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Kurt Angle Mark

Charlie Haas and Jackie Gayda get engaged

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So, should RRR be *PROUD* he thinks a little like Vince and the "Creative" team?


RRR would be a huge improvement, though...I don't think he'd book just to amuse himself.... :P


"Jackie is probably my favorite diva. The best outfits, the hottest IMO and the most enthusiastic at ringside. Some women are just meant to be eye candy and not wrestlers. They should be able to take bumps and get physical but not necessarily work frequent matches. "


Jackie should never work a match that doesn't involve pudding or stripping her opponent.


Although she's hardly something they needed Tough Enough to find.


Say, whatever happened to that coloured girl who won with Jackie? :P

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Let's face it, we'd all be at each others throats as at what to do with Chuck Palumbo.


"He should be a galactic star prince from the Relsar sector!"


"No! He should be Chuck "Pal"umbo, everyones friend!"


"You're both FOOLS. He should be "CP-30", a golden -possibly homosexual- robot who helps fight against the evil Darth Hunter."

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Meh, I still like my idea for a Palumbo/Venis team. A decent midcard tag team in a division that needs it.


The Big Valbowski & The Big Palumbowski!

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Guest tnamark

I remember reading that Haas and Gayda were seen at an NWA-TNA taping togehter a couple months ago. There was an indication then that they might be an item. I don't think Miss Jackie is that hot though. Girls that look and dress like her are a dime a dozen though I would most definitely hit that.

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Guest Shoes Head

What a fucking idiot. Why would you marry a bitch who's claim to fame was being dumb enough to cheat on her boyfriend on national television?

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I think the triumvirate of Curry-Czech-Rudo, or LOTCRRR, would do a fine job with Raw.

How quickly you've forgotten....



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For my own amusement and maybe some other peeps--Jackie's newest column:


Oh where, oh where have we been?

by Miss Jackie

July 14, 2004

Let me first start off by saying that I am so sorry that it has taken me this long to get back to you all.....will you pleeeeeeease be able to find it in your hearts to forgive lil’ ol’ me?!? Actually, the reason for the absence in Miss Jackie’s Jargon over the past few weeks has been due to what I was talking about in my last column... the travels that are so abundant within the world of professional wrestling! Like I said, I wouldn’t take back any of the miles that I have traveled and that I have yet to travel for anything, it’s just that from time to time, it seems as if the days turn into minutes, the weeks turn into days and the months turn into a week or two. So, with that being said, the SmackDown! crew is yet again to be traveling many a mile, for an outstanding couple day tour "SmackDown! At The Budokan", in Tokyo, Japan! Be sure to check back to get great details of the tour and all those juicy stories that you don’t get to hear about too often... well, maybe just a few of them if you are good!


Speaking of stories, so many of you have been asking the ever-so popular question...where’s Rico? Well first off, let me say thank all of you so much for your concern about my dear fashion friend. And let me tell you that Rico misses you all dearly and sends his hugs and kisses to all his adoring fans and fancy friends. It is so typical, though, what happened to Rico. Just when things start to really get rolling, “bang,” something seems to always get in the way. Unfortunately, in a Tag Team Title match against The Dudleys a few weeks back, Rico suffered a major injury. Now, we went through his pre-match stretching rituals as always, this time even with Charlie’s help, excuse me... Charles’ help... but this time there evidentially wasn’t enough stretches in the book to prevent what was about to happen. Rico and Charlie seemed to have things under control as they always have during the match, until an unusual “pop” noise was heard. Now, I don’t mean the “pop” from the fans for Rico’s unusual antics, I mean a not to good “pop”... that from excruciating pain of a major injury. I knew that things weren’t going too smoothly after that. Rico was very obviously limping from one side of the ring to the other, giving it everything he had not to collapse on the mat.



I could only read the expression of his face of shear pain and hope that he could get over to tag in Charlie. His limping was getting worse with every step, and at that point, I knew that Rico’s leg was pretty badly injured. However, being the true fighter and athlete that he is, Rico fought through the pain and used his adrenaline to get him through the match, executing move after move to the best of his ability. It seemed like hours to Charlie and I that Rico was in the ring in such pain, cheering for Rico from ringside. I cannot even imagine how long it felt to him. Rico struggled through just as any other professional athlete would have and has done.

Instances like Rico’s unfortunately often happen. This folks is the part when we get asked so often, “that stuff can’t be real”... well, you can see it for yourself - along with all the numerous neck surgeries that so many wrestlers have undergone, is quite the dumb question, not to mention offensive to many. So, the night that my “Odd Couple”....Rico and Charlie... lost the Tag Team Titles was the night that Rico completely tore his hamstring into pieces, yet still finishing the match. I couldn’t be any more proud of him for sticking in there the way that he did, along with the other dozens of WWE Superstars that have gotten severely injured in the ring. This is where I ask of all of you out there to not try this at home. Week in and week out, each and every WWE Superstar puts their life on the line, entrusting their well-being to the others that they are in the ring with for the entertainment of all you fans... wrestling is truly a love that one must have to excel! Rico was indeed the true professional - just as all the others that have gotten injured and not given up - and to that, I will always have the utmost respect for each and every individual that steps foot inside of the squared circle for the entertainment of us all!


So, to wrap things up with my dear, now “gimpy-fashion friend,” he is doing well with physical therapy and hopes to be back as soon as possible. There is no definite time line of his return but there is one thing that you can bet on, that when Rico returns, there will be more glitz and glamour than ever, along with total determination to put his mark back into the minds and hearts of all the WWE fans... which you and I know, that task shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish!


Keep all those prayers going strong and kind hopes of his soon return swarming in, Charlie and I are sure to pass along the messages and boy is Rico ever grateful for each and every one of them! On behalf of Rico, “hugs and kisses to you all, and boys, be sure to keep that nose hair trimmed while I am away!”

While Rico is at home recuperating, many of you have been wondering about the relationship of Charlie and I. To answer so many questions, Charlie and I have developed quite the nice relationship and I have been able to get him out of his, well, let me say “shell” a bit. I have stood strong by his side and will continue to do so - after all, he is a ton of fun and is an awesome shopping partner... shhhhh, don’t tell him I said that though! And as long as that Luther Reigns and Kurt Angle continue to give him problems, I will do anything I can to help out the situation - of course I mean standing by his side. Charlie and I make a great team and will be standing strong together for some time to come, let’s just hope that Rico isn’t too jealous of me, errrr, should I say HIM!


Until next time, take care of yourselves and remember to always wear your sun screen - 15 SPF at least, that summer-time sun is a doosey!


Love Always and All Ways,

Miss Jackie

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