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Feedback for the 11/4 show!

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As a note, Parka, I really wanted to get the cliffhanger ending. On any other night you would have closed the show. I hope you're not mad.


Anyway good show despite not many matches, the promos were very on! Thoroughly enjoyable.

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So, hey...if you read the show and there wasn't a Drek Stone promo in there, um...try again. Sorry. It's right after Alex Bryant's segment.

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Great show. Only two matches, but good ones. I told Phenom in private, but I'll say it again: this match was a big improvement over WWE. Very much more descriptive and fleshed out. Nice work. The Black T/Love Doctors match was good, and I didn't expect the finish! Nice to see the new Doc in the house as well.


Segmentwise it was GREAT! The Rodez/GPX altercation was hilarious! I was laughing all the way through. NYU wrote a great promo between our boys, showing that Drek too feels the sickness for gold. Alex Bryant's persona is developing really nicely, and I like the trademark gun gesture. I'm not sure what to make of Danny Douglas yet, but we'll see! And Panther...damn, that boy can WRITE, yo! I know Papa said he was rushing but the promo came off really well, and I was totally feeling Panther at the end of it all.


As for the Blur/JI/Machine stuff, I was serious when I said that it was good enough to end the show on. It was tremendous. I know the analogy has been made before, but it was such a comic book, superhero ending that I couldn't help but smile. A great conclusion with a great twist to a compelling, over-the-top heroic story that I don't think we'll soon forget, even with LP leaning us.


So a good night all around! If anyone wants to leave feedback for my stuff that'd be great! I was oretty proud of the opening promo, so...yeah! Let me know if I SHOULD have been! :)

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For the first time in months, I actually had the chance to read the show straight through. Right after, I went to classes, got THREE consecutive surprise quizzes and failed them all. Wonder if that's an omen or anything...



Oh well, enough of that gypsy talk. The show was good.


I was feeling the opening promo and confrontation between Hoff and Zack. Great INTENSITY~! shown by Zack and it did a good job of establishing Hoff as a face. I also got a laugh outta the little "PLANT" joke that was thrown in there.


The Rodez/GPX thing had me dying. Funny stuff.


Phenom/Frankie- I think this did a good enough job of making Phenom look strong. Only criticism I have is--as others noted with the WWE match--this one could've used a little more description in between the moves. I agree that this was a better effort than the first match, but there were a couple of points where this just went from spot-to-spot with no transition (the one point that stands out is when it goes from Frankie's flying bodypress straight to a Phenom big boot), and the lack of description there makes things read a little awkwardly. I did like the direction he went with the match, with Phenom looking dominant, and I liked how he tried to convey Frankie's sense of frustration and desperation toward the end. This was solid, but again, a bit more description would've added a lot.


Good segment with Alex Bryant. I don't have much to say about it, but it came off well.


The Drek/Hoff confrontation was great too. I had to laugh at how quick Drek went from praising Hoff to wanting to take him out in a matter of seconds. Again, I liked the intensity there and this and the opening promo were good lead-ins to the main event angle with Hoff.


I'm getting a serious Dusty Rhodes vibe from "Devastatin'" Danny Douglas. Seems like this could be a cool character.


Good match between Black T and the Love Doctors. The little cheap shots from JR, and the ending with Ima Hoe joining up with the Docs was cool.


Nice finish to the whole Blurricane/Father saga. One thing I've always liked about Parka's writing is that he can pull off these over-the-top angles and storylines and manage to keep them from becoming cheesy. Very well-written, and I liked how JAE was able to do the right thing while still being able to maintain his...heelishness. That's refreshing, since most wrestling characters tend to be either good or evil with little-to-no middle ground. Nice way to wrap up, and it was a great send off for Parka and his characters.


And the ME angle came off well.

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Very storyline driven show, but sometimes that's a good thing.


Awesome opening segment! Personally, I felt the title had fallen into a coma, but in n one show, the very first show with his Royal Hoffness as champ, there's already a number of chaotic things going on, the biggest being the cliffhanger ending. With the earlier events, a number of people could be behind the attack on Hoff.


I got a kick out of the Rodez/GPX segment.


Soild second outing for Phenom.


Enjoyed the segments involing Derek Stone, "Devastatin'" Danny Douglas & Panther. I think I know what is being teased for the OAOAST Title match, but it was still a nice little teaser.


The match and postmatch promo were rushed, but the situation between Black T & the Love Doctors we (me & Mystery Eskimo) lucked into. I saw great potential in the Docs when Eski debuted them months ago. Yeah they're gimmicky, but I felt like they could make a great babyface tag team behind our #1 face team GPX. When Ima Hoe was fired by the OAOAST, then kicked out of Black T's limo after BT felt she was becoming too attached, I invisioned her returning as the Docs manager. It made perfect sense to have her return by costing BT a match against the LDs, setting up a feud between the two.


That was certainly one helluva twist Parka came up with. Hoff has compared it to a comic book, and I agree. Parka has always handled his stories well, and liked to throw the twist here and there, and it paid off. The OAOAST will miss your work, Parka.

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