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Guest Dids

The Pictures in People's .sigs

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Man, I thought fat guys were supposed to be jocular and shit...

He's a discredit to Hoff's kind.

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Guest HungryJack

I dunno, Dids seems like good people, for the most part. It would seem he's got quite the burr under his proverbial saddle.

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Guest Dids
Man, I thought fat guys were supposed to be jocular and shit...

Nonsense, Fat people have self-esteem issues and hate themselves, as such they hate everybody.


I hate myself because I post on a wrestling message board. I'd hate myself less if I wasn't constantly reminded that I post on the same message board with a bunch of 12 year old fan boys.


I thought that was obvious.


And for those of you who aren't 12, you really should stop looking like a jackass.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Man, I thought fat guys were supposed to be jocular and shit...

Nonsense, Fat people have self-esteem issues and hate themselves, as such they hate everybody.


I hate myself because I post on a wrestling message board. I'd hate myself less if I wasn't constantly reminded that I post on the same message board with a bunch of 12 year old fan boys.


I thought that was obvious.


And for those of you who aren't 12, you really should stop looking like a jackass.



Dids angry


Dids bitter


Dids enraged




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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Please don't eat me.

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My sig sucks because it's pimping my e-fed characters...my avatar is the truth, though, along with my custom title. I should bring back my Toxic Avenger avatar, though.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Needs more Amy. Or pictures of that chick you sent me.

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I'm plugging a nearly two month old article in mine. Shows you how much I care about sigs. I think I haven't changed the banner in a year too.


Turn em' off, you won't miss them.

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Seeing as my Username/Sig/Avatar are probably on par with the most annoying thing in the world to Dids, i thought I'd add my 2 cents, just in case anybody cares (which you dont).


1) My User name (Australian Pride) - is a song by a local Brisbane musician who i have become friends with over the past 8 years since first seeing him play. It's a good song, and a personal favourite of mine.

I will happily agree that the juggalosirowen name was just about the worst in history though, but i cant speak for him so i dont know why he has it.


2) My signature - is of a girl (shock, horror). Hey, i'm 27 and about to get married in October. My drunken, sleep with any girl who i can days are far behind me. My fiance is the only woman i plan on sleeping with for the remainder of my life, which means all i have left is to admire (from a distance) other females. I'm sorry if you have a problem with attractive women, but that's your problem, not mine.


3) My avatar - yep it sucks, no argument there. Seeing as i dont have a computer at home (damn home loan!) i only get the chance to post at work, and have very little time to go surfing for 'cool' shit to use. Millhouse was the first picture i came across that was even remotely decent for use as an avatar.


So, having said all that, let the potshots begin...

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Guest Flyboy
I turned off sigs a loooong time ago for that exact reason.  They were huge and primarily very ridiculous.

Bingo. Mine are off as well.

That's unfair- because we all have to see your .sig and avatar, which are both horrible.

Aw fuck. He doesn't like my sig or avatar... goodbye cruel word. It's over.

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