Alro 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2004 OVW Wrestling TV Report for July 24, 2004 -Show open -Your announcers are Jim Cornette and Dean Hill -Jersey Shore Crew (Aaron “The Idol” Stevens and Danny Inferno) w/ Nova vs. Steve Levington and Mike Taylor -Trudi DeNucci is missing, as she was taken out last week by Beth Phoenix. Nova joins us on commentary. Taylor and Idol lock up and trade hammerlocks and wristlocks. Levington tags in and hooks Idol in a wristlock. Taylor tags in and (surprisingly) goes to a wristlock. Idol punches his way out and makes the tag to Inferno. Inferno whips Taylor into the corner. He follows him in and gets caught with a boot. Inferno reverses an Irish whip into the corner, but Taylor jumps over the top rope to avoid impact. Taylor catches Inferno with a punch and knocks Idol off the apron. Taylor goes for a springboard, but gets pulled down mid-hop by Idol, smashing his knee on the apron on his way down to the floor of the Davis Arena. Idol rolls him back into the ring, where Inferno gets two off a pin attempt. Idol tags in and goes to work on the knee. Inferno tags in and goes to work on the knee. Nova, breaking the monotony of tag, work the knee, tag, work the knee, says very matter-of-factly, “I’m very proud to be a low-life scumbag. I’ve been one my entire life.” Taylor tries to crawl to make the tag, but Idol grabs him. Taylor then kicks him off and tags in Levington. Levington is a house of fire, knocking down the Jersey Shore Crew with punches and clotheslines. Levington kicks Idol in the back of the head twice. He goes for the pin, but it’s broken up by Inferno. Inferno tries to powerbomb Levington, but Taylor catches him with a leg lariat. All four men are in the ring and Cornette says the situation looks like “a monkey trying to make love to a football”, which is a variation of one of my favorite sayings. Anyway, Levington runs into the ropes, but Nova hits him from behind. He staggers into a waistlock by Inferno and Idol clotheslines him down. Inferno makes the pin. Crowd breaks into a big “Nova sucks” chant as we go to the first break. -BREAK -Cornette is out to announce one of the main events for next month’s finale at Six Flags: Kentucky Kingdom. But first, we get a review of last week's tag match with Adrenaline and the Jersey Shore Crew. Adrenaline (John “Tank” Toland and Chris Cage) join Cornette in the ring. As a note, Cornette is as tall as Cage and taller than Tank. Tank says he wants a match with the JSC at Six Flags. Cage says he wants a match with the JSC at Six Flags. Cornette says it will be a six-man tag match and Adrenaline will have a surprise partner. He says the surprise partner at Six Flags will be the biggest drawing wrestler in Louisville history, Jerry “The King” Lawler. The Jersey Shore Crew comes out to attack Adrenaline as we go to a break. * ½ -BREAK -Cornette introduces a review of last week's match between Johnny Jeter and Johnny Nitro. -Joey Matthews w/ Melina vs. Elijah Burke -Burke has a pretty nice afro going for him. We start off with a lock up into some hammerlock reversals. Burke gets a quick roll-up for two. Matthews slaps the shit out of Burke and goes to a headlock. Burke fights out with a hiptoss and clotheslines Matthews over the top. Melina comes over to check on Matthews. She distracts Burke and Matthews attacks him from behind, knocking him out of the ring. Melina comes over and delivers a kick to Burke’s ribs. Matthews throws him into the ring. He goes to the top rope and hits a clothesline for two. Matthews with a suplex, again for two. The crowd starts a “We want Synn” chant. Burke gets whipped into the corner and Matthews follows that up with a big clothesline. Matthews starts disrespecting Burke by slapping him in the back of the head. Matthews tries for a suplex, but Burke floats over and hits reverse DDT. Burke gets to his feat and goes to town, hitting Matthews with a flurry of punches. Burke with an atomic drop followed by a shoulder tackle. Matthews hits a knee to the gut, but gets caught with a Sky High when he tries to come off the ropes. Burke goes for the pin, but Matthews is out at two. Melina distracts the referee and out comes Synn and she attacks Melina. The referee is trying to break up the women. Matthews hits a double arm DDT and goes for the cover, but there is no ref to count. The ref is back in the ring, but he didn’t see the pin. Out comes Johnny Jeter and he drops Matthews’ throat over the top rope while the referee wasn’t looking. Burke hits a Russian legsweep and gets the pin. A Russian legsweep gets the pin? Ug. ½* -BREAK Cornette is out to announce the second main even for the final Six Flags show of the summer, but first we flash back to Matt Morgan’s match from last week. Morgan comes out and joins Cornette in the ring. Outside of frequently referring to Big Bad John as “Big Dumb John”, he didn’t give that bad of a promo. Morgan says he’s defending the OVW Heavyweight title against Big Bad John in a No DQ match at Six Flags. -BREAK -Cornette says Kenny Bolin wants to come out and complain, but before that, we go back to last week's match with Matt Cappotelli and Carlos Colon. All of Bolin Services comes out and Bolin bitches about what happened last week. Cappotelli comes out to confront B.S. He proceeds to stutter and stammer his way though a promo, calling Bolin a liar no less than four different ways. He even goes as far as to refer to Bolin Services as a Jerry Springer reunion. Anyways, he says he can beat Jerome Crony with one hand tied behind his back and Bolin wants him to prove it next week. So now we’ve got a match for next week. Cornette adds the stipulation that if Cappotelli wins, he gets five minutes alone with Bolin. Yea. -BREAK -Seth Skyfire (1/2 of the tag team champions) vs. Brent Albright -First lock up ends in a draw. Second lock up ends with Skyfire in the corner. Third lock up ends with Albright in the corner and Albright slapping Skyfire. Skyfire ducks a clothesline and hits a slap of his own. Skyfire gets a quick two with a roll up. Skyfire with a sunset flip over the ropes for a two count. He hits a springboard cross body and goes for the cover, but Beth Phoenix comes out and distracts the referee. Out comes Alexis Laree (who will face Phoenix at Six Flags) to even the field. Seth Skyfire gets tossed over the top rope as we go to a break. -BREAK -We’re back to action and Albright has Skyfire in a bearhug. Albright rams Skyfire into the corner. Skyfire punches his way out, but is caught with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Albright goes for the pin, but only gets two. Snap suplex gets two for Albright. Backdrop gets two for Albright. Albright starts hammering Skyfire with forearms. He goes for the Crowbar, but Skyfire turns it into a sunset flip and gets two. Both wrestlers collide and are down. Both are back up and start trading punches. Skyfire wins the battle and starts hitting clotheslines and dropkicks. Skyfire hits a spinning heel kick for a two count. Albright is groggy and Skyfire connects with the Running Enziguri. He goes for the pin, but only gets two. Skyfire goes to the top rope, but takes too long, as Albright meets him up there and tosses Skyfire off with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Albright goes for the pin, but only gets two. Albright catches him with a hotshot and goes for the pin. Skyfire gets his foot on the rope, but Phoenix knocks it off before the ref sees it. ** ¼ -Post match, Laree comes in to protest the decision and gets attacked by Phoenix. Out comes Skyfire’s partner, Mac Johnson. Out comes Albright’s partner, Chris Masters. Johnson gets taken out and Phoenix locks in the Crowbar on Laree. Albright locks in the Crowbar on Skyfire. Adrenaline comes out for the save as we fade out. - The End Result: Pretty bland show this week, but they are setting up for the summer-ending show at Six Flags on August 13th. Nothing here to see and I’m really not looking forward to next week’s match with Crony and Cappotelli. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites