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Guest LooneyTune

So is WWE promoting Snitsky vs. Kane as the Highest match behind the Elimination Chamber?


I guess a good squash is better than the Unibrow.

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Guest LooneyTune

Whoever doesn't like Carlito is definitely not cool. Gotta love the hair.


FUNAKI!!!!!! He actually gets an entrance this week... and Akio actually gets a Smackdown match!

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Guest LooneyTune

Funaki wins a match! Funaki wins a match! Four in a row! Four in a row!


Is it illegal for Akio to job to anything OTHER than a top rope DDT?

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I still cant figure out why Funaki got a title run out of the blue.


Makes no sense.

Same reason that Godfather got an IC title reign?



My point is that I think I saw him do more interview stuff than matches last year (prior to him winning the battle royal thing) and they have better cruiserweights than him on their roster sitting around doing nothing.

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I still cant figure out why Funaki got a title run out of the blue.


Makes no sense.

Same reason that Godfather got an IC title reign?


Reward for being a company man or something like that.


After all, Godfather went from Voodoo man to Supreme Million Dollar fighting Machine to attacker for the Nation to Pimp by the time he became the champ.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

the invitational really isn't going anywhere is it?


I mean they seriously should have just turned Angle face to go against JBL one on one @ Rumble with Angle losing and then Shawn turning heel to set that up. Heel Shawn/Face Kurt works best.

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I'm all for giving the diva-search reject women purpose, but it's kinda hard to care about them when they look exactly the same as all the other dark haired diva-search rejects. I swear, you could switch them all around and I wouldn't notice a thing.

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Guest LooneyTune
the invitational really isn't going anywhere is it?


I mean they seriously should have just turned Angle face to go against JBL one on one @ Rumble with Angle losing and then Shawn turning heel to set that up. Heel Shawn/Face Kurt works best.

Heel Shawn vs. ANYONE FACE would work better. Michaels as the Heartbreak works 1000000000000x better as a heel than a face.

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Guest LooneyTune

Royal Rumble Commercial! God Damn this thing is awesome. Rey Mysterio with a wig is just too awesome. Are Benoit and JBL the only ones with their real hair?

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Royal Rumble Commercial! God Damn this thing is awesome. Rey Mysterio with a wig is just too awesome. Are Benoit and JBL the only ones with their real hair?

I think that's Rey's real hair too. ^_- </joke>

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