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UZI Suicide

The image of the NWA World Title

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Does anyone else feel that TNA is repeatedly shooting themselves in the foot with World Title feuds? How are they ever supposed to compete with the WWE when every bum that leaves the WWE is automatically thrown into the title picture in NWA TNA?


Now it's Jeff Hardy, who was nothing more than a mid-card tag team wrestler in the WWE. A guy who has no wrestling talent and no mic talent, and doesn't have the ability to get anyone who isn't a teenage girl to cheer for him. How are fans supposed to see TNA as anything more than the WWE's annoying little sister when they'll just take a mid-carder, a guy who never really had any singles success, and throw them right into a World Title feud? I think it's a slap in the face to guys like Raven, Ron Killings(who was also a WWE "reject", but TNA has repackaged him over time and sort of made him "their own"), and AJ Styles who are much more deserving of this spot.


Plus, TNA is sitting on a gold mine with a homegrown talent in Monty Brown. If they'd ever realize to push this guy as a face, and get him in a feud with Jarrett he could be huge. It just pisses me off that he got pushed to the side for Hardy.

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I don't follow TNA on a weekly basis, more like a once per month basis, but I think having Brown job once to somebody while still keeping him strong is a good idea. I don't know why, maybe because all I watched is Impact! and it's at a theme park with a rotating tourist crowd, but I keep expecting more Goldberg chants for this guy. I felt sorry for him because they were doing the same goddamn thing. Former football player who beats people up and kills them with a shoulder charge. All that was left was the pyro, the Russian military theme, and a lifesized list of jobbers lying down for him.


They're keeping him human but still keeping him booked strong enough that he's going after JJ. That's a good thing.

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*Raises his hand* Oooooh, Oooooh, I cheer for him!


Haha, yeah, it's kind of stupiud how they do that.. although it may create some main stream plublicity....


and Jeff, near the end of his career, DID get a WWE title shot..


Even if their approach was "Job to Undertaker 5 times, thus earning a title shot against him". I DID like his ladder match vs Taker... I'd give it a solid ***1/2. Although, that's probably just because of my Hardy Bias..



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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

The NWA was officically tarnished by WCW buying them out, and murdered by the WWF angle in 98. TNA doesn't remind me of the NWA, nor has it ever.

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