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Guest UncleJesseMark

I'm a Liberal, And I hate America...

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Guest UncleJesseMark

what exactly have I done outside of Hardcore Discussion that warrants banning? I'm just voicing my opinions very loudly. please refrain from being so God-damned vindictive.



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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
what exactly have I done outside of Hardcore Discussion that warrants banning? I'm just voicing my opinions very loudly. please refrain from being so God-damned vindictive.



Have mercy!


Your opinions mean dick to me. I hate you purely out of spite. Entertain me for fucks sake. Do it now. Spare your faltering reputation. Y'dig?

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Guest UncleJesseMark

deal with it, bitch(not calling you a name, that is your "handle", bitch).....y'dig?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
deal with it, bitch.....y'dig?

I miss Johnson. You know, the entertaining trolls? Who is this guy? Where did he develop such wit? His flamebaiting is subpar as well. Its time to go back to the tool shed, a little fine tuning is necessary.

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Guest UncleJesseMark

forgive me, please...I'm new to flamebaiting...I'll get better I promise!




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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
forgive me, please...I'm new to flamebaiting...I'll get better I promise!




Whats the need for the plural? I am THE bitch...not bitches.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

That response was a step in the right direction. I think not typing anything would be the best possible solution.


Good night.

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Guest UncleJesseMark

That response was a step in the right direction. I think not typing anything would be the best possible solution.


Good night.

I Love You, Bitch.

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Guest UncleJesseMark

I'm not a PBP, I'm just kind of disgruntled over the lack of liberalism on this board.


I joined as soon as registration was reopened, I had been lurking for a little over a year


If you are truly offended by my posts you have a problem.



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There are a fair amount of liberals here. I'd say this board would be nearly 50/50. It's just that they tend to shy away from Current Events because that is where the mass conservatism is. There are several people who have made their political feelings clear and at the same time said they will not go to Current Events because of the ignorance and over-the-top nature of some posters there.

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What? It's not going to change anything? People either won't take this seriously or dissect your individual points from each post and it will become just like a Current Events thread, only in the HD folder. As can be seen from all posts thus far in here, the former has occurred. It's pretty inane really.

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Guest UncleJesseMark
Spiny Norman: Blah Blah Blah Blah Inane, Blah Blah


UncleJesseMark: Shut up



If you don't agree with this thread, or in your case, if you dont GET IT, fuck off.


I'm here stating my views, and I'd get banned if I stated them as strongly as I wished in CE, so A Hardcore Discussion thread seems appropriate, since flame-baiting is allowed. I'm not sure how saying I hate America when republicans are in control is flame baiting (he he he), but I can handle it.


Ahh, by the way, All republicans are tailpipe sucking hosebags



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Guest Agent of Oblivion

CE is not that conservative. There's Mike, Slapnuts, and Powerplay who lean that direction, and Tom does too on a couple issues. I'm a drug using satanist, and everyone else is a democrat, pretty much.


You really think socialism + communism=perfect world? You're fucking stupid. Very. If you don't really believe that, I'm banning you for being a troll, and because I don't like you.


Now defend communism, and how it can be practically applied in today's world. And you'd better be convincing.

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Guest UncleJesseMark

Communism is commonly misconstrued as a political system, this isn't true. Communism, at it's core is an economic system in which all the means of production are shared equally. Try and break through the ideals that have been hammered into our heads about how communism is evil been correlated with the Nazi Party and red china. Try to look at it strictly as an economic system, throwing out ALL of our current capitalistic system, then it would be as close to a perfect world as one could imagine. Essentially the tenets of Communism is an economy of shared EVERYTHING, in that respect it mirrors Christianity. The Nazi Party and Red China bastardized the idea of Communism to pacify the masses, and they took advantage of the oligarchical nature that communism takes in its political form. This is why we look at the word Communism with such disdain. I truly believe that Communism would be a wonderfult thing if it were to work. It never would, though, because human nature directly conflicts with the possibility of an equal playing field for all.


Socialism is in effect in many ways in many countries across the world, through state owned services. The most glaring, and one of the only services that are socialist at it's root in the United States is the United States Postal Service. Many other countries take control of their airlines, railways, and other services.


Capitalism is the only thing that WILL work in the US, because it creates competition and thus, progression, but Communism and Socialism are novel ideas.


Hope that works, please dont ban me.



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Guest Agent of Oblivion
The Nazi Party and Red China bastardized the idea of Communism to pacify the masses


Did you say you were a history major?


You're a fucking dunce, pal.


Communism creates competition?


...Everyone gets the same shit. Why compete?


Keep posting, I just hope to god that this is all genuine. You're really going to SKBF levels here.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

And also, I don't want an economy of shared everying. You people can keep your grubby mitts off of my shit. Get a goddamn job like the rest of the real world.

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Guest UncleJesseMark
Capitalism is the only thing that WILL work in the US, because it creates competition


Not Communism. At least read what I wrote.


And also, I don't want an economy of shared everying. You people can keep your grubby mitts off of my shit. Get a goddamn job like the rest of the real world.


I don't care what you want.


You're a fucking dunce, pal.

Fuck you right back, big bad moderator man.


And WTF is SKBF....



Sheesh, lighten up, typical closed minded bullshit.


Ya know what? If you are going to start calling people names, fuck this place.


To steal a line or 2 from a famous republican douchebag who happens to be a wrestling legend, and a personal favorite of mine:


Ban ME! I'm ALREADY BANNED, Ban ME I'm Already Banned. I HATE YOU You are a SON OF A BITCH! Ban Me I'm already banned!


Otherwise, just close the thread. It's what you moderators do when you don't agree with something. I understand. You are confused easily.

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I hate the fact we get socialists like this on here and they make the rest of us look bad.


I know of very few people who would deny that communist is a great idea in theory. Even the most pro-capitalist people on here would say that a utopian world of no greed etc. sounds great. You say that it would not work in American society. So I really don't see what your point is. You really are coming across as a bit of an idiot and I really have no idea what point you are trying to make.


As for being allowed to flamebait here, I may be incorrect, but I think such a thing is often construed as trolling and thus isn't allowed here. But please continue, so anyone who actually is a serious socialist that isn't an absolute idiot isn't made to look as such by the lingering memory of you.


And go to the Classic Threads for SKBF. I don't remember the thread's name, but the poster who started it should be Michael Joel Benoit or something along those lines.

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It won't work in any society. The fundamental flaw of Communism is human nature. There is only two reasons anybody does anything. Either because they get something for doing it (money, fame, power, etc, it could be anything) or they are given a reason to avoid the alternative. Because Communism was build upon the idea that everybody is born equal, is equal, and will end up equal in terms of things like ownership and so on, they have to rely on the latter to get anything done. That only goes on for so long before the people get fed up, rebel, and the whole system collapses.


I don't know about you, but I would much rather live in a society where I can strive towards something rather than be forced to do a job because I am being prodded with a rifle. Don't have either, and I won't do anything at all, which is good for me, but bad for the progression of civilization.

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I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. In theory, communism is great. In reality, it doesn't work. I think socialism is a far better economic system to be used. But I don't want to get into some debate because:


a) nobody will be convinced one way or another

b) this idiot's been banned anyway.


Any official reason? That he's a bloody twit?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'd rather live in a world where I can fuck someone over and have it be worth it.


Dammit, Kahran, I wanted to hear his explanation of Nazis/Communist ideals.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Hey Kahran, you have a big nose, and your ass stinks.

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