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King Cucaracha

Pro Pain Pro Wrestling

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Big news down in Philly. Pro Pain Pro Wrestling, owned of course by Brian 'The Blue Meanie' Heffron and with more than a 'contribution' from Jasmin St.Claire, have apparantely hired a new backstage 'helper'. Or, head booker if you will. Not much word on the hiring as of yet, but it's rumoured that he was hired to allow Heffron more time to concentrate on day to day running of the company and of course his in-ring career. A statement, released on 3PWrestling.com, announced the new head booker will be "strictly an off-screen personality". It also promised that the new head booker, who will apparantly remain nameless, will work "in conjuction"with Heffron, to turn 3PW into "a big part of the American proffessional wrestling scene". Exactly what that entails isn't clear, but expect some big changes in 3PW in the coming months.


-- Credit: The Torch

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AJ Styles - Face - Cocky - Main Eventer

Amazing N8 - Face - None - Opener

April Hunter - Heel - Bitch - Midcarder

Christopher Daniels - Heel - Evil - Main Eventer

CJ O'Doyle - Face - Opener - Jobber

Damian Adams - Heel - Arrogant - Opener

Gary Wolfe - Heel - Badass - Upper Midcarder

Jack Victory - Heel - Extremist - Upper Midcarder

Jasmin St.Claire - Heel - Slut - Manager

Jerry Lynn - Heel - Man On A Mission - Main Eventer

Joey Matthews - Heel - Arrogant - Main Eventer

Low-Ki - Face - Martial Arts - Main Eventer

Mike Kruel - Face - No Gimmick Needed - Opener

Monsta Mack - Heel - Gangsta - Lower Midcarder

Roadkill - Face - Extremist - Main Eventer

Rob Eckos- Heel - Lackey - Opener

Rockin' Rebel - Heel - Redneck - Lower Midcarder

Ron Zombie - Heel - Psycho - Opener

Ruckus - Face - Highlight Reel - Midcarder

Sabu - Heel - Masochist - Main Eventer

Slyk Wagner Brown - Heel - Arrogant - Lower Midcarder

Striker - Face - Impressionist - Jobber

Talia - Face - None - Manager

The Blue Meanie - Face - Comedy Character - Main Eventer

Todd Gordon - Heel - Putz - Manager

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Sounds good. I look foreward (forward?) to your first show, despite the fact you poked my style. Just kiddin. Good luck.

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3PW News


New signings for the new 3PW, we welcome three workers to the world of Blood, Brawls and Broads to kick off the month. And we also welcome a familiar face to our Philly fans. Those of you who hold Extreme Championship Wrestling close to your hearts will no doubt remember Joel Gertner, who we welcome to 3PW. Controversy is Gertner's middle name and we look forward to seeing what level of controversy Gertner can create, while of course providing us with his very 'special' form of entertainment.


As much as 3PW prides itself on the brawls, the blood and the broads, we also pride ourselves on bringing our fans some of the most exciting wrestlers in the world. As such, we're very pleased to welcome Jimmy Yang to 3PW. Fresh off of his stint in the WWE as 'Akio', we look forward to seeing Yang in the ring with some of the other world-class wrestlers 3PW houses.


Soon to hit 3PW arenas is 'The Fro'! Yes sir, D-Ray 3000 has signed with 3PW. Released from his NWA:TNA contract earlier in the week due to cost cutting measures, we're more than pleased to offer D-Ray a home. The popular worker is sure to make a splash in the 3PW ring, which we particularly look forward to seeing.


One of the hottest rising stars in the wrestling industry, Arik Cannon, is soon to hit Philly as he has agreed to a contract with 3PW. Obviously we're delighted to welcome such a talented young wrestler to the company, and can't wait to see him in action for 3PW.


We at 3PW are also very happy to announce the hiring of Mo Chatra as head writer of 3PW. Mo will work with us, while continuing his work over in the UK for the very successful Wrestling Channel, on which our British fans can of course catch 3PW action every week.


Reports that we are in talks with Teddy Hart are totally unfounded. Teddy has a reputation for bringing the worst out of himself at the most inopportune moments, a reputation we really do not want to associate ourselves with. No doubt Teddy is an exciting talent, but until he cleans up his act we won't be willing to follow up any interest. We have also been reported in some circles to have had contact with recently WWE released Nova and with Juventud Guerrera, but as yet we have not.


Talk of new 3PW championship division have been rumoured, but as yet we do not feel we have a large enough roster to warrant a second singles championship. However, if the issue changes then a new championship may very well be considered.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

D-Ray? Are you retarded? Sorry, I don't have much love for Andre 3000's even less talented sibling...


Everything else looks swank.

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Hey, a diary that doesn't involve WWE, TNA or ROH, kudos. You definitely needed to bring in some new talent too, there were some rotters on your original talent list. I'll certainly be reading.

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Illness + life = sux00rs. But, yeah, this isn't dead yet.





Man, traffic sucks. Getting to Philly tonight was murder, but thankfully I managed to get there before the opening bell somehow. And still with enough time to get to the merchandise stand, pick up September's show AND the new AJ Styles t-shirt...which apparantly is a good seller, as I saw a lot of other fans with the shirt during the show. Anyway...I'd like to say that the traffic was worth it, but I'm kinda undecided. And here's why...



Right at the top of the show, AJ Styles came out to an eruption from the fans inside Viking Hall. Styles entered the ring and asked for a mic but had to wait a couple of minutes for the "AJ" chants to die down before continuing. After what happened on 3PW's last show, back in September, Styles wasn't happy that he had his shot at the 3PW Championship basically ruined by Joey Matthews and Christopher Daniels. He claimed that if the match were a singles match, he could have beaten Daniels or he could have beaten Matthews. Tonight, Styles said he had the chance to settle the issue by winning the number one contendership fourway elimination match. And when he did, and he got Daniels one on one...Styles claimed that he would settle the score and prove that one on one, he was the best that the 3PW had to offer. The crowd seemed to agree and he left to another round of cheers and AJ chants. hate to say it, but the TNA/ROH idiocy has had some good come out of it...at least if you're a 3PW fan.


Singles Match

Ruckus vs. Rockin' Rebel

Still owed a World Title shot, Ruckus won't be getting it just yet. His match was 'postponed' on September's show by Interim Commissioner Tod Gordon...and now, he is opening the show against The Rockin' Rebel. Uhm...okay. Ruckus is crazy. Seriously. Early on in the match we saw a little "Razzle Dazzle"which popped the crowd. From there though, the match went downhill and fast. Rebel took over, trying to fire up the crowd with the usual heel schtick. Might'a worked, had he decided to sell any of Ruckus' offense. Seriously, he made Ruckus look like crap at times. He got right up from the "Shiznit" and clotheslined Ruckus for a nearfall. A few Ruckus chants got up, but the crowd really didn't like this one. Eventually Ruckus ended it, countering a powerbomb into a cradled hurricanrana for the three.


After the match, Jack Victory came out to check on his 'buddy' Rebel while Ruckus celebrated. Only for Ruckus to turn around and get clotheslined by Victory and thrown out of the ring like a piece of trash. Don't hold out much hope of Ruckus getting his title shot soon after this, because he was made to look really bad. Anyway...Victory remained in the ring riling up the crowd for...


Hardcore Rules Match

'The Living Legend' Jack Victory vs. CJ O'Doyle

Okay...if the first match was bad, this was worse. Victory probably shouldn't be in a wrestling ring right now and nobody gave a rat's ass about O'Doyle, who again didn't seem to want to/know how to sell for his opponent. This was pretty much a garbage brawl. Okay, it was totally a garbage brawl. And not a good one. Victory ended up winning with a powerslam through a trash can. That's all I really want to say about it.


While the officials and ring crew got rid of all the trash...including O'Doyle...out came the new 3PW Tag Team Champion Slyk Wagner Brown and April Hunter. I'm still surprised that they were given the belts, but there ya go. I guess that's the sexist in me coming out. They posed with the belts for a while and Slyk called for the mic. But, he got cut off before he could even start...by the bagpipes~! Sure enough, out came Striker...complete with kilt and wig, wearing a 'Hot Rod' t-shirt. Yep. Tonight, he was "Rowdy Roddy" Striker. Slyk and April didn't know what to think, as Striker entered the ring and grabbed the mic...but then took a big clothesline from April! The bell rung and the match was underway...


Singles Match

Slyk Wagner Brown w/April Hunter vs. Rowdy Roddy Striker

Another 'eh' match. Sure, Striker and his antics are amusing...but he's no more than an opening match act really and it really shows. Slyk beat Striker down for a good few minutes until Striker fought back, hitting a series of Piper style punches, complete with left hand cupped over the ear. Only, as Striker took forever over a big left (and I mean forever), Slyk finally speared him out of his boots. From there, Slyk dominated by couldn't put Striker away. Eventually, Striker managed to catch Slyk in the sleeper...which got a cheap pop, but not much more. That's what you get for a comedy gimmick. Slyk escaped, only to get hit with five different variations of eyepokes before Striker locked on the sleeper again. However, April jumped onto the apron with a Tag belt. Striker fell for the distraction, releasing Slyk and lifting up his kilt to flash April (luckily, he was wearing boxers, but still...). April pretended to faint, the ref checked on her, Slyk picked up the Tag Title belt, waffled Striker, one two three and it was over.


Or, not. Post match, Slyk and the SHOCKINGLY~ recovered April stomped away on Striker, double teaming him until suddenly the curtains opened. And wouldn't you just know it, here came Rob Eckos. Oh...make that Rob 'The Barber' Eckos, running in post-match as if it were Wrestlemania 3 all over again and dropkicking Slyk out of the ring. He then grabbed April and reached deep into his cut-up tights, pulling out a pair of scissors...but Slyk managed to grab April and drag her to safety before Eckos could do the struttin' and cuttin'. Reaching the curtain, Slyk manages to find a microphone and started to lay on some insults towards the 'pathetic superstar wannabees' in the ring and offered to put up the Tag belts next month. Eckos nodded his head in acceptance, so consider the match made.


Tables Match

'Pitbull' Gary Wolfe w/Jasmin St.Claire vs. Roadkill

It took long enough, but FINALLY the show picked up with this match. The usual array of chants hit Jasmin pretty quickly, with a set of fans a few rows up from me seemingly chanting the loudest. Of course, they got as good as they gave. As for the match, this was the expected heated affair. Or course, Roadkill did a quick double turn these past few months...first turning on Meanie, but then being turned on by Jasmin, Wolfe and of course Mike Kruel. So obviously, Roadkill had something to prove here. The brawl spilled into the crowd briefly, which got the crowd into it. I still don't know why Roadkill hasn't been given a permanent call by one of the big players...be it TNA or WWE, because he is over and he can work a decent match. He ran through most of his spots before bring in the table, but missed a splash attempt and went through the wood. Wolfe was then passed a table by Jasmine...but a few minutes later, that was broken by Wolfe missing a charge in the corner. Two tables down and no victor, table three came in. Roadkill set up Wolfe and again went to the top...but out came Mike Kruel, pushing Roadkill off and he landed throat first on the ropes. Wolfe recovered and quickly put Roadkill through the table with a spinebuster for the victory.


Under orders from St.Claire, Wolfe and Kruel continued the beatdown after the match and looked to set Roadkill up for a Super Bomb. Quite how Wolfe would have hit it I don't know. That's because The Blue Meanie charged down the aisle to a big pop, making the save for Roadkill and chasing off the Pitbulls 2004. Meanie and Roadkill teased a handshake after the match, but Roadkill walked off.


Debutants Match

Jimmy Yang vs. Arik Cannon

Well...this wasn't a bad match, certainly. But the crowd really weren't into it all that much. It might have been a good idea to let people know something about these gys before the match. I'm not an avid indie follower, so I didn't know who Cannon was...and I certainly wasn't the only one. Yang was reconisable. Which, I guess, was a good thing. Except that everyone recognised him as "Tajiri's bitch", as one fan so kindly put it. Anyway, this was a decent match. Yang got a chance to show off some of his aerial skills and did so well, endearing himself to the fans. Cannon meanwhile spent the match duration trying to ground Yang, but every time he did, Yang managed to escape. A swank spaceman plancha over the barricade by Yang was the highlight of this one and one of the highlights of the night. Anyway, Cannon got a series of nearfalls before finally a series of reversals ended with a Yang backdrop suplex. One Yang Time corkscrew moonsault later, and this one was over. And just for posterity, after the match, Yang offered a handshake and Cannon accepted.


While Yang and Cannon left, the music of the NEEEEEEW 3PW World Heavyweight Champion hit and out came Christopher Daniels, much to many fans' delight and relief. Grabbing the mic, Daniels wasted little time in boasting to the world about his victory in the fourway dance. And it wasn't long before he was boasting about the many title belts he had won around the world, each one apparantly more important than the 3PW Title. But he graciously vowed to make 3PW worthy of Christopher Daniels, by compiling a title reign that any wrestler in the world would be jealous of. Which would start with the winner, "or should that be loser" of the next match


Fourway Elimination Match, #1 Contendership

Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles vs. Low Ki vs. Joey Matthews

Styles got probably the biggest pop of the night, despite already having made an appearance...so it was no surprise who the crowd were routing for. Lynn and Ki brawled into the crowd, still with issues left unsettled from the last show of course. Meanwhile, that left Styles and Matthews in the ring to do battle, which was entertaining enough. Ki eventually came back and started kicking the crap out of both men, until Lynn returned to the ring to go after Ki. Softened up from the kicks, Styles and Matthews went counter for counter, until AJ countered a Matthews hurricanrana attempt with a powerbomb and then the Styles Clash for the three, eliminating Matthews after just 5 minutes.

Lynn and Ki then joined the fray, leaving the match as a threeway battle which was where the match really picked up. Again, it was Ki using his strong-ass kicks (which look and sound awesome in person) to dominate over Styles and Lynn. A couple of innovative spots, including a Styles asai moonsault into reverse DDT on Ki, who had Lynn in a dragon clutch, went down before the second elimination. Ki hit two thirds of his kick combo, but the third kick was grabbed by Lynn who spun Ki around, hit the cradle piledriver and got the pin on the 13 minute mark.

That left Styles and Lynn to fight for the #1 Contendership, and boy did they. An impressive showing by both, well respected by everyone in the crowd. Styles almost got the win with a cradle piledriver of his own, but somehow Lynn got his foot on the ropes. A few moments later, Lynn tried to return the favour and go for the Styles Clash on Styles...but it was countered with a roll-up for two. Lynn hit a Death Valley Driver from nowhere for a CLOSE nearfall, as Christopher Daniels came out and stood by the entrance way to watch the match. That didn't bother Lynn or Styles, as they went through a series of about 15 roll-ups, into a Styles Clash attempt from Styles...Lynn countered that though with a hurricanrana, only for Styles to roll through with that with a sunset flip style pin, getting the victory to the surprise of everyone after about 20 minutes.


Post-match, Styles began to celebrate as Daniels watched on with an evil looking smile, applauding Styles mockingly before leaving. Styles eventually left too and the fans began to pile-out of Viking Hall. Overall, a dis-appointing show. I heard a lot of people on the way out talking about the main event, which thankfully left a decent impression. But the first half of the show was not good at all. I'd say a definate 'must do better' for 3PW on this showing. Attendance was apparantly 368, which I wouldn't expect to be replicated next time out. However, there's no denying Styles/Daniels will be interesting to watch next month. And who knows...maybe by next month, the mistakes will have been learnt from.

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