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Guest wildpegasus

Benoit vs Jericho

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Guest Loss

If they did that match, I'd make a stip where the loser of the fall is required to leave his home show and have Jericho get pinned by Rey, snap and turn heel, go to Smackdown and look like a horrible person for torturing him, before moving into a program with whoever is the champ at the time.

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Guest Loss
How can Benoit go over Jericho?

By pinning him or making him submit.


The same way Jericho can go over Benoit.

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Guest The Ohtani of Time

Benoit vs Jericho, huh, I actually might have to watch RAW, which I haven't done in ages.

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Guest Loss

So do you think Jericho would gain anything by going over Benoit? Doesn't the same apply to him?

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If they did that match, I'd make a stip where the loser of the fall is required to leave his home show and have Jericho get pinned by Rey, snap and turn heel, go to Smackdown and look like a horrible person for torturing him, before moving into a program with whoever is the champ at the time.

That is actually a cool stip, because it gives each guy an importance. It makes them "stars" if each brand will greatly benefit from just one of them.

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So do you think Jericho would gain anything by going over Benoit? Doesn't the same apply to him?

I think Jericho has a little more to gain than Benoit, but it's not that much. The match really is pointless, unless they do something screwy out of it and build an angle. Really, it's a "Try not to lose me, I try not to lose'ya" match ;)

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Guest Loss

Perhaps Jericho will roll out of a crossface attempt into a Walls of Jericho, in a counter we've NEVER seen before, and by "NEVER seen before", I mean "the same counter that has been used in every single WWE match they've ever had".

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Maybe it'll be a no-contest when Batista runs in and demolishes them both.


Luckily for Chris & Chris, though, Orton will be there to make the save.

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The fact that they are facing each other next week isn't the point. It will be a fun, meaningless match. But while everyone else had some type of storyline development this week, Benoit and Jericho just decided to have a fun little midcard match for no point.


Edge complained about not having the title. Orton did. Batista fought in the #1 contender match. Triple H HAS the Title.


Benoit and Jericho: Uh....I think we'll just face Christian and Tomko tonight.

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The booking of this match begs the question: Who the fuck books a match between two faces, one from Atlanta, the other from Manhassat, NY, in CANADA???

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I'm confused by this. They've very purposely held off on a Benoit v. Jericho singles match since Benoit's jump, so why do it now? Especially when Benoit and Jericho have been booked as buddies for a decent length of time now.


Will be a good match of course, but I'm just wondering why now? Why not do it when Benoit was the champ and it would have really meant something?


If they are going in the direction of Benoit v. Jericho I won't complain, it's a definite sign of the E having nothing for them, but it's as good as a placeholder feud gets and they both know how to get themselves over without a lot of fancy booking. A good series between them just reenforces with the crowd why they like them.

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Guest LooneyTune

RAW is going to be in TORONTO!? YES! (hopes for a Summerslam 2004 imitation) I just hope the crowd is respectful towards Benoit/Jericho match. It's likely the only one that will get a positive reaction unless Edge got involved.

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Guest Loss

Now now, Marty, surely after all these years of watching wrestling, you understand that Benoit and Jericho will be Canadian when it's convenient for them to be Canadian and American when it's convenient for them to be American. WWE is not bound to logic, responsibility or business sense, it's a business of total convenience. Hypocrisy is allowed and encouraged.

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I don't expect anything special at all. When was the last good Jericho singles? Benoit working 20 minute matches where he's only allowed to use the "german suplex" combo is intolerable.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I'm starting to also become curious at why they are having a match out of the blue.


As for why they teamed tonight; I guess since they worked together against HHH on sunday we are supposed to assume that they decided to reunited as a team again and since Jericho and Christian are life long enemies, they challenged Christian and Tomko.


I'm either looking at this in two ways...They decided to give the Toronto fans a treat and it'll be a match for the sake of having a match. But more likely it's a match that leads to the begining for the supposed Mania program (which btw; is something that is sudden. Jericho and Benoit for awhile had been "on the fence" in terms of where and what they are doing for mania, with an outside shot of Benoit/Edge but now looks like either edge/orton or edge/hbk...Jericho was lost and likely headed for another 4 way with the rest of mid-card for the ic title).


I'm wondering who plays the heel here; the 2000 year long feud Benoit was Heel and Jericho was face; everyone seems to agree that Benoit works better as a face and Jericho's a better heel.


You can always just say Jericho hated how Benoit never gave him a shot when he was champion and snaps or something.


As for the suggested Benoit/Jericho Vs RVD/Rey match...it's a great idea but they wont make it champion vs champion, so that would mean they need two other tag matches and that just takes up space.


I'd perfer Benoit Vs Jericho, with RVD/Rey Vs Eddy/Booker...since it prevents us from seeing Jindrak and Reigns against Eddy/Booker.


Jericho Vs Benoit would indeed be a placeholder mid-card feud but it's better to see them against each other then seeing Jericho/Christian Pt. 463 and Benoit Vs Random Hoss Pt. 531.

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If they do run the program for Mania it should be shades of grey all the way. Pushing either of them into a turn would be stupid, especially given how well crafted Jericho's face turn was. Just run the feud and let the fans dig it, no reason to try and manufacture good/evil out of it.

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Now now, Marty, surely after all these years of watching wrestling, you understand that Benoit and Jericho will be Canadian when it's convenient for them to be Canadian and American when it's convenient for them to be American. WWE is not bound to logic, responsibility or business sense, it's a business of total convenience. Hypocrisy is allowed and encouraged.

Fully aware. I'd get a good laugh, however, if Lilian Garcia accidently announce Benoit and Jericho by their American locations nonetheless. I'd have an even bigger laugh over the crowd reaction if that happens.

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Am I the only one that doesn't think this'll lead to a WM match between the two, but instead is just being used to spring something else into action?


(sadly, that "Batista run in post" might not be a joke in a week)

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Its a huge shame we didn't get this match last year when Benoit was the champion. :angry:

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Guest wildpegasus
Its a huge shame we didn't get this match last year when Benoit was the champion. :angry:

But that would've upstaged HHH!




They did tease it there on one of the Jericho Highlight reels where he challenged the winner of the Showdown in the Desert match between Benoit and Michaels. Nothing really came of it though. THe closest Jericho got was almost winning that battle royal on Raw that night where the winner got to face Benoit at Slam.


WP -- really tired of everything that he wants to happen in the WWE not happen and everything that he hopes won't happen happening.

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Guest wildpegasus
RAW is going to be in TORONTO!? YES! (hopes for a Summerslam 2004 imitation) I just hope the crowd is respectful towards Benoit/Jericho match. It's likely the only one that will get a positive reaction unless Edge got involved.

That was a weird couple of days. Benoit didn't get much of a pop at Slam but the next night in Toronto he was super over with the fans in that great match he had with Orton on Raw. Kind of a side note. I watched this match back to back with Kobashi vs Kawada from early 93 and I actually liked Benoit vs Orton better! Just loved the intensity in it.



Does anyone remember what building they were in for Raw that night?




Fully aware. I'd get a good laugh, however, if Lilian Garcia accidently announce Benoit and Jericho by their American locations nonetheless. I'd have an even bigger laugh over the crowd reaction if that happens


On one of the house shows not too long ago they announced Benoit's hometown as Edmonton, Alberta. Maybe the WWE are now thinking of switching hometowns again for the Canadian boys.

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Guest Trivia247

in Hindsight it wouldn't have mattered Two ppv's that HHH wasn't involved in the WH title vs Benoit, He was STILL Main eventing as if he was Hulk Hogan 92.

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Guest JMA
On one of the house shows not too long ago they announced Benoit's hometown as Edmonton, Alberta. Maybe the WWE are now thinking of switching hometowns again for the Canadian boys.

They could be testing to see if being announced from Edmonton affects his overness with the crowds. Or it could've just been a slip-up by the ring announcer.


Either way, I don't see them changing their hometowns back to normal. When Vince sets his mind to something it takes a great deal for him to change it.

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JR actually said "Benoit and Jericho have decided next week to face off against each other, and give the fans of Toronto a special treat" or something to that affect. But he's selling it as friendly competition.



Remember how Road Dogg vs. Xpac started that way. Yeesh.




Also, it'll be fun to see two guys go about 12 minutes and yet still manage to somehow carry 120 minutes to "decent". Throw in Snitsky on commentary and this shit is *****.

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Guest Trivia247

Who could take the Heel turn between Benoit v Jericho if their friendly match turns Ugly?

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If that were to happen it would have to be Jericho with the heelish edge, which is good if they're just trying to toughen up his character, but stupid if they're going to book him like an asshole and turn him full heel below Evolution and Edge, which is probably the route they'd go.

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If they do run the program for Mania it should be shades of grey all the way. Pushing either of them into a turn would be stupid, especially given how well crafted Jericho's face turn was. Just run the feud and let the fans dig it, no reason to try and manufacture good/evil out of it.

How can somebody go over that way? Unless its a series of exibition constructive competition matches, to see who is the better man.


I cant see why it has to be Jericho who has the face and Benoit the heel. Especially considering Jericho has been a face for last than a year and gets better reactions from the crowd watching RAW.

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