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Guest Anglesault

The new Eddie vs. Kurt feud

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Guest Anglesault

So, we have officially entered phase two of the Angle/Eddie feud.


This run, unlike the Mania feud, features a bit more comedy, and the two men don't seem to particularly hate each hate each other. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing for one of the top feuds on the show remains to be seen.


But, we can speculate. This is the thread where we can analyze this new feud, suggest improvements, compare it to the original or whatever you guys want.

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Guest Anglesault

From the Summerslam site.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle

It was enough of a shock when a masked man cost Eddie Guerrero his shot at the WWE Championship during a recent SmackDown! Steel Cage Match. But Latino Heat was furious and fired up when he found out that intruder was actually "injured" Kurt Angle.


But none other than Mr. McMahon has paved Eddie's way to revenge. Mr. McMahon fired General Manager Angle for his wheelchair masquerade before placing him back on the active roster and into this SummerSlam blockbuster. Guerrero is incensed and at the top of his game. Angle, on the other hand, is coming off a long layoff, albeit a fraudulent one. Will the Olympic Champion be able to work off the rust and grapple his way to a pay-per-view win, or will the quickness and cunning of Latino Heat prove too much? We'll find out in Toronto.


Did Guerrero strike anybody else as something less than "incensed" on Smackdown?

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We've heard it a hundred times since the spoilers AS, and i'm sure everyone agrees.


Both of them should be beating the everloving snot out of each other whenever they are within range of connecting with a punch, kick, chairshot, or other attack...but they don't.


If their match at SS starts with them just beating each other to death (ala Bret/Austin) then I will be a happy camper, but it seems the mid-late summer is always when these little comedy bits get played out. I would MUCH rather see something along the lines of the HHH/Angle fued from the summer of 2000. It had it's moments of comedy (HHH/Trish) but for the most part it was the "love triangle" that didn't have the right ending and the two seemed seriously ticked at each other (which made for an odd start to the SSlam match, with Rocky coming in a few minutes later and letting them fight each other first).


I have the DVD of that show, and it's always fun to go back and watch the build-up to the match, and how horribly they screwed it up with the wrong ending (to the fued). They can make up for it, but I doubt they will.

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Guest Anglesault
The buildup for this match is more than likely going to be very weak, but as long as they deliver at Summerslam just like Mania, I'm a happy camper.

Considering that the Mania feud showed that they can do a strong build and strong match, one would think they'd go in that direction again.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
So, we have officially entered phase two of the Angle/Eddie feud.


This run, unlike the Mania feud, features a bit more comedy, and the two men don't seem to particularly hate each hate each other. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing for one of the top feuds on the show remains to be seen.


But, we can speculate. This is the thread where we can analyze this new feud, suggest improvements, compare it to the original or whatever you guys want.

I'd agree with you, except...


When Eddy turned to the camera, when he said the words "...and make your friends' lives a living hell." You could SEE the fire in his eyes. The grin left his face, and his voice got a lot more impassioned.


If only for that one moment (and for Eddy's face after he learned it was Angle who screwed him over) make me believe that Angle has unleashed the fucking fury.

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Guest Anglesault
So, we have officially entered phase two of the Angle/Eddie feud.


This run, unlike the Mania feud, features a bit more comedy, and the two men don't seem to particularly hate each hate each other.  Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing for one of the top feuds on the show remains to be seen.


But, we can speculate. This is the thread where we can analyze this new feud, suggest improvements, compare it to the original or whatever you guys want.

I'd agree with you, except...


When Eddy turned to the camera, when he said the words "...and make your friends' lives a living hell." You could SEE the fire in his eyes. The grin left his face, and his voice got a lot more impassioned.


If only for that one moment (and for Eddy's face after he learned it was Angle who screwed him over) make me believe that Angle has unleashed the fucking fury.

But then he turned around and did a full blown comedy skit.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
So, we have officially entered phase two of the Angle/Eddie feud.


This run, unlike the Mania feud, features a bit more comedy, and the two men don't seem to particularly hate each hate each other.  Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing for one of the top feuds on the show remains to be seen.


But, we can speculate. This is the thread where we can analyze this new feud, suggest improvements, compare it to the original or whatever you guys want.

I'd agree with you, except...


When Eddy turned to the camera, when he said the words "...and make your friends' lives a living hell." You could SEE the fire in his eyes. The grin left his face, and his voice got a lot more impassioned.


If only for that one moment (and for Eddy's face after he learned it was Angle who screwed him over) make me believe that Angle has unleashed the fucking fury.

But then he turned around and did a full blown comedy skit.

It was enough. Plus the skit was merely Eddie trying to provoke and embarrass Angle into a fight he wasn't prepared for. The comedy was merely a means to an end. He wants Angle's blood... he's just trying to get it in the most humorous way possible way.


It's like saying that just because the Rock (or Jericho with Regal) did funny thing to whichever antagonist it was this month, doesn't mean that he's just a prankster who likes to have fun.


Kurt Angle didn't just HURT Eddie Guerrero... he humiliated him. He made a fool of him, cost him the title, and mocked him while he was exhausted. Than it was Angle's desire to go humiliating Eddy (a plan that was thwarted by Vince McMahon), and now Eddy wants to give a little back to Angle. He wants to HURT him. Beating him up won't match the feeling of Eddy's loss. He needs to make Angle's life a living hell the way Angle did to Eddy.


If their characters are anything to go on, they want to drag each other's names into the mud. They want to rub salt in emotional wounds, and you can never go too far (See: Eddy not only takes all of Kurt's stuff, he mocks it on national TV, and offers to sell it online for a charity). For an egotist liek Kurt the THOUGHT of normal people owning what belongs to him must be INFURIATING.


So far this feud has been perfect.

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Guest Anglesault
It was enough

Yes, Kurt made Eddie's life a living hell for months, cost him his title twice, and Eddie sneered into the camera twice. VENGEANCE~!


WWE.com says Eddie is "incensed". To show his extreme anger, Eddie has


Dance with Vince McMahon


Drawn funny pictures on a photo


Thrown powder in another guy's face.


He had Kurt right where he wanted him, a position to exact his revenge for everything Kurt did to him and he threw POWDER in his face?


Eddie isn't angry at Kurt. He's mildly annoyed.


Eddie is so angry with Kurt for turning his life upside down that he's going to make a big joke about it? He's fucking jovial out there.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
It was enough

Yes, Kurt made Eddie's life a living hell for months, cost him his title twice, and Eddie sneered into the camera twice. VENGEANCE~!


WWE.com says Eddie is "incensed". To show his extreme anger, Eddie has


Dance with Vince McMahon


Drawn funny pictures on a photo


Thrown powder in another guy's face.


He had Kurt right where he wanted him, a position to exact his revenge for everything Kurt did to him and he threw POWDER in his face?


Eddie isn't angry at Kurt. He's mildly annoyed.


Eddie is so angry with Kurt for turning his life upside down that he's going to make a big joke about it? He's fucking jovial out there.

You don't get it at all.


He wants to continue tormenting Angle. It isn't about just hitting him, he's mocking him; making him look foolsih at every turn. He wants to continue Kurt's misery as long as possible. Mocking him, blinding him, stealing from him. Eddy isn't just trying to fight Kurt... he's trying to wreck his life the same way Kurt wrecked his week-after-week.


I suppose you were too busy deciding everything sucks to catch that.

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Guest GreatOne

Hell you could decipher this as many ways as you want.


You could take the "Eddie should be out for blood" route.


Or the HHH/Eugene route minus the 'I'm your friend' part/the casual Hell I'm not mad Kurt I know you were just doing your job and you're right, I'm a no-good, lying, cheating, stealer. Come in here man I wanna talk to you, let's be friends man................WHAMMO! You cost me my title you son of a bitch, I'm supposed to forget that?!?!?! You're a worthless piece of shit and you always will be!!!!!!! (Beats him to a pulp). This seems a bit more heelish though and you might get a double turn out of it where you don't want one. Not that it's likely since Angle's not a very good face, but still possible.

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Guest Anglesault
It was enough

Yes, Kurt made Eddie's life a living hell for months, cost him his title twice, and Eddie sneered into the camera twice. VENGEANCE~!


WWE.com says Eddie is "incensed". To show his extreme anger, Eddie has


Dance with Vince McMahon


Drawn funny pictures on a photo


Thrown powder in another guy's face.


He had Kurt right where he wanted him, a position to exact his revenge for everything Kurt did to him and he threw POWDER in his face?


Eddie isn't angry at Kurt. He's mildly annoyed.


Eddie is so angry with Kurt for turning his life upside down that he's going to make a big joke about it? He's fucking jovial out there.

You don't get it at all.


I guess not.


I just have this mental block about the guy who should be spitting mad being more concerned with BRIGNIG TEH FUNNY~!


he's trying to wreck his life the same way Kurt wrecked his week-after-week


Kurt sneak attacked Eddie, set him up, trashed the type of person he is, trashed Eddie's past, put him in tough situations as GM and cost him the title twice.


I just don't see throwing powder in his face as haunting Kurt the same way that Kurt haunted Eddie.

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Here's to hoping that Angle/Eddie can bring the pre-Mania buildup goodness. They still got some time to get it right in that department and I have faith in them doing so. As for the match itself...I'm not placing my hope's too high though, due to their current physical state...well, at least it'll be miles better than JBL/Taker.


I know, I know. I'm screwing myself for lowering my standards. Hey, as long as I can enjoy the product...

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Guest Anglesault
Here's to hoping that Angle/Eddie can bring the pre-Mania buildup goodness. They still got some time to get it right in that department and I have faith in them doing so.

There are two ways you can look at that. Last year, people were willing to constantly "wait til next week" during the horrid Angle/Lesnar feud that just got progressively worse until it sputtered to a stop in October.


However, more recently, this year, the creative team was able to overcome a miserable January to build a really fun month and a half for Eddie/Angle going into the show.

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Zsasz...the whole humiliation thing would be fine for a 'normal' feud. But they spent months building up how much the WWE Title meant to Eddie Guerrero, making it seem like the most important thing in his life.


Surely if someone cost you one of the most important things in your life, you wouldn't be rational enough to think 'I'm going to embarrass you from now to SS'. Especially considering Eddie's never been portrayed as the calmest guy in the world...except maybe RR04.


I can see your point, but it really doesn't fit in a feud like this and this early in the feud. And to be honest, I think it's less an issue of the bookers wanting Eddie to make Angle's life hell...and more an issue of the bookers not wanting to take a risk and make a comedy character serious. Something they HAVE to do if the feud's going to be remembered favorably/at all in 4 months time.

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Guest Anglesault
Especially considering Eddie's never been portrayed as the calmest guy in the world

That's what got me at first as well. The "angry, firey Latino" who is cool calm and collected enough to run a Z-Level comedy skit against his arch enemy.

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Guest Anglesault

Seriously, why are these guys even fighting at the PPV? They don't seem to have a problem with each other. I saw more animosity between Angle and Haas.

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I just see it as another part of Eddies' style...I for one don't want Eddy constantly doing the near tears " I've had people tearing me down, standing in my way blah blah blah" that he has done with Brock,Angle and JBL for the last few months..why can't Eddie just be psychological for a while...if he knows that Angle is out to ruin his life what better way to thwart him than have fun and act like he's in control...not Kurt Angle....and I agree there did seem to be more hostility between Kurt and Haas so I'd love to see them go at it in a serious feud before Angle retires for good....that whole match I was like "damn Charlie...watch the neck!!!"

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There is NO excuse for Eddie not acting more pissed at Angle, or Angle acting more pissed at Eddie. It's not a part of Eddie's character, nor Angle's.


It's just stuipd as fuck booking.


Eddie should be wanting to just tear Angle apart for causing him to lose the title, to Bradshaw of all people. Angle should be acting like he wants to kill Eddie for beating him for the title at WM and then "causing" him to lose his GM spot.


I want a hot, emotional, fierce battle. Not two jokers just playing pranks on one another now and then. That's something for a lower card feud, not something for two guys like Eddie and Angle.


Then again, I knew it would be lackluster for months. For the entire time that Angle was GM, he should have been making it hell for Eddie. Not RVD, not Cena, but Eddie. He should have been focusing all of his energy on making Eddie pay, then having Eddie just barely making it out alive much to the delight of fans, untill FINALLY, Angle pulls a fast one one Angle.


Then, without the title in the mix, they could have a heated, bloody, and just a flat out intense feud, and match.


The Eddie/Bradshaw feud was more intense than this one is going to be, and that's sad.

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Guest Anglesault
I just see it as another part of Eddies' style...I for one don't want Eddy constantly doing the near tears " I've had people tearing me down, standing in my way blah blah blah" that he has done with Brock,Angle and JBL for the last few months..why can't Eddie just be psychological for a while...

Because he's supposed to be the firey Latino who can never control his temper. He's not supposed to be able to control his emotions enough to be more concerned with BRIGNIG TEH FUNNY!


Besides, even if he was. Kurt made his life hell for six months and he just wants to BRIGN TEH FUNNY?

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The way I see it, if it was HHH instead of Eddie, Angle would be getting his ass beat every other week with Triple H standing over him for 20 minutes yelling that SS would be the end of Angle's career.

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Guest JRE


(again and again and again)

I'm not going to bother taking the time to post my full analysis of the Angle/Eddie feud- however, the quoted line which Anglesault has repeated time and time again has run it's course. It is not bringing the funny. It is not bringing the wit. It is not bringing the helping-AS-prove-his-point. It is not bringing any redeeming value. The only thing this line is now bringing is redundancy and a big dose of annoying.


In other words- cut it from your routine, AS.

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Guest Anglesault
I'm glad we agree.

Hilarity ensues is old, but is it old enough to be retro?

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Malenko keeping an eye on Guerrero....


- Dean Malenko has been put in charge of keeping Eddie Guerrero in good spirits. Guerrero has been down since dropping the WWE Title to John Bradshaw Layfield. Guerrero was very upset that business dropped during his title run, even though management has told him that they do not blame him. Guerrero is also dealing with a variety of injuries after working through so many of them. [PWTorch.com]


I think they should have tried to write this into the Angle/Eddie feud. Eddie is so mad that he is about to snap at any time because the title meant that much to him. So his best friend Malenko does everything to try and clam Eddie do from doing something and going over the edge so to speak.


Like at one point Eddie snaps and is beating Angle to death, all bloodly and Malenko has to come out and pulls him off and Eddie then goes off on Malenko.

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Guest Anglesault

That might have been the better option if they wanted to show what the WWE belt meant to Eddie and why he wants to fight Kurt

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Well, I for one look forward to the match, it just depends on how ready Angle is and how much his body can still take since he hasn't taken the sugery yet. I feel that the Wrestlemania re-matches at SummerSlam (Warrior Vs. Savage, Bret Vs. Owen, Kurt Vs. Brock) are better so I can't wait for Eddie and Kurt to bring out that missing factor that was lacking from their WM bout.

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

I know some people who were getting sick of Eddie when he was champ because most of his stuff was serious and he lost a lot of the comedy stuff that helped make him popular.


Now, I'm the type of person who likes an intense blood fued, especially when its with two guys like Eddie and Kurt who have a history and will likely deliver in the ring.


However, I also know that I'm in the minority when it comes to wrestling fans. If they want to build their audience, sometimes they have to do more than "I hate you and I'm going to tear you apart at the PPV". For a lot of people, I would think watching Eddie humiliate Kurt week after week would be entertaining.


That said, I'd like to see them step up the intensity this week on Smackdown. This is the go home show, and IMO the most important show for selling people on the PPV. I'd like to see Eddie talk about how he got to Kurt by selling his stuff, but thats just the tip of the iceberg, because he's been holding in his anger for Summerslam, where he's going to "tear Angle apart". Then maybe they could have them get into a big fight at the end of the show and do the officials holding them back spot. Or maybe throw in a chair attack which leaves one of them bloody. Then at Summerslam they have a really intense match, which I'm sure they will anyway.


But like I said before, I can see why they went with a lot of comedy for this program. Eddie is good at it, and the fans seem to dig Eddie when he's doing goofy funny stuff. Could they pick up the intensity? Forsure, but is that really what the people want to see?

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