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The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

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How much actual wrestling has there been this hour? I didnt tune in till almost 9:30...but sinc then I think I have seen about 2 minutes..the end of Jericho and Orton..

That was the end of a battle royal not a Jericho/Orton match though.

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I'm convinced WWE hates Pittsburgh.

How is the crowd reacting to this?

They popped for the Hines jersey and...*shrug*

I was hoping they'd boo it out of the building, sparing us from future diva search crap.


I mean, even WWE go the hint about the Gooker.

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Guest Trivia247

Benoit Needs to bust out some Old Moves for the Ironman...



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Remember folks...the Diva crap last week got a decent rating.


However, nearly an hour of Diva crap and then an Iron Man match? No way in hell this show is going to get a decent rating anyway.

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Too bad I ran the Matt Hardy joke into the ground already...


Anyway, at least they can only have less time as the weeks go on...right?

HAHAHA, yeah right. Each week we'll get more and more of this diva shit.





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Guest Trivia247
Holy shit - we're actually anticipating HHH's appearance on RAW.


Mark that down in the books.

Ten Diva wannabes trying to Sexually Harass Kamala does tend to cause that to happen...


Hell about now I wanna see La Resistance vs Bashram 2/3 tag team match.

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Benoit Needs to bust out some Old Moves for the Ironman...



What if Benoit did the Rolling German spot with 5 different suplexes and finished with the Dragon?

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How much actual wrestling has there been this hour?  I didnt tune in till almost 9:30...but sinc then I think I have seen about 2 minutes..the end of Jericho and Orton..

That was the end of a battle royal not a Jericho/Orton match though.

Ah I see...was that any good at least?

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Remember folks...the Diva crap last week got a decent rating.


However, nearly an hour of Diva crap and then an Iron Man match? No way in hell this show is going to get a decent rating anyway.


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I like when they do the old-school style giving of the rules.


Makes this kind of match seem more important

Did they do the patdown?



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