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This week in the NBA

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1. Vlade Divac was a valuable player for the Kings, don't get me wrong.


2. That value is reflected in his ability and contributions on the court.


3. The contention is that keeping Divac would not have helped the Kings, as Divac has battled injuries most of the season.


The Kings' winning percentage is currently .680. Last season, it was .671. If Divac's lost leadership is hurting the team, why are they winning more games? If they have declined, it is the result of key players such as Doug Christie and Chris Webber passing their primes. Vlade Divac might be a team leader, but he is also an aging player himself, and could become a liability.

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Guest Vitamin X

alkeiper has done a fine job of defending the same point I was trying to make, but I'll tack on to it.


Who says he can't play? He had a fluke back injury, one of the few semi-serious injurys in his career, and LA is bringing him along slow because they have Mihm/Grant, want Vlade to get a better feel for the team, and don't need to test their luck by putting him out there right now.


Why the hell would you put out an untested center and an undersized mediocre center turned power forward because of his lack of size out there instead of the proven Divac, if he were indeed so valuable and COULD play as you say (because obviously you know Divac's injury better than he or the Lakers do)? Remember that Mihm and Grant are also brand new to the team, and Mihm's inexperienced to boot (although he has done well this season).


Was he valuable to Sacto? Yes, because neither Peja or Webber has a dominant personality and Vlade was WITHOUT QUESTION the reason they were ever as good as they were.

This has to be, without question, one of the most ridiculous things I'd ever heard in this folder. The Kings were good for a number of reasons, Vlade was not WITHOUT QUESTION, the sole reason for their annual playoff contention. The Kings had, and still have, a great inside/outside game with Peja, Webber, Bibby, and now Brad Miller's more than covering up for Vlade's absence. What you can point to in Sacto's failures this season you can't pin on Divac leaving for the Lakers, because, as al and I have pointed out, he hasn't done anything for the Lakers this season so what good would he have done the Kings? That's an overpriced cheerleader you'd have there. (and a mental image I'd soon hope to forget)


It's pointless to write off the Kings right now. We're not even halfway through the season, and they have a winning record, same with the Lakers and a ton of other teams at the moment. Maybe Vlade will come back and start contributing for LA later this season and prove us all wrong. But, for right now, LA looks like they got fucked on the deal,, and Sacto is better off with Miller/Ostertag, whether you'd believe it or not.

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Guest Vitamin X

Oh, and in response to the corvette-brick wall statement..

When asked earlier this week what would happen when Bryant drives to the basket, O'Neal replied: ``When you've got a Corvette that runs into a brick wall, you know what's going to happen.''


Bryant laughed over that one, saying at one point he was a combination of a Corvette and a Hummer since he's gained some weight since last season.


Later, he described himself as a Lamborghini.


``It's no different from what we did in practice,'' Bryant said Friday regarding O'Neal's remark. ``I spent eight years trying to dunk on him. He fouled me every time.''


Speaking after Thursday night's 109-107 win at Sacramento -- the Heat's 10th straight victory -- O'Neal elaborated on the Corvette-brick wall scenario.


``I've been a classy individual for 12 years,'' he said, referring to the length of his NBA career. ``It would be very unclassy of me to try to say what I'm going to do (to Bryant). I'm just going to play good defense. I'm not out to hurt anybody.


``I just want people to understand that I'm not going to try to flagrantly hurt him, but when a Corvette hits a brick wall, you know what happens.''


You've got to admit, it will be interesting. Miami has the benefit of playing in a weak East, so I think saying they're one of the elite teams in the league is a bit misleading, as is the fact the Lakers are 14-11 and the Heat are 21-7. The question is if the Lakers can contain the inside presence caused by O'Neal, and which Laker team will show up.


Pistons are up by 5 in the rematch against Indiana.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I really like the Pistons jersey today, The Pacers aren't that bad either and it's better then the all yellow jersey.

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Guest Vitamin X

Bill Walton on the Heat/Lakers pregame show:

"This is more than just a basketball game, it's a battle for the hearts and minds of an entirely polarized basketball universe!"

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It's pointless to write off the Kings right now.


No. It's entirely pointful, and I'm writing off your Lakers too, as well about 20-22 other teams. It's pretty fucking easy to tell which teams will be there late in the playoffs and which won't be.


There seems to be a mental block between what a guy does physically and what a guy does mentally on the court. The Kings, back in 1997/98, started playing Princeton style ball. Vlade was the guy who helped breed that on-court environment, the passing, the movement, the trust amongst teammates. Webber always had the skills, but he was a selfish player before he hooked up with Vlade. Christie had never found his niche. Vlade had Webber, Christie, J-Will/Bibby, Peja, Turkolu and everyone working that system as well as possible, and yes, without question he was the lynchpin, because they ran the damn offense through him and everyone else got in line. Webber was the best all around talent, Peja was the sharpshooter, Christie was the do-it-all guard, but it started and ended with Vlade. He brought intangibles, that in Sacramento's case, nobody else in the world can bring. Is he old and past his prime? Of course he is, do you see me saying he's 26 years old? But you're not paying for his body, you're paying for his mind, and for his lockerroom presence. If you think they're better off with Ostertag you're insane. Sacramento might have a decent record right now, but I've watched them play, and they aren't the same team they used to be. They can still run that offense to perfection at times, but they also have long stretches where they fall apart, which never happened when it was Vlade's team.


I'm really sick of laboring this point, either you get it or you don't, you obviously don't, but if you ever have a chance to you know, talk to someone who actually understands the game, they'll tell you the same thing I have. Of course, if Bill Walton or Hubie Brown said it I'm sure you'd eat it up and ask for seconds.

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Guest Vitamin X



Sure bud, whatever you say. You made your point about his leadership ability, but what we're stating, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this argument as I haven't even seen any Kings fans try to cram down our throats the same irrelevant point you keep on trying to make, is that Vlade wouldn't make a difference on that Kings team now than if he wasn't there. But if you feel like insulting my intelligence to get your point across rather than look at the reality (which is that Vlade is no longer much of a factor whether if he was a King or a Laker at this point), you're only making it so I and everyone else here take you less seriously as you look like a child who's throwing a tantrum because we don't agree with you.


Anyways, Lakers up at the half 56-54. Fun game so far.

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Ok, Wade fucked him up. Put simply.


This game's actually living up to the hype too. Not necassarily the Shaq/Kobe hype, but in the sense it's been a hell of a game.

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This game is great. Shaq is out we're in OT and the Heat are up by 4.

I don't like the Heat nor do I paticuarly like Shaq but a Laker loss to the Heat in there own building would make me happy.

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Usually games with this kind of hype aren't ever as good as the hype. But this game has been amazing.

However it was billed as the big Kobe/Shaq battle but the other guys on the teams are stepping up and doing the job.

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Great Game


Dwayne Wade is the man!! If I could pick any guard for my team it would be him. To bad he has been stuck with team mates that I absolutely hate (Odom last year and Shaq this year) or else I'll be a fan of the Heat.


EDIT: Would also like to say that Hubie Brown is without question the greatest color commentator in the history of sports.

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Hubie Brown is the best color man in basketball, Steve Stone is the best in baseball.


I think Marv Albert and Hubie Brown would be a good duo. I like Marv. I really do. Plus, I feel for him, as he, just like Steve Stone and, to an extent, myself, have been punished for speaking the truth. Though his relationship with Mike Fratello on the TNT broadcasts got to be a little much sometimes.


"Czar, lick my anus."


You can almost hear him say it.

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I think my recent disdain for Kobe made me mark out for the Heat today although given their roster I have no idea why I would do so. I mean god, they have fucking LAETTNER on that roster, and anyone from KY hates his guts and wants him to die. Any U of L or UK fan also detests Dwayne Wade (given that he seemed to own U of L at Marquette) as well, and I am not thrilled with Eddie Jones due to loathing Temple. Yet oddly enough I still marked out for the Heat today.


I think the Heat are the team to beat in the East right now. They're the only Eastern team I've seen that can put together 2 halves of decent play.

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Hey, don't pooh-pooh the Chicago Bulls. We could be looking at a #8 seed here, I mean it.


And the fact that the #1 East team barely squeaked past the #7 West team doesn't say much. Either the Heat were slackin' or the Lakers are improving. Hopefully the former.

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Guest Vitamin X

Man, I give a lot of credit to the Heat, both teams gave it their all though and in the end it came down to just a couple shots and calls that really could have gone either way. L.A. was leading or tied throughout the majority of the game, and ironically enough, it wasn't until Shaq fouled out that the Heat really stepped it up and took control. Odom was awesome tonight, and now I'm wondering what if Butler hadn't got suspended, and if Devean George and Vlade weren't injured. Those are three key guys right there, and I'm really excited about the future for the franchise now, even if it was a 2 point OT loss.. but it was, after all, to the #1 team in the East, so it's really not that bad. But like I mentioned earlier, the Lakers are a lot better than their record would suggest- they've lost a lot of close games (such as this one) and have kept competitive with a lot of the top teams in the West (Phoenix in particular).


Between this and the Packer game yesterday, I think I'm going to need heart surgery. Great weekend. And I'm particularly happy Kobe won the personal battle with Shaq. He may be a corvette going into a brick wall, but brick walls can't defend Corvettes without fouling, apparently. Kobe even made mention of that in the snippet I posted up there a while ago.


It's a shame that Pacers-Pistons game lacked any real energy or excitement like this one did, but I guess you can't have em all.


Again, like I've been saying it's only December, we're not even close to the midway point of the season just yet, so it really is too early to write anyone off. Look at the Bulls for example. Playoffs don't start till what, late April/May? Plenty of time to get going.

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Man, I give a lot of credit to the Heat, both teams gave it their all though and in the end it came down to just a couple shots and calls that really could have gone either way. L.A. was leading or tied throughout the majority of the game, and ironically enough, it wasn't until Shaq fouled out that the Heat really stepped it up and took control. Odom was awesome tonight, and now I'm wondering what if Butler hadn't got suspended, and if Devean George and Vlade weren't injured. Those are three key guys right there, and I'm really excited about the future for the franchise now, even if it was a 2 point OT loss.. but it was, after all, to the #1 team in the East, so it's really not that bad. But like I mentioned earlier, the Lakers are a lot better than their record would suggest- they've lost a lot of close games (such as this one) and have kept competitive with a lot of the top teams in the West (Phoenix in particular).


Between this and the Packer game yesterday, I think I'm going to need heart surgery. Great weekend. And I'm particularly happy Kobe won the personal battle with Shaq. He may be a corvette going into a brick wall, but brick walls can't defend Corvettes without fouling, apparently. Kobe even made mention of that in the snippet I posted up there a while ago.


It's a shame that Pacers-Pistons game lacked any real energy or excitement like this one did, but I guess you can't have em all.


Again, like I've been saying it's only December, we're not even close to the midway point of the season just yet, so it really is too early to write anyone off. Look at the Bulls for example. Playoffs don't start till what, late April/May? Plenty of time to get going.

Kobe didn't win the personal war, Shaq did.


The Heat won, thats what its all about.

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Guest Vitamin X

Kobe had 41 points (I think that was the final number) and Shaq was unable to defend Kobe in the paint without fouling out, just like Kobe said. That's enough to win the Kobe-Shaq battle, I'd think. Wade did a hell of a lot more for the Heat winning than Shaq did. He had what, like 16 points maybe, tops?

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Guest Vitamin X

So would I,but the whole point of the matchup was to see one dominate the other, which is clearly what Kobe did. And yeah I think one of the calls was a bit questionable, but toher than that that's still 4-5 times he couldn't defend Kobe without fouling.


Either way, I still give a lot of credit to Wade and the Heat for coming out strong and playing hard.

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You obviously are blindly biased or know nothing about basketball. Kobe didn't dominate Shaq one bit. Shaq and Kobe don't guard each other, and it's easy to draw a foul on whoever is covering the paint if you're driving hard. Kobe played even more selfishly than usual as he was probably trying to best O'Neal but it obviously didn't happen seeing as Miami won. Considering O'Neal had 24 points (150% more than 16) and shot 11-19 while Kobe shot 12-30, I'd say no one got dominated, in fact O'Neal played better.


And Devean George sucks.

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Guest Vitamin X

Did Shaq REALLY play all that better? If Wade hadn't woken up the Heat in the second half, the Lakers could just as easily have won, and most of it came from his part, as well as Atkins and Odom, making up for the loss of Butler. But it's pointless even trying to make my point, since everyone here is also clearly biased AGAINST the Lakers, so why bother right?


And Devean George sucks.


He's not THAT bad.

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