part of a large cultural group-think that has established this myth that our military has been treated with anything less than complete and utter respect by certain extreme left-leaning individuals in this country.


I know you THINK people have disrespected you before, but the good folks at TomPaine.com have clearly proven you wrong. But no disrespect.

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He interviewed hundreds of Vets and investigated hundreds more articles about the so called "abuse," but every time he pushed for more evidence or elaboration from a witness, the story collapsed


Well hell, if HUNDREDS of Vietnam vets say they didn't get spit on, then I guess that means ALL V.Vets never got spit on.


And Cereb, ever think the reason you got spit on wasn't because you were in a uniform, but rather because you're a dirty Arab?...

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How vets get treated in this country is one of the central reasons I am against this war. My step-father has been a counselor to vets his whole career and during my younger years I met quite a few of them. Alot of these guys are messed up in the head resulting from seeing alot of the shit they have experienced. They would tell me all kinds of stories of tragic human horror, that would often blow the mind of a 12 year old. I often wondered why it wasn't THEM who were on the frontlines of the protests to stop subsequent wars. I guess they gotta make it mean something, to help them feel a little less empty.

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Guest Cerebus

I just want to add that 90% of the reaction I get when I was in uniform was positive.


People would smile and nod at me (especially if I were wearing my Class As), I got discounts sometimes, some people would shake my hand for no reason, and one time an excited kid came up to me while I was in DC and began asking all sorts of questions about the military (he wanted to join the Air Force when he grew up). Those moments helped remind me of what I joined the Navy for.


Then there are the other 10%. Walking through picket lines with protestors who hold up signs like "Bush = Hitler" right next to a big billboard that says "In Honor of US Dead in Iraq." Being in DC during my military days, this happened a lot. I would cross since they usually situated themselves at corners making it impossible not to avoid them.


"Are you in the Army?"




"Know anyone in Iraq?"


"Several. I'll probably be sent over there soon myself."


"Jeez, I bet you can't stand it huh?"


"No, I would be proud to do it. Help the people who have been screwed by saddam for 40 years to get on their own two feet you know?"


[disgusted look like if I said I'm going to go rape her 4 year old daughter]


"Oh I guess you're not a veteran of a real war huh?"


At this point i just turned around and started walking away as I heard her and her little buddies screaming "NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!" I had never had a greater urge to beat the fuck out of a woman as I did at that moment.


There are other stories i have, but you get the point. Too many on the Left, it seems, don't care about American soldiers, sailors, Marines, or airmen. They don't know, and don't care, about the sacrifice they have made, are making, and will continue to make. That's ok, most don't. But don't you DARE parade around the name of my brothers and sisters as an excuse to get your fucked up little political cause a little sympathy. If you would rather see terrorists butcher American military men and women so you can prove Bush wrong have the balls to say it for God's sake.


I guess that's a little too much to ask for these days.

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