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I'm thinkin' that The Others need Walt to help them destroy The Security System.


Not sure if I agree with SJ's assesment about the castaways revolving around Sawyer. Hurley I can definetly agree with.


All the people in this thread that are pissed we didn't see anything in the hatch: Thank you for the countless laughs at your expense.

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"All the people in this thread that are pissed we didn't see anything in the hatch: Thank you for the countless laughs at your expense. "


At least you don't sound like an elitist.


I wasn't pissed over the hatch. I just don't think it's unreasonable to answer a question or two at the end of a season. Carnivale was very bad about that and made me lose all interest in the show...granted, Lost is much better.

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It's been TIVO confirmed for all the doubters.


I don't really know what to say. Makes me wonder how many other things we've missed this season.


Does Black Smoke= Black Cloud?

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Claire saying she didn't believe in fate directly related to her babies kidnapping and the fortune teller saying to her "if you don't raise this baby, bad things will happen". Claire was in great doubt at the time, so she was trying to convince herself that fate didn't exist because if it did then the fortune tellers words would come true. Now that she has the baby back, it will be interesting to see/hear her disposition.


A hypothetical timeline may put some things into perspective.


17th Century - Pirates, carrying slaves from Africa, shipwreck on the island.


1940's - The US government discovers the island while fighting Japan in WWII. They see the island as a tactical resource and decide to use it as a military base. However, they soon discover the island has mystical powers and instead decide to set up a research station. The war ends, but the government still sees use for it. They have an encounter with the locals, and decide they must set up a security system that appears to have mysical properties (to fool the locals) but in reality is just a series of underground tunnels, wires, and explosives...oh, and smoke and mirrors ;)


1980's - Danielle and company crash on the island. The rest of the crew are killed.


1990's - Drug traffikers crash on the island.


2000's - Oceanic Flight 815 crashes on the island.

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I tried entering the numbers near the bottom and all I got was a page with the plane's seating chart and a blue box in the middle that says "Loading Seat Chart Information".

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Once the screen goes away of the chart loading, click the numbers.


The site is going really slow cause I don't even think it's completed yet. And it's probably getting overloaded.

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Before I put my thoughts in, I wanted to watch the episode again. But of course I forget to set my VCR and the DAMN US GOV'T had to shut down all of the BitTorrent sites down. So the few that are open take about a year to download something.


Fuckin eh.

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Dominic Monaghan has gotten slept on so much it's ridiculous. He's really the only character on the show who has to go to different extremes of acting (goofy to dark), unlike people who stay in the same mindset through the entire show (Hurley, Locke.)


Watching his facial expressions when Claire is telling him to get Aaron back is heartbreaking.

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Alright, it's going to take to long for me to watch the episode again so here are my thoughts:


-Ethan COULD be apart of the Others, but 'what if' there is actually a third group of people on the island? Since they wanted Walt all along, why would take Claire? There would have been no reason to. Now that is a big 'what if,' but something I have been thinking about.


-The numbers is the biggest theme of the show, which I love. The writers wouldn't be stressing them so much if they weren't that important. I hope/pray the writers give us SO much more with the numbers and let it play out for the whole entire series. I don't want to know right away because it would be a let down.


-I don't understand what Jack's problem is with Locke. "There is going to be a Locke problem" or whatever he said to Kate. Fuckin Jack needs to stop being a little bitch when it comes to thing like that. Well maybe not a bitch, but their little feud annoys me because there's nothing for them to be feuding about.


-Sawyer is going to do something huge, but I'm not sure what it is yet.


-This probably has been mentioned before, but I think the Others want Walt since he can see things in the future. They believe they can use him for something that they need. What the writers should do here is have Walt be gone for 5 seasons or so then show up out of the blue all bad ass or something.


-And why are some people so pissed off about not seeing inside of the hatch? Did you think they would give away ONE of the biggest secrets of the show after just one season? Hell no. The big storyline of the finale was what the Others were going to do. We found out what they were going to do.


-Meaning of Alex: "Form of Alexander. Helper and defender of mankind." Alex is going to show up next season. But will it be to defend the Others, or the Lost?


It's all I got for now.

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Guest Brian

No one saw the cloud the first time through? Yeh, there was bird flying up through the canopy right before, and then they saw the cloud and Jack said someting about them getting out of there.

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I would've loved for Jack and Kate to pull Locke out of the hole only to find that his legs don't work.


Stephen Joseph made a really good point about The System attacking Locke because it now percieves him as a threat. Wouldn't taking away the very essence of what brought him to his current self be a good punishment on the part of the island?

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One thing I'm thinking of is that the hatch represents Hell. Walt warned Locke not to open, and once Hurley seen the numbers he started to freak out.


I want to know if there is more to the Hurley/Walt interaction on the plane.


I really think that whatever Walt focuses on in his imagination will show up one way or the other. It's been proven twice already.

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