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Rob E Dangerously

RNC sends a 'cease & desist' to Rock the Vote

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Nope. Idiots shouldn't vote. If you're too stupid to make a decision, then don't piss in my water by casting an idiotic vote.

Then "idiots" (which seems to be defined as "people who won't get involved with the political process") shouldn't own guns, either?

"Rabble Rabble Rabble!" -the voice of reaction to a question like that.

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My problem with this whole "Rock The Vote" thing is that younger voters will just think "OMG BUSH WILL INSTITUTE DRAFT", rather than going out and actually researching the candidates and their stances on issues. And MTV is making it worse with their whole scare tactics campaign.

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Guest GreatOne
Uh, yeah. No misquotes THERE or anything..........

Remember when we were told the Patriot Act would be temporary until the terrorist problem disappeared?


This President lies so much in office that it's hard to believe his campaign promises. And almost all politicians lie during campaign promises, no matter how much they lie in office.

Of course he does!


greatone has an incredible memory...he even remembers when almost everyone around here got over 9-11 later that week...

Well I'd like to say I remember when you made your first intelligent post around here but it'd merely be a trick question................

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Uh, yeah. No misquotes THERE or anything..........

Remember when we were told the Patriot Act would be temporary until the terrorist problem disappeared?


This President lies so much in office that it's hard to believe his campaign promises. And almost all politicians lie during campaign promises, no matter how much they lie in office.

Of course he does!


greatone has an incredible memory...he even remembers when almost everyone around here got over 9-11 later that week...

Well I'd like to say I remember when you made your first intelligent post around here but it'd merely be a trick question................


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Guest MikeSC
Nope. Idiots shouldn't vote. If you're too stupid to make a decision, then don't piss in my water by casting an idiotic vote.

Then "idiots" (which seems to be defined as "people who won't get involved with the political process") shouldn't own guns, either?

If they do not wish to own one, I will not lose sleep over them not exercising their right to own one.


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My problem with this whole "Rock The Vote" thing is that younger voters will just think "OMG BUSH WILL INSTITUTE DRAFT"

Any incumbant who dedicates the military to fighting a group of nations is accused of possibly bringing back the draft. Reagan could supress it because most people felt they could believe him.


Bush doesn't have that going for him.

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Guest MikeSC
My problem with this whole "Rock The Vote" thing is that younger voters will just think "OMG BUSH WILL INSTITUTE DRAFT"

Any incumbant who dedicates the military to fighting a group of nations is accused of possibly bringing back the draft. Reagan could supress it because most people felt they could believe him.


Bush doesn't have that going for him.

Then, would "Bush will bring back slavery" rumors be considered too moronic for this group of pot-addled knuckle-draggers be to vouch for?


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