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cat and mouse

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A long black limo slowly drives through the crowded streets of Chinatown. The wipers slowly clear the morning drizzle off of the windshield as it pulls into an old house on one of the larger lots in the area. The house looks desolate but this does not deter the passengers of the limo from exiting the vehicle. In a moment Frisco and Lobo are standing by the stairs.

Frisco glances over at his watch. It’s nine in the morning and far earlier than he normally rises. He turns to Lobo and motions for a bag in the front seat. Lobo quickly retrieves it and hands it over to Frisco.

“Watch the car,” Frisco orders as Lobo quickly returns to the vehicle. After quickly glancing over his shoulders to get a look at the gathering crowd, Frisco quickly climbs the stairs and disappears into the house.


The house is completely furnished in old Chinese style. The woodwork is very artfully engraved and all the lights are clearly Asian in style. It looks almost like an old Chinese restraunt. As Frisco enters the main room he finds a woman sitting Indian style on the floor in front of a wooden table constructed very low to the ground. She glances over at him and motions for him to take his shoes off in the house. Frisco grimaces obstinately but complies.

“Nice place Candace!” he says.


After about twenty minutes Candace is finished her meal. She had offered Frisco some but he politely declined. The thought of eating fish—with the head still present—was unsettling. He did partake in a glass of Sake but found it a tad to warm for his liking. Once the meal was completed the conversation turned to business.


“Candace I have some bad news for you” Frisco began. “You’re scheduled for the Lockdown card, but I think you better take the night off”


Candace glanced at Frisco with her pretty Asian eyes looking quite puzzled.


“Look Candace” Frisco continued. “It’s no secret the SWF is trying to run you out of town. I’ve told you numerous times they were out to get you but now they might have gone to far. I mean your first match is a guy twice your size. You beat him but in doing so you earned the wrath of the SWF. They have been looking for a way to make you look bad!”


Candace took a deep breath. “I will still fight at Lockdown”


Frisco shook his head in disbelief.


“Candace. Last month they matched you with a mystery opponent. They knew you’d most likely get tooled if you took on someone you couldn’t scout. Again you made them look like fool by winning”


Candace took another drink from her Sake.


“This month they have you set to take on Nathan Xavier. Now that may not mean much to you but it means a hell of a lot to me. This guy is a fucking monster. He’s six foot eight and he weights 325 pound. Can you understand that?”


Again Candace is resolute.


“I will fight this man”


“Candace you’ve been hitting that Sake shit to much” Frisco explodes. “You can not win this match. This man is a monster and he will tear you to shreds. You cannot win. If you step into the ring this Xavier he will murder you to death in less than a minute. Nothing you use will work against this man. You step into the ring with him and you will be seriously hurt!”


The tone in Frisco’s voice is deadly serious. As Candace looks into his eyes she can see actual concern. A smile crosses her face for a moment, and then it is gone.


“I am a warrior Frisco. There is honor in that. If I die I die a warrior and I can accept that”


Frisco just shakes his head in disbelief.


“Did you bring the camera?” Candace asks.


Frisco reaches into the bag and removes a video camera.


“Let’s get started” Candace says.



Outside the building Lobo leans back against the Limo. He checks out the people as they walk buy. He is the only non-Asian in the area. It makes him feel a bit uneasy. Then he realizes he is tipping the scales at over 400 pounds so his fear quickly disappears.



Inside the house Candace is seated in a high back bamboo chair. She is wearing a long Oriental Kimono with images of dragons and old Japanese houses. A Persian cat is standing on its hind legs near the chair desperately reaching for the item held in Candace’s hand—a small white house. As the cat extend its legs it tries to grab the mouse but every time it get close Candace pulls the mouse away, only to drop it right back towards the cat.


“Rolling” Frisco says as he goes for a medium shot of Candace sitting on the chair. He makes an extra effort to make sure the cat and mouse are in the image. Candace looks to the camera and smiles.


“SWF storm is coming up very soon. We are going to Salt Lake City in Utah. On August 11 I will be facing a new comer to the SWF—Nathan Xavier. It should be a very difficult contest.” Candace starts as she continues to bob the mouse perilously close to the hungry cat.

“They say Master Xavier is a huge man. Well over 300 pounds and close to seven feet tall. They say he is a monster and will take special delight in injuring me. They even say he bring a weapon to ring, a steel chain, just in case I prove difficult for him in the match.

My own manager tells me not to go to SWF Storm. He say I will likely be hurt—even may die –if I should take on this monster”

Again Candace bobs the mouse near the cat; once again she pulls it away at the last minute.

“What he does not realize is Candace have no fear. I look at master Xavier and I read about him I read how he is from California. How he lives in nice house with beautiful wife. How he is very successful and is living his dream now. I hope he very happy.

Candace has never known happiness. I have nobody. When I six year old my parents both butchered right before my eyes. I hear their screams and I still see the blood of that day so many years ago. I raised by my grandfather but I lived in poverty. I often went days without a meal.

Master Xavier you are living well now and I happy for you. But you have no idea what I have been through in order to be here today. You have no idea the price I have paid or the things I will do in order to defeat you at SWF storm.

I give you advice master Xavier. Do not go to storm on August 11. I have heard you are not an evil man, but if you enter battle with Candace at storm you will find out I am a warrior. I do not promise I will win—It is very likely I might even die in this match—but I promise you one thing…”


Candace drops the terrified mouse directly into the jaws of the raging cat. As it squeals in agony blood spurts all over the cats white fur. The camera quickly closes into Candace as he looks directly into the camera


“I will made you suffer”


As Frisco stops the camera he smiles and nods approvingly to Candace.


“I’ll send this to the TV station”


Fade out

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a) You're ripping off The Black Angel. The film, not Aecas.


b) Is it just me who happens to think that deliberate cruelty to animals, even in fictionalised text form, is fucking sick?


Grow up. This is an e-fed, not a Tarantino movie.

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1) Never even saw "The black Angel"

2) Yeah, it's just you.

3)Tarrentino rocks

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1) I haven't seen Kill Bill, but from what I've heard it rips from Black Angel, so maybe you're ripping from Kill Bill instead.

2) So sue me

3) I never said he didn't. I just said that this fed isn't a Tarantino movie. And that you need to grow up.

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Couple of things...


They say he is a monster and will take special delight in injuring me. They even say he bring a weapon to ring, a steel chain, just in case I prove difficult for him in the match.



If you'd look in my notes, you'll see that Xavier doesn't take pleasure in hurting anyone, and that he only uses the chain when absolutely needed. (Outnumbered, hardcore matches, etc.)


Please stop trying to put words into my dude's mouth and trying to turn him into something he's not.

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I know that he isn't a monster. He clearly claimed he's a good guy in his bio. The reason I went on that rift was intentional to have Frisco put pressure on Candace by claiming her opponent is out to injure her. If you read the actual match you'll see a whole new spin on things. I'm not trying to change your character at all, just hype the match.

As for stealing from Kill Bill thats a pretty weak argument. I'll grant I happen to have an Asian wrestler who's characters parents were killed as a child, but that is the only similar thing the story so if thats your argument its pretty weak. Its like saying "Resevoir dogs" is a rip off of "The Godfather" because there both gangster films. You can do beter than that.

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Like I said, I haven't seen the film. But I've heard it's similar in some respects to The Black Angel - as in, there's an Asian girl whose parents are killed in front of her when she's 6, who later returns as an assassin. So in that respect, it's similar.


I actually like the dynamic you're creating between Candace and Frisco. I just think the cat and mouse thing was unneccessary and sucked.

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It was just something I tossed in their on a whim. I don't go around torturing animals so perhaps it was a bit over the top. As for the "Kill Bill" analogy I have seen that film but the characters of Oh rin me (SIC) and Candace are nothing alike at all Lucy Lui's character is a killer and head of the Tokoyo Yakuzzi. Candace is far more face than that. I did the "parents killed in a robbery" angle only to show the hardships the character has gone through in an attempt at character development. In "Batman" Bruce Waynes characters parents are killed right in front of him in a robbery when he was a kid. In that regard Candace has as much is common with him--or more so--that with "Kill Bill's" antagonist. Part of the dynamics about the whole character is she is neither 100% heel or 100% face. She's kind of a grey area that Frisco is working his damnest to convert to a 100% heel. That was the whole purpose for Frisco portraying NAthan Xavier to be a monster. I know the character is not that way but that doesn't stop Frisco from trying to convince Candace that he is. BTW Frisco knows Candace very and is well aware that she would never no show a card no matter what.

I just do what I can to try to throw a little extra into my rp's to develop the characters and show that they are not simnple one dimensional cartoon characters who do heel things for no apparent reason. Even Frisco--first rate a-hole that he is--has some redeeming qualities. I just like to write characters that are a bit more involved than just pure evil heels or super hero wanna be faces. I think this fed does a pretty good job of that as well which is probably the reason I came here in the first place.

Oh well back to writing my match. I have to finish tonight as i'm out of town for a few days and I only have 1500 words so far. :(

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Guest Suicide King

My only major objection is that you keep calling your promos rps. ;)


Seriously though, it is best to think of our promos as actually televised vignettes. Would any cable station show a cat eating a live mouse? Now this is nowhere near as bad as back in the early days when we had people like Perfect Bo and Brimstone running around shooting people, but even so. ;)

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