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Guest drake

When did HHH join the Corporation.

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I think the plan post Summerslam 2000 was to put Chyna back with Triple H when he turned face to help him battle Stephanie and Kurt Angle.


By the way the fact that the WWF never did a follow-up angle to Steph and Angle hooking up was on of the biggest missteps ever. Hell Stephanie has been single now for over 2 years. They should've ran with it.

They sort of did when HHH and Steph did an episode of Heat Steph explained away alot about that night (Summer Slam)


I wonder if they should revisit it, considering how well actual parings of married wrestlers end up (i.e. Chris Benoit-Nancy Sullivan, Austin-Debra, ect) it can get pretty dicey


Plus the writers and Kurt know who Steph is married to...



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I first heard "Play The Game" when he interfered during Austin vs. Angle on Raw in January 2001.

you are correct. He had been using a slower my time instrumental after being revealed as the man behind the rikishi hit and run. he last used it at armageddon 00, where he was "hurt" by austin and was said to be "in traction" . two weeks later at the first raw of 01 he interfered and afterwards, they played the new song . i think it was made cuz it coincided with the release of the wwf vol 5 cd so they had a new song for triple h.

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