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Guest wildpegasus

Interesting Future House show card

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Guest wildpegasus





By: Devin Cutting

8/24/2004 8:56:46 PM


The Cumberland County Civic Center has released the card for the Raw brand house show in Portland, Maine on October 1st. Here's the card:


Randy Orton, Chris Benoit & Eugene vs. HHH, Ric Flair & Batista

Intercontinental Title Match - Edge vs. Chris Jericho

World Tag Team Title Match - La Resistance vs. Rhyno & Tajiri

Shelton Benjamin vs. Chuck Palumbo

Women's Title Match - Victoria vs. Trish Stratus

John Jeter vs. Christian

Matt Cappotelli vs. Tyson Tomko

Maven vs. Simon Dean

The Hurricane vs. Mark Magnus


From this card, it appears that WWE is planning to add several OVW superstars to the Raw roster within the next month and that WWE's plans to have Matt Cappotelli join the Smackdown roster have changed.

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Guest TigerDriver91
What ever happened to Johnny Blaze.

I just restarted watching raw again

He was sent down to OVW.

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

Actually it would be good if they could get over a few new guys on RAW, that way they could take some of the established guys and move them over to SD like say Christian, Jericho and/or Benoit.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

Well at least they're finally picking some decent guys to use from OVW, as opposed to the hosses. Jeter has been ready for TV for close to a year, Cappotelli still needs a bit of work but isn't far behind either. Not sure about Magnus, he has talent, but he's still very green.

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Matt's probably the best of the TE crew, but he's still green. Jeter is awesome and is ready to go (but I don't see him getting far because his mic skills aren't great [although he's passable] and he's only Jericho's size). Magnus has charisma but he's never impressed me with his ringwork.

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Wouldn't it make more sense to make a tag match or two out of these guys? I think starting the show with 4 matches and 4 guys who the fans don't know might not be the best of ideas

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

I think the idea is that if they're facing an established on screen performer, the crowd will know at least one of them and won't shit on the match. Although i'd rather see the OVW tag matches come back, there's a few tapes floating around of some really good tag matches, Lesnar/Ron Waterman vs Orton/Rico for example was short but good and the Dinsmore/Conway vs Bashams series was quite good too.

The really sad thing is though, a lot of fans think that all the OVW guys are shit, especially after seeing the likes of Tomko, Heidenreich and Mordecai, but there are some really talented guys down there, like Jeter, like Cappotelli, like Chris Cage, it's just WWE bought up the wrong people from there.

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Johnny Jeter is very solid in the ring. He's had some good matches with Johnny Nitro and Joey Matthews. Capotelli isn't bad, but I've never really got into any of his matches.


As far as tag teams go, I would bring up Chris Cage and Tank Toland or Brent Albright and Chris Masters. Either team would be work well on whichever brand needs them the most. I haven't watched Smackdown in months, so I don't know what their tag division is like.

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I hope these guys will be good...but notice how WWE puts the so called "good" OVW guys on Raw while SD! continues to suffer in the land of the jolly green giants.....

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I hope these guys will be good...but notice how WWE puts the so called "good" OVW guys on Raw while SD! continues to suffer in the land of the jolly green giants.....

Until these guys debut on TV, they're not set on a particular brand. Don't worry about it.


It just means they're getting close to getting a callup.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

The big thing as well, is that if/when these guys get called up, they get placed in roles that play to their strengths, A good example of how WWE have screwed up is Doug Basham. Here's a guy who's reasonably solid in the ring, can cut great promos, had a good look and a good gimmick with the "Machine" persona. WWE have taken the old "it ain't broken but we'll fix it anyway" approach and have changed what made Doug so good in the first place. First by making him shave his head and beard (although to be fair he was starting to go bald anyway), he lost his unique, sleazy piece of shit look, he now looks like a generic hoss. Then, they make it that the guy with great mic skills, gets no mic time. And finally, they take a guy who's at his best at telling stories in his matches, who's very old school in his approach and stick him in 3-4 minute clusterfuck tag matches. There's a good reason why Doug Basham's WWE run has been so hugely disappointing.

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