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Guest killernerd

How Samoa Joe will drive CM Punk Insane!

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Guest killernerd

“How Samoa Joe will Drive C. M Punk Insane!”


Hello Smart Marks,


Recently Ring of Honor fans have seen some of the greatest wrestling matches of all time between C. M Punk and Samoa Joe. The two wrestlers have even went has far as going sixty minutes with one another. Samoa Joe however is about to take this feud to the next level by breaking the Ring of Honor sportsmanship that should be displayed between wrestlers in Ring of Honor. Samoa Joe will make fun of Punk’s love for Pepsi by singing a parody song to Punk that goes like this!


Punk Punk Punk Punk a Pepsi

Punk Punk Punk Punk a Pepsi

This is the story about a 26 year old boy who can’t stop drinking his Pepsi.

He’s addicted like a alcoholic he can’t stop drinking his Pepsi.

He must drink 7 a day

He gets nose bleeds 3 times a day.

Red stuff come pouring out his nostrils

He looks like some sort of Pepsi freak

Punk Punk Punk Punk a Pepsi

Punk Punk Punk Punk a Pepsi

One day Punk went away than this big wind storm came by blowing all this Pepsi away

Than Punk said “Why’s all this Pepsi on my Macho Man bed sheet”(Does it in a three year old voice)

Punk Punk Punk Punk a Pepsi

Punk Punk Punk Punk a Pepsi

Hey Punk I’m going to do you a favor

I’m going to put all your Pepsi in the freezer

Than its going to go COMPOWIE

You won’t have Pepsi no more

You’ll be drink OJ, fruit punch, and Yahoo everyday

Than you’ll grow 24 inch pantheons like Hulk Hogan


Punk Punk Punk Punk a Pepsi

Punk Punk Punk Punk a Pepsi


C.M Punk is a little insecure about the angle because he really loves Pepsi and the song really makes him look bad. Hopefully Ring of Honor will go along with the song so the company can make some real money! Thanks for reading and have a good weekend!


yours truly,


Killer Nerd

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Guest killernerd

I'm Killer Nerd from the hit Troma film! Who is this Chickie Singer your talking about?


Killer Nerd

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Guest killernerd

It's mostly a parody based on CM Punk Pepsi gimmick! If you think the thread is stupid why do you reply to it?


Killer Nerd

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Which Troma movie? Because I will find Lloyd Kauffman and ask him to get his Tromaville freaks to murder you. Especially Beowulf. He'll eat you whole. MAJOR PAIN, MURRAY!

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