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Help Identify Movies for my column

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Have mercy on me.


1) "If I remember it correctly), a contemporary (for the time) retelling of Frankenstein, set in the 70's judging by the hairstyles and wide lapels. I recall two scenes from the film one in which "the monster" twists someones head until it pops off and another where a tractor trailer or cargo container is barricaded and set fire to. I believe this was a trap to try and kill off "the monster" and it would reflect the castle burning at the end of the original 30's Frankenstein. I did the IMDB search but couldn't find a match."


2) "I think it was a war-movie , and the scene I remember is with two guys (prisoners) working/standing at a railroadtrack. Then one of them goes to a guard, says something, spits in his own hand, and grinds the other fist in his palm (lousy description, but it was an insult to the guard). The guard then shoots the guy in one hand, then the other, one foot and the other, and the guy finally dies when someone throws an axe into his back.

I only remember this one scene, and I think I remember it being snowy, and the guards looking Eastern European.


3) The second one is a very long shot, since I only saw like a minute of it , and all I remember is it being set in some desertlike landscape (maybe prehistoric), and there were these giant bugs flying around, and one of the characters squashed the bug in real gory b-movie style. Thats about it,

and I must admit if you get anything out of this, you are truly a genius."


4) "First, I'm looking to identitfy an animated movie with a Unicorn. It is not the last Unicorn, and its not Unico. Are there any other animated movies about unicorns out there from the 70-80's that I'm just not aware of?


5) Along time ago at around 4 am, I saw a movie on my local Fox channel. The story was something like this. A guy and girl fall in love, the girls dad kills the girl, why I forget. The guy then brings her back to life as a zombie, I think. I have no idea what this movie was. The dad may have

been Robert England. I think the girl may have burned the house down at the end.


6) Around 6am on cinemax, in like 97, I saw the strangest ending to a movie ever, IMHO. But I didn't see the rest of the movie, so I'm at a total loss. This guy is standing over a grave, making a siloquy, and then a hand pops out and starts choking him, I think. Only thing was, the hand was wearing a yellow rubber cleaning glove....Due to foggy memory, there may not have been choking, but I do remember a hand comming out of the grave in one of those yellow rubber cleaning gloves.


7) I didn't get to finish watching this movie as a kid because well...to much boobage for a youngster. I only saw up untill the part of the building his girlfriend back together after the birthday gift he built her, or her

dad, a remote control lawnmower, I think, went hair wire and it killed her, so he had to rebuild her. There was alot of nudity in the movie, which is why my parents were like, go to your room, now mister."

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Guest El Satanico
1) "If I remember it correctly), a contemporary (for the time) retelling of Frankenstein, set in the 70's judging by the hairstyles and wide lapels. I recall two scenes from the film one in which "the monster" twists someones head until it pops off and another where a tractor trailer or cargo container is barricaded and set fire to. I believe this was a trap to try and kill off "the monster" and it would reflect the castle burning at the end of the original 30's Frankenstein. I did the IMDB search but couldn't find a match."


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