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Matt Young

Used Xbox nearly burns down my home and kills me

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Guest LooneyTune

My old virtual pet (dog) pissed on my spaghetti too (throws it into a pile of snow).

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I quickly unplugged the unit and placed an angry call to the store, where the clerk acted 100% nonchalant about the whole ordeal. My home could have burned to the ground! They say they test these systems, but that is obviously not the case. After getting my money back, I will never again shop at that GameCrazy, and if possible, I will make a strong complaint (or hopefully something more effective) to their corporate headquarters.


1. When we test the systems, we make sure they work. We don't take them apart and expect every little piece of the machine.


2. You saw that it worked.




4. If you wanna complained, check under the Xbox and look at the stickers. If you can see the screws, and it might look like the screws might have been tampered with, then yes you could complain because a Gamecrazy were not suppose to take a system like that. Basically if the screws are showing under the Xbox that means someone could have tried to have modded it, but if they're not showing (and you didn't try and take those stickers off after reading this) its just a freak accident. So you can't really blame that Gamecrazy.


I know all of this because I work at one.

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