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It's time for TNA to step it up

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After watching that crap I watched last night that they call World WRESTLING Entertainment. TNA really needs to step it up this week. The problem is TNA isn't giving me a reason to order this weeks show. I don't want to see Dusty in the ring, I don't want to see Vito wrestle whoever he's wrestling, I don't like AMW and Triple X isn't exciting like they used to be, I could care less who Desire's mystery surpise is, and Jarrett v. Hardy is the worst world title feud in TNA's history. Why can't Chris Daniels just be the dark heel he was going to be before Hogan runied it? How far has Sabin fallen off? He looked like he was going to be TNA's next star. I bet you Raven v. Sabu feud would be huge at other indies. In fact I bet you the wrestlers who work for TNA are more over everywhere else except for TNA. They expect for us to be excited just because they throw wrestlers in the ring. I know some of the characters TNA did 2002 to early 2003 was bad, but at least they tried back then. They aren't doing crap to get anyone over. I'm not going to boo a Canadian just because he's from Canada. They need to cut Anti-American promos to heel it up. Hell, have team Canada visit Disney World and diss everything about it. Maybe TNA management feel they don't have to put on good shows since there ending the weekly PPV's, but that's still no excuse since they expect us to pay $9.95 until they end it.

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Guest Staravenger

One problem with the replacement match is they just threw 4 people into it.


Chris Sabin is fine, but I preffer him being a heel.


Jason Cross has never done anything to excite me.


Joey Matthews doesn't seem like an X-Division wrestler, but he's not bad in the ring.


Sonjay Dutt too does nothing to really excite me, and he's been squashed 99 times out of 100 by Raven lately.

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TNA's problem lies in the constant chaos of the booking committee. Russo, who is the only one on the team that has any idea what he's doing (say what you will, about how he books crap that is idiotic and insulting, but at least he knows what he's doing, and knows the general reaction to what he'll do), is the one with the smallest voice, as Jarrett is purposefully booking himself to be the heel champion that nobody can defeat, and his only contenders - Monty Brown and Jeff Hardy - are pieces of shit that no fan in their right mind would give two fucks about. Dutch...Dutch is a fucking idiot.


Here's how to help out the X-Division:

-Give the workers more than 5 minutes in a match on Impact, and about 12 minutes on PPV.

-Get workers that display both CHARISMA and the ability to WORK. There's nothing I can't stand more about the X-Division than some generic indy flyer that we're supposed to cheer because he can do a backflip (see: Kazarian, Frankie).

-MAKE SURE THE WORKERS IN THE X-DIVISION CAN GO X-DIVISION. Pierre Carl Oulette (Mr. X from later 2003) is a big man that DID work X-Division, but just had a terrible gimmick. Michael Shane and Frankie Kazarian are cruisers that CAN'T work X-Division, but are both former X-Division champions. Ditto Sonny Siaki.

-Have angles in the X-Division besides "champion vs. challenger." The Lynn/Styles feud (the one that MADE TNA, mind you) started not about titles, but because of the "hatred" between the two. The title entered the fray when Lynn realized the way to win the feud would be to take everything AJ cherishes, which was, at the time, solely the title.

-Dedicate exactly 1/3 of the show to the X-Division. Half of the roster is X-Division talent, so give them their fair share.

-MAKE SABIN INTERESTING AGAIN. This shouldn't be hard, as he displays that he has the beginning of "it," that special x-factor that makes a wrestler successful, so take advantage of it.


Aside from Kash/Styles, it really doesn't seem as if anything X-Division has been any quality above "poor."

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Give Russo the book and tell him that clean finishes are mandatory for 90% of the matches.


There you've fixed most of TNA's problems.

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Give Russo the book and tell him that clean finishes are mandatory for 90% of the matches.


There you've fixed most of TNA's problems.

Jeff Jarrett and Jeff Hardy are boring.


No amount of clean finishes can change that.

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Actually...Mad Dog pretty much hit the nail on the head.


Have Russo there as the writer/booker, with Douglas and Raven contributing heavily, and Mantel to filter him out.

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Guest MikeSC
Actually...Mad Dog pretty much hit the nail on the head.


Have Russo there as the writer/booker, with Douglas and Raven contributing heavily, and Mantel to filter him out.

Thing is --- if you go back and actually WATCH his work, Russo has never shown an ability to write a coherent storyline. He is unable --- TO WRITE AN ENDING.


Go back and rewatch all of his work. His angles usually just fizzle out or go so long that the pay-off is minimal (heck, McMahon v Austin went on far too long for it to be of any use at the very end).


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Actually...Mad Dog pretty much hit the nail on the head.


Have Russo there as the writer/booker, with Douglas and Raven contributing heavily, and Mantel to filter him out.

Thing is --- if you go back and actually WATCH his work, Russo has never shown an ability to write a coherent storyline. He is unable --- TO WRITE AN ENDING.


Go back and rewatch all of his work. His angles usually just fizzle out or go so long that the pay-off is minimal (heck, McMahon v Austin went on far too long for it to be of any use at the very end).


The stuff leading to Rock winning the title at Survivor Series 98 was pretty damn good, IMO.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
Actually...Mad Dog pretty much hit the nail on the head.


Have Russo there as the writer/booker, with Douglas and Raven contributing heavily, and Mantel to filter him out.

Thing is --- if you go back and actually WATCH his work, Russo has never shown an ability to write a coherent storyline. He is unable --- TO WRITE AN ENDING.


Go back and rewatch all of his work. His angles usually just fizzle out or go so long that the pay-off is minimal (heck, McMahon v Austin went on far too long for it to be of any use at the very end).


I think if you make Russo keep the finishes clean you've erased a good part of his downside as a writer. Oh course as Laz said Douglas and Raven can help to keep him from going all over the place with angles. With Russo you at least get things like Killings getting a chance with the title in early TNA. I think you could even just have Mantel write the finish of the matches since he seems to use clean finishes more often then not.


But I think match finishes are a big part of TNA's problem. Even when the show is on fire it gets bogged down by the horrible finishes. Take last spring and summer. Some good stuff and Styles first title run but it got totally ruined by every match having a horrible finish.

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I really have to agree with Laz now. Dutch and Jeff have no clue what they're doing. They have the uncanny ability to screw up the easiest angles you could possibly have. It shouldn't be hard, but they find a way to fuck it up. They're damned near WCW-like in their ineptitude.


I'm a strict believer that Russo is a hack writer, but at this point I say give him the book and let him run with it (Christ, I sound like one of Marty's preachings...) He did a decent job booking WWF, its just that he desperately needs someone to give him boundaries so he doesn't overdo it. Rules Russo should follow:


1) Clean finishes ALL THE TIME. Screwjobs should only happen about 3 times A YEAR. That way, they're a big deal.


2) Do NOT book yourself on the show. In fact, keep nonwrestler appearances down to an absolute minimum (if you can't get rid of them entirely).


That's all I can think of, actually. Vince is a reformed man, so there's no need to worry about him pulling out trashy ideas for storylines. He can write long-term fueds and he comes up with decent characters. And the one credit I've always given him, Russo will push everybody, and everybody will have a role to play. At this point, I say give it to him, but give him guidelines just to be safe. He could be the guy to save wrestling (oh, that was WAY too Marty-like. I'm gonna go hurl now...)

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I say the only time clean finishes aren't used are for pure angle advancement. However, if it's a transition from one feud to the next, a clean finish is a must to cap off the prior feud.


Now, this doesn't mean that the blowoff is without interference. I'm saying that all interference must be negated. In other words, say Petey Williams is blowing off a feud with Chris Sabin. Boby Roode, Johnny Devine, Scott D'Amore, and Eric Young can interfere to their heart's content as long as Sabin's allies (in this case, it wouldn't be a stretch to make his allies America's Most Wanted, Dusty Rhodes, and Jerry Lynn) come in to even the score.


And the actual finish MUST be clean. No "manager comes in with a chair and knocks face out, heel covers for pin" every match. Keep that shit to a minimum so that it means something again.

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And the actual finish MUST be clean. No "manager comes in with a chair and knocks face out, heel covers for pin" every match. Keep that shit to a minimum so that it means something again.

That's exactly it.


I'm just going to quote Arnold and Danny Glover here by saying "you are one UGLY muthafucka.

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Good to see someone who can actually respond to a movie reference. Most people just look at you weird.


And, I actually thought the second Predator was better. Then again, I'm not an Ah-nuld fan.

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Predator II had the better plot, but the execution was poor. The chemistry between Arnold and Carl "Apollo Creed" Weathers was what made Predator (notice how the movie gets kinda boring when Dillon, Weathers' character, bites it). Glover and Busey had their thing, and the ending was sweet as hell, but overall it's just an inferior movie.


But I do love the scene on the subway when the three street punks are trying to mug some guy, and he pulls out a revolver, so one of the punks pulls out a .357 Magnum, and then every other person in the car pulls out a handgun.

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Guest Paul H.

Who's is better than Jarrett to anchor down TNA?Styles?lol..he's a Crusier-Weight, people and doesn't exactly have HBK charisma.


Truth,Monte,Kash,etc all mid-carders will a small chance of success in the big-time.


No one is better than Jarrett to focus the show around 'cept for maybe Raven.I say the problem with TNA lies in the roster itself.


1.Too many skinnny white ninjas,for that they might as well re-package the Luchadores.The X-division is ok but how many cups,ultimates,international matches will there be?Throw in a TV title ..Smarks shoudln't dictate the business plan.


2.Un-marketable main-eventers:Styles is not a draw so why focus on him?Hardy?Why did they bring him in the first place? :wub:



And the main problem is wrestling period is the abondenment of the young -male-demographic.It seems like since the end of the "Attitude-Era" the industry has shied away from the REAL core audience who wanna see character devolpment rather than wrestling,promo's rather than tournaments,titties over tales of the tape. :cheers:

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Guest MikeSC
Who's is better than Jarrett to anchor down TNA?Styles?lol..he's a Crusier-Weight, people and doesn't exactly have HBK charisma.

Well, I agree on that. Nobody can be a bigger anchor to TNA than Jarrett.

Truth,Monte,Kash,etc all mid-carders will a small chance of success in the big-time.

Which makes them all better choices than JJ, who has proven to be an absolute dud in the big-time for years now.

No one is better than Jarrett to focus the show around 'cept for maybe Raven.I say the problem with TNA lies in the roster itself.

JJ has been a dud in WCW. He was a dud in TNA. What does he bring to the table? He LOOKS indy-level.

1.Too many skinnny white ninjas,for that they might as well re-package the Luchadores.The X-division is ok but how many cups,ultimates,international matches will there be?Throw in a TV title ..Smarks shoudln't dictate the business plan.

The only people who have EVER watched were smarks. They need to actually DEVELOP a core audience before they can attempt to win crossover fans.


They also lack enough good workers to make a TV Title worth the effort.

2.Un-marketable main-eventers:Styles is not a draw so why focus on him?Hardy?Why did they bring him in the first place? :wub:

Styles never had the chance. JJ has had 2 years.

And the main problem is wrestling period is the abondenment of the young -male-demographic.It seems like since the end of the "Attitude-Era" the industry has shied away from the REAL core audience who wanna see character devolpment rather than wrestling,promo's rather than tournaments,titties over tales of the tape. :cheers:

They tried that --- and Russo is too shitty of a writer, JJ too shitty of a booker/wrestler, and Mantel too shitty of a booker to make it even remotely work.


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Guest Paul H.

OMG so you're saying they should slap the belt on these scrubs just cuz it isn't Jarrett?


All those guys are losers,Jarrett at least has a recognizable face and name along with maybe Raven. Jarrett looks indy? :D and what about all those other herbs?They look like Bosnian refugees.


No one's better than Jarrett there and it's sorta sad yes,but wtf can i tell you?Someone passing channels and sees and ad for TNA will laugh his ass off if he see A midget like Styles holding a belt that's half his body weight...Jarrett not so much.. :D


And it doesn't matter if smarks are the only ones watching,you don't cater to that audience they'll wacth untill some Arqutte-type thing happens.


No matter how bad it gets internet fans will watch so focusing the show to them only holds you back..even if it was PPV.


Now that they're off PPV's:Like 95% of the audience of wrestling in general is little boys..their the ones who wanna buy the toys,video-games,buy the t-shirts,memorize the past year's champions,pressure their parents to take them to shows,they are the business.YOU HAVE TO CATER TO THEM.


Their not gonna get that audience by having skinny guy a versus skinny guy b for the old belt,or story-telling in a match.You know and I know that shit doesn't fly with the average audience.You can "spoon-feed" wrestling back all you want,entertainment will always bring more money.


They need to actually focus on Gimmicks,Character Devolpment,production,the wrestler look & Image,Promo's ,storylines,PPV's THEN the actual wrestling.

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OMG so you're saying they should slap the belt on these scrubs just cuz it isn't Jarrett?


All those guys are losers,Jarrett at least has a recognizable face and name along with maybe Raven. Jarrett looks indy? :D and what about all those other herbs?They look like Bosnian refugees.


No one's better than Jarrett there and it's sorta sad yes,but wtf can i tell you?Someone passing channels and sees and ad for TNA will laugh his ass off if he see A midget like Styles holding a belt that's half his body weight...Jarrett not so much.. :D


And it doesn't matter if smarks are the only ones watching,you don't cater to that audience they'll wacth untill some Arqutte-type thing happens.


No matter how bad it gets internet fans will watch so focusing the show to them only holds you back..even if it was PPV.


Now that they're off PPV's:Like 95% of the audience of wrestling in general is little boys..their the ones who wanna buy the toys,video-games,buy the t-shirts,memorize the past year's champions,pressure their parents to take them to shows,they are the business.YOU HAVE TO CATER TO THEM.


Their not gonna get that audience by having skinny guy a versus skinny guy b for the old belt,or story-telling in a match.You know and I know that shit doesn't fly with the average audience.You can "spoon-feed" wrestling back all you want,entertainment will always bring more money.


They need to actually focus on Gimmicks,Character Devolpment,production,the wrestler look & Image,Promo's ,storylines,PPV's THEN the actual wrestling.


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Guest whitemilesdavis

Styles and Truth are marketable, Jarrett is not. True Styles and Truth are unproven, but Jarrett is a proven loser. You're right in a sense, TNA does lack main event talent, but I would attribute that more to the craptastic booking than the wrestlers themselves.

And for God's sakes, stay away from "attitude". Give me a fake sport, I can watch other TV shows for the Soap Opera junk. I watch wrestling for.....wrestling. Leave Diva search for WWE.

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Guest MikeSC
OMG so you're saying they should slap the belt on these scrubs just cuz it isn't Jarrett?




They need to actually focus on Gimmicks,Character Devolpment,production,the wrestler look & Image,Promo's ,storylines,PPV's THEN the actual wrestling.

Actually, yes. Better to take a chance than to STICK with a guy who hasn't drawn a dime in many, many years.


At least with Styles you don't KNOW he won't draw. With JJ, it's pretty well a sure thing.

All those guys are losers,Jarrett at least has a recognizable face and name along with maybe Raven. Jarrett looks indy? :D and what about all those other herbs?They look like Bosnian refugees.

What good does JJ having "Recognizable face" do? They certainly have not drawn, you know, CROWDS or anything with him.


I'll go ahead and say it --- JJ has no more a "recognizable face" than just about anybody else in TNA.

No one's better than Jarrett there and it's sorta sad yes,but wtf can i tell you?

If "nobody is better", then TNA's demise cannot possibly come soon enough.

Someone passing channels and sees and ad for TNA will laugh his ass off if he see A midget like Styles holding a belt that's half his body weight...Jarrett not so much.. :D

Yes, nothing impresses channel flippers like an aging hack in a shiny tuxedo carrying a guitar for no reason bashing people in the head.


THAT puts asses in the seats. :rolleyes:

And it doesn't matter if smarks are the only ones watching,you don't cater to that audience they'll wacth untill some Arqutte-type thing happens.

I suppose you missed the first year where they tried your policy --- and did decently UNTIL JJ killed the company when he didn't job to Raven.

No matter how bad it gets internet fans will watch so focusing the show to them only holds you back..even if it was PPV.

Actually, most fans don't. They have, what, 6000 buys a week?


Not exactly praise for the drawing prowess of JJ.

Now that they're off PPV's:Like 95% of the audience of wrestling in general is little boys..their the ones who wanna buy the toys,video-games,buy the t-shirts,memorize the past year's champions,pressure their parents to take them to shows,they are the business.YOU HAVE TO CATER TO THEM.

No, you don't get the business. Without something fundamentally sound UNDERNEATH, the T & A doesn't do a damned thing.


There's no game coming in our lifetime. Toys, if they ever come, won't sell. Nobody goes to their shows.

Their not gonna get that audience by having skinny guy a versus skinny guy b for the old belt,or story-telling in a match.You know and I know that shit doesn't fly with the average audience.You can "spoon-feed" wrestling back all you want,entertainment will always bring more money.

You seem to miss one thing --- it's PROVEN that Jarrett doesn't do anything good for the company.


You can say "Nobody will watch AJ Styles as champ" --- and you MIGHT be wrong. We don't know, as even during his ultra-brief runs, JJ was always pushed as the top guy.


I can say "Nobody will watch JJ as champ" --- and have considerable evidence to back up my assertion.

They need to actually focus on Gimmicks,Character Devolpment,production,the wrestler look & Image,Promo's ,storylines,PPV's THEN the actual wrestling.

Oh lord, a Russo believer. Didn't WCW's death in 2000 disprove that?


How about TNA for the past, oh, YEAR?


Hell, SD was horrendous UNTIL they toned down the ridiculous gimmicks and tried to focus more on the ring work back around June or so. Ditto RAW.


If TNA follows your path, they will die. There isn't even a remote chance of success.


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Guest Paul H.

Ok,but people like you are the minority you must understand that.Yes,TNA fans are mostly internt fans but if their smart they'll look to casual audience.


Styles in a not marketable as a main-eventer.

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Guest MikeSC
Ok,but people like you are the minority you must understand that.Yes,TNA fans are mostly internt fans but if their smart they'll look to casual audience.


Styles in a not marketable as a main-eventer.

JJ has PROVEN to be not marketable. You can't really market a mediocre hack who does a REALLY bad heel Lawler impersonation.


And you have to understand that actual TV shows do comedy, T & A, etc. far better than Russo can ever pray to. Hell, Russo can't even do PRO WRESTLING writing well.


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Guest Paul H.

They are "unproven" please.


You could tell just by looking at them Mike,you really think,that Casual fans would actually would care about Styles?,c'mon now.At least not in the level he's at right now let me tell you.


The Truth & Monte would be more beleivable main-eventer when in reality would just be upper-midcarders anywhere else.


You have to build up guys with other guys and other than Jarrett & Raven there's nothing to interest a casual fan at first.Jarrett isn't a draw cool,he's had his time,good,but no one else is ready for that spot quite yet.


I guarnetee you no one off-line will be intersted in another Style reign..Jarrett will pull MORE than he could today and forever.They need to get back to the Entertainment aspects you wanna be big-league then you gotta sell out.


The "Solid Foundation" comment:No.It's not neccesary to have a strong WRESTLING product to be a good show or make money.That's a Smark myth.

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