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Guest Phenom

OAO Armageddon Thread.

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The title never changes hands in 4-ways.

...because it's on an American base?



Huh? I goofed my original comment and thought you meant just the World Title, so I took it out.

I goofed too.


I meant to quote the "All American" thing with JBL losing the title in Iraq.

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Guest LooneyTune

Takers best title reign was second fiddle to Foudnation/Austin feud.


Angle has never been booked good as a champion, even worse than JBL.


Bookers WCW reigns were 2 weeks long. I rest my case on that one.

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Takers best title reign was second fiddle to Foudnation/Austin feud.


Angle has never been booked good as a champion, even worse than JBL.


Bookers WCW reigns were 2 weeks long. I rest my case on that one.

Except for his Fourth reign, technically.

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Takers best title reign was second fiddle to Foudnation/Austin feud.


Angle has never been booked good as a champion, even worse than JBL.


Bookers WCW reigns were 2 weeks long. I rest my case on that one.

Perhaps so, but that doesn't mean that a title reign by any of them now could be worse than JBL's.


btw, Taker's best reign in my opinion was in 97, but that may just be me.

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Takers best title reign was second fiddle to Foudnation/Austin feud.


Angle has never been booked good as a champion, even worse than JBL.


Bookers WCW reigns were 2 weeks long. I rest my case on that one.

Perhaps so, but that doesn't mean that a title reign by any of them no could be worse than JBL's.


btw, Taker's best reign in my opinion was in 97, but that may just be me.

I agree.


I was talking about Booker with the WCW title there.


I should have specified.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
Well with JBL retaining what should we expect for Wrestlemania now on the smackdown side?


JBL vs Cena

Angle vs HBK

Taker/Kane vs. Snitski/Heidenreich

Eddie vs. Booker perhaps?

I still refuse to believe UT will allow him to work a 3rd match involving Kane at WM. Wasn't UT complaining about never having a "bona fide classic WM match"...Heidy and Snitsky and Kane aren't helping his crusade.


Seriously; Trade Angle and Benoit. Benoit/Taker @ Mania makes so much sense. Heyman's Monster failed; so he tricks Long into trading Angle to Raw for "The Crippler". Despite their past history; Mr. Mainupulative Heyman convinces Benoit to go after 'Taker.


sets up an interesting dynamic, finally a classic match for 'Taker, gives Benoit something meaningful because at this rate he's stuck in transistional Tag teamer with Jericho now. Makes for classic Heyman promos and Benoit's disdain for him adds intrigue.


Cena/JBL (wwe title)

HHH/Batistia (world title)




Benjamin/Edge (ic title)

Eddy/RVD (ladder US title match)

Mysterio/London/Kidman/London (CW title)

Eugene and Regal Vs Rhyno/Tajiri (World Tag)

Dudleyz Vs Haas and Booker (WWE Tag)

Trish Vs Lita Vs Victoria (woman's)

TBS Vs Snitsky (Battle of The Monsters)


THAT should be the card.

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Well with JBL retaining what should we expect for Wrestlemania now on the smackdown side?


JBL vs Cena

Angle vs HBK

Taker/Kane vs. Snitski/Heidenreich

Eddie vs. Booker perhaps?

I'm hopeful that we get an Eddie v. Benoit cross-brand match, because at the rate they're going I'm going to have a lot of trouble justifying $50 for two world title matches I don't want to see.

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Shadow: He doesn't consider his X-7 match with HHH a classic?

Though not a bad match by any means, I'd say the ridiculously long ref bump and Triple H's dreaded fall onto padding prevents it from being known as a Wrestlemania classic.

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Guest Fook_Theta

Well, they could always do the 80s Santa Claus finish. It wasn't Santa, it was Heidenreich. It actually would have worked better had he been dressed like Santa first. Everyone was laid out and Undertaker had it won when Heidenreich interfered. It ended up with Heidenreich getting Undertaker in the cobra clutch (which Cole didn't know, and it was a key point of the match, which isn't Cole's fault because he should have been clued in on that, he duidn't know it was a finisher to sell and Tazz saved, which was the story of the announcing. JBL pinned Booker clean with a clothesline. If it wasn't for Guerrero, the match would have been really bad, but Guerrero worked for several men tonight. Was it enough to save the show? I don't think so.


Cole is an idiot. Almost as bad as Todd Grisham.

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Guest LooneyTune

No one is as bad as Todd Grisham. At least Cole attempts to call PBP for a match.

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Well with JBL retaining what should we expect for Wrestlemania now on the smackdown side?


JBL vs Cena

Angle vs HBK

Taker/Kane vs. Snitski/Heidenreich

Eddie vs. Booker perhaps?

I'm hopeful that we get an Eddie v. Benoit cross-brand match, because at the rate they're going I'm going to have a lot of trouble justifying $50 for two world title matches I don't want to see.

Eddie vs. Benoit is always a possibility, considering we had two major cross brand matches last year, but for some reason I see him going up against someone like Edge or Batista.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Nope and that was one of the major reasonings he was campaging for a program with Angle at Mania.


He has had only two meaningful good matches in his streak WMX7 with Hunts that *just* hit *** and the *** affiar with Flair the next year. The rest were squashes (Snuka, Roberts, Bundy, TBS/ATRAIN,Kane) or monsters that resulted in sloppy match (G.G, unmotivated Diesel, Sid, Kane, Bossman).


Thus another reason to give us Benoit/'Taker. It'd be a easy **** match and would give two uper card players signifcant matches isntead of tag matches.

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Honestly, I think the ending hurt JBL more than anybody. Had he somehow won clean despite the odds stacked against him, it probably would have garnered him some needed credibility.

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Guest JMA

I might be upset with JBL not losing if I wasn't so apathetic to him and the WWE title. It IS interesting to see how Smackdown continues its downward spiral, though.

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Guest LooneyTune

Undertaker vs. Diesel @ WM XII was better than I expected it to be. I don't get the hate for it.


Undertaker vs. Kane (WM XIV) although not great, was built very well and was a decent big man match. The WM XX match, I agree, was a terrible squash.

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Nope and that was one of the major reasonings he was campaging for a program with Angle at Mania.


He has had only two meaningful good matches in his streak WMX7 with Hunts that *just* hit *** and the *** affiar with Flair the next year. The rest were squashes (Snuka, Roberts, Bundy, TBS/ATRAIN,Kane) or monsters that resulted in sloppy match (G.G, unmotivated Diesel, Sid, Kane, Bossman).


Thus another reason to give us Benoit/'Taker. It'd be a easy **** match and would give two uper card players signifcant matches isntead of tag matches.

I'm curious, what's your ideal Wrestlemania card?


edit: Huzzuh, 900 posts.

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Guest LooneyTune
Angle has never been booked good as a champion, even worse than JBL.

Royal Rumble 03 says different.

October 2000-February 2001, and the Summer of 2003 disagree with that disagrement.

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Angle has never been booked good as a champion, even worse than JBL.

Royal Rumble 03 says different.

October 2000-February 2001, and the Summer of 2003 disagree with that disagrement.

Does September 2001-October 2001 have anything to say?

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Guest LooneyTune

Lame title-switch that was only done because of 9/11 I keep forgetting. That was pretty bad, considering he lost the title with maybe 1 successful defense on TV.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
Nope and that was one of the major reasonings he was campaging for a program with Angle at Mania.


He has had only two meaningful good matches in his streak WMX7 with Hunts that *just* hit *** and the *** affiar with Flair the next year. The rest were squashes (Snuka, Roberts, Bundy, TBS/ATRAIN,Kane) or monsters that resulted in sloppy match (G.G, unmotivated Diesel, Sid, Kane, Bossman).


Thus another reason to give us Benoit/'Taker. It'd be a easy **** match and would give two uper card players signifcant matches isntead of tag matches.

I'm curious, what's your ideal Wrestlemania card?


edit: Huzzuh, 900 posts.

I just put it up there a few minutes ago.


Ideally, Jericho/Benoit and Eddy/Angle main event. that won't happen. Within reason, here's my ideal card once again


WWE Title Match

JBL Vs Cena


World Title Match

Triple H Vs Batistia


HBK Vs Kurt Angle


The Rock Vs Randy Orton


Chris Benoit Vs Undertaker


U.S Title Match


Eddy Guerrero Vs RVD


I.C Title Match

Benjamin Vs Edge


CW Title Match

Elimination Match

London Vs Kidman Vs Mysterio Vs Chavo


Woman's Title

Lita Vs Trish Vs Molly Vs Victoria


World Tag Title

Eugene and Regal Vs Rhyno and Tajiri


WWE Tag Title

Dudleyz Vs Booker and Haas.


The Big Show Vs Gene Snitsky.


and *maybe* a Battle royal for the rest of the roster to get everyone Mania paychecks.

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Angle has never been booked good as a champion, even worse than JBL.

Royal Rumble 03 says different.

October 2000-February 2001, and the Summer of 2003 disagree with that disagrement.

Angle went over Brock clean in Summer of 2003. TWICE.

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Guest LooneyTune

And he was booked to look like an idiot.'


Let's not forget the homosexual activities of Brock/Angle.

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And he was booked to look like an idiot.

Yes, going over someone twice clean who has a 50 pound weight advantage over you sure makes you look like an idiot.

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Guest LooneyTune
And he was booked to look like an idiot.

Yes, going over someone twice who has a 50 pound weight advantage over you sure makes you look like an idiot.

Explain the homosexual shit they did? Or is that good booking too?

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