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Muhammad Hussan

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Until he starts bringing those drums to the ring and challenging faces to beat his challenge I'll say he isn't an Iron Shiek gimmick.

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Guest Jason

Anybody else see similarities here both of them hate America, both are from the Middle-East, Hussan ripped off Iron's head attire(Arab's don't wear that), Iron used the Gulf war, Hussan is bound to use the Afgan war, Iron was discriminated aganist during the Gulf war, this guys being discriminated aganist to, and if my memory serves my correctly they both had a manager from the same background.


Previous Gimmicks: The Great Hussein Arab

credit:www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/ profiles/i/iron-sheik.html

Similarty anyone?


They used Saddam for Iron and just got rid of a few letters


Al-Hussan International School


hmmm....fits nicely with his gimmick

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Your a freaking idiot. Iron Shiek had been around for over a decade before the Gulf War even started. He was WWF Champion a long time before the Gulf War. He had even left and gone to the NWA awhile before coming back. His gimmick was more about his strength and being better than American's in general. There's nothing similar about their gimmicks other than the Arab connection.


Please, don't comment on gimmicks you have no idea about.

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Guest Trivia247

Must be one of those who thinks.... heh those AAAAA Rabs are all the same so its all the same gimmick...


Except Iron Shiek is Persian, but hell not like anyone keeps track now do them.


Damn Turks...



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Hassan should be a face.


Have him go in as a guy who wants to compete in the wrestling ring, and accomplish as much as he can.


Then, get a heel to ask if he's an Arab.


"Arab-American, yes," he answers. So it's the HEEL that starts making an issue of his background. This angle would actually work better for JBL.


Hassan cuts promos saying that he is not ashamed of his heritage, is a patriotic American (and encourages USA chants), but he's not here to make some political statement, he just wants to wrestle. It's the heel that's making it political.


Yes. That's would have been the perfect way to handle this character, though it's obviously too late to go back and change it now.

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Clearly Jason dosen't understands Muhammad Hassen's gimmick.


He doesn't hate America, he hates the fact how his people are treated in America since 9/11.


And for the last fucking time...


Iron Shiek is a Arab Iranian


Muhammad Hassan is a Arab American.


So shut up with this ripping off shit, your just making yourself look like a dumbass. Come up with a better arguement to dislike this gimmick.

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These are exactly the type of angles that make it embarrasing to watch prowrestling in front of other people. "I am an Arab American, and my civil liberties are being taken away" "Booooooo, USA USA USA, go home you arab" blah blah. I am not saying that there wasn't some type of effort before Hassan's debut to make something more out of this angle then the typical "I hate america cheap heat" gimmick, but it is apparent that a character like Hassan's as a HEEL, will never escape the trap.

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Can anyone say RIP OFF!! His character is a totaly rip-off of Iron Shek. Soon as he walked out with that music and that thing on his head he looked like a more built Iron Shriek end of story. It's practically the same angle Iron was a wrestler and was forcing Iraq/Iran, I'm not sure if it was during the Gulf war when Bush Sr. first invanded Iran/Iraq (was either Iran/Iraq I'm not sure). I just see him as a total rip off and if he does good in ring we will probably see him win the title just like Shek did. The WWE are not only recycling old storylines, but now gimmicks. YAY bring back The Goon!!

How is it a ripoff? They're not much alike other than the fact that they're arabic.

Neither one is Arabic.

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It's not relevant or subtle at all.


He. Is. A. Heel.


He is booked as one, the whole character exists to get the fans to boo him. It really doesn't mean shit if you think he's making "valid points". He is a heel, and its deliberate, theres no reverse psychology or anything at all. "He's an arab, we play it up, and he'll get booed". That's the extent of it.

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Guest Fook_Theta

What is sad is this, Emperor Hirohito, and Frozen Nazi/JBL won't ever get the press that McMahon wants. Unless something extremely drastic happens and McMahon plays it off big time in the media somehow, this gimmick will be nothing in a year or two.


McMahon has overstayed his welcome, and I doubt it'll improve any time soon. Short of having Hassan killing a marine in front of a live audience.

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It's not relevant or subtle at all.


He. Is. A. Heel.


He is booked as one, the whole character exists to get the fans to boo him. It really doesn't mean shit if you think he's making "valid points". He is a heel, and its deliberate, theres no reverse psychology or anything at all. "He's an arab, we play it up, and he'll get booed". That's the extent of it.

The plan for the Hassen Muhammad gimmick was to air segments(which you saw leading up to Hassens arival) where he would act heel or face, and let the crowd choose if he was heel or a face. And as you know now he was booed, so he became the heel.

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The plan for the Hassen Muhammad gimmick was to air segments(which you saw leading up to Hassens arival) where he would act heel or face, and let the crowd choose if he was heel or a face. And as you know now he was booed, so he became the heel.

Um...right. He was a complete heel from the start. "I will BEAT respect into you" was his catchphrase, he took shots at America, all kinds of dumb crap.


It's retarded.

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That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. OF COURSE the fans were going to boo him, and those videos were hardly neutral. If they wanted him to be a face they would have had to actively push him as one, because jingoism and stereotypes are so fucking engrained in the WWE's audience. If that was really the plan then the writers are dumber than I thought.

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Here's another problem that's going to crop up, I guarantee:


Hassan will get the shit kicked out of him by everybody, including JR, retired wrestlers doing desk jobs in the back, the Divas, Shane McMahon, and quite possibly Gene Okerlund, just for kicks.


When you run an anti-American angle, the crowd gets riled up, they don't want to see the heels get away with it. WWE hasn't made a heel foreigner (which is what Hassan is essentially) who was actually a serious threat for a very long time. Look at what chumps La Resistance are. The Unamericans were even worse. Hell, two of them job to Supreme Green Randy Orton in a handicap match.


They'll book Hassan the same way to "send the crowd home happy." He'll only win under the screwiest of circumstances.


Making him look like a complete joke all around.

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The last really effective "evil foreigner" gimmick was Yokozuna, but that was mostly because the guy was gigantic and had Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette to talk for him. You could argue Ludvig Borga, but that didn't really get off the ground.

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Hassen is not a rip off of the Iron Shiek.


Hassen is a Arab American, while Iron Shiek was not American.


I love this gimmick, and it has alot of potenntial. I hope Hassen kills Lawler at some point.


They say the plan is problay for Hassen to face Foley at Wrestlemania. So it looks like they got big plans for him.

Where's your source, sunny?

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Eh, I was younger but I marked for Borga. They didn't go all the way with the logical Luger feud, which killed the character IMO. He had very good heel heat for a while, and it wasn't blatantly racist or anything, the guy just played a good heel. And seriously, Poland!?!?! There wasn't any underlying aspects of the real world that fueled his heeldom, he was just a random foreign guy.

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Eh, I was younger but I marked for Borga. They didn't go all the way with the logical Luger feud, which killed the character IMO. He had very good heel heat for a while, and it wasn't blatantly racist or anything, the guy just played a good heel. And seriously, Poland!?!?!

I'm pretty sure he was from Finland.

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