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Jasmin St. Claire Interview

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After about 14 months, Jasmin St Claire has given the DOI another interview. To read the first DOI interview with Jasmin St Claire where she holds nothin back, check out our 6th newsletter for the complete transcript.

Jasmin St. Claire and the DOI had a good working relationship until we put a column up on our site from Billy Reil. While we do believe in free speech, his comments were very harsh, and it was his opinion only, and DOI's friendly relationship with 3PW was halted.

Recently Jasmin and the DOI have mended all fences in an effort to stick to the DOI's original mission statement- Promote Indy Wrestling unbiasedly.

Jasmin was interviewed to discuss everything that hasn't been covered yet on the DOI. In this interview Jasmin is very open as usual, and speaks her mind on a variety of subjects. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: Jasmin, it's been a long time since you have spoken to the DOI. First off, how are things and what's been going on recently in your life?


Jasmin St. Claire: Thanks for having me. You are still my #1 drinking buddy. There has been so much going on. I guess the beginning is a great place to start.

3PW is doing awesome. My stock documents are finally in place & we are ready to move forward to contact people about investing. More info is on my site.


I am hosting 2 TV shows now & I will have network info later next month.

The first one is called The Toy Show & I host a segment called Custom Built-which is all about motorcycles.

I am hosting a show called Hollywood Rocks where I have been interviewing some awesome 80's hair metal bands. I also interviewd Chris Jericho(he is way cool).

I got my SAG card & have been doing alot of mainstream filmwork.

The last film I worked on was Swamp Zombies.

The best film I have seen is Napoleon Dynamite

I have a clothing line coming out called Tucchas Gear

I am working on other things too.

My action figues sold out so fast that I won't have anymore till Dec. That is a good thing & a bad thing since I don't even own my own doll.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: As many DOI readers know, there was a problem between the DOI and yourself. Can you explain why there was a problem and what led to a resolution?


Jasmin St. Claire: Well, The MiC was always my buddy. I love my friends & am always loyal to them & expected the same. Some loser indy guy kept bashing me for no reason & I felt hurt that you guys did not even handle him the right way & have some degree of professionalism with him. I have the right to hire who I want to.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: What are your thoughts on Billy Reil? What are your thoughts on the rumor that you were the one who burnt his house down?


Jasmin St. Claire: I have no thoughts on him as I have a zillion other things going on. I think he is a bitter, ignorant, talentless little boy. As far as burning his house down, that is news to me. I don't even know where he lives or care. He probably owed a bookie money, or burnt it down when he dropped his crackpipe.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: In March of this year, you had an emergency appendix surgery. What happened and what is the status of your health today?


Jasmin St. Claire: My health is much better. Thanks for asking. There may a repercussion from it, but only time will tell.

It was a very scary situation since I had no blood donor & could have died. I have a very rare blood type. This happened the same day I got done shooting a movie with Chuck Zito. Something did not feel right. I collapsed in the lobby of my home in NYC & was rushed to the hospital. This happened on St Paddy's Day-go figure.

My family was scared shitless. I hated the hospital for not letting me have a cellphone or gameboy. The first 24 hours were the scariest.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: 3PW has seen itself rise from an ECW nostalgia fed to a well rounded promotion that has something for everyone. What are your thoughts on the current 3PW compared to the 3PW of 2 years ago?


Jasmin St. Claire: I love 3PW now. I love the roster I have. Chris & AJ are great to work with. I also enjoy having great talent from other indies such as N8 Matson, Ruckus(he had an excellent match with Sabu) , Ron Zombie, Mikey Batts and I look forward to working with Chris Sabin. I would like to hire Spanky.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: What can we expect from 3PW in the upcoming months concerning expansion and new wrestlers?


Jasmin St. Claire: I am not hiring. I have like 8 other people I want to work with that take priority & one of them is a former WWE talent.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: How important is Tod Gordon to yourself and 3PW?


Jasmin St. Claire: Tod is a great person to have & he really is the perfect balance for me. We balance each other out.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: What led to the firing of Raven from 3PW? What are your thoughts on him?


Jasmin St. Claire: Raven is Raven. He is gone due to greed & walking around naked in the dressing room. Not everyone wants to see him naked. He also had a bit of an attitude. he is not worth the money he demands. I would much rather have Chris & AJ ,Ruckus, Joey Matthews,or N8 Matson over Raven anyday.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: You've recently done several movies. What is the status of those projects, and when will fans be able to see them?


Jasmin St. Claire: The fans can see them starting in October. Everthing is in post production. I will be at alot of conventions in the next year.

I am scheduled to be in a Werewolf flick next. These are the titles:

Communication Breakdown

A Killing & A Death

The Coalition

Swamp Zombies.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: It is no secret that you're the sole owner of 3PW. Some people aren't sure about it, and offend you when they question your role there. Can you confirm who owns 3PW right now, and what is the proper way for a wrestler to get into 3PW?


Jasmin St. Claire: I own 3PW & I am not hiring. People who want to get hired need to stop being lazy. Take CJ O Doyle as an example. He sent in a tape & worked security till I gave him his gimmick. He kept his mouth shut. People can mail the tapes to my LA addy:

Jasmin St Claire

13428 Maxella Ave #190

Marina Del Rey, CA 92092

I hate it when workers ask their friends who work for me to get them work & also when they go behind my back to Tod & Meanie.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: What is your favorite 3PW moment?


Jasmin St. Claire: Making out with George. She is a great kisser. You can see that on the new DVD "United We Stand; Divided We Brawl" That was hotter than any porn kiss.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: You are soon to be traded publically in the stock market. How did this project come to and what are the details on that?


Jasmin St. Claire: I will be a more hip Martha Stewart with great projects in mind. More info is on my site: www.jasminsasylum.com on the investor relations link.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: You have stated numerous times that you are 100% gone from the porno business, despite getting numerous big money offers. Do you think you'd ever return to the porn business, or is money not even an object of consideration anymore?


Jasmin St. Claire: I don't want to be in that business. I made great money & got plenty of fans whom I love, but it was time to move on. It was a bad era in my life.

I got into that after geting out of a nasty 5 year relationship from a guy that physically abused me. I hope his dick falls off.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: What are your thoughts on the current state of the indies?


Jasmin St. Claire: I don't really pay attention. I just know the indies are better than the WWE.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: There was recently an incident with New Jack and Missy Hyatt in Florida, where Missy said you booked her for a show. New Jack said Missy lied and you had nothing to do with it. What happened here? Also, what is your relationship with Missy Hyatt?


Jasmin St. Claire: I never called Missy booking her on someone else's show. Look at the source. Then she put a hit on me (laughing). I have her voice on tape saying that. I have filed criminal charges against her & have a restraining order against her & any 3rd parties she may know,or be involved with such as her niece, drug dealer friends, etc.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: New Jack in various interviews and hotlines has spoken very unhighly of you. What are your thoughts on New Jack?


Jasmin St. Claire: Who is he? He also talked bad about Tod & Meanie. He is so classless.


Word Association


Blue Meanie:

a great person who deserved more of a chance at the WWE.


Tod Gordon:

A very smart classy man who has a great mind for anything he does. Tod is like family to me.


Gabe Sapolsky:

He is cool.


John Zandig:

Any guy who has long hair, likes heavy metal & wears a motorcycle jacket is cool in my book.


Frank Goodman:

A wuss.


Fat Frank:

Don't know him that well.


Rob Black:

Where is the money you owe me,bitch? He is now reliving his movies by being in jail.


Rob Feinstein:

No comment.








Low Ki:

A great talent.





Ultimate Warrior:

He is so hot!


Vince McMahon:

someone who has ruined chances for plenty of deserving people.


Hulk Hogan:

A complete doll! He is really nice.


Trish Stratus:

She is better now than before.


Alexis Laree:

Why the hell is she still in OVW?


Gorgeous George:

A good friend. By far hotter than any other blonde in the biz.


Balls Mahoney:

very classless. Kind of like a caveman.


Randy Orton:

Never seen his work


Chris Candido:

Tammy runied him. He is still an asshole


Tammy Sytch:

druggie crackwhore


Simon Diamond:

I guess he is ok. He was great to work with.


Dawn Marie:

very phony personality. I don't really think much of her & never did, but she was always nicer to her fans then that Franny Tranny & cared more about her appearance.

Everyone should be nice to the fans. Franny could have learned a thing or 2 from her



she is one hot piece of ass & the original diva


Brock Lesnar:

a fool for leaving the WWE. It seems like he is a whiner.



A person who has given his body to this business . He gives 10000000% in all his matches.



He is better than he knows.Very talented.



Gotta love those gimmicks!


Monsta Mack:

I love Monsta Mack. He is mad fun to drive with. We flash people on the turnpike!


Billy Reil:



Geno Moore:

I heard about his porn career; he makes mine look like Disney. Doesn't he have dick problems?


Dana Dameson:

Dont know her.


Robert Payes:

great photographer.


Chris Daniels:

A delight to work with


AJ Styles:

Better than Kid Kash.


Joey Matthews:

Why the heck hasn't the WWE signed him? He has so much talent. He is great to work with.


Slyk Wagner Brown:

Where is that damn commentary on the photo shoot from Jan?


April Hunter:

The WWE should have hired her. So what if she posed nude? Who cares? She has more talent than any of those girls there.



My kid sister. Don't fuck with her.



Who? What she done lately?


Brett Schwan:

who is this guy?


Eric Walker:

A great writer & fun to talk to.


Internet Wrestling Fans:

At least when I post something on my site-u know the source. I hate people who hide behind a computer & talk shit. Come out !


Bastion Booger:

Who is this? please give me names of people I know.


Giant Gonzales:

same as above Sean. WTF!


The DOI:

Crazy Sick sick sickies who are getting better at their game.


Jasmin St Claire:

Don't cross her!



Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: This Saturday, August 21st, 3PW will crown new tag team champions. Personally, I think it's good to see 3PW create a tag team division after 2+ years of business. What can we expect and who do you believe are the favorites?


Jasmin St. Claire: I can't say who the favorites are.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: What led to the dismissal of Nick Berk from 3PW?


Jasmin St. Claire: His attiude, poor work rate, being an annoying bitch & then belittling the merchandise girl who is my good friend. My locker room does not like him. My loyalty is to my workers, not some 2 bit loser.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: 3PW was rumored to have some TV deals a few months ago. Can you comment on these potential projects?


Jasmin St. Claire: I would never discuss anything like that.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: How would you compare 3PW to the other main Philly promotions, meaning ROH and CZW?


Jasmin St. Claire: We have something for eveyone a great variety of stuff under 1 roof.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: With the tag team titles being created, will 3PW also create a secondary title for singles wrestlers?


Jasmin St. Claire: Yes, absolutely.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: What are your thoughts on the current WWE Diva Search, where some girl with no training or love of the business will recieve a WWE contract, when other girls actually in wrestling such as yourself, April Hunter, and others are getting snubbed?


Jasmin St. Claire: It is a disgrace to me, girls like April ,the other girls at the WWE, Alexis Laree(why not use her?) and the wrestlers. What the hell are they thinking? That stupid search is probably fixed & I seriously doubt it helps their ratings.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: What is your status with NWA TNA? Do you think they have enough resources to ever compete with WWE?


Jasmin St. Claire: I don't know why they never wanted me back. They never gave me an answer.

I think anyone can compete with the WWE.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: What is the status of Wrestling Vixxxens?


Jasmin St. Claire: Who cares?


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: What do you think about the other girls who were part of Wrestling Vixxxens?


Jasmin St. Claire: I don't. I never really went on that site.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: What are your thoughts on the hardcore legend, Terry Funk?


Jasmin St. Claire: Terry was a complete class act & a pleasure to work with. I love Terry & Vicki.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: What is your side of the story, concerning Balls Mahoney being removed from 3PW on 12/27/03?


Jasmin St. Claire: He had many messages left for him on his various numbers for 3-4 weeks before the show that we would not be using him. He still showed up & insisted on working for half price. We had no room for him on the card & I told him this. He claims he never got the messages


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: What are your thoughts on NWA TNA letting 3PW use their big name contracted wrestlers, but not allowing ROH to use their high profile names, such as AJ Styles and Chris Daniels?


Jasmin St. Claire: That is their decision. BTW, what kind of beer are u drinking?


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: I am drinking Heineken, but moving on, what can fans expect from 3PW in upcoming shows regarding quality of shows?


Jasmin St. Claire: To keep it on a great roll that it has been on & to get better & better.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: How important is it to 3PW to run in the ECW Arena?


Jasmin St. Claire: It is a great place to run a show & easy to get to.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: How is your casino site going?


Jasmin St. Claire: Great. We are now adding giveaways & new games.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: It is no secret that you might be one of the most outspoken people in wrestling today. What do you want to say to anyone reading this?


Jasmin St. Claire: Visit my sites:




Keep on rocking out!

Heavy Metal Fuckin rules!

Love Ya Sean

when are we going to a Yankees game?


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: Thanks for this interview and good luck with all your future endeavors, and I'll see you at the World Series.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: New Jack in various interviews and hotlines has spoken very unhighly of you. What are your thoughts on New Jack?


Jasmin St. Claire: Who is he? He also talked bad about Tod & Meanie. He is so classless.


Another justifiable homicide?

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Guest Paul H.
Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey: You are soon to be traded publically in the stock market.


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DOI Note: In response to Jasmin St. Claire's interview, which can be read by clicking here, Balls Mahoney went on the Masked Maniac hotline to respond. Balls has requested that the DOI transcribe his words and to give his side of the story. The following story is based off of Balls Mahoney's comments made on the Masked Maniac Hotline. To hear the hotline in its entirety, and to hear Balls say these things (and more) himself, please call 516 214-8333.)

Balls Mahoney started off by saying, "Paul E (Heymen) gave me the name Balls, because 99% of the time, I'll do anything that comes to my mind. I'll say what I'm thinking. I always tell the truth. I have told war stories, but don't need to embellish them. I don't lie. I get in trouble for shooting about people."


Ball Mahoney then commented on what happened on 12/27 for 3PW. According to Balls Mahoney, he said that Jasmin booked him for the show initially. Balls put over 3PW for what they were doing at the time. He said he had a few good matches there, and he thinks his match with Nosawa was one of the better ones. (Personally, I saw it and it was really good.)


Balls then talks about how 3PW started a trend with him where they would book him for four shows straight, then cancel. This trend kept repeating and repeating. Balls finally had enough, and told 3PW to either use him or cancel him. He said he was getting pissed about being cancelled 2 weeks before a show, because it doesn't give him enough time to look for other work on a specific date.


Balls said that the first thing he does, after saying hello to people in the locker room, is to get dressed. At the 3PW show, Balls said he went around the locker room, said his hello's, then proceeded like normal to get dressed. After getting dressed, he saw 3PW booker Tod Gordon. Tod Gordon asked Balls, "What are you doing here?" Balls said to Tod, "What do you mean?" Tod then informed balls that Jasmin told Tod that Balls was cancelld two weeks ago. Balls then questioned Tod and said "why would I waste my time coming here if I wasn't booked?" In Balls's words, he said he could be having sex with his girlfriend instead of coming to 3PW. Tod said to stay there and he would talk to Jasmin. At that moment, Balls went to go find Brian Heffron (Blue Meanie). Meanie said he didn't know what was going on. Balls then decided to call Jasmin.


Jasmin and Balls finally talked to each other on the phone, as Jasmin wasn't in the building yet. Jasmin said on the phone that she unbooked him. Balls told her that he wasn't leaving the ECW Arena. After hanging up, Tod told Balls to let Jasmin chill out. Balls then told Tod he'd work for 1/2 price, in a sign of good faith for the company. He said he'd do it as a favor for Tod and Jasmin, since they were good to him in the past. Balls said he wanted to work the show because he was advertised on the 3PW website the day before. Balls said he doesn't want a bad reputation with the fans, and didn't want to look like he no showed. Tod then told Balls he'd be on the show, and he'd take care of Jasmin.


After Tod told Balls he'd talk to Jasmin, Tod came back with some bad news for Balls. Jasmin told Tod to tell to Balls, that if Balls was there when she got there, then she would file charges for harrassment. All this time, Balls wanted to make it clear that these conversations were in private and not in front of any of the boys. Balls, at the time, didn't want to say anything, or be overheard saying anything that would bad mouth the company or portray Jasmin in a negative light.


Tod Gordon then came back to Balls. Tod told Balls what was up. Tod said, "Here's the deal- Jasmin called Frank Talent. (The PA Commissioner)." Apparently, Jasmin told Talent that if Balls is there when you get there, call the police." Balls then said that the police did come to the building, because Jasmin said that Balls was harrassing her. Balls said he saw the cops at the building, so he said he'd leave. Jasmin told Balls that she has phone records proving harrassment. Balls said during the whole entire situation, Tod Gordon was the peace maker and tried his best.


Balls on the hotline, then goes on a verbal tirade on Jasmin. He has alot of choice words and discusses Jasmin with alot of sexually degrading insults. To hear them, call the hotline.


Balls then talks about what happened once he got into his car to go back home. He said he was in tears because never, ever, in his entire career, has he ever been disrespected like that. He said with all the injuries he had, all the stuff he went through, and throughout all the pain, he always showed up to work and never disrespected anyone.


Balls then commented on The Blue Meanie/Blue Boy. He said Meanie was a bitch and he's not Balls's friend no more. He then says Meanie is a "fucking asshole." Balls then went in depth about a private story with Meanie and an ex g/f that you can hear on the hotline.


Balls then rips into Jasmin some more. He shoots on her. He calls Jasmin an insult to wrestling and ECW. Balls said he loves Philly and NY fans. Balls also included that 3PW wrestlers bad mouth Jasmin behind her back. Balls didn't give any names though. Balls said he'd never hit a woman, but he'd slap the taste out of Jasmin's mouth. Balls then says he'll evens slap the shit out of her. Balls then makes some negative comments about her adult film career and ends the tirade by calling her a "fucking bitch."


Balls said he knows what he said might get him in trouble, but he don't care because (according to him) it's the truth. Balls said he's broke, so if Jasmin tries suing, she'll get nothing. Balls said he takes care of his grandmother on a full time basis, and that he doesn't need this.


Balls closes off the Jasmin/3PW subject by saying "Jasmin brought out the old Balls Mahoney." He then talked about how Dreamer would tell Balls in ECW, that we need Balls on our show, not John.


Also in this interview, Balls discusses Jac Sabboth. He calls Jac "a fucking faggot." Balls discussses how Jac cancells him a day before a show, costing Balls money. Balls said "Jac has no guts to call me himself."


Again, to hear Balls say these comments and hear his emotion, call 516 214-8333.


Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey




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