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I'm considering swapping my vote...

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Vote Pair


Basically, this website pairs voters in states that are safe for either Bush or Kerry that would vote for John Kerry with voters in Swing states that would be voting for one of the 3rd parties, and have them agree to swap their votes. Thus, Kerry would get a vote in a Swing state and one of the 3rd parties would get a vote in the safe state where it wouldn't affect the outcome of the overall states vote.


I live in Maryland which is a supposedly safe state for John Kerry. I voted for Nader in 2000, and while I would vote for Kerry this year, I see it as kind of pointless ultimately.

I wouldn't mind voting for Nader again if I was sure there was a corresponding voter in swing state who would be voting for Kerry which would have more of an impact on the overall election (although admittedly not that much) than voting for Kerry myself.


Its a rather interesting concept but I still have a few doubts about it. As of right now there are only 1861 paired voters on this site although they say that there are other sites like it. Plus, the person I'm paired up with could say they will vote for Kerry but either not vote or vote for Bush or something and there would be no way for me to know who they voted for.

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there's no real incentive on your side either.


Nader won't get 1%, much less 5%


and there's always the chance that the other guy could be somebody putting on an act to rip you off

I understand that the site is also trying to boost 3rd party support, and while Im a registered independent that voted for Nader in 2000, I fully realize that a 3rd party won't be successful in this country anytime soon, especially with people like Nader and Badnarik (who I saw a tv commercial for about 5 minutes ago for the first time..) being the main national figures.


I imagine that I could vote swap with someone and still vote for Kerry, but that seems to be as bad as the other person not voting for Kerry.

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there's no real incentive on your side either.


Nader won't get 1%, much less 5%


and there's always the chance that the other guy could be somebody putting on an act to rip you off

I understand that the site is also trying to boost 3rd party support, and while Im a registered independent that voted for Nader in 2000, I fully realize that a 3rd party won't be successful in this country anytime soon, especially with people like Nader and Badnarik (who I saw a tv commercial for about 5 minutes ago for the first time..) being the main national figures.


I imagine that I could vote swap with someone and still vote for Kerry, but that seems to be as bad as the other person not voting for Kerry.

well, since I am voting for Nader, you can "swap" with me, and vote for Kerry I suppose, but I dunno if this counts since I was going to vote for Nader anyway.

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Not to mention that you KNOW a bunch of Republicans are posing as Nader voters in swing states just to boost Bush's numbers in big Kerry cities will this will get lots of viewers such as New York.


NoCalMike: Why not Cobb? You're not helping boost any 3rd party voting for an independent.

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Not to mention that you KNOW a bunch of Republicans are posing as Nader voters in swing states just to boost Bush's numbers in big Kerry cities will this will get lots of viewers such as New York.

Wow, and Kerry supporters would NEVER, EVER do anything underhanded like that. I guess the dead registered Democrats in Ohio and the missing ballots in Florida are all either some big misunderstanding or a Republican plot.

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Not to mention that you KNOW a bunch of Republicans are posing as Nader voters in swing states just to boost Bush's numbers in big Kerry cities will this will get lots of viewers such as New York.


NoCalMike: Why not Cobb? You're not helping boost any 3rd party voting for an independent.

yeah I meant to say Nader or Cobb, I had just forgot the name at that moment.

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