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Danny Williams to turn up on Raw?

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According to Dave Meltzer in this week's Wrestling Observer newsletter, Williams (a huge wrestling fan) has already (since the win over Tyson) approached WWE about participating in an angle with Randy Orton at the Manchester, U.K. Raw tv taping in October. Stemming from his defeat of Tyson, Williams has proposed some kind of 'legend killer' vs 'legend killer' angle.


Apparently this isn't the first time Williams has approached WWE; he contacted them about involvement in 2002, but was turned down.


No word yet on if any deal has been made, but it's quite possible there will be some sort of celebrity involvement in the UK tv tapings, if only to make the shows seem special and set them apart from the lame U.K.-only ppvs.

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Guest Eugene`

I don't like it. People are going to forget about this guy in a few weeks. Tyson is past his prime, and to me, his victory didn't have that much of an impact. However, having said that, something like this could go over big in the UK, but nothing past that.

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Guest Staravenger

Williams didn't even win fairly. Tyson's knee buckled on him in the 1st Round, making it hard for him to do anything about moving or throwing power punches. If Williams can win against Tyson when he's 100% healthy, then I'll give him credit, but right now, it's a 5 letter word....FLUKE.

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Guest CronoT

So, Williams beats a boxer that is past his prime, and everyone just writes it off.


Orton is beating guys way past their prime, and that makes him a legend killer?


Wrestling is scripted, boxing is usually not. So, who accomplished more?

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Guest Staravenger

Williams beat a one-legged Tyson. Watch the first round, and Tyson is sending Williams brains back to London scrambled.


Wrestling is scripted, so of course Ortons whatever means nothing. But he's the future of the WWE, so I guess they have to get him over any way they can.

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Guest MikeSC
Williams beat a one-legged Tyson. Watch the first round, and Tyson is sending Williams brains back to London scrambled.


Wrestling is scripted, so of course Ortons whatever means nothing. But he's the future of the WWE, so I guess they have to get him over any way they can.

Teddy Atlas SHIT all over that assumption.


And, didn't the WWE already screw up with Buster Douglas back in 1990? Why do it again?


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So, Williams beats a boxer that is past his prime, and everyone just writes it off.


Orton is beating guys way past their prime, and that makes him a legend killer?


Wrestling is scripted, boxing is usually not. So, who accomplished more?

Who got Paid more?

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Guest Staravenger

Which assumption? The injured knee or the first round beating Tyson gave Williams? If the latter, the footage doesn't lie, as Tyson has Williams rocked quite a few times until his knee went out. If the former, Tyson had surgery a few days later, and was unable to walk without crutches.

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Guest Metallica

I doubt many people at the Manchester show would even know who he was. Orton would probably end up being cheered with the fans asking themselves, "Is that Maven?".

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Guest Staravenger
I doubt many people at the Manchester show would even know who he was. Orton would probably end up being cheered with the fans asking themselves, "Is that Maven?".

Well Williams IS from London, England and has a pretty impressive record, and is a Heavyweight Champion in the UK, so I can safely assume the people of England know who Danny Williams is.

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Guest adam_bomb

americans just dont like losing, this has been a good PR campaign that Tysons camp have come up with to try and hope the gullible american public keep some interest in a vicious has been thug living on his name. Williams beat tyson fair and square

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I doubt many people at the Manchester show would even know who he was. Orton would probably end up being cheered with the fans asking themselves, "Is that Maven?".

Well Williams IS from London, England and has a pretty impressive record, and is a Heavyweight Champion in the UK, so I can safely assume the people of England know who Danny Williams is.

We do.

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Guest Staravenger
americans just dont like losing, this has been a good PR campaign that Tysons camp have come up with to try and hope the gullible american public keep some interest in a vicious has been thug living on his name. Williams beat tyson fair and square

Define fair and square please.

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americans just dont like losing, this has been a good PR campaign that Tysons camp have come up with to try and hope the gullible american public keep some interest in a vicious has been thug living on his name. Williams beat tyson fair and square

Define fair and square please.

Allow me.


He beat him fairly, without any cheating.


Edit: Like biting.

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Guest Staravenger

Well Williams DID get a point or two deducted during the fight, but nothing serious.


And he was fighting a man who could barely walk. I'll repeat it until the cows come home. He beat a man who could barely walk. Williams could've danced around the ring for 5 rounds and still be able to knock Tyson down.

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Well Williams DID get a point or two deducted during the fight, but nothing serious.


And he was fighting a man who could barely walk. I'll repeat it until the cows come home. He beat a man who could barely walk. Williams could've danced around the ring for 5 rounds and still be able to knock Tyson down.

How was this not fair and square though?

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Guest Staravenger

It proves he didn't beat Tyson without controversy. Tyson was nothing more than a punching bag for the last two rounds.

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Guest Staravenger
As he was against Lewis as well. I don't think it was controversial at all, i called Williams to win it beforehand.

Tyson lost that fight bad, no argument about it. He didn't even seem to try after the 4th round, and just took a beating from Lewis.


I just hope Tyson can get back in the ring soon eough for a rematch and wipe the canvas with Williams.


<--Delusional Tyson fan

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It wont happen mate. And please, dont get the impression that i'm some sort of Williams mark. I'd back Lewis against anyone as i'm a fan (or was) but i just follow Williams as he's a fellow Englishman. I do have a hatred for Tyson though, which is why i'm still argueing here lol..


But without my bias, Tyson's done mate, he really is.

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Guest Staravenger

Oh don't rub it in...It'll be a sad day though if Tyson comes back and has to fight on ESPN2 Tuesday/Friday Night Fights.

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Hey, Williams gave Tyson a black eye! If he didn't have the black eye, Tyson would have KILLED him! I won't consider Williams 'For Real' untill he has beaten Tyson FAIR AND SQUARE.

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Guest Staravenger
Hey, Williams gave Tyson a black eye! If he didn't have the black eye, Tyson would have KILLED him! I won't consider Williams 'For Real' untill he has beaten Tyson FAIR AND SQUARE.

Try fighting with one leg and see how "fair" it is. It makes you unbalanced and unable to put pressure on the leg, especially when your entire fighting style is throwing bombs.

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People tend to get hurt in a boxing match. If he hurts his leg, tough shit. It's a fight. If he gets punched in the face, what are you gonna say? It wasn't fair because he was out on his feet? Please.

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Guest Staravenger

The point is Williams didnt beat Tyson at 100%. It wasn't even something Williams did, unless he punched Tyson in the knee, hoping to tear some muscles. (I hope everyone knows I'm NOT being serious with that)


All I hear on ESPN2, Showtime, etc. is "OMG! Williams KO'ed Tyson! He will be our new god! All hail Williams!". It's not THAT big of a deal considering he didn't beat Tyson at his best (a.k.a healthy enough to finish the fight). Tyson at least went out and finished the fight, instead of pulling a Golota and refusing to fight because of an injury (that probably didn't exist in his case).

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Guest Eugene`

Even though I believe this thread has escalated outside of the Orton portion, and should be for the sports folder...Tyson injured his leg during the fight, and if this was during his prime, it wouldn't have happened. Williams won the fight, fair and square. Did Lewis not win that one fight he had where the dude started crying, fair and square?

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Guest Staravenger

I think I'll drop the argument about this. It's just still shocking that Williams won, especially by KO so early. I still would like to see a rematch to see if Williams can do it again with a 100% healthy Tyson.


I'm also shocked Tyson was able to continue for three rounds, I guess he had the adrenaline flowing. Besides, I think this is a little out of the range of WWE :lol:

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I doubt many people at the Manchester show would even know who he was. Orton would probably end up being cheered with the fans asking themselves, "Is that Maven?".

Well Williams IS from London, England and has a pretty impressive record, and is a Heavyweight Champion in the UK, so I can safely assume the people of England know who Danny Williams is.

We do.

<signs> Who controls the british crown... who keeps the metric system down.... we do, we do </signs>

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