Phoenix Fury Legdrop 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 Before 30-40 people in Lafayette, Indiana... Eddie Kingston d. Eddie Venom & Hillbilly Jed in a three-way match. Mickie Knuckles d. Jaime D. (debut from Border City Wrestling) Ray Gordy d. Ian Rotten (great, great match; very much like the Tarek/Ian and Hero/Ian matches) Tank d. Ryan Boz (Ian asked Tank after the match to bring in Iceberg to challenge for Boz & Brad Bradley's IWA Tag Team Titles). I think I might be blanking on some stuff from here on... CK3 (w/Jade) d. Brad "Freakin'" Martin (I hope to see both back in IWA soon; Martin had an impressive debut.) "Black" Jack Marciano d. Trik Davis via interference from Eddie Kingston Adrian Serrano d. Gator McGraw in a short squash. Rainman d. Hallowicked (Sabin was rescheduled by the TNA offices; best Hallowicked singles match I've seen, and Rainman had one hell of an IWA debut.) Jimmy Rave d. Arik Cannon thanks to Chris Hero stopping Cannon from using a chain (In the "big news" of the night (yeah, right...), Jimmy Rave "represented", so to speak, and came out wearing "PCN", aka the initials of the PARADISE CITY NINJAS~!, on his wrist tape. Thanks, Jimmy. I might sound like I have a bias because Jimmy pimped my website on his athletic tape, but this was a tremendous, tremendous match, and worth going out of your way to see.) Petey Williams d. Chris Hero to retain the IWA Heavyweight Title (another great match; a lot of really good reversals and moves, as well as good working of the body parts; Cannon interfered towards the the end, but got his after receiving a Canadian Destroyer from Petey after the match after he said over the house microphone that he had "taken Petey under his wing". Ian then invited Petey into the Ted Petty Invitational, and Petey promised that he'd continue IWA tradition and defend the belt in the tournament.) Overall, it was another great show by IWA Mid-South. The last three matches are well-worth spending the $15 and getting, and I don't remember anything else being below "decent". More detailed report coming tomorrow, most likely on the PCN website, as now sponsored by Jimmy Rave. I did see Archoan at the show. Nice worship of Bryce Remsberg, man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phoenix Fury Legdrop 0 Report post Posted July 25, 2004 Since the PCN site's down until midnight due to bandwidth issues, I'm going to copy and paste my lengthened review of the show here... ****************************** Another IWA show, another series of really good matches... Eddie Kingston d. Eddie Venom & Hillbilly Jed - Pretty much standard three-way fare, but Eddie Kingston made it more than entertaining, proving why he might be beating out Frankie Kazarian for the crown of "Coolest Man In The World". Jed wasn't as bad as he was at One More Time, but well...that ain't saying much. My odd liking of Eddie Venom continues. I honestly have no clue why I like him, but I just do. Mickie Knuckles d. Jaime D. - Average match, and just below the standards that the IWA women's division has set. Sarcastic note to Jaime: Lacey's the women's champion, not Mickie. Finish was Mickie nailing a sick-as-fuck Shining kick-type-dealie to murder Jaime D. and score the win. Ray Gordy d. Ian Rotten - This was a damn great match, and way better than anything Gordy did at KOTDM (and this is coming from a Ray Gordy mark who loves his Wildside stuff). Like I said in the brief results, it was very similar to the Hero/Ian and Tarek/Ian matches of the past, and it was just about all matwork and stiff strikes, and running the ropes was just about nonexistant in the match. Ian was the dominant figure in the match, though Gordy wasn't being squashed in the least bit, until Ian accidentally rammed his bad shoulder into the ringpost. From then on, Gordy worked it over like a madman until Ian finally submitted to an armbar in which its name I cannot remember at this time. After the match, Ray kicked Ian really hard in his hurt arm. Ian grabbed the microphone and told Ray that the only reason he booked Ray was because of his last name, but that making him tap out is the reason he's allowed to stay. Ian then said that the kick after the match made this personal, and that if he can't take Ray out, he's going to book Ray against some of the best around to take him down. If you're a fan of the psychologically deep stuff and some sick forearms and kicks, this is your match. Very much recommended. Tank d. Ryan Boz - Another good performance by a Wildside wrestler, as Tank continued his good streak from KOTDM in IWA with this one. Unlike a lot of other Boz matches I've seen, Boz wasn't able to play "monster" in this one, since Tank's a huge mamajama. Coincidentally, this might also be my favorite Boz singles match ever. I can't remember too much in details after the stiff kicks Boz gave to Tank outside of the ring, but the finish was Tank nailing a sitdown uranage and holding on to make Boz give up to an STO choke. After the match, Ian said that any time he wants to come in with Iceberg and challenge for Brad and Boz's tag belts, he's more than welcome to. Tank got another "Please Come Back" chant, which I'm glad to see that he's evoking that type of positive reaction with the IWA faithful. (Brief note: I met Tank after the show, and he's probably one of the nicest, if not THE nicest, wrestlers I've ever met in my life.) Conrad Kennedy III (w/Jade) d. Brad Martin - Kennedy came out first and introduced his valet Jade, as well as himself (using about twenty nicknames in the process). He then ripped on his opponent Brad Martin for being just "Brad freakin' Martin". Martin then came out, and was intro'd by the ring announcer as "Brad 'Freakin'' Martin". That might be the best nickname in wrestling history. The match itself was really fun. Martin busted out some really nifty reversals and escapes that I've never seen before, and Kennedy brought back the LOADED GLOVE OF DOOM~!, which he used to both unsuccessfully knock out Martin and add grip on for ZE IRON CLAW~!, which he started from an STF position and ended up converting into a regular Iron Claw. But, Martin didn't give into the power of that. However, he did give into the power of a double underhook DDT flipped into a reverse elevated DDT, which CK3 was able to pin Martin with. D'Amore must be doing something right at his school, considering how good his students have been. CK3 brought the goodness as usual, and I'd love to see Martin back in IWA really soon. However, the best debut of the night was yet to come... "Black" Jack Marciano (w/Eddie Kingston) d. Trik Davis - The Wildcards rile up the crowd as usual on this night, including Kingston taking some guy's Cubs hat, sticking it down his pants, and tossing it across the building. The pre-match antics inside the ring were Kingston slapping Marciano's BUTT for good luck, and then Marciano refusing to wrestle until referee Bryce Remsberg (who had a huge fan following on this night) did the same. Then, the match began. It was mostly Marciano early until Trik busted out some very "Luchapean" counters and used his speed to take control. Eddie Kingston's reactions at ringside were great, as usual. Trik almost had the victory in the bag until Bryce Remsberg was accidentally knocked out, leading to Kingston coming in, attacking Trik, and both Wildcards nailing a Dominator variation of the Slice-n-Dice. Marciano got the victory after that. Good stuff. Adrien Serrano d. Gator McGraw - Well, whoever decided that this one was going to be really short should be thanked. If this had gone any longer, I could call it a total waste. But, since it didn't, I won't complain that much. I will give Serrano credit for working the arm like a mother', but some of the arm work was very non-"shootfighter"-esque and Yeah. Let's just move on, so that my loss of words doesn't continue... Hallowicked d. "The Soul Assassin" Rainman - Remember that "best debut of the night" thing I was talking about earlier? I was talking about Rainman. When Ian first announced Hallowicked replacing Chris Sabin at the beginning of the night, I was a little bit skeptical about a possible styles clash. But, these two blended perfectly. Hallowicked was the heel here, and Rainman, in the first time in my memory, worked face. He was actually really great at it and got the crowd into it big-time. Hallowicked decided to work over Rainman's leg (possibly to make sure Rainman couldn't keep him up for the Dark City Street Cutter, a piggyback version of the stunner). Rainman then had his firey comeback, including the ever-so-great Spine Splitta (though it just wasn't the same without Dan Wilson in the background yelling "SPIIIIIIIINNNNNNE SPLIIIIITTTTAAAA!"). Rainman then had a really cool transition spot where he nailed a cobra clutch slam and transitioned it into the Hillside Strangler. But, that wasn't enough to keep him down, as Hallowicked reversed that into an insane Figure Four Leglock variation that I can't even describe for the win. It was the best singles match I've ever seen Hallowicked in, and Rainman busted out one of the better IWA debuts in recent history. Jimmy Rave d. "The Anarchist" Arik Cannon - Again, I'm going to mention the awesomeness that was Jimmy Rave "representin'", as the kids on the street like to say, and sporting the "PCN" on his wrist tape. Arik Cannon then came out, and told us all that we sucked for cheering Jimmy. That was mean, Mr. Cannon. The match itself was really great. Rave started off attacking the arm, but Cannon would have nothing of that and busted Jimmy one good. Cannon then busted out some of that awesome Luchapean style that's sweeping the nation, including a few new cravate hold variations not yet seen. Rave eventually found a way to escape all of the stretchy pain that Cannon was dishing out, and mounted, by far, the firiest comeback I've seen him do ever. Rave also cracked Cannon in the jaw with a super stiff knee to the jaw in the corner. Eventually, it came to a stalemate which caused Cannon to pull the chain from his neck and wrap it around his fist to use as a weapon. But, Chris Hero came out and took it from him, causing Cannon to be all discombobulated and fall victim to the Trance Rave ("Doppler Effect" my ass; Trance Rave is "hagekure", the actual move name, translated to English). Tremendous match, and capped off a great night for the Wildside crew. Petey Williams d. Chris Hero to retain his IWA Heavyweight Title - This was about as great as it could be expected to be. By this point in the night, I was a bit worn out (totally my fault, due to marking out for the Wildside guys and only getting three hours of sleep thanks to my weird sleeping habits), so this might not be as detailed as everyone would like it to be. It had some of the wacked-out European style stuff that you would expect from a Hero match, but Petey was the one breaking a lot of it out. Hero worked over Petey's arm throughout the match, but Petey struck back by working on Hero's back some to weaken it for the Sharpshooter (there's more actual pressure on the back in that hold than in the legs). The struggle between the two over who'd get their submission hold on near the end was really great, ending with Petey barely squeaking out the Hangman's Clutch with a rope break. Arik Cannon then comes out and twice tries to steal Hero's victory from him, including a funny spot where Cannon holds onto Petey so he doesn't fall back into a state roll from Hero, and claiming to Bryce Remsberg that he was hugging Petey. However, Hero ended up falling victim to the Sharpshooter, and Petey retains. After the match, Petey took offense to Cannon saying over the microphone that he's taking Williams under his wing, and gave "The Anarchist" a Canadian Destroyer. Ian came out and asked Petey if he'd wrestle in the Ted Petty Invitational, and continue the tradition of defending his belt in the TPI. Petey then gave a speech about how when he first came into IWA, he didn't have much fan support because he was from Canada. But when he debuted the Canadian Destroyer, he got over like wildfire. He then asked the crowd if they'd still like him even without the Canadian Destroyer, to which a loud pop then ensued. Petey then told Ian that it'd be an honor to defend his belt in the TPI with the fans' support. Ian then handed the mic to Hero, who talked to an unconcious Arik Cannon about how he's been known as a great wrestler since he first entered IWA, but above all, he was a "huge ASSHOLE." He then forgave Cannon, and tried helping him to the locker room. But, Cannon would have nothing of it and kept shoving Hero off. The ring announcer (who did a pretty good job, I might add) then wished us all a good night, and another evening of IWA wrestling concluded. Definite recommendation for the tape, as the last three matches and Ian/Gordy were really great, and nothing outside of the super-short Serrano/McGraw match was bad. Next up: July 31st in Highland, Indiana. Until next time, go to the PCN Website, because it rocks and Jimmy Rave endorses it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DeathBecomesYou Report post Posted July 25, 2004 Great review, looks to be a very good show, the only thing I don't like is Rainman losing to Hallowicked, but otherwise looks to be an awesome show. One thing though, with all the Wildside guys who've turned up in IWA recently (Gordy, Rainman, Rave, Tank and I think Sal Rinauro has worked their too) i'm suprised that Jeremy V hasn't turned up in IWA yet. Just one other thing about the PCN site, when is the Roderick Strong interview going to be up? And can you guys please do a Sal Rinauro review? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phoenix Fury Legdrop 0 Report post Posted July 25, 2004 A Sal Rinauro review of what? And I have no clue when Naylor's posting his Roderick Strong feature/interview. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DeathBecomesYou Report post Posted July 25, 2004 A Sal Rinauro review of what? And I have no clue when Naylor's posting his Roderick Strong feature/interview. Oops sorry, I didn't catch my spelling mistake, I meant an interview, i'm half asleep so I didn't catch my fuck up. I just reckon a Sal interview would be pretty funny. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phoenix Fury Legdrop 0 Report post Posted July 25, 2004 That would be a dream of mine. But, I've never gotten the chance to even say "hi" to Sal via e-mail or at a show or anything, so I don't know how the chances of an interview look. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ArchoanJB Report post Posted July 25, 2004 yea, that was mainly my friends, who were you there? I noticed Rave having P.C.N on his hands, I thought about yelling it out to get a reaction out of at least one person in the arena Anyway tommorw I'll give a report of IWA and ROH in Chicago earlier tonight, tommorow as I'm brainfried (JESUS ROH WAS INSANE ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jingus 0 Report post Posted July 25, 2004 Before 30-40 people in Lafayette, Indiana... Jesus Christ, how can Ian even afford to run these shows? I'm not exactly working the big-time shows myself, but damn, it's been a while since I've worked in front of a crowd THAT small. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phoenix Fury Legdrop 0 Report post Posted July 25, 2004 yea, that was mainly my friends, who were you there? I noticed Rave having P.C.N on his hands, I thought about yelling it out to get a reaction out of at least one person in the arena Anyway tommorw I'll give a report of IWA and ROH in Chicago earlier tonight, tommorow as I'm brainfried (JESUS ROH WAS INSANE ) I yelled out "PCN" and Jimmy pointed at me and smiled right after the ring announcer dude announced his name. I'm surprised you at least didn't hear Shotgun Yan (who was sitting right next to me and who Ian pulled up out of the front row to thank for his IWA support) yell "NER-DAY!" for me marking out for my own website. I was also the dude that Rainman kept pointing and smiling at, and I think Jim Fannin even busted my chops on commentary (my friends kept asking me about certain moves or what the Wildside guys are doing in other feds, so I was in constant conversation with them, and apparantly Fannin misunderstood and called me "the dude revealing wrestling's secrets" or something at ringside.) If you come to Highland next week, you should come up and introduce yourself, man. I don't bite...well, Yan does, but that's beside the point . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jay Z. Hollywood Report post Posted July 25, 2004 Oh, one last thing -Sal Rinauro did agree to an interview with PCN several months ago, but my lazy ass didn't bother to do anything about it, so I'll probably re-email him later on. A second Rainman interview will be coming also. As far as the Roderick thing goes, here's part of an email I got from Naylor today. "I'm still working on getting interviews with Roderick, Evans and possibly Hero done if you want them...but I will not be online as my gram fell down the steps a couple days back and broke her that is a very real issue that I have to help my family with. But I will surely be a fixture real soon with H2 and their sleazebags out of the picture, the indy scene is more fun now. So anyway..thanks for the update and take it easy and I'll get back to you on my projects." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites