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New Networks coming in 2005

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The Puppy ChannelSM on TV is just "puppies, puppies, puppies," accompanied by little more than relaxing, instrumental music. Nobody talks at you. In fact, you rarely see people, other than an occasional visit by a little child, or a heartwarming visit to a senior citizen.


In three tests across the U.S., people have said they want

The Puppy ChannelSM on TV. Many say they would like it better than what's on TV now.

Do you need to be high on cough syrup to watch this channel?

Let's ask Kotz.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I think BET is for white guys in denial. I've never seen a black person watching the station.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

My father; a white 46 year old Business Executive for some well doing company with three kids (2 with academic scholorships to Miami of Ohio and the other one(me) who'se rising fast within his own company)

and a lovely wife of 25 years and very well off in a great large 3 story home in a very affluent neighborhood in southeastern Ohio?


Always watches BET. ALWAYS. he likes to "keep it real".

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Guest Smues
My father; a white 46 year old Business Executive for some well doing company with three kids (2 with academic scholorships to Miami of Ohio and the other one(me) who'se rising fast within his own company)

and a lovely wife of 25 years and very well off in a great large 3 story home in a very affluent neighborhood in southeastern Ohio?


Always watches BET. ALWAYS. he likes to "keep it real".

Wow I didn't know ANYONE watched BET. When I was doing some job shadow thing at our local ABC affiliate I attended a meeting with some non-profit group buying ad time. A 30 second ad (at the not for profit rate) during the Drew Carry show was something like $930 (this was 4 years ago). ANYTIME on BET was $5.

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Guest Mr. Wrestling
I think BET is for white guys in denial. I've never seen a black person watching the station.

That's funny because every black person that I know watches BET and worships its programming. You can go a day without hearing about what BET has on at my school from a black person. People actually watch it. However, my school is lowest in my county so obviously not very smart people watch it.


$5 for an ad? That's pretty cheap.

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I saw an infomercial once about VOOM, an all high def sattelite company that had a bunch of new channels including a Horror Channel called AMonsters HD...you should chaeck it out if you want something different as there are 21 n ew channels on VOOM....

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It's a Conan O' Brien skit come to life! Auuugh!!


What would be on a Satanist channel? Satanists don't actually *worship Satan* and sacrifice goats or anything. They worship nothing.


I hoped for a Horror Channel and/or a B-Movie channel. I guess Sci Fi will have to suffice still.

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I think BET is for white guys in denial. I've never seen a black person watching the station.

My dad's black and he watches it, but only the stand-up comedy stuff. Everything else he tends to ignore.

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