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The Czech Republic

Interesting holdover from the Scooter regime

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This forum is for general discussion of the SmarkBoard community and "Best/Worst Posters" type of metatextual nonsense. Please note, this is NOT a flaming folder; all flaming goes in the No Holds Barred folder, not here!



We haven't been the "SmarkBoard" in years, and No Holds Barred, originally "Flaming," is now Hardcore Discussion, where oddly enough, all of the community-related metatextual nonsense has seemed to have drifted (Gang Warz, crusades to save the board, etc, etc). I guess you could revise the descriptions, but it's cool to see the outdated stuff hangin' by a thread.

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World Wrestling Entertainment - Wax philosopical on our favorite Conneticut carnival


NWA TNA - Total Nonstop Action - All the news and reviews for the 6 sided Florida(right?) upstart! The Jarretts are coming!


Puroresu - Still the sport of Kings


General Wrestling - The Smart Marks' Pro Wrestling Variety Store for all your non brand specific wrestling needs


Tape Trading - Make sure you've cleared the porn off that tape before you ship it out


Current Events - You'll never believe what that there TV box learned me about today...


General Chat - The responsible older brother of the TSM lower half


Hardcore Discussion - TSM Lower Half


Love, Sex & Dating - Discuss your latest conquest...and subsequent STD test you filthy filthy pervert



Those are the changes I'd make.

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Some of those are good but some are fine as they are. I agree that General Chat is like the big brother to Hardcore Discussion, though. It's not as relevant as talk in Current Events, but isn't pointless bandwidth-wasting garbage like most of HD. I don't like "Hardcore Discussion" as a title, because it is anything but hardcore. I suggest we simply refer to it as "Folder 17." It's cryptic and cutting-edge. Or not.

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

How about The Cesspool as a new name for HD. That is what the folder is... TSM's sewage and garbage-holding place of threads. There's nothing really shocking or heated about what's posted in there... just shit that's not wanted anywhere else.

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

Yeah, and that sort of problem was easily solved in real life by shooting gigantic balls of trash into the sun, hoping they wouldn't miss the sun and come back in 1000 years.

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We can't rename it Folder 17. They're rearranged alphabetically there, and renaming it Folder 17 would screw up the order and make it Folder 15, which would sort of make it cool to call it Folder 17 notwithstanding, but maybe not.

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