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Guest Vitamin X

Free Minerva!

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Guest Vitamin X



Minerva is located about 400 miles south of Fiji and 260 miles west of Tonga, and was the location of a group of unclaimed underwater reefs and atolls. In 1971, dredging and construction commenced at the atolls in order to build up and expand existing dry islands and create new islands. The Republic of Minerva was declared independent and sovereign on January 19, 1972.


On June 15, 1972 King Taufa'ahay Tupou IV of Tonga, illegally and against the dictates of International Law, issued a royal declaration stating that the Kingdom of Tonga sought to extend jurisdiction into the sovereign territory of Minerva, claiming legitimacy through claims that the Minervan Atolls were traditional fishing grounds for Tongan peoples.


On June 21, 1972, after only six short months of existence, the Republic of Minerva was ruthlessly invaded by Tongan security forces and the Minervan flag torn down. Tonga continued on to illegally occupy Minervan territories.


Shortly after the events on June 21, the occupation, coupled with serious economic difficulties and sheer lack of resources to liberate their country, the government of Minerva was forced into exile by the end of 1973. More than three decades later, the Kingdom of Tonga maintains the illegal occupation of Minerva.


But there is hope for Minerva. Finally, after years of failed attempts at liberation and control, on October 1, 2003, a reformed Minervan government was founded. The newly created monarchy – established as the Principality of Minerva – was established with the intent of liberating the territories of Minerva from foreign occupation and the vision to establish Minerva as a functional and active member of international community of states.


The current government is now seeking international arbitration of this conflict, and is taking steps to correct this gross violation of international law with the appropriate legal entities. It is crucial that these legal means of recourse be taken in order to achieve the goal of liberation. It is no doubt, the road to liberation will be a hard one, but there are ways that you can help. Simply by reading this publication, you are helping. The Principality asks that you educate others about this tragedy. If you feel inclined, and have the means to do so, you may also wish to make a contribution to help the cause of liberation. We also have a selection of “anti-occupation” items that are available for purchase. By supporting the Minervan Liberation, you are not only helping to liberate an occupied and captive nation, you are helping the cause of freedom and joining the fight against tyranny. We thank you for any support you are able to lend.


You can make a secure donation by clicking the "donate" button, or you may also choose to make a purchase from our store and show your support.


Thank you.


Basically this Las Vegas millionare bought his own private island and declared it a sovereign nation and then the King of Tonga went and reclaimed the land. Kind of an amusing story, anyways.

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^Fuck you for stealing my line. :P


... Come to think of it, that seems to happen a lot with you.


*puts on tinfoil helmet*


Never again! Ha ha ha!

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