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The Czech Republic

Kane needs more magic powers

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So we already saw that Kane can prevent escape by using a Wall Of Fire. While he enjoys this trick for instances like this, Kane has complained that it gets in the way of his downloading. Anyhow, I think Kane needs to focus himself so that he can use the Wall Of Fire, and many other things like that.



More uses for the Wall of Fire:

--Have It Both Ways. We see it keeps bad guys in, but can it keep bad guys out? If I was Kane, and worried about a run-in, I'd run the Wall Of Fire all match long to prevent interference. I'd just have to hope the runner-in was as stupid to not consider another entrance as I was to only block one.

--Burning Jim Ross. Apparently, this one NEVER gets old. JR pissing you off, Kane? Just go over to his little desk, turn on the Wall, and toss him up on stage. Another Barbecued JR, and another Coach-on-PBP angle.

--Power Outage Backup. We've seen Beware of Dog I. We saw what happened in Norfolk. Things can go screwy at live events. If an arena were to lose power, heaven forbid, Kane could just conjure up the WoF to cast a warm orange hue on the ringside area. But hopefully he'd sustain it as long as the situation required and not just crap out, because if that happened, Bischoff would be PISSED. And as a punishment for letting everyone down by not supplying power, he would have to face, tonight, in this very ring.....KAAAAAAAAAANE. Oh wait. Shoot


Other potential powers:

Lightning: We haven't seen this since Hunter Brown was nabbed in late 97/early 98. Though Kane is a fire-oriented being, whilst Undertaker is conversely a dark/lightning-oriented being, it's still within his realm. He could get Shawn Michaels with it and claim that God hath struck him down.

Ice: Cool things down by using not fire, but rather ice. Freeze a rival in a block of it, and say "Matt...now is the winter of your discontent.....hahahahahahaha"

Shape-Shifting: We're talking the ULTIMATE ambush here. Nuff said.

Hypnosis: Spiral-eyes and all, let Kane use his magick to convince everyone they must be his slave. Lita, too.




And so much more.

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Guest JMA

How did Kane lose his "powers" in the first place? Remember how he was seemingly invulnerable when he first came in? And I don't think I need to mention the summoning lightning and creating fire.


Did Kane lose his copy of the Necronomicon or something?

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How did Kane lose his "powers" in the first place? Remember how he was seemingly invulnerable when he first came in? And I don't think I need to mention the summoning lightning and creating fire.


Did Kane lose his copy of the Necronomicon or something?

Someone said his first name backwards minus the first K. Ena.

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Guest JMA
How did Kane lose his "powers" in the first place? Remember how he was seemingly invulnerable when he first came in? And I don't think I need to mention the summoning lightning and creating fire.


Did Kane lose his copy of the Necronomicon or something?

Someone said his first name backwards minus the first K. Ena.

Does he even have a last name?

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I think that stuff is dumb, if he can summon fire whenever he wants then why doesn't he just light his opponent on fire before every match? He's assured a win every time.

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Guest Dazed
Does he even have a last name?


Based on the "Sara Undertaker" precedent, it'd be "Kane Undertaker", brother of "The".

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Guest JMA
I think that stuff is dumb, if he can summon fire whenever he wants then why doesn't he just light his opponent on fire before every match? He's assured a win every time.

Triple H would no-sell fire anyway

Or he'd just put it out with THE BOTTLED WATER SPRAY OF DOOM~!


He did put out the Olympic Torch with it.

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PISSED. And as a punishment for letting everyone down by not supplying power, he would have to face, tonight, in this very ring.....KAAAAAAAAAANE. Oh wait. Shoot

That part was awesome.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
I think that stuff is dumb, if he can summon fire whenever he wants then why doesn't he just light his opponent on fire before every match? He's assured a win every time.

Triple H would no-sell fire anyway

Or he'd just put it out with THE BOTTLED WATER SPRAY OF DOOM~!


He did put out the Olympic Torch with it.

Don't forget Shane McMahon too. He no sold most of what Kane did, so why should this be any different?

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Kane-the-Shapeshifter is fucking brilliant. Does his voice remain, even if he is in a completely different body (but can only be heard by the audience)? AND can he turn into objects like title belts and ring bells and JR's hat??

RRR, you know that there is no money in it otherwise.

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AND can he turn into objects like title belts and ring bells and JR's hat??

*Lita wins Women's title*


Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeta....hahahahha....you won't have to win ME over. Don't wear me on your shoulder, hahahaha....I like to be right here...."


"No, Matt....hahahahaha....you may have won that match, but at the end of the night...hahaha....YOU'LL be the one that gets his bell rung!"


"Oh, Jim.....hahahahaha.....no need to get....HOT-HEADED!! Hahahaha..."

*Hat Kane engulfs himself in flames*


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Well if Paul Bearer is his father, then technically his name is Kane Bearer, right?


I think Kane should be able to control people's minds or make people do things they don't want to do, a la Papa Shango.


But in all seriousness...why not bring in Father James Mitchell as a manager? Could be cool.

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I think Kane invading people's dreams Freddy Krueger style would be pretty...entertaining. I'd love to see the dream worlds different wrestlers create, especially Eugene.


I think that stuff is dumb, if he can summon fire whenever he wants then why doesn't he just light his opponent on fire before every match? He's assured a win every time.


If that's the case, why would Kane wrestle in the first place? I think becoming a serial killer would be better fit for him, since all he seems to want to do is hurt people anyways. That way, if he kills someone and the police are chasing after him, he can put up a fire wall and escape. Or if someone is running away from him, he can create a fire wall to stop them from getting away. Can you say FBI's #1 most wanted?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Kane-the-Shapeshifter is fucking brilliant. Does his voice remain, even if he is in a completely different body (but can only be heard by the audience)? AND can he turn into objects like title belts and ring bells and JR's hat??

Who are YOU to question the limits of the Mighty Kane's power?



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If that's the case, why would Kane wrestle in the first place? I think becoming a serial killer would be better fit for him, since all he seems to want to do is hurt people anyways. That way, if he kills someone and the police are chasing after him, he can put up a fire wall and escape. Or if someone is running away from him, he can create a fire wall to stop them from getting away. Can you say FBI's #1 most wanted?

True, but Kane feels that he gets a better downside guarantee as a WWE superstar rather than serial killer. Those Haunted Fortresses Of Doom And Despair don't buy themselves, you know.

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We need Mirror Universe Kane. The Kane that wasn't burned as a child and that grew up with a normal life. The one who is good natured, doesn't rape women, and is bald because of his status as a Hari Krishna. The one who, ultimately, drives This Universe Kane over-the-edge and into Catatonia. This eventually leads to Mirror Universe Kane mind melding with This Universe Kane and entering his thoughts to help drive him out of his insane stupor. However, it was -of course- a ploy by This Universe Kane to trick Mirror Universe Kane to mind meld so This Universe Kane could have home field advantage and destroy Mirror Universe Kane once-and-for-all. The end has Mirror Universe Kane awaking and This Universe Kane still catatonic, but which one really won???

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
We need Mirror Universe Kane. The Kane that wasn't burned as a child and that grew up with a normal life. The one who is good natured, doesn't rape women, and is bald because of his status as a Hari Krishna. The one who, ultimately, drives This Universe Kane over-the-edge and into Catatonia. This eventually leads to Mirror Universe Kane mind melding with This Universe Kane and entering his thoughts to help drive him out of his insane stupor. However, it was -of course- a ploy by This Universe Kane to trick Mirror Universe Kane to mind meld so This Universe Kane could have home field advantage and destroy Mirror Universe Kane once-and-for-all. The end has Mirror Universe Kane awaking and This Universe Kane still catatonic, but which one really won???

Kevin Nash should SOOOOO play MU Kane.

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But soon, Lita will become the Good Witch of the North and Kane's victims will be able to escape back to the locker room by tapping their heels together three times and saying 'There's no place like home'.


...OK, I don't know WHERE that one came from.

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I think the real question here is if Lita, when she feels the child about to be born, will make a run for the nearest vat of molten metal and throw herself in to make sure its evil never troubles the world.


If he does get born, I'd like to start a fund to buy the kid a tricycle for his sixth birthday.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I think they should SOOOO repackage Tomko and have him be a robot from the future sent back in time to make Lita have a miscarriage. Thus, Kane must fight for Lita and turn face.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Tomko *is* alligned with Trish Stratus. Tomko *does* have no personality. Tomko *did* have a staredown with Kane a few months ago.

Get the man red contact lenses and we're set.

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